static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WindowHeight = Console.LargestWindowHeight >= 40 ? 40 : Console.LargestWindowHeight;
            Console.Title        = "Ski jumping points calculator tester";
            Console.WriteLine("Ski jumping points calculator tester!");

            //Load event information, parameters and competitors from a file
            Event competitionEvent = EventLoader.LoadXML("../../../../Testevent.xml");

            Console.WriteLine("\nEvent:{0}", competitionEvent.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("\nEvent parameters:\n{0}", competitionEvent.Parameters.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("\nEvent competitors:");
            foreach (EventCompetitor c in competitionEvent.Competitors)
                Console.WriteLine("\nCompetitor:{0}", c.ToString());

            //Test data
            Random          rng                = new Random();
            EventCompetitor testCompetitor     = new EventCompetitor("0000", "Test", "Jumper", "FIN");
            double          length             = 124;
            double          windCorrection     = 1.4;
            double          platformCorrection = -1.4;
            IList <double>  stylePoints        = new List <double>()
                18, 18.5, 18.5, 19, 19
            JumpData singleJumpData = new JumpData(length, windCorrection, platformCorrection, stylePoints);

            //Make and score a single test jump
            Jump singleJump = new Jump(testCompetitor);

            singleJump.ScoreJump(singleJumpData, competitionEvent.Parameters);
            Console.WriteLine("\nSingle jump test:\n{0}", singleJump.ToString());

            //Event starts
            //Event has 1..n EventRound(s) and has 1 EventResult(s)
            //EventRound has 1..n Jumps that have 1 Competitor, 1 Jump data and 1 Jump score
            //Event.Parameters are used together with Jump data to calculate Jump score

            //This is not necessarily the best approach, depending on the application type
            //Alternative handle rounds in application and set round data to the Event, after the round has been completed
            //Alternatively, update round jump data at the Event after each jump
            //First round
            EventRound firstRound = competitionEvent.GetFirstRound();

            //Now done by Event in previous step

             * //Add competitors to the round
             * //Competitors are simply ordered according to their order in the Event
             * //Could be potentially hidden from application by Event and EventRound methods
             * foreach (EventCompetitor c in competitionEvent.Competitors)
             * {
             *  firstRound.AddJump(new Jump(c));
             * }

            //Make first round test jumps, set data about jump and calculate and set score
            //Could be potentially partially hidden from application by an Event method
            //Consider during application design
            foreach (Jump jump in firstRound.Jumps)
                JumpData jumpData = new JumpData(rng.Next(100, 130 + 1), windCorrection, platformCorrection, stylePoints);
                jump.ScoreJump(jumpData, competitionEvent.Parameters);
                //Previous implementation, not compatible with library changes
                //competitionEvent.AddResult(jump.Competitor, jump.Score);
                //New implementation, update result, following library changes
                competitionEvent.UpdateResult(jump.Competitor, jump.Score);
                //Console.WriteLine("\nFirst round jump:\nCompetitor:{0}\nJump:{1}\nScore: {2:F2}", jump.Competitor.ToString(), jump.Data.ToString(), jump.Score);

             * //Display first round results
             * //Could be potentially partially hidden from application by an Event method
             * foreach (EventResult r in competitionEvent.Results)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("\nFirst round results:\nCompetitor:{0}\nScore: {1:F2}", r.Competitor.ToString(), r.Score);
             * }

            //Second round
            //Second round is currently not fully supported after library changes, see below
            //EventRound secondRound = competitionEvent.GetNextRound();

            //Now done by Event in previous step

             * //Add competitors to the round, based on their first round score, in reverse order
             * foreach (EventResult r in competitionEvent.Results.Reverse().ToList())
             * {
             *  secondRound.AddJump(new Jump(r.Competitor));
             * }

            //Previous implementation, not compatible with library changes
            //Current update method just updates the existing score with the new one, instead of incrementing the score
            //If suppport for multiple rounds is later required, increment functionality can be added to the library

             * //Make second round test jumps, set data about jump and calculate and set score
             * foreach (Jump j in secondRound.Jumps)
             * {
             *  JumpData jumpData = new JumpData(rng.Next(100, 130 + 1), windCorrection, platformCorrection, stylePoints);
             *  j.ScoreJump(jumpData, competitionEvent.Parameters);
             *  competitionEvent.UpdateResult(j.Competitor, j.Score);
             *  //Console.WriteLine("\nSecond round jump:\nCompetitor:{0}\nJump:{1}\nScore: {2:F2}", j.Competitor.ToString(), j.Data.ToString(), j.Score);
             * }

