/// <summary>
        /// Add row from a Function's dynamic input
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">MS Graph client used to send request</param>
        /// <param name="attr">Excel Attribute with necessary data (workbook name, table name) to build request</param>
        /// <param name="jsonContent">JObject with the data to be added to the table</param>
        /// <returns>WorkbookTableRow that was just added</returns>
        internal async Task AddRow(ExcelAttribute attr, JObject jsonContent)
             * Two options:
             * 1. JObject created from POCO representing strongly typed table -- indicated by "Microsoft.O365Bindings.POCO" being set
             * 2. JObject "values" set to object[][], so simply post an update to specified table -- indicated by "Microsoft.O365Bindings.values" being set

            JToken newRow;

            if (jsonContent[O365Constants.POCOKey] != null)
                string[] headerRow = await _client.GetTableHeaderRowAsync(attr.Path, attr.TableName);

                jsonContent.Remove(O365Constants.POCOKey); // Remove now unnecessary flag
                newRow = JArray.FromObject(POCOToStringArray(jsonContent, headerRow));
            else if (jsonContent[O365Constants.ValuesKey] != null)
                newRow = jsonContent[O365Constants.ValuesKey];
                throw new KeyNotFoundException($"When appending a row, the '{O365Constants.ValuesKey}' or '{O365Constants.POCOKey}' key must be set");

            await _client.PostTableRowAsync(attr.Path, attr.TableName, newRow);
        /// <summary>
        /// Update an existing Excel worksheet
        /// Starting at first row, insert the given rows
        /// Overwrites existing data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attr">ExcelAttribute with workbook & worksheet names, starting row & column</param>
        /// <param name="jsonContent">Values with which to update worksheet plus metadata</param>
        /// <returns>WorkbookRange containing updated worksheet</returns>
        internal async Task <WorkbookRange> UpdateWorksheet(ExcelAttribute attr, JObject jsonContent)
            // Retrieve current range of worksheet
            var currentRange = await _client.GetWorksheetWorkbookAsync(attr.Path, attr.WorksheetName);

            var    rowsToBeChanged = int.Parse(jsonContent[O365Constants.RowsKey].ToString());
            var    fromTable       = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.TableName);
            string newRange        = FindNewRange(currentRange.Address, rowsToBeChanged, fromTable);

            // Retrieve old workbook
            WorkbookRange workbook = await _client.GetWorkSheetWorkbookInRangeAsync(attr.Path, attr.WorksheetName, newRange);

            JToken newRowArray;

            if (jsonContent[O365Constants.POCOKey] != null)
                string[] header = await _client.GetTableHeaderRowAsync(attr.Path, attr.TableName);

                jsonContent.Remove(O365Constants.POCOKey); // Remove now unnecessary flag
                var newRows = POCOToStringArray(jsonContent, header);
                newRowArray = JArray.FromObject(newRows);
                newRowArray = jsonContent[O365Constants.ValuesKey];

            // Update necessary fields
            PopulateWorkbookWithNewValue(workbook, newRowArray);
            return(await _client.PatchWorksheetAsync(attr.Path, attr.WorksheetName, newRange, workbook));
Пример #3
        public void ExcelAttribute_CreateNew()
            // Arrange

            // Act
            var attr = new ExcelAttribute("key");

            // Assert
Пример #4
        public void ExcelAttribute_GetValue()
            // Arrange
            var attr = new ExcelAttribute("name", "value");

            // Act
            var value = attr.Value;

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual("value", value);
Пример #5
        public void ExcelAttribute_SetValue()
            // Arrange
            var attr = new ExcelAttribute("name", "value");

            // Act
            attr.Value = "newvalue";

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual("newvalue", attr.Value);
Пример #6
        public void ExcelAttribute_SetValue_EncodeText()
            // Arrange
            var expected = "&lt;&gt;&quot;\n\r&amp;#;";
            var attr     = new ExcelAttribute("name", "value");

            // Act
            attr.Value = "<>\"\n\r&#;";

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, attr.Value);
Пример #7
        public void ExcelAttribute_CreateNew_WithParams()
            // Arrange
            var key   = "attrKey";
            var value = "attribute value";

            // Act
            var attr = new ExcelAttribute(key, value);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(key, attr.Key);
            Assert.AreEqual(value, attr.Value);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns either an Excel table or entire worksheet depending on user settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">GraphServiceClient that makes request</param>
        /// <param name="attr">Contains metadata (path, tablename, worksheet name) </param>
        /// <returns>string [][] containing table contents</returns>
        internal async Task <string[][]> GetExcelRangeAsync(ExcelAttribute attr)
            WorkbookRange range;

