public void Init() { _user = UserSession(); _repository = new UowRepository(); _examService = new ExamService(_user, _repository); _sbError = new StringBuilder(""); }
public ExamAdd(HttpClient client) { _client = new HttpClient(); _service = new ExamService(_client); _users = new UserService(_client); _classes = new SubjectService(_client); }
public ExamResult Pass(ExamService service, UserWordForLearning word, UserWordForLearning[] examList) { Console.WriteLine("=====> " + word.EnWord + " <====="); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to see the translation..."); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("Translation is \r\n" + word.UserTranslations + "\r\n Did you guess?"); Console.WriteLine("[Y]es [N]o [E]xit"); var answer = Console.ReadKey(); switch (answer.Key) { case ConsoleKey.Y: service.RegistrateSuccess(word); return(ExamResult.Passed); case ConsoleKey.N: service.RegistrateFailure(word); return(ExamResult.Failed); case ConsoleKey.E: return(ExamResult.Exit); case ConsoleKey.Escape: return(ExamResult.Exit); default: return(ExamResult.Retry); } }
public void InitTest() { var unitOfWork = Mock.Of <IUnitOfWork>(); var userRepository = new UserRepositoryTest(unitOfWork); _userService = new UserService(unitOfWork, userRepository); var subjectRepository = new SubjectRepositoryTest(unitOfWork); var subjectService = new SubjectService(unitOfWork, subjectRepository); var exampRepository = new ExamRepositoryTest(unitOfWork); var examService = new ExamService(unitOfWork, exampRepository); var userEvaluateRepository = new UserEvaluateRepositoryTest(unitOfWork); var userEvaluateService = new UserEvaluateService(unitOfWork, userEvaluateRepository); var userNoteRepository = new UserNoteRepositoryTest(unitOfWork); _userNoteService = new UserNoteService(unitOfWork, userNoteRepository, subjectService, examService, userEvaluateService); var studentRepository = new StudentRepositoryTest(unitOfWork); _service = new StudentService(unitOfWork, studentRepository, _userService, _userNoteService); }
public void SetUp() { // Create a new mock of the repository examRepo = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>(); // Set up the mock for the repository examRepo.Setup(x => x.Exams.GetList()) .Returns(new List <Exam> { new Exam { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "math" }, new Exam { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "phys" }, new Exam { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "chorus" } }); examRepo.Setup(x => x.Exams.GetById(id)) .Returns(new Exam { Id = id, Name = "math" }); examRepo.Setup(x => x.Exams.Create(It.IsAny <Exam>())).Callback(() => subjects.Add(It.IsAny <Exam>())); examRepo.Setup(x => x.Exams.Update(It.IsAny <Exam>())).Callback(() => subjectTest.Name = "My name is test"); examRepo.Setup(x => x.Exams.Delete(It.IsAny <Guid>())).Callback(() => boolDelete = true); // Create the service and inject the repository into the service examService = new ExamService(examRepo.Object); }
public ActionResult LoadExamCodes(string sortOrder, string currentFilter, string ExamCode, string LevelString, string Visible, int?page) // public ActionResult LoadExamCodes() { var theExamCodes = from s in work.OnlineExamRepository.Get() select s; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ExamCode)) { string theCode = ExamCode.ToLower(); theExamCodes = theExamCodes.Where(s => s.ExamCode.ToLower().Contains(theCode)); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(LevelString)) { // string theCode = ExamCode.ToLower(); theExamCodes = theExamCodes.Where(s => s.LevelName.Equals(LevelString)); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Visible)) { // bool theVal = Convert.ToBoolean(Visible); // string theCode = ExamCode.ToLower(); theExamCodes = theExamCodes.Where(s => s.Visible.Equals(Visible)); } // List<Exam> theExamCodes; // theExamCodes = work.ExamRepository.Get().ToList();// && a.CourseID == courseID // if (examCode == "kazoo") // { //// } // else // { // theExamCodes = work.ExamRepository.Get(a => a.ExamCode.Equals(examCode)).ToList();// && a.CourseID == courseID // } // // @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.LevelType, new SelectList((System.Collections.IEnumerable)ViewData["Level"], "Value", "Text")) // List<SelectListItem> theItem = new List<SelectListItem>(); int pageSize = 30; int pageNumber = (page ?? 1); List <OnlineExam> theRealExamCode = new List <OnlineExam>(); foreach (var examCodes in theExamCodes) { IList <Question> theQs = new ExamService().GetQuestions(examCodes); examCodes.Question = theQs; // examCodes.AddQuestion(theQs); theRealExamCode.Add(examCodes); //theRealExamCode } // ViewData["examCode"] = theItem; // return View("Index2", theExamCodes); ViewBag.Count = theExamCodes.Count(); return(View("Index2", theRealExamCode.OrderByDescending(a => a.Date).ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize))); // return View("Index2", theExamCodes.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)); }
