/// <summary>
        /// This method retrieves all the events for the past week via a query and displays them
        /// on the EventList Screen.
        /// </summary>
        protected void GetRemindersViaQuery()
            // create our NSPredicate which we'll use for the query
            NSPredicate query = AppDelegate.EventStore.PredicateForReminders (null);

            // execute the query
            AppDelegate.EventStore.FetchReminders (
                query, ( EKReminder[] items) => {
                    // since this is happening in a completion callback, we have to update
                    // on the main thread
                    InvokeOnMainThread (() => {
                        // create a new event list screen with these events and show it
                        eventListScreen = new EventListDVC (items, EKEntityType.Reminder);
                        //NavigationController.PushViewController (eventListScreen, true);
                        PresentViewController(eventListScreen, true,null);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method retrieves all the events for the past week via a query and displays them
        /// on the EventList Screen.
        /// </summary>
        protected void GetEventsViaQuery()
            // create our NSPredicate which we'll use for the query
            var startDate = (NSDate)DateTime.Now.AddDays (-7);
            var endDate = (NSDate)DateTime.Now;
            // the third parameter is calendars we want to look in, to use all calendars, we pass null
            NSPredicate query = AppDelegate.EventStore.PredicateForEvents (startDate, endDate, null);

            // execute the query
            EKCalendarItem[] events = AppDelegate.EventStore.EventsMatching (query);

            // create a new event list screen with these events and show it
            eventListScreen = new EventListDVC (events, EKEntityType.Event);
            //NavigationController.PushViewController (eventListScreen, true);
            PresentViewController(eventListScreen, true,null);