            // If TableName is set, then retrieve the contents of a table
            if (attr.TableName != null)
                range = await _client.GetTableWorkbookRangeAsync(attr.Path, attr.TableName);
                // If TableName is NOT set, then retrieve either the contents or the formulas of the worksheet
                range = await _client.GetWorksheetWorkbookAsync(attr.Path, attr.WorksheetName);
            return(range.Values.ToObject <string[][]>());
Пример #9
 public static byte[] EppListToExcel(List <T> data, string seetName = "Seet1")
     using (ExcelPackage excel = new ExcelPackage())
         ExcelWorksheet sheet = excel.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(seetName);
         PropertyInfo[] props = typeof(T).GetProperties();
         for (var i = 0; i < props.Length; ++i)
             Object obj = props[i].GetCustomAttribute(typeof(ExcelAttribute));
             if (obj != null)
                 ExcelAttribute head = (ExcelAttribute)obj;
                 sheet.Cells[1, i + 1].Value = head.Header;
                 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(head.DateTime))
                     sheet.Cells[1, i + 1, data.Count + 1, i + 1].Style.Numberformat.Format = head.DateTime;
                 sheet.Cells[1, i + 1].Value = props[i].Name;
         for (var i = 0; i < data.Count; ++i)
             for (var j = 0; j < props.Length; ++j)
                 sheet.Cells[i + 2, j + 1].Value = props[j].GetValue(data[i]);
                 //WebClient wb = new WebClient();
                 //byte[] bt = wb.DownloadData("http://8000.bitcoding.top:8888/upload/images/41a38133-559f-43f8-be7d-51e4b11c32fd.png");
                 //Image photo = null;
                 //using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bt))
                 //    ms.Write(bt, 0, bt.Length);
                 //    photo = Image.FromStream(ms, true);
                 //sheet.Drawings.AddPicture(System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), photo);
         MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
         stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns either an Excel table or entire worksheet depending on user settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">GraphServiceClient that makes request</param>
        /// <param name="attr">Contains metadata (path, tablename, worksheet name) </param>
        /// <returns>string [][] containing table contents</returns>
        internal async Task <string[][]> GetExcelRangeAsync(ExcelAttribute attr, CancellationToken token)
            WorkbookRange       range;
            IGraphServiceClient client = await _clientProvider.GetMSGraphClientFromTokenAttributeAsync(attr, token);

            // If TableName is set, then retrieve the contents of a table
            if (attr.TableName != null)
                range = await client.GetTableWorkbookRangeAsync(attr.Path, attr.TableName, token);
                // If TableName is NOT set, then retrieve either the contents or the formulas of the worksheet
                range = await client.GetWorksheetWorkbookAsync(attr.Path, attr.WorksheetName, token);
            return(range.Values.ToObject <string[][]>());
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns either an Excel table or entire worksheet depending on user settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">GraphServiceClient that makes request</param>
        /// <param name="attr">Contains metadata (path, tablename, worksheet name) </param>
        /// <returns>POCO Array of worksheet or table data</returns>
        internal async Task <T[]> GetExcelRangePOCOAsync <T>(ExcelAttribute attr)
            // If TableName is set, then retrieve the contents of a table
            string[][] output = await GetExcelRangeAsync(attr);

            string[] header = output[0];
            Dictionary <string, int> dict = new Dictionary <string, int>(); // Map string header value to its index

            // Initialize dictionary
            foreach (var heading in header.Select((value, index) => new { index, value }))
                dict.Add(heading.value, heading.index);

            T[] POCOArray = new T[output.GetLength(0) - 1]; // Init POCO Array size to size of output - header

            // Create array of POCOs from output array; skip header
            foreach (var row in output.Skip(1).Select((value, index) => new { index, value }))
                var POCORow = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), new object[] { });
                var fields  = typeof(T).GetProperties(); // Retrieve all of T's fields
                foreach (var field in fields)
                    int indexOfFieldValue;

                    // For each field, find the corresponding index in the output array
                        indexOfFieldValue = dict[field.Name];

                        // Then set POCORow's field to the value at that index
                        field.SetValue(POCORow, row.value[indexOfFieldValue]);
                    catch (KeyNotFoundException)
                        // If key isn't found in dictionary corresponding to Table's column names, then let user know
                        throw new KeyNotFoundException($"POCO type [{typeof(T)}] contains field [{field.Name}] that was not found in header of Excel table [{attr.TableName}]");

