/// <summary> /// Returns a warning-as-error exception wrapping the given message for this event. /// </summary> /// <param name="message"> The message to wrap. </param> protected virtual Exception WarningAsError([NotNull] string message) => new InvalidOperationException( CoreStrings.WarningAsErrorTemplate(EventId.ToString(), message, EventIdCode));
public string Bind(string categoryName, LogLevel logLevel, EventId?eventId, string message, Exception?exception, object[]?scopes) { TryGetArgumentValue valueProvider = delegate(string name, out object?value) { switch (name.ToUpperInvariant()) { case "EVENTTYPE": case "LOGLEVEL": value = logLevel; break; case "SHORTLEVEL": case "SHORTLOGLEVEL": value = GetShortLogLevel(logLevel); break; case "FACILITY": value = Facility; break; case "SEVERITY": value = GetSeverity(logLevel); break; case "PRI": case "PRIORITY": value = Facility * 8 + GetSeverity(logLevel); break; case "ID": value = eventId?.Id; break; case "EVENTID": value = eventId?.ToString(); break; case "MESSAGE": value = message; break; case "MESSAGEPREFIX": value = FormatPrefix(message); break; case "SOURCE": case "CATEGORY": case "CATEGORYNAME": value = categoryName; break; case "EXCEPTIONMESSAGE": value = exception?.Message; break; case "EXCEPTION": value = exception; break; case "SCOPES": value = FormatScopes(scopes); break; case "SCOPELIST": value = FormatScopes(scopes, " => ", " => "); break; default: if (!_systemValueProvider.TryGetArgumentValue(name, out value)) { value = "{" + name + "}"; } break; } return(true); }; var result = StringTemplate.Format(Template, valueProvider); return(result); }
private void writeLogToFile(string userRef, EventId logId, string message, LogLevel logLevel, params object[] args) { string timestamp = DateUtils.GetCurrentDateTimestamp(); string logMessageFormated = String.Format(message, args); int level = (int)logLevel; string formated = String.Format("USERREF: {0} [{1} {2}]: EVENTID: {3} MESSAGE: {4}\n", userRef, timestamp, _logLevels[level], logId.ToString(), logMessageFormated); DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(_fileDirectory); using (System.IO.FileStream file = new FileStream(_filePath, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite)) using (System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(file)){ sw.WriteAsync(formated); } }
public override string ToString() => "Event " + EventId.ToString();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { RegistrationFlow.CanSaveConsentInfo = false; SetTitle(); bool defaultBasePackage = false; FillClinicialQuestionnaireDiv.Visible = false; ClinicalQuestionTemplateId = 0; IsClinicalQuestionaireFilled = false; if (EventId > 0) { if (EventData != null) { EventType = EventData.EventType; var configurationSettingRepository = IoC.Resolve <IConfigurationSettingRepository>(); EnableAlaCarte = Convert.ToBoolean(configurationSettingRepository.GetConfigurationValue(ConfigurationSettingName.EnableAlaCarte)); if (EnableAlaCarte) { EnableAlaCarte = EventData.EnableAlaCarteCallCenter; } } if (AccountByEventId != null) { if (AccountByEventId.AskClinicalQuestions && AccountByEventId.ClinicalQuestionTemplateId.HasValue) { FillClinicialQuestionnaireDiv.Visible = true; ClinicalQuestionTemplateId = AccountByEventId.ClinicalQuestionTemplateId.Value; GetRecommendationText(); } defaultBasePackage = AccountByEventId.DefaultSelectionBasePackage; // for penguin integartion var settings = IoC.Resolve <ISettings>(); QuestionnaireType questionnaireType = QuestionnaireType.None; if (AccountByEventId != null && AccountByEventId.IsHealthPlan && EventData != null) { var accountHraChatQuestionnaireHistoryServices = IoC.Resolve <IAccountHraChatQuestionnaireHistoryServices>(); questionnaireType = accountHraChatQuestionnaireHistoryServices.QuestionnaireTypeByAccountIdandEventDate(AccountByEventId.Id, EventData.EventDate); } if (questionnaireType == QuestionnaireType.HraQuestionnaire) { var userSession = IoC.Resolve <ISessionContext>().UserSession; var token = (Session.SessionID + "_" + userSession.UserId + "_" + userSession.CurrentOrganizationRole.RoleId + "_" + userSession.CurrentOrganizationRole.OrganizationId).Encrypt(); HraQuestionerAppUrlWithoutVisit = settings.HraQuestionerAppUrl + "?userToken=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(token) + "&customerId=" + CustomerId + "&orgName=" + settings.OrganizationNameForHraQuestioner + "&tag=" + AccountByEventId.Tag; HraQuestionerAppUrl = HraQuestionerAppUrlWithoutVisit + "&visitId=" + (RegistrationFlow.AwvVisitId.HasValue ? RegistrationFlow.AwvVisitId.Value : 0); ChatQuestionerAppUrl = string.Empty; } else if (questionnaireType == QuestionnaireType.ChatQuestionnaire) { ChatQuestionerAppUrl = settings.HraQuestionerAppUrl; HraQuestionerAppUrl = string.Empty; } } } if (!IsPostBack) { if (RegistrationFlow != null && RegistrationFlow.IsRetest) { RetestNo.Checked = false; RetestYes.Checked = true; } else { RetestNo.Checked = true; RetestYes.Checked = false; } if (RegistrationFlow != null && RegistrationFlow.SingleTestOverride) { SingleTestOverrideYes.Checked = true; SingleTestOverrideNo.Checked = false; } else { SingleTestOverrideYes.Checked = false; SingleTestOverrideNo.Checked = true; } if (EventId != 0) { // Hack: This is done if the user hits back button on payment page, to get back to select package page. if (SourceCodeId > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SourceCode)) { txtCouponCode.Text = SourceCode; } else if (RegistrationFlow != null) { txtCouponCode.Text = RegistrationFlow.CallSourceCode; } hfEventID.Value = EventId.ToString(); var eventCustomerQuestionAnswerService = IoC.Resolve <IEventCustomerQuestionAnswerService>(); hfQuestionAnsTestId.Value = eventCustomerQuestionAnswerService.GetQuestionAnswerTestIdString(CustomerId, EventId); } else { const string message = "Sorry, Event detail not found. <a href=\"RegCustomerSearchEvent.aspx\">Click here</a> to search event again "; DisplayErrorMessage(message); } if (CurrentProspectCustomer != null && CurrentProspectCustomer.Id > 0 && CurrentProspectCustomer.SourceCodeId != null && CurrentProspectCustomer.SourceCodeId.Value > 0) { ISourceCodeRepository sourceCodeRepository = new SourceCodeRepository(); var sourceCode = sourceCodeRepository.GetSourceCodeById(CurrentProspectCustomer.SourceCodeId.Value); if (sourceCode != null) { txtCouponCode.Text = sourceCode.CouponCode; } } IEventPackageRepository packageRepository = new EventPackageRepository(); var preApprovedPackageRepository = IoC.Resolve <IPreApprovedPackageRepository>(); if (AccountByEventId != null && AccountByEventId.AllowPreQualifiedTestOnly) { long preApprovedPackageId = preApprovedPackageRepository.CheckPreApprovedPackages(CustomerId); if (PackageId == 0 && preApprovedPackageId > 0 && (RegistrationFlow == null || !RegistrationFlow.SingleTestOverride) && (RegistrationFlow == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(RegistrationFlow.DisqualifiedTest))) { var eventPackages = packageRepository.GetPackagesForEventByRole(EventId, (long)Roles.CallCenterRep); if (!eventPackages.IsNullOrEmpty()) { var preApprovedPackage = eventPackages.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PackageId == preApprovedPackageId); if (preApprovedPackage != null) { PackageId = preApprovedPackage.PackageId; TestIds = preApprovedPackage.Tests.Select(t => t.TestId).ToList(); } } } } if (defaultBasePackage && PackageId == 0 && (RegistrationFlow == null || !RegistrationFlow.SingleTestOverride) && (RegistrationFlow == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(RegistrationFlow.DisqualifiedTest))) { var eventPackages = packageRepository.GetPackagesForEventByRole(EventId, (long)Roles.CallCenterRep) .OrderBy(p => p.Price); if (!eventPackages.IsNullOrEmpty()) { var lowestPricePackage = eventPackages.First(); PackageId = lowestPricePackage.PackageId; TestIds = lowestPricePackage.Tests.Select(t => t.TestId).ToList(); } } if (RegistrationFlow != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RegistrationFlow.DisqualifiedTest) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hfDisqualifedTest.Value)) { hfDisqualifedTest.Value = RegistrationFlow.DisqualifiedTest; } if (RegistrationFlow != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RegistrationFlow.QuestionIdAnswerTestId) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hfQuestionAnsTestId.Value)) { hfQuestionAnsTestId.Value = RegistrationFlow.QuestionIdAnswerTestId; } /*if (!DisqualifiedTestIds.IsNullOrEmpty()) * { * TestIds = TestIds.Where(x => !DisqualifiedTestIds.Contains(x)).ToList(); * }*/ ItemCartControl.EventId = EventId; ItemCartControl.RoleId = (long)Roles.CallCenterRep; ItemCartControl.PackageId = PackageId; ItemCartControl.TestIds = TestIds; if (Request.QueryString["Call"] != null && Request.QueryString["Call"] == "No") { divCall.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display, "none"); divCall.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Visibility, "hidden"); } else { var repository = new CallCenterCallRepository(); hfCallStartTime.Value = repository.GetCallStarttime(CallId); } if (Request.UrlReferrer != null) { ViewState["UrlReferer"] = Request.UrlReferrer.PathAndQuery; } } if (Request.Params["__EVENTTARGET"] == "NextButton" && Request.Params["__EVENTARGUMENT"] == "Click") { NextButtonClick(); } }
/// <inheritdoc /> public void Log <TState>(LogLevel logLevel, EventId eventId, TState state, Exception exception, Func <TState, Exception, string> formatter) { if (_name.StartsWith("Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore") || IsEnabled(logLevel) == false) { return; } string message; if (formatter != null) { message = formatter(state, exception); } else { message = state.Stringify(); if (exception != null) { message += Environment.NewLine + exception.Stringify(); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { return; } var log = new TLog { Message = message.Truncate(LogEntry.MaximumMessageLength), Date = DateTime.UtcNow, Level = logLevel.ToString(), Logger = _name, Thread = eventId.ToString(), }; if (exception != null) { log.Exception = exception.ToString().Truncate(LogEntry.MaximumExceptionLength); } var httpContext = _services.GetRequiredService <IHttpContextAccessor>()?.HttpContext; if (httpContext != null) { log.Browser = httpContext.Request.Headers["User-Agent"]; log.Username = httpContext.User.Identity.Name; try { log.HostAddress = httpContext.Connection.LocalIpAddress?.ToString(); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { log.HostAddress = "Disposed"; } log.Url = httpContext.Request.Path; } _entryQueue.Enqueue(log); }
/// <summary> /// Wrapper for the the google.earth.removeEventListener method /// See: https://developers.google.com/earth/documentation/reference/google_earth_namespace#a4367d554eb492adcafa52925ddbf0c71 /// </summary> /// <param name="feature">The target feature</param> /// <param name="action">The event Id</param> /// <param name="callback">Optional, the same callback as was provided when the event was added</param> /// <param name="useCapture">Optional, use event capture</param> public void RemoveEventListener(object feature, EventId action, bool useCapture = false) { //feature, hash, action, useCapture object[] args = new object[] { feature, feature.GetHashCode(), action.ToString().ToUpperInvariant(), useCapture }; this.InvokeJavaScript(JSFunction.RemoveEventListener, args); }
public async Task WriteAsync(EventId eventId, LogLevel level, string message) { try { await writer.WriteAsync($"{DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)} {GetLogLevelString(level)}: [{eventId.ToString().PadLeft(8)}] {message}\r\n"); await writer.FlushAsync(); await context.Response.Body.FlushAsync(); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { } }
/// <summary> /// Main method in the ILogger interface that defines how to print a message. /// </summary> /// <param name="logLevel">Log severity</param> /// <param name="eventId">Event category (no used in this project)</param> /// <param name="state">Actual message wrapped</param> /// <param name="exception">Associated exception</param> /// <param name="formatter">Function that defines how to format a message.