public ActionResult Schedule(int id) { List <ExamModel> lstStud = new List <ExamModel>(); ExamModel objModel = new ExamModel(); ExamService objService = new ExamService(); var lstExam = Dbcontext.ExamMasters.Where(m => m.EID == id).SingleOrDefault(); int?stdID = lstExam.StdID; int?schoolID = lstExam.SchoolID; int eid = lstExam.EID; var lstSchool = Dbcontext.SchoolMasters.Where(m => m.SchoolID == schoolID).SingleOrDefault(); var lstStd = Dbcontext.StandardMasters.Where(m => m.StdID == stdID).SingleOrDefault(); List <SubjectModel> lstSub = new List <SubjectModel>(); var lstSchedule = Dbcontext.ExamTrans.Where(m => m.EID == eid && m.SchoolID == schoolID && m.StdID == stdID).ToList(); if (lstSchedule.Count > 0) { lstSub = objService.getShedule(id, schoolID, stdID); objModel.ListSub = new List <SubjectModel>(); objModel.ListSub.AddRange(lstSub); } else { lstSub = objService.getSubByStdID(stdID); objModel.ListSub = new List <SubjectModel>(); objModel.ListSub.AddRange(lstSub); } objModel.ExamDetails = lstExam; objModel.StdDetail = lstStd; objModel.SchoolMastDetail = lstSchool; return(View(objModel)); }
public ExamResult Pass(ExamService service, UserWordForLearning word, UserWordForLearning[] examList) { var variants = examList.Randomize().Select(e => e.EnWord).ToArray(); Console.WriteLine("=====> " + word.UserTranslations + " <====="); for (int i = 1; i <= variants.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"{i}: " + variants[i - 1]); } Console.Write("Choose the translation: "); var selected = Console.ReadLine(); if (selected == null || selected.ToLower().StartsWith("e")) { return(ExamResult.Exit); } if (!int.TryParse(selected, out var selectedIndex) || selectedIndex > variants.Length || selectedIndex < 1) { return(ExamResult.Retry); } if (variants[selectedIndex - 1] == word.EnWord) { service.RegistrateSuccess(word); return(ExamResult.Passed); } service.RegistrateFailure(word); return(ExamResult.Failed); }
public ActionResult _ajax_SetCurrentModuleId(int courseID, int moduleID) { var user = SessionManager.inst.User(); CourseService.SetModuleSeen(user.Id, courseID, moduleID); return(Json(ExamService.CheckIsCourseFinish(courseID, user.Id), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public bool AddExam(decimal examID) { var order = OrderService.GetOrCreateCurrentOrder(); if (order.HasCourses) { return(false); } if (order.OrderExams.Any(oe => oe.Exam_ID == examID)) { return(true); } var exam = ExamService.GetByPK(examID); if (!exam.ExamPrice.HasValue) { return(true); } var orderExam = new OrderExam { Exam_ID = examID, Price = exam.ExamPrice.GetValueOrDefault() }; order.OrderExams.Add(orderExam); OrderService.SubmitChanges(); return(true); }
public void GetExamFromAPI() { var examService = new ExamService(); var candidateService = new CandidateService(); var exam = examService.GetLatestOpenExamWithQuestionOptions(candidateService.GetCandidate("*****@*****.**").Id); exam.Questions.ToList().ForEach(x => x.Options.ToList().ForEach(y => { var relatedQuestions = examService.GetRelatedQuestions(y.Id); var answer = new Answer { AnswerText = string.Empty, Level = x.Level, ScorePoint = x.ScorePoint, Id = Guid.NewGuid(), //need to use DbContext.QuestionsOption.Attach() if you want to use this Option = new Option { Id = y.Id, IsSelected = y.IsSelected }, Exam = new Exam { Id = exam.Id, Text = exam.Text } }; var answerReturned = examService.AddAnswer(answer); Debug.WriteLine(relatedQuestions.Count); })); Assert.IsNotNull(exam); }