            //Display jumps by round
            foreach (EventRound r in competitionEvent.Rounds)
                Console.WriteLine("\n{0} jumps:", r.RoundName);
                foreach (Jump j in r.Jumps)
                    //Console.WriteLine("\nCompetitor:{0}\nJump:{1}\nScore: {2}", j.Competitor.ToString(), j.Data.ToString(), j.Score);
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}", j.ToString());

            //Display event final results
            Console.WriteLine("\nFinal results:");
            foreach (EventResult r in competitionEvent.Results)
                Console.WriteLine("\n{0}\nScore: {1:F2}", r.Competitor.ToString(), r.Score);

        private void FormMainView_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
                //Display empty event information
                EventInformationName.Text  = "No event information";
                EventInformationVenue.Text = String.Empty;
                EventInformationHill.Text  = String.Empty;
                EventInformationDate.Text  = String.Empty;

                //Display empty event parameters
                EventParametersText.Text = "No event parameters";

                //Load event configuration file and create Event
                OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog();
                dialog.Title       = "Choose event configuration file";
                dialog.Filter      = "XML files | *.xml";
                dialog.Multiselect = false;
                if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    //File selected, attempt to load and create event
                    String path = dialog.FileName;
                    _event = EventLoader.LoadXML(path);
                    //No file selected, exit

                //Display event information
                EventInformationName.Text  = _event.Name;
                EventInformationVenue.Text = String.Format("Venue: {0}", _event.Venue);
                EventInformationHill.Text  = String.Format("Hill: {0}", _event.Hill);
                EventInformationDate.Text  = String.Format("Date: {0}", _event.Date.ToShortDateString());

                //Display event parameters
                EventParametersText.Text = _event.Parameters.ToString();

                //Initialize and populate event round datagrid
                _eventRound              = _event.GetFirstRound();
                _eventRoundBindingList   = new BindingList <Jump>(_eventRound.Jumps);
                _eventRoundBindingSource = new BindingSource(_eventRoundBindingList, null);

                MainEventRoundDataGrid.AutoGenerateColumns        = false;
                MainEventRoundDataGrid.AutoSize                   = true;
                MainEventRoundDataGrid.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.LightYellow;
                MainEventRoundDataGrid.DataSource                 = _eventRoundBindingSource;

                DataGridViewColumn column = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
                column.DataPropertyName = "CompetitorFisCode";
                column.Name             = "FIS Code";
                column = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
                column.DataPropertyName = "CompetitorLastName";
                column.Name             = "Last Name";
                column = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
                column.DataPropertyName = "CompetitorFirstName";
                column.Name             = "First Name";
                column = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
                column.DataPropertyName = "CompetitorNation";
                column.Name             = "Nation";
                column = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
                column.DataPropertyName        = "Score";
                column.Name                    = "Score";
                column.DefaultCellStyle.Format = "F2";
                DataGridViewButtonColumn btncolumn = new DataGridViewButtonColumn();
                btncolumn.Name = "Score Jump";
                btncolumn.Text = "Score Jump";
                btncolumn.UseColumnTextForButtonValue = true;

                //Initialize and populate event results datagrid
                _eventResultsBindingList   = new BindingList <EventResult>(_event.Results);
                _eventResultsBindingSource = new BindingSource(_eventResultsBindingList, null);

                MainEventResultsDataGrid.AutoGenerateColumns        = false;
                MainEventResultsDataGrid.AutoSize                   = true;
                MainEventResultsDataGrid.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.LightYellow;
                MainEventResultsDataGrid.DataSource                 = _eventResultsBindingSource;

                column = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
                column.DataPropertyName = "CompetitorFisCode";
                column.Name             = "FIS Code";
                column = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
                column.DataPropertyName = "CompetitorLastName";
                column.Name             = "Last Name";
                column = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
                column.DataPropertyName = "CompetitorFirstName";
                column.Name             = "First Name";
                column = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
                column.DataPropertyName = "CompetitorNation";
                column.Name             = "Nation";
                column = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
                column.DataPropertyName        = "Score";
                column.Name                    = "Score";
                column.DefaultCellStyle.Format = "F2";

                //Select event round tab
            catch (Exception exception)
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("{0}", exception.Message), "EKoodi - Ski jumping points calculator", MessageBoxButtons.OK);