Пример #1
        public async Task DoNotInjectTraceParentWhenPresent(string method)
                using var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder();

                // Send a random Http request to generate some events
                using (var client = new HttpClient())
                    using (var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, this.BuildRequestUrl()))
                        request.Headers.Add("traceparent", "00-abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789-abcdef0123456789-01");

                        if (method == "GET")
                            request.Method = HttpMethod.Get;
                            request.Method  = HttpMethod.Post;
                            request.Content = new StringContent("hello world");

                        (await client.SendAsync(request)).Dispose();

                // No events are sent.
        public async Task DoNotInjectTraceParentWhenPresent()
                using (var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder())
                    Activity.DefaultIdFormat      = ActivityIdFormat.W3C;
                    Activity.ForceDefaultIdFormat = true;
                    // Send a random Http request to generate some events
                    using (var client = new HttpClient())
                        using (var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, Configuration.Http.RemoteEchoServer))
                            request.Headers.Add("traceparent", "00-abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789-abcdef0123456789-01");
                            (await client.SendAsync(request)).Dispose();

                    // Check to make sure: The first record must be a request, the next record must be a response.
                    Assert.True(eventRecords.Records.TryDequeue(out var evnt));
                    HttpWebRequest startRequest = ReadPublicProperty <HttpWebRequest>(evnt.Value, "Request");

                    Assert.Equal("00-abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789-abcdef0123456789-01", startRequest.Headers["traceparent"]);
        public async Task TestW3CHeaders()
                using (var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder())
                    Activity.DefaultIdFormat      = ActivityIdFormat.W3C;
                    Activity.ForceDefaultIdFormat = true;
                    // Send a random Http request to generate some events
                    using (var client = new HttpClient())
                        (await client.GetAsync(Configuration.Http.RemoteEchoServer)).Dispose();

                    // Check to make sure: The first record must be a request, the next record must be a response.
                    KeyValuePair <string, object> startEvent;
                    Assert.True(eventRecords.Records.TryDequeue(out startEvent));
                    Assert.Equal("System.Net.Http.Desktop.HttpRequestOut.Start", startEvent.Key);
                    HttpWebRequest startRequest = ReadPublicProperty <HttpWebRequest>(startEvent.Value, "Request");

                    var traceparent = startRequest.Headers["traceparent"];
                    Assert.True(Regex.IsMatch(traceparent, "^[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]-[0-9a-f]{32}-[0-9a-f]{16}-[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]$"));
Пример #4
        public async Task TestResponseWithoutContentEvents(string method)
            using var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder();

            // Send a random Http request to generate some events
            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                using HttpResponseMessage response = method == "GET"
                    ? await client.GetAsync(this.BuildRequestUrl (queryString : "responseCode=204"))
                                                     : await client.PostAsync(this.BuildRequestUrl (queryString : "responseCode=204"), new StringContent ("hello world"));

            // We should have exactly one Start and one Stop event
            Assert.Equal(2, eventRecords.Records.Count);
            Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Start")));
            Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Stop")));

            // Check to make sure: The first record must be a request, the next record must be a response.
            HttpWebRequest startRequest = AssertFirstEventWasStart(eventRecords);


            Assert.True(eventRecords.Records.TryDequeue(out var stopEvent));
            Assert.Equal(HttpWebRequestDiagnosticSource.RequestStopName, stopEvent.Key);
            HttpWebRequest stopRequest = ReadPublicProperty <HttpWebRequest>(stopEvent.Value, "Request");

            Assert.Equal(startRequest, stopRequest);
            HttpWebResponse stopResponse = ReadPublicProperty <HttpWebResponse>(stopEvent.Value, "Response");

Пример #5
        public async Task TestRequestWithException(string method)
            using var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder();

            var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <HttpRequestException>(() =>
                return(method == "GET"
                    ? new HttpClient().GetAsync($"http://{Guid.NewGuid()}.com")
                    : new HttpClient().PostAsync($"http://{Guid.NewGuid()}.com", new StringContent("hello world")));

            // check that request failed because of the wrong domain name and not because of reflection
            var webException = (WebException)ex.InnerException;