private void UpdatePrices(Order order) { foreach (var detail in order.GetCourseOrderDetails()) { var price = PriceService.GetAllPricesForCourse(detail.Course_TC, detail.Track_TC) .FirstOrDefault(x => x.PriceType_TC == detail.PriceType_TC); if (price != null) { detail.Price = price.Price; } else { order.OrderDetails.Remove(detail); } } foreach (var orderExam in order.OrderExams.ToList()) { var price = ExamService.GetValues(orderExam.Exam_ID, x => x.ExamPrice); if (price.GetValueOrDefault() > 0) { orderExam.Price = price.Value; } else { order.OrderExams.Remove(orderExam); } } }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { OnlineExam theExam = work.OnlineExamRepository.GetByID(id); IList <Question> theQs = new ExamService().GetQuestions(theExam); QuestionViewModel theListofQs = new QuestionViewModel(); foreach (var q in theQs) { theListofQs.TheQuestions.Add(q); } ViewBag.ExamCode = theExam.ExamCode; ViewBag.ExamCourse = theExam.Course; if (theExam.Term == "1") { ViewBag.ExamTerm = "First"; } if (theExam.Term == "2") { ViewBag.ExamTerm = "Second"; } if (theExam.Term == "3") { ViewBag.ExamTerm = "Third"; } return(View(theListofQs)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { IAppErrors errors = new AppErrors(); IExamService service = new ExamService(errors, new ExamRepository()); ExaminationDTO ex = new ExaminationDTO(); ex.Description = "Data By EF"; ex.CutOffMark = 24; ex.CourseID = 1; service.AddNewExam(ex); if (errors.IsValid) { Console.WriteLine("Success"); } else { foreach (Error er in errors.GetErrors()) { Console.WriteLine(er.Value); } } IEnumerable <ExaminationDTO> exams = service.GetExams(); foreach (var x in exams) { Console.WriteLine(x.CourseID + "|" + x.Description + "|" + x.CutOffMark); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public ActionResult AtteSheet(int id) { ExamService objService = new ExamService(); StudentModel objModel = new StudentModel(); int did = 0; int acid = 0; if (Session["DID"] != null) { did = Convert.ToInt32(Session["DID"].ToString()); acid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ACID"].ToString()); } var lstExam = Dbcontext.ExamMasters.Where(m => m.EID == id).SingleOrDefault(); int std = Convert.ToInt32(lstExam.StdID); int school = Convert.ToInt32(lstExam.SchoolID); objModel.ExamDetail = lstExam; objModel.SchoolDetail = Dbcontext.SchoolMasters.Where(m => m.SchoolID == school).SingleOrDefault(); objModel.AcYearDetail = Dbcontext.AccountingYears.Where(m => m.AYID == acid).SingleOrDefault(); List <StudentModel> lstStud = new List <StudentModel>(); lstStud = objService.getStud(did, acid, std, school); objModel.ListStud = new List <StudentModel>(); objModel.ListStud.AddRange(lstStud); return(View("PrintAtteSheet", objModel)); }
public ActionResult Result(ExamModel model) { ExamService objService = new ExamService(); int uid = 0; if (Session["UID"] != null) { uid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UID"].ToString()); } var lstResult = Dbcontext.ResultMasters.Where(m => m.EID == model.EID && m.StudID == model.StudID && m.SubID == model.SubID).SingleOrDefault(); if (lstResult != null) { ResultMaster res = Dbcontext.ResultMasters.Where(r => r.EID == model.EID && r.StudID == model.StudID && r.SubID == model.SubID).SingleOrDefault(); res.Marks = model.Marks; res.UpdatedBy = uid; res.UpdatedDate = System.DateTime.Now; Dbcontext.SaveChanges(); } else { model.CreatedBy = uid; model.CreatedDate = System.DateTime.Now; objService.InsertResult(model); } return(RedirectToAction("Result")); }
internal virtual IExamService CreateIExamService() { // TODO: Instantiate an appropriate concrete class. ctx = new IAS.DataServices.Test.Mocking.MockIASPersonEntities(); IExamService target = new ExamService(ctx); return(target); }
public CreateExamViewModel() { examService = new ExamService(); classService = new ClassService(); questionService = new QuestionService(); courseService = new CourseService(); exam = new Exam(); }
public ActionResult QuestionPaper(string subject, int difficulty) { ViewBag.Exam = subject; TempData["Difficulty"] = difficulty; List <ExamQuestion> questions = new ExamService().GetQuestionsBySubjectWithDifficulty(subject, difficulty); return(View(questions)); }
public void LoadData(Student student) { Student = student; var examService = new ExamService(); ExamsToBeTaken = examService.GetStudentExams(Student.UserId, ExamStatus.Template); CorrectedExams = examService.GetStudentExams(Student.UserId, ExamStatus.Corrected); //TakenExams = examService.GetStudentExams(Student.UserId, ExamStatus.Taken); }
public async void GetExams() { var exams = await ExamService.GetExamAsync(); foreach (var item in exams) { ListOfExams.Add(item); } }