                POCOArray[row.index] = (T)POCORow;

Пример #12
        private Dictionary <PropertyInfo, ExcelAttribute> GetExcelAttrs <T>()
            Dictionary <PropertyInfo, ExcelAttribute> dic = new Dictionary <PropertyInfo, ExcelAttribute>();
            Type type = typeof(T);

            PropertyInfo[] propertyInfo = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            foreach (PropertyInfo item in propertyInfo)
                object[] objAttrs = item.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ExcelAttribute), true);
                if (objAttrs.Length > 0)
                    ExcelAttribute attr = objAttrs[0] as ExcelAttribute;
                    if (attr != null)
                        dic.Add(item, attr);
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Update a specified column with a specified value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">GraphServiceClient used to make calls</param>
        /// <param name="attr">ExcelAttribute with path, table name, and worksheet name</param>
        /// <param name="job">JObject with two keys: 'column' and 'value'</param>
        /// <returns>Workbook range containing updated column</returns>
        internal async Task <WorkbookRange> UpdateColumnAsync(ExcelAttribute attr, JObject job, CancellationToken token)
            IGraphServiceClient client = await _clientProvider.GetMSGraphClientFromTokenAttributeAsync(attr, token);

            // The table API only allows updating or adding one row at a time.
            // Instead we update the worksheet range corresponding to the table

            string currentTableRange = (await client.GetTableWorkbookRangeAsync(attr.Path, attr.TableName, token)).Address;

            // Retrieve current worksheet rows
            WorkbookRange currentTableWorkbook = await client.GetWorkSheetWorkbookInRangeAsync(attr.Path, attr.WorksheetName, currentTableRange, token);

            // Update specified column with specified value
            IEnumerable <string[]> values = currentTableWorkbook.Values.ToObject <IEnumerable <string[]> >();
            var enumer = values.GetEnumerator();


            // Try converting column key to digit
            if (int.TryParse(job["column"].ToString(), out int column))
                column = int.Parse(job["column"].ToString());
                // If it's a column heading, need to find corresponding column index
                var headers = enumer.Current;
                column = Array.FindIndex(headers, x => x == job["column"].ToString());

            while (enumer.MoveNext())
                // Update column of this row to specified value
                enumer.Current[column] = job["value"].ToString();

            var updateValues = JArray.FromObject(values);

            PopulateWorkbookWithNewValue(currentTableWorkbook, updateValues);
            return(await client.PatchWorksheetAsync(attr.Path, attr.WorksheetName, currentTableRange, currentTableWorkbook, token));
Пример #14
        protected List <Dictionary <string, object> > CreateAttributeJson(Type type, Dictionary <string, object> join = null)
            ExcelAttribute excel = type.GetAttributeValue <ExcelAttribute> ();

            AttributeMappingConfig <ColumnAttribute>[] configs = Reflection.FieldAMCRetrieve <ColumnAttribute> (type);

            if (configs.Length > 0)
                if (excel == null)

                ExcelData excelData = listExcel.Find(x => x.sheetName == excel.SheetName);
                if (excelData == null)
                    Debug.LogWarning(type.Name + " sheet name is incorrect.");

                List <Dictionary <string, object> > list = new List <Dictionary <string, object> > ();
                List <Dictionary <string, object> > data = excelData.Join(join);

                for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
                    Dictionary <string, object> dic = CreateAttributeJson(data [i], configs);

                    if (dic.Count > 0)

Пример #15
        public static Dictionary <PropertyInfo, ExcelAttribute> GetExportAttrDict <T>()
            var dict = new Dictionary <PropertyInfo, ExcelAttribute>();

            foreach (var propertyInfo in typeof(T).GetProperties())
                var attr = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(true).FirstOrDefault(c => c is ExcelAttribute || c is DisplayAttribute);
                if (attr != null)
                    var attr1 = attr;
                    if (attr is DisplayAttribute)
                        var display = attr as DisplayAttribute;
                        attr1 = new ExcelAttribute(display.Name)
                            Order = display.Order
                    dict.Add(propertyInfo, attr1 as ExcelAttribute);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ExcelAsyncCollector"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="client">GraphServiceClient used to make calls to MS Graph</param>
 /// <param name="attribute">ExcelAttribute containing necessary info about workbook, etc.</param>
 public ExcelAsyncCollector(ExcelService manager, ExcelAttribute attribute)
     _manager   = manager;
     _attribute = attribute;
     _rows      = new List <JObject>();
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// 集合导出Excel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="list">集合</param>
        /// <param name="columnNames">列名转换</param>
        /// <param name="dicOnly">部分转换</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static byte[] NpoiListToExcel(List <T> list, string sheetName = "Sheet1")
            IWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();
            ISheet    sheet    = workbook.CreateSheet(sheetName);

            var headRow = sheet.CreateRow(0);