            Assert.True(webException.Status == WebExceptionStatus.NameResolutionFailure);

            // We should have one Start event, no Stop event, and one Exception event.
            Assert.Equal(2, eventRecords.Records.Count());
            Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Start")));
            Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Exception")));

            // Check to make sure: The first record must be a request, the next record must be an exception.
            HttpWebRequest startRequest = AssertFirstEventWasStart(eventRecords);

            Assert.True(eventRecords.Records.TryDequeue(out KeyValuePair <string, object> exceptionEvent));
            Assert.Equal(HttpWebRequestDiagnosticSource.RequestExceptionName, exceptionEvent.Key);
            HttpWebRequest exceptionRequest = ReadPublicProperty <HttpWebRequest>(exceptionEvent.Value, "Request");

            Assert.Equal(startRequest, exceptionRequest);
            Exception exceptionException = ReadPublicProperty <Exception>(exceptionEvent.Value, "Exception");

            Assert.Equal(webException, exceptionException);
Пример #6
        public async Task TestBasicReceiveAndResponseEvents()
            using (var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder())
                // Send a random Http request to generate some events
                await new HttpClient().GetAsync("http://www.bing.com");

                // Just make sure some events are written, to confirm we successfully subscribed to it. We should have
                // at least two events, one for request send, and one for response receive
                Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Start")));
                Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Stop")));

                // Check to make sure: The first record must be a request, the next record must be a response.
                // The rest is unknown number of responses (it depends on # of redirections)

                KeyValuePair <string, object> startEvent;
                Assert.True(eventRecords.Records.TryDequeue(out startEvent));
                Assert.Equal("System.Net.Http.Desktop.HttpRequestOut.Start", startEvent.Key);
                WebRequest startRequest = ReadPublicProperty <WebRequest>(startEvent.Value, "Request");

                KeyValuePair <string, object> stopEvent;
                Assert.True(eventRecords.Records.TryDequeue(out stopEvent));
                Assert.Equal("System.Net.Http.Desktop.HttpRequestOut.Stop", stopEvent.Key);
                WebRequest stopRequest = ReadPublicProperty <WebRequest>(stopEvent.Value, "Request");
                Assert.Equal(startRequest, stopRequest);
Пример #7
        public async Task TestSecureTransportRetryFailureRequest(string method)
            // This test sends an https request to an endpoint only set up for http.
            // It should retry. What we want to test for is 1 start, 1 exception event even
            // though multiple are actually sent.

            using var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder();

            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAnyAsync <Exception>(() =>
                    return(method == "GET"
                        ? client.GetAsync(this.BuildRequestUrl(useHttps: true))
                        : client.PostAsync(this.BuildRequestUrl(useHttps: true), new StringContent("hello world")));

                Assert.True(ex is HttpRequestException);

            // We should have one Start event, no Stop event, and one Exception event.
            Assert.Equal(2, eventRecords.Records.Count());
            Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Start")));
            Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Exception")));
Пример #8
        public async Task TestInvalidBaggage()
            var parentActivity = new Activity("parent")
                                 .AddBaggage("key", "value")
                                 .AddBaggage("bad/key", "value")
                                 .AddBaggage("goodkey", "bad/value")

            using (var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder())
                using (var client = new HttpClient())
                    (await client.GetAsync(this.BuildRequestUrl())).Dispose();

                Assert.Equal(2, eventRecords.Records.Count());
                Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Start")));
                Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Stop")));

                WebRequest thisRequest        = ReadPublicProperty <WebRequest>(eventRecords.Records.First().Value, "Request");
                string[]   correlationContext = thisRequest.Headers["Correlation-Context"].Split(',');

                Assert.Equal(3, correlationContext.Length);
                Assert.Contains("key=value", correlationContext);
                Assert.Contains("bad%2Fkey=value", correlationContext);
                Assert.Contains("goodkey=bad%2Fvalue", correlationContext);
        public async Task TestBasicReceiveAndResponseEvents()
            using (var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder())
                // Send a random Http request to generate some events
                using (var client = new HttpClient())
                    (await client.GetAsync(Configuration.Http.RemoteEchoServer)).Dispose();