public IHttpActionResult DeleteItemArchieve([FromBody] Remove remove) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest("Invalid Model")); } var result = new ExamService().DeleteItemArchieve(remove.Id); return(Ok(result)); }
public ExamResult Pass(ExamService service, UserWordForLearning word, UserWordForLearning[] examList) { if (!word.Phrases.Any()) { return(ExamResult.Impossible); } var targetPhrase = word.Phrases.GetRandomItem(); var other = examList.SelectMany(e => e.Phrases) .Where(p => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p?.EnPhrase) && p != targetPhrase) .Take(8); if (!other.Any()) { return(ExamResult.Impossible); } var variants = other .Append(targetPhrase) .Randomize() .Select(e => e.EnPhrase) .ToArray(); Console.WriteLine("=====> " + targetPhrase.PhraseRuTranslate + " <====="); for (int i = 1; i <= variants.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"{i}: " + variants[i - 1]); } Console.Write("Choose the translation: "); var selected = Console.ReadLine(); if (selected.ToLower().StartsWith("e")) { return(ExamResult.Exit); } if (!int.TryParse(selected, out var selectedIndex) || selectedIndex > variants.Length || selectedIndex < 1) { return(ExamResult.Retry); } if (variants[selectedIndex - 1] == targetPhrase.EnPhrase) { service.RegistrateSuccess(word); return(ExamResult.Passed); } service.RegistrateFailure(word); return(ExamResult.Failed); }
public ActionResult PrintQRCode(int SchoolID, int StdID) { ExamService objService = new ExamService(); List <QRModel> lstQR = new List <QRModel>(); QRModel objModel = new QRModel(); lstQR = objService.getQRBySChoolNStd(SchoolID, StdID); objModel.ListQR = new List <QRModel>(); objModel.ListQR.AddRange(lstQR); return(View(objModel)); }
/// <summary> /// 创建考试信息 /// 需要班级时间科目 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static async Task CreateExam(Guid clsId, Guid subjectId, DateTime examTime) { using (var examSvc = new ExamService()) { await examSvc.CreateAsync(new Exam() { ClassId = clsId, SubjectId = subjectId, ExamTime = examTime }); } }
public ActionResult GenerateResult() { ExamModel objModel = new ExamModel(); List <ExamModel> lstExam = new List <ExamModel>(); ExamService objService = new ExamService(); int did = 0; int acid = 0; if (Session["DID"] != null) { did = Convert.ToInt32(Session["DID"].ToString()); acid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ACID"].ToString()); } lstExam = objService.getExam(did, acid); objModel.ListExam = new List <ExamModel>(); objModel.ListExam.AddRange(lstExam); CommonService objCService = new CommonService(); List <CityModel> lstCity = new List <CityModel>(); lstCity = objCService.getActiveCity(did); objModel.ListCity = new List <CityModel>(); objModel.ListCity.AddRange(lstCity); List <SchoolModel> lstSchool = new List <SchoolModel>(); lstSchool = objCService.getActiveSchool(did); objModel.ListSchool = new List <SchoolModel>(); objModel.ListSchool.AddRange(lstSchool); List <StandardModel> lstStd = new List <StandardModel>(); lstStd = objCService.getActiveStd(); objModel.ListStd = new List <StandardModel>(); objModel.ListStd.AddRange(lstStd); List <ZoneModel> lstZone = new List <ZoneModel>(); lstZone = objCService.getActiveZone(did); objModel.ListZone = new List <ZoneModel>(); objModel.ListZone.AddRange(lstZone); StudentService objStudSer = new StudentService(); List <StudentModel> lstStud = new List <StudentModel>(); lstStud = objStudSer.getStud(did, acid); objModel.ListStud = new List <StudentModel>(); objModel.ListStud.AddRange(lstStud); return(View(objModel)); }
public ActionResult Index(ExamModel model, string cmd) { ExamService objService = new ExamService(); int uid = 0; int acid = 0; int did = 0; if (Session["UID"] != null) { uid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UID"].ToString()); acid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ACID"].ToString()); did = Convert.ToInt32(Session["DID"].ToString()); } if (model.CenterID == null) { model.CenterID = model.SchoolID; } if (cmd == "Save") { try { model.Status = true; model.CreatedBy = uid; model.ACID = acid; model.CreatedDate = System.DateTime.Now; int sid = objService.Insert(model); TempData["AMsg"] = "Saved Successfully!"; } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["AMsg"] = "Error Occured, " + ex; } } else { try { model.UpdatedBy = uid; model.UpdatedDate = System.DateTime.Now; objService.Update(model); TempData["AMsg"] = "Updated