            PropertyInfo[] props = typeof(T).GetProperties();
            for (var i = 0; i < props.Length; ++i)
                Object obj = props[i].GetCustomAttribute(typeof(ExcelAttribute));
                if (obj != null)
                    ExcelAttribute head = (ExcelAttribute)obj;
            for (var i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
                var row = sheet.CreateRow(i + 1);
                for (var j = 0; j < props.Length; ++j)
                    Object obj = props[j].GetCustomAttribute(typeof(ExcelAttribute));
                    var    key = props[j];
                    if (obj != null)
                        ExcelAttribute head = (ExcelAttribute)obj;
                        if (head.Picture)
                            string url = props[j].GetValue(list[i]).ToString().Split(",")[0];
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url))
                                row.Height = 80 * 20;
                                WebClient        temp       = new WebClient();
                                byte[]           bytes      = temp.DownloadData(url);
                                int              pictureIdx = workbook.AddPicture(bytes, PictureType.JPEG);
                                XSSFDrawing      drawing    = (XSSFDrawing)sheet.CreateDrawingPatriarch();
                                XSSFClientAnchor anchor     = new XSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, 0, 0, j, i + 1, j + 1, i + 2);
                                XSSFPicture      picture    = (XSSFPicture)drawing.CreatePicture(anchor, pictureIdx);
                                bytes = null;
                            var drValue = props[j].GetValue(list[i]) == null ? "" : props[j].GetValue(list[i]).ToString();
                            var type    = props[j].PropertyType;
                            if (head.Obj != null)
                                type = head.Obj.GetType();
                            if (type == typeof(Int32) || type == typeof(Int32?))
                                int intV = 0;
                                int.TryParse(drValue, out intV);
                            else if (type == typeof(System.Decimal) || type == typeof(System.Decimal?) ||
                                     type == typeof(System.Double) || type == typeof(System.Double?))
                                double doubV = 0;
                                double.TryParse(drValue, out doubV);
                                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(drValue))
                            else if (type == typeof(System.Byte) || type == typeof(System.Byte?))
                                Byte doubV = 0;
                                Byte.TryParse(drValue, out doubV);
                            else if (type == typeof(System.Boolean) || type == typeof(System.Boolean?))
                                Boolean doubV = false;
                                Boolean.TryParse(drValue, out doubV);
            for (int columnNum = 0; columnNum <= props.Length; columnNum++)
                int columnWidth = sheet.GetColumnWidth(columnNum) / 256;
                for (int rowNum = 1; rowNum <= sheet.LastRowNum; rowNum++)
                    IRow currentRow;
                    if (sheet.GetRow(rowNum) == null)
                        currentRow = sheet.CreateRow(rowNum);
                        currentRow = sheet.GetRow(rowNum);

                    if (currentRow.GetCell(columnNum) != null)
                        ICell currentCell = currentRow.GetCell(columnNum);
                        int   length      = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(currentCell.ToString()).Length;
                        if (columnWidth < length)
                            columnWidth = length + 1;
                    if (columnWidth > 40)
                        columnWidth = 40;
                sheet.SetColumnWidth(columnNum, columnWidth * 256);
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

            var buf = stream.ToArray();

Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the specified type, ignores and joinType.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">Type.</param>
        /// <param name="ignores">Ignores.</param>
        /// <param name="joinType">Join type.</param>
        public void Create(JsonImportType type, string[] ignores = null, TResultDelegate <Type> joinType = null)
            book = FileStream();
            if (book == null)

            if (book.NumberOfSheets <= 0)
                Debug.LogWarning("No sheet.");

            index     = 0;
            listExcel = new List <ExcelData> ();

            if (type == JsonImportType.NORMAL)
                EditorUtil.StartCoroutine(CreateExcelData(delegate() {
                    if (listExcel.Count <= 0)
                        Debug.LogWarning("No data on the sheet.");

                    if (ignores != null)
                        listExcel.RemoveAll(x => ignores.Contains(x.sheetName));

                    index = 0;
                this.joinType = joinType;