                // We should have exactly one Start and one Stop event
                Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Start")));
                Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Stop")));
                Assert.Equal(2, eventRecords.Records.Count);

                // Check to make sure: The first record must be a request, the next record must be a response.
                KeyValuePair <string, object> startEvent;
                Assert.True(eventRecords.Records.TryDequeue(out startEvent));
                Assert.Equal("System.Net.Http.Desktop.HttpRequestOut.Start", startEvent.Key);
                HttpWebRequest startRequest = ReadPublicProperty <HttpWebRequest>(startEvent.Value, "Request");

                KeyValuePair <string, object> stopEvent;
                Assert.True(eventRecords.Records.TryDequeue(out stopEvent));
                Assert.Equal("System.Net.Http.Desktop.HttpRequestOut.Stop", stopEvent.Key);
                HttpWebRequest stopRequest = ReadPublicProperty <HttpWebRequest>(stopEvent.Value, "Request");
                Assert.Equal(startRequest, stopRequest);
                HttpWebResponse response = ReadPublicProperty <HttpWebResponse>(stopEvent.Value, "Response");
        public async Task TestActivityIsCreated()
            var parentActivity = new Activity("parent").AddBaggage("k1", "v1").AddBaggage("k2", "v2").Start();

            using (var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder())
                using (var client = new HttpClient())
                    (await client.GetAsync(Configuration.Http.RemoteEchoServer)).Dispose();

                Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Start")));
                Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Stop")));

                WebRequest thisRequest        = ReadPublicProperty <WebRequest>(eventRecords.Records.First().Value, "Request");
                var        requestId          = thisRequest.Headers["Request-Id"];
                var        correlationContext = thisRequest.Headers["Correlation-Context"];


                Assert.True(correlationContext == "k1=v1,k2=v2" || correlationContext == "k2=v2,k1=v1");
Пример #11
        public async Task TestIsEnabledAllOff()
            using (var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder((evnt, arg1, arg2) => false))
                await new HttpClient().GetAsync("http://www.bing.com");

                Assert.Equal(0, eventRecords.Records.Count);
Пример #12
        public async Task TestIsEnabledAllOff()
            using var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder((evnt, arg1, arg2) => false);

            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                (await client.GetAsync(this.BuildRequestUrl())).Dispose();

        public void TestReflectInitializationViaSubscription1()
            EventObserverAndRecorder eventRecords = CreateEventRecorder();

            // Send a random Http request to generate some events
            HttpResponseMessage message = new HttpClient().GetAsync("http://www.bing.com").Result;

            // Just make sure some events are written, to confirm we successfully subscribed to it. We should have
            // at least two events, one for request send, and one for response receive
            Assert.True(eventRecords.Records.Count >= 2, "Didn't get two or more events from Http Diagnostic Listener. Something is wrong.");
        public async Task TestIsEnabledAllOff()
            using (var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder((evnt, arg1, arg2) => false))
                using (var client = new HttpClient())
                    (await client.GetAsync(Configuration.Http.RemoteEchoServer)).Dispose();

                Assert.Equal(0, eventRecords.Records.Count);
Пример #15
        public void TestReflectInitializationViaSubscription3()
            using (var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder((eventName, arg1, arg2) => true))
                // Send a random Http request to generate some events
                new HttpClient().GetAsync("http://www.bing.com").Wait();

                // Just make sure some events are written, to confirm we successfully subscribed to it. We should have
                // at least two events, one for request send, and one for response receive
                Assert.Equal(2, eventRecords.Records.Count);
        private EventObserverAndRecorder CreateEventRecorder()
            EventObserverAndRecorder eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder();

            DiagnosticListener.AllListeners.Subscribe(new CallbackObserver <DiagnosticListener>(diagnosticListener =>
                if (diagnosticListener.Name == "System.Net.Http.Desktop")
Пример #17
        public async Task TestCanceledRequest()
            using (var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder())
                CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1));
                await Assert.ThrowsAsync <TaskCanceledException>(
                    () => new HttpClient().GetAsync("http://bing.com", cts.Token));