</param> public void Log <TState>( LogLevel logLevel, EventId eventId, TState state, Exception exception, Func <TState, Exception, string> formatter ) { /// <summary> /// Return immediately is logging is not enabled for this log level /// </summary> if (!IsEnabled(logLevel)) { return; } // Exception has to be set (by framework) if (formatter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(formatter)); } // Generate actual message var message = formatter(state, exception); // Return for empty message if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { return; } if (logLevel >= LogLevel.Error) { _loggingService.RecordLogMessageAsync( message, exception != null ? JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { Exception = exception.ToString() }) : "", "status-site", eventId.Id, logLevel.GetSeverity() ); } // Define colors for thread identifiers var threadColors = new ConsoleColor[] { ConsoleColor.Cyan, ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, ConsoleColor.Blue, ConsoleColor.DarkBlue, ConsoleColor.DarkGreen, ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta, ConsoleColor.DarkYellow, ConsoleColor.DarkRed }; // Generate thread label text var thread = Thread.CurrentThread; var threadLabel = string.IsNullOrEmpty(thread.Name) ? $"ThreadID: {thread.ManagedThreadId.ToString().PadLeft(3)}" : thread.Name.Substring(0, 12); // Generate a thread label color var threadColor = threadColors[Math.Abs(threadLabel.GetHashCode()) % threadColors.Length]; var label = logLevel.GetLabel(); // Do not let multiple threads enter the actual print section lock (StatusLogger._lockKey) { // Print everything (watch for pads and new lines) ColoredConsole.Write($"{threadLabel}", threadColor); Console.Write("".PadLeft(6 - label.Text.Length)); ColoredConsole.Write($"{label.Text}", label.ForegroundColor, label.BackgroundColor); Console.Write(" | "); Console.Write($"[{eventId.ToString().PadRight(2)}] {_categoryName}"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write($"[{DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss")}]"); Console.Write(" | "); if (exception != null) { message += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + exception.ToString(); } if (message.Contains(Environment.NewLine)) { message = "See multiline message:" + Environment.NewLine + "\t" + message.Replace(Environment.NewLine, $"{Environment.NewLine}\t"); } Console.WriteLine(message); Console.WriteLine(); } }
private void GetEventDetail() { if (EventId > 0 && CustomerId > 0) { _spCustomerId.InnerText = customerLogEditModel.CustomerId = CustomerId.ToString(); _spEventId.InnerText = customerLogEditModel.EventId = EventId.ToString(); var appointmentRepository = IoC.Resolve <IAppointmentRepository>(); var appointment = appointmentRepository.GetEventCustomerAppointment(EventId, CustomerId); if (appointment == null) { return; } var customerRepository = IoC.Resolve <ICustomerRepository>(); var customer = customerRepository.GetCustomer(CustomerId); var eventService = IoC.Resolve <IEventService>(); var eventHost = eventService.GetById(EventId); var strCustomerName = customerLogEditModel.Name = customer.NameAsString; _spAcesId.InnerText = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customer.AcesId) ? "N/A" : customer.AcesId; _strEventDate = eventHost.EventDate.ToLongDateString(); var strHostAddress = new Address(eventHost.StreetAddressLine1, eventHost.StreetAddressLine2, eventHost.City, eventHost.State, eventHost.Zip, ""); customerLogEditModel.EventVenue = _strEventVenue = eventHost.Name + " " + strHostAddress; _spFullName.InnerText = strCustomerName; customerLogEditModel.EventDate = _strEventDate + " at " + appointment.StartTime.ToShortTimeString(); _spWhen.InnerText = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(customerLogEditModel.EventDate); _spVenue.InnerText = _strEventVenue; var orderDetail = GetCurrentOrder(CustomerId, EventId); //decimal shippingPrice = orderDetail.ShippingDetailOrderDetails.Sum(shippingDetailOrderDetail => shippingDetailOrderDetail.Amount); decimal totalAmount = _order.DiscountedTotal; IEventCustomerPackageTestDetailService eventCustomerPackageTestDetailService = new EventCustomerPackageTestDetailService(); var eventCustomerPackageTestDetailViewData = eventCustomerPackageTestDetailService.GetEventPackageDetails(EventId, CustomerId); if (eventCustomerPackageTestDetailViewData.Package != null) { _spPackageName.InnerText = customerLogEditModel.PackageName = eventCustomerPackageTestDetailViewData.Package.Name; var packageTest = string.Empty; var packageTestAudit = string.Empty; foreach (var test in eventCustomerPackageTestDetailViewData.Package.Tests) { packageTest += "<li style=\"margin: 0px 10px; padding: 0px 0px; list-style: disc;\">" + test.Name + "</li>"; packageTestAudit += test.Name + ", "; } _spTestNames.InnerHtml = packageTest; customerLogEditModel.PackageTest = packageTestAudit.Length > 2 ? packageTestAudit.Substring(0, packageTestAudit.Length - 2) : "";; } else { _dvPackageMain.Visible = false; _dvAdditionalTest.InnerHtml = "Test(s):"; } var additionalTest = string.Empty; var additionalTestAudit = string.Empty; foreach (var test in eventCustomerPackageTestDetailViewData.Tests) { additionalTest += "<li style=\"margin: 0px 10px; padding: 0px 0px; list-style: disc;\">" + test.Name + "</li>"; additionalTestAudit += test.Name + ", "; } _spAdditionalTestNames.InnerHtml = additionalTest; customerLogEditModel.AdditionalTestAudit = additionalTestAudit.Length > 2 ? additionalTestAudit.Substring(0, additionalTestAudit.Length - 2) : ""; if (eventCustomerPackageTestDetailViewData.Tests.Count < 1) { _dvAdditionalTestMain.Visible = false; } _spPrice.InnerHtml = customerLogEditModel.OrderValue = totalAmount.ToString("C2"); //_spPaymentStatus.InnerHtml = (_order.TotalAmountPaid - _order.DiscountedTotal) >= 0 ? "<i>The payment captured sucessfully.</i>" : "<i>Not Paid</i>"; if (_order.DiscountedTotal > 0) { customerLogEditModel.PaymentStatus = _spPaymentStatus.InnerHtml = _order.TotalAmountPaid > 0 ? "<i>The payment captured sucessfully.</i>" : "<i>Not Paid</i>"; } else { customerLogEditModel.PaymentStatus = _spPaymentStatus.InnerHtml = "<i>Not charged.</i>"; } customerLogEditModel.PaymentStatus = ((string)customerLogEditModel.PaymentStatus).Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", ""); if (eventCustomerPackageTestDetailViewData.ElectronicProduct != null) { ProductDiv.Visible = true; ProductSpan.InnerHtml = eventCustomerPackageTestDetailViewData.ElectronicProduct.Name + "<a class='jtip' title='Description|" + eventCustomerPackageTestDetailViewData.ElectronicProduct.ShortDescription + "'> <span class='smalltxtblu'>[More Info]</span></a>"; customerLogEditModel.ElectronicProduct = eventCustomerPackageTestDetailViewData.ElectronicProduct.Name; } else { ProductDiv.Visible = false; } //TODO:For Spike release it is kept here. it should be in db and need to have one more field in DB to identify Digital delivery shipping option var shippingOption = new ShippingOption { Id = 0, Name = "Unlimited Online Results (Free)", Price = 0.00m, Description = IoC.Resolve <ISettings>().CompanyName + " securely stores your screening results, including all medical device output and ultrasound images, online permanently and provides unlimited access, printing & emailing 24-hours a day, free of charge! Online results typically available in less than 2 business days however, guaranteed in 4 business days.", Disclaimer = "" }; long shippingDetailId = 0; if (orderDetail != null && orderDetail.ShippingDetailOrderDetails != null && orderDetail.ShippingDetailOrderDetails.Count() > 0) { shippingDetailId = orderDetail.ShippingDetailOrderDetails.Where(sdod => sdod.IsActive).Select(sdod => sdod.ShippingDetailId).FirstOrDefault(); } if (shippingDetailId > 0) { var shippingRepository = IoC.Resolve <IShippingDetailRepository>(); var shippingDetail = shippingRepository.GetById(shippingDetailId); IShippingOptionRepository shippingOptionRepository = new ShippingOptionRepository(); shippingOption = shippingOptionRepository.GetById(shippingDetail.ShippingOption.Id); } _spShippingOption.InnerHtml = shippingOption.Name + "<a class='jtip' title='Description/Disclaimer!|" + shippingOption.Description + "|<br /><strong>" + shippingOption.Disclaimer + "</strong><br /> '> <span class='smalltxtblu'>[More Info]</span></a>"; if (IoC.Resolve <ISessionContext>().UserSession.CurrentOrganizationRole.CheckRole((long)Roles.CallCenterRep)) { GetCcRepInstruction(EventId); } else { _spCCRepNotes.Visible = false; } var corporateAccountRepository = IoC.Resolve <ICorporateAccountRepository>(); var account = corporateAccountRepository.GetbyEventId(EventId); _spUserName.InnerText = customerLogEditModel.UserName = customer.UserLogin.UserName; //_spPassword.InnerHtml = customer.UserLogin.Password; hfUserID.Value = customer.UserLogin.Id.ToString(); SetPcpInfo(CustomerId); SetHafInfo(account); SetHraInfo(EventId, CustomerId, eventHost.EventDate, account); HideUserLoginDetails(account); } }
