public override object Execute(CommandContext commandContext)
                ExecutionEntity execution = commandContext.ExecutionManager.FindExecutionById(executionId);

                // fetch the variable instance but not the value (make sure the byte array is lazily fetched)
                VariableInstanceEntity varInstance = (VariableInstanceEntity)execution.GetVariableInstanceLocal(varName);
                string byteArrayValueId            = varInstance.ByteArrayId;

                Assert.NotNull("Byte array id is expected to be not null", byteArrayValueId);

                var cachedByteArray = commandContext.ByteArrayManager.Get(byteArrayValueId);

                Assert.IsNull(cachedByteArray, "Byte array is expected to be not fetched yet / lazily fetched.");


                // now update the value
                execution.SetVariableLocal(varInstance.Name, newValue);