                // Just make sure some events are written, to confirm we successfully subscribed to it. We should have
                // at least two events, one for request send, and one for response receive
                Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Start")));
                Assert.Equal(0, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Stop")));
Пример #18
        public async Task TestReflectInitializationViaSubscription3()
            using var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder((eventName, arg1, arg2) => true);

            // Send a random Http request to generate some events
            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                (await client.GetAsync(this.BuildRequestUrl())).Dispose();

            // Just make sure some events are written, to confirm we successfully subscribed to it.
            // We should have exactly one Start and one Stop event
            Assert.Equal(2, eventRecords.Records.Count);
        public void TestReflectInitializationViaSubscription3()
            using (var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder((eventName, arg1, arg2) => true))
                // Send a random Http request to generate some events
                using (var client = new HttpClient())

                // Just make sure some events are written, to confirm we successfully subscribed to it.
                // We should have exactly one Start and one Stop event
                Assert.Equal(2, eventRecords.Records.Count);
        public async Task TestCanceledRequest()
            CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));

            using (var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder(_ => { cts.Cancel(); }))
                var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAnyAsync <Exception>(() => new HttpClient().GetAsync("http://bing.com", cts.Token));

                Assert.True(ex is TaskCanceledException || ex is WebException);

                // Just make sure some events are written, to confirm we successfully subscribed to it. We should have
                // 1 start event and no stop events
                Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Start")));
                Assert.Equal(0, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Stop")));
        public async Task TestRedirectedRequest()
            using (var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder())
                using (var client = new HttpClient())
                    Uri uriWithRedirect =
                        Configuration.Http.RedirectUriForDestinationUri(true, 302, Configuration.Http.RemoteEchoServer, 10);
                    (await client.GetAsync(uriWithRedirect)).Dispose();

                // We should have exactly one Start and one Stop event
                Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Start")));
                Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Stop")));
Пример #22
        public async Task TestRedirectedRequest(string method)
            using var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder();

            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                using HttpResponseMessage response = method == "GET"
                    ? await client.GetAsync(this.BuildRequestUrl (queryString : "redirects=10"))
                                                     : await client.PostAsync(this.BuildRequestUrl (queryString : "redirects=10"), new StringContent ("hello world"));

            // We should have exactly one Start and one Stop event
            Assert.Equal(2, eventRecords.Records.Count());
            Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Start")));
            Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Stop")));
        public async Task TestCanceledRequest()
            CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));

            using (var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder(_ => { cts.Cancel(); }))
                using (var client = new HttpClient())
                    var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAnyAsync <Exception>(() => client.GetAsync(Configuration.Http.RemoteEchoServer, cts.Token));

                    Assert.True(ex is TaskCanceledException || ex is WebException);

                // We should have one Start event and no stop event
                Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Start")));
                Assert.Equal(0, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Stop")));
        public async Task TestRequestWithException()
            using (var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder())
                var ex =
                    await Assert.ThrowsAsync <HttpRequestException>(
                        () => new HttpClient().GetAsync($"http://{Guid.NewGuid()}.com"));

                // check that request failed because of the wrong domain name and not because of reflection
                var webException = (WebException)ex.InnerException;
                Assert.True(webException.Status == WebExceptionStatus.NameResolutionFailure);

                // We should have one Start event and no stop event
                Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Start")));
                Assert.Equal(0, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Stop")));
Пример #25
        public async Task TestRequestWithException()
            using (var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder())
                var ex =
                    await Assert.ThrowsAsync <HttpRequestException>(
                        () => new HttpClient().GetAsync($"http://{Guid.NewGuid()}.com"));

                // check that request failed because of the wrong domain name and not because of reflection
                var webException = (WebException)ex.InnerException;
                Assert.True(webException.Status == WebExceptionStatus.NameResolutionFailure);

                // Just make sure some events are written, to confirm we successfully subscribed to it. We should have
                // at least two events, one for request send, and one for response receive
                Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Start")));
                Assert.Equal(0, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Stop")));
        public async Task DoNotInjectRequestIdWhenPresent()
            using (var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder())
                // Send a random Http request to generate some events
                using (var client = new HttpClient())
                    using (var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, Configuration.Http.RemoteEchoServer))
                        request.Headers.Add("Request-Id", "|rootId.1.");
                        (await client.SendAsync(request)).Dispose();