Successfully!"; } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["AMsg"] = "Error Occured," + ex; } } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Provider(int providerID) { var provider = ProviderService.GetByPK(providerID); if (provider == null) { return(null); } return(View(new ProviderVM { Provider = provider, Vendors = ExamService.GetAll(x => x.Available && x.ExamProviders.Any(e => e.Provider_ID == providerID)) .Select(e => e.Vendor).IsActive().Distinct().ToList() })); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { ExamModel objModel = new ExamModel(); ExamService objService = new ExamService(); objModel = objService.getByID(id); int did = 0; int acid = 0; if (Session["DID"] != null) { did = Convert.ToInt32(Session["DID"].ToString()); acid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ACID"].ToString()); } List <ExamModel> lstExam = new List <ExamModel>(); lstExam = objService.getExam(did, acid); objModel.ListExam = new List <ExamModel>(); objModel.ListExam.AddRange(lstExam); CommonService objCService = new CommonService(); List <CityModel> lstCity = new List <CityModel>(); lstCity = objCService.getActiveCity(did); objModel.ListCity = new List <CityModel>(); objModel.ListCity.AddRange(lstCity); List <SchoolModel> lstSchool = new List <SchoolModel>(); lstSchool = objCService.getActiveSchool(did); objModel.ListSchool = new List <SchoolModel>(); objModel.ListSchool.AddRange(lstSchool); List <StandardModel> lstStd = new List <StandardModel>(); lstStd = objCService.getActiveStd(); objModel.ListStd = new List <StandardModel>(); objModel.ListStd.AddRange(lstStd); List <ZoneModel> lstZone = new List <ZoneModel>(); lstZone = objCService.getActiveZone(did); objModel.ListZone = new List <ZoneModel>(); objModel.ListZone.AddRange(lstZone); ViewBag.Action = "Edit"; return(View("Index", objModel)); }
public ExamResult Pass(ExamService service, UserWordForLearning word, UserWordForLearning[] examList) { if (!word.Phrases.Any()) { return(ExamResult.Impossible); } var targetPhrase = word.Phrases.GetRandomItem(); string shuffled; while (true) { var split = targetPhrase.EnPhrase.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (split.Length < 2) { return(ExamResult.Impossible); } shuffled = string.Join(" ", split.Randomize()); if (shuffled != targetPhrase.EnPhrase) { break; } } Console.WriteLine("Words in phrase are shuffled. Write them in correct order:\r\n'" + shuffled + "'"); string entry = null; while (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entry)) { Console.WriteLine(":"); entry = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); } if (string.CompareOrdinal(targetPhrase.EnPhrase, entry) == 0) { service.RegistrateSuccess(word); return(ExamResult.Passed); } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine($"Original phrase was: '{targetPhrase.EnPhrase}'"); Console.ResetColor(); service.RegistrateFailure(word); return(ExamResult.Failed); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { string str7; ExamService service = new ExamService(); string str = context.Request.Params["meth"]; str = str ?? "1"; string str2 = context.Request.Params["classid"]; str2 = str2 ?? "1"; string s = context.Request.Params["start"]; string businesInfoID = context.Request.Params["newsid"]; businesInfoID = businesInfoID ?? "1"; s = s ?? "0"; string str5 = context.Request.Params["limit"]; str5 = str5 ?? "10"; string eBusinesInfo = ""; if (!(str2 == "1")) { if (str2 == "2") { str7 = str; if (str7 != null) { if (!(str7 == "1")) { if (str7 == "2") { eBusinesInfo = service.GetEBusinesInfo(businesInfoID); } } else { List<TurnE_Notice> list2 = service.GetEBusinesInfoList2(int.Parse(s) + 1, int.Parse(str5)); eBusinesInfo = jsonHelper.Serialize(new { count = list2.Count, isend = (list2.Count < int.Parse(str5)) ? 1 : 0, data = list2 }); } } } } else { str7 = str; if (str7 != null) { if (!(str7 == "1")) { if (str7 == "2") { eBusinesInfo = service.GetENotice(businesInfoID); } else if (str7 == "3") { eBusinesInfo = service.GetENoticeFile(businesInfoID); } } else { List<TurnE_BusinesInfo> list = service.GetENoticeList2(int.Parse(s) + 1, int.Parse(str5)); eBusinesInfo = jsonHelper.Serialize(new { count = list.Count, isend = (list.Count < int.Parse(str5)) ? 1 : 0, data = list }); } } } context.Response.ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8"; context.Response.Write(eBusinesInfo); context.Response.End(); }