public void AlterColumnType_NoArchive(DatabaseType dbType)
            var db  = GetCleanedServer(dbType);
            var tbl = db.CreateTable("MyTbl", new[] { new DatabaseColumnRequest("mycol", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(string), 10)) });

            Import(tbl, out var ti, out _);

            var ui        = new UITests();
            var activator = new TestActivateItems(ui, new MemoryDataExportRepository());

            var myCol = tbl.DiscoverColumn("myCol");

            //should have started out as 10
            Assert.AreEqual(10, myCol.DataType.GetLengthIfString());

            //we want the new type to be 50 long
            var newType = myCol.DataType.SQLType.Replace("10", "50");

            activator.TypeTextResponse = newType;

            var cmd = new ExecuteCommandAlterColumnType(activator, ti.ColumnInfos.Single());


            //rediscover the col to get the expected new datatype
            myCol = tbl.DiscoverColumn("myCol");

            Assert.AreEqual(newType, myCol.DataType.SQLType);
            Assert.AreEqual(newType, ti.ColumnInfos[0].Data_type);

        public void AlterColumnType_WithArchive(DatabaseType dbType, bool changeArchive)
            var db         = GetCleanedServer(dbType);
            var tbl        = db.CreateTable("MyTbl", new[] { new DatabaseColumnRequest("mycol", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(string), 10)) });
            var tblArchive = db.CreateTable("MyTbl_Archive", new[] { new DatabaseColumnRequest("mycol", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(string), 10)) });

            Import(tbl, out TableInfo ti, out _);

            var ui        = new UITests();
            var activator = new TestActivateItems(ui, new MemoryDataExportRepository());

            var myCol = tbl.DiscoverColumn("myCol");

            //should have started out as 10
            Assert.AreEqual(10, myCol.DataType.GetLengthIfString());

            string oldType = myCol.DataType.SQLType;
            //we want the new type to be 50 long
            var newType = oldType.Replace("10", "50");

            activator.TypeTextResponse = newType;
            activator.YesNoResponse    = changeArchive;

            var cmd = new ExecuteCommandAlterColumnType(activator, ti.ColumnInfos.Single());


            //rediscover the col to get the expected new datatype
            myCol = tbl.DiscoverColumn("myCol");
            var myColArchive = tblArchive.DiscoverColumn("myCol");

            Assert.AreEqual(newType, myCol.DataType.SQLType);
            Assert.AreEqual(newType, ti.ColumnInfos[0].Data_type);

            //if they changed the archive then the archive column should also match on Type otherwise it should have stayed the old Type
            Assert.AreEqual(changeArchive ? newType : oldType, myColArchive.DataType.SQLType);