                // Check to make sure: The first record must be a request, the next record must be a response.
                Assert.True(eventRecords.Records.TryDequeue(out var evnt));
                HttpWebRequest startRequest = ReadPublicProperty <HttpWebRequest>(evnt.Value, "Request");
                Assert.Equal("|rootId.1.", startRequest.Headers["Request-Id"]);
        public void TestReflectInitializationViaSubscription3()
            EventObserverAndRecorder eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder();

            DiagnosticListener.AllListeners.Subscribe(new CallbackObserver <DiagnosticListener>(diagnosticListener =>
                if (diagnosticListener.Name == "System.Net.Http.Desktop")
                    diagnosticListener.Subscribe(eventRecords, (eventName, obj1, obj2) => { return(true); });

            // Send a random Http request to generate some events
            HttpResponseMessage message = new HttpClient().GetAsync("http://www.bing.com").Result;

            // Just make sure some events are written, to confirm we successfully subscribed to it. We should have
            // at least two events, one for request send, and one for response receive
            Assert.True(eventRecords.Records.Count >= 2, "Didn't get two or more events from Http Diagnostic Listener. Something is wrong.");
        public async Task TestW3CHeadersTraceStateAndCorrelationContext()
                using (var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder())
                    var parent = new Activity("w3c activity");
                    parent.SetParentId(ActivityTraceId.CreateRandom(), ActivitySpanId.CreateRandom());
                    parent.TraceStateString = "some=state";
                    parent.AddBaggage("k", "v");

                    // Send a random Http request to generate some events
                    using (var client = new HttpClient())
                        (await client.GetAsync(Configuration.Http.RemoteEchoServer)).Dispose();


                    // Check to make sure: The first record must be a request, the next record must be a response.
                    Assert.True(eventRecords.Records.TryDequeue(out var evnt));
                    Assert.Equal("System.Net.Http.Desktop.HttpRequestOut.Start", evnt.Key);
                    HttpWebRequest startRequest = ReadPublicProperty <HttpWebRequest>(evnt.Value, "Request");

                    var traceparent        = startRequest.Headers["traceparent"];
                    var tracestate         = startRequest.Headers["tracestate"];
                    var correlationContext = startRequest.Headers["Correlation-Context"];
                    Assert.Equal("some=state", tracestate);
                    Assert.Equal("k=v", correlationContext);
                    Assert.True(Regex.IsMatch(traceparent, "^[0-9a-f]{2}-[0-9a-f]{32}-[0-9a-f]{16}-[0-9a-f]{2}$"));
Пример #29
        public async Task TestIsEnabledRequestOff()
            bool IsEnabled(string evnt, object arg1, object arg2)
                if (evnt == "System.Net.Http.Desktop.HttpRequestOut")
                    return(!(arg1 as WebRequest).RequestUri.ToString().Contains("bing"));

            using (var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder(IsEnabled))
                await new HttpClient().GetAsync("http://www.bing.com");
                Assert.Equal(0, eventRecords.Records.Count);

                await new HttpClient().GetAsync("http://www.microsoft.com");
                Assert.True(eventRecords.Records.Count > 0);
Пример #30
        public async Task TestSecureTransportFailureRequest(string method)
            using var eventRecords = new EventObserverAndRecorder();

            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAnyAsync <Exception>(() =>
                    // https://expired.badssl.com/ has an expired certificae.
                    return(method == "GET"
                        ? client.GetAsync("https://expired.badssl.com/")
                        : client.PostAsync("https://expired.badssl.com/", new StringContent("hello world")));

                Assert.True(ex is HttpRequestException);

            // We should have one Start event, no Stop event, and one Exception event.
            Assert.Equal(2, eventRecords.Records.Count());
            Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Start")));
            Assert.Equal(1, eventRecords.Records.Count(rec => rec.Key.EndsWith("Exception")));