Пример #1
        public override async Task <PluginResult> Execute(PluginPointerModel pointer, string workingDirectory)
            Logger = Extensions.LogFactory.CreateLogger("OwaspZap@" + pointer.Resource.ResourceId);
            Logger.LogInformation("Starting OWASP ZAP plugin against Resource {0} with working directory {1}",
                                  pointer.Resource?.ResourceId, workingDirectory);
            var httpTarget = ResourceManager.Instance.GetByPointer(pointer.Resource) as HttpResource;
            var wrapper    = new ExecutionWrapper();

            string pyScript;

            if (GetOption(pointer.PluginParameters, "aggressive") == "false")
                pyScript = "zap-baseline.py";
                pyScript = "zap-full-scan.py";
            Logger.LogDebug("Using scanner script {0} (aggressive option is {1})", pyScript,
                            GetOption(pointer.PluginParameters, "aggressive"));

            var dockerCommandTemplate = "docker run " +
                                        "-v {0}:/zap/wrk:rw " +
                                        "-u zap " +
                                        "-i ictu/zap2docker-weekly " +
                                        "{1} -t {2} -J {3} -r {4} ";

            if (GetOption(pointer.PluginParameters, "useajaxspider") == "true")
                dockerCommandTemplate += "-j ";

            Logger.LogDebug("Invoking command " + dockerCommandTemplate,
                            workingDirectory, pyScript, httpTarget.Url, JSON_REPORT_FILE, HTML_REPORT_FILE);
            wrapper.Command = string.Format(dockerCommandTemplate,
                                            workingDirectory, pyScript, httpTarget.Url, JSON_REPORT_FILE, HTML_REPORT_FILE);

            wrapper.Process.OutputDataReceived += (s, e) => Logger.LogInformation(e.Data);
            wrapper.Process.ErrorDataReceived  += (s, e) => Logger.LogDebug(e.Data);
            await wrapper.Start(pointer);

            Logger.LogInformation("Completed OWASP ZAP scanner runtime execution in {0}", wrapper.ExecutionTime);
            return(new OwaspZapPluginResult(pointer, workingDirectory));
Пример #2
        public override Task <PluginResult> Execute(PluginPointerModel pointer, string workingDirectory)
            var sw = new Stopwatch();

            var rng = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
            var v   = 0;
            var g   = 0;

            while (v < 50)
                Thread.Sleep(rng.Next(500, 2000));
                v += rng.Next(2, 10);
                Logger.LogInformation("Generation {0} -- {1}/100", g, v);

                var exec = new ExecutionWrapper("echo This is a test of the echo back");
                exec.Process.OutputDataReceived += (s, e) =>
                    if (e.Data != null)
                        Logger.LogCritical("RECEIVED DATA: {1}", e.Data);
                var task = exec.Start(pointer);


            Logger.LogInformation("Completed in {0}", sw.Elapsed);

            return(Task.FromResult((PluginResult) new DummyPluginResult(pointer, workingDirectory)
                Generations = g,
                Duration = sw.Elapsed