                EditorUtil.StartCoroutine(CreateExcelData(delegate() {
                    if (listExcel.Count <= 0)
                        Debug.LogWarning("No data on the sheet.");

                    listType     = new List <Type> ();
                    Type[] types = Reflection.GetExecutingAssembly();
                    for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
                        ExcelAttribute excel = types [i].GetAttributeValue <ExcelAttribute> ();
                        if (excel == null || excel.CreateFileName == "")

                        listType.Add(types [i]);

                    if (listType.Count <= 0)
                        Debug.LogWarning("No class is set to Excel Attribute.");

                    index = 0;
Пример #19
 async Task <T[]> IAsyncConverter <ExcelAttribute, T[]> .ConvertAsync(ExcelAttribute input, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     return(await _service.GetExcelRangePOCOAsync <T>(input, cancellationToken));
 internal Task <WorkbookTable> GetExcelTable(ExcelAttribute attr)
     return(_client.GetTableWorkbookAsync(attr.Path, attr.TableName));
 public async Task <ExcelService> GetExcelService(ExcelAttribute attribute)
     return(new ExcelService(await GetMSGraphClientAsync(attribute)));
            async Task <T[]> IAsyncConverter <ExcelAttribute, T[]> .ConvertAsync(ExcelAttribute input, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                var manager = await _serviceManager.GetExcelService(input);

                return(await manager.GetExcelRangePOCOAsync <T>(input));
            public IAsyncCollector <JObject> CreateCollector(ExcelAttribute attr)
                var manager = Task.Run(() => _serviceManager.GetExcelService(attr)).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                return(new ExcelAsyncCollector(manager, attr));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns either an Excel table or entire worksheet depending on user settings
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="client">GraphServiceClient that makes request</param>
 /// <param name="attr">Contains metadata (path, tablename, worksheet name) </param>
 /// <returns>List<POCO> where a single POCO represents the values of one row</returns>
 internal async Task <List <T> > GetExcelRangePOCOListAsync <T>(ExcelAttribute attr)
     return(new List <T>(await GetExcelRangePOCOAsync <T>(attr)));
Пример #25
        internal async Task <WorkbookTable> GetExcelTableAsync(ExcelAttribute attr, CancellationToken token)
            IGraphServiceClient client = await _clientProvider.GetMSGraphClientFromTokenAttributeAsync(attr, token);

            return(await client.GetTableWorkbookAsync(attr.Path, attr.TableName, token));
Пример #26
        protected void CreateAttributeJson(int index)
            Type           type  = listType [index];
            ExcelAttribute excel = type.GetAttributeValue <ExcelAttribute> ();
            List <Dictionary <string, object> > list = CreateAttributeJson(type);

            if (list == null || list.Count <= 0)

            if (excel.IndexFlag)
                AttributeMappingConfig <ColumnAttribute>[] configs = Reflection.FieldAMCRetrieve <ColumnAttribute> (type);
                List <string> pks = new List <string> ();
                List <string> fks = new List <string> ();
                foreach (AttributeMappingConfig <ColumnAttribute> config in configs)
                    if (config.t != null)
                        ColumnAttribute column = config.t as ColumnAttribute;
                        if (column != null)
                            if (column.CheckConstraints(DataConstraints.PK))

                            if (column.CheckConstraints(DataConstraints.FK))

                if (pks.Count > 0)
                    foreach (Dictionary <string, object> dic in list)
                        StringBuilder stringBuilder  = Append(pks, dic);
                        string        createFileName = string.Format("{0}{1}", excel.CreateFileName, stringBuilder.ToString());
                        EditorUtil.CreateJsonFile(createFileName, JsonUtil.ToJson(dic), outputJsonPath, false);

                if (fks.Count > 0)
                    List <string> fk = new List <string> ();
                    foreach (Dictionary <string, object> dic in list)
                        StringBuilder stringBuilder = Append(fks, dic);

                    fk = Util.GetDistinctValues <string> (fk);
                    foreach (string s in fk)
                        List <Dictionary <string, object> > fkList = new List <Dictionary <string, object> > ();
                        foreach (Dictionary <string, object> dic in list)
                            StringBuilder stringBuilder = Append(fks, dic);
                            if (s == stringBuilder.ToString())

                        string createFileName = string.Format("{0}{1}", excel.CreateFileName, s);
                        EditorUtil.CreateJsonFile(createFileName, JsonUtil.ToJson(fkList), outputJsonPath, false);
                EditorUtil.CreateJsonFile(excel.CreateFileName, JsonUtil.ToJson(list), outputJsonPath, false);