/// <summary> /// Writes a log entry. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TState"></typeparam> /// <param name="logLevel">Entry will be written on this level.</param> /// <param name="eventId">Id of the event.</param> /// <param name="state">The entry to be written. Can be also an object.</param> /// <param name="exception">The exception related to this entry.</param> /// <param name="formatter">Function to create a <c>string</c> message of the <paramref name="state" /> and <paramref name="exception" />.</param> public async void Log <TState>(LogLevel logLevel, EventId eventId, TState state, Exception exception, Func <TState, Exception, string> formatter) { if (!IsEnabled(logLevel)) { return; } var message = string.Empty; var values = state as IReadOnlyList <KeyValuePair <string, object> >; if (formatter != null) { message = formatter(state, exception); } else if (values != null) { var builder = new StringBuilder(); FormatLogValues( builder, values, level: 1, bullet: false); message = builder.ToString(); if (exception != null) { message += Environment.NewLine + exception; } } else { message = $"{Convert.ToString(message)} [Check formatting]"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { return; } var log = new TLog { Date = DateTime.UtcNow, Level = logLevel.ToString(), Logger = Name, Message = message, Thread = eventId.ToString(), }; if (exception != null) { log.Exception = exception.ToString(); } var httpContext = Services.GetRequiredService <IHttpContextAccessor>()?.HttpContext; if (httpContext != null) { log.UserAgent = httpContext.Request.Headers["User-Agent"]; log.UserName = httpContext.User.Identity.Name; try { log.IpAddress = httpContext.Connection.LocalIpAddress?.ToString(); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { log.IpAddress = "Disposed"; } log.Url = httpContext.Request.Path; log.ServerName = httpContext.Request.Host.Value; log.Referrer = httpContext.Request.Headers["Referer"]; } await DbLog.InsertOneAsync(log); }
public void Log <TState>(LogLevel logLevel, EventId eventId, TState state, Exception exception, Func <TState, Exception, string> formatter) { string mensagem = String.Format("{0} : {1} - {2}", logLevel.ToString(), eventId.ToString(), formatter(state, exception)); this.SalvarNoBanco(mensagem); }
protected void lnkSelectEvent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var lnkEvent = (LinkButton)sender; EventId = Convert.ToInt64(lnkEvent.CommandArgument); if (!EventValidation()) { EventId = 0; return; } if (RegistrationFlow.AppointmentSlotIds != null && RegistrationFlow.AppointmentSlotIds.Count() > 0) { var eventSchedulingSlotRepository = IoC.Resolve <IEventSchedulingSlotRepository>(); var slots = eventSchedulingSlotRepository.GetbyIds(RegistrationFlow.AppointmentSlotIds); if (slots.Where(s => s.EventId != EventId).Any()) { eventSchedulingSlotRepository.ReleaseSlots(RegistrationFlow.AppointmentSlotIds); RegistrationFlow.AppointmentSlotIds = null; } } if (CustomerId > 0) { hfCustomerID.Value = CustomerId.ToString(); hidEventID.Value = EventId.ToString(); var customerEligibilityRepository = IoC.Resolve <ICustomerEligibilityRepository>(); var customerEligibility = customerEligibilityRepository.GetByCustomerIdAndYear(Customer.CustomerId, DateTime.Today.Year); var eventTestRepository = IoC.Resolve <IEventTestRepository>(); var eventTests = eventTestRepository.GetEventTestsByEventIds(new[] { EventId }); var preQualificationTemplateIds = eventTests.Where(x => x.PreQualificationQuestionTemplateId.HasValue).Select(x => x.PreQualificationQuestionTemplateId.Value).ToArray(); var preQualificationTestTemplateRepository = IoC.Resolve <IPreQualificationTestTemplateRepository>(); var preQualificationTestTemplates = preQualificationTestTemplateRepository.GetByIds(preQualificationTemplateIds); var selectedTemplateIds = new List <long>(); //preQualificationTestTemplates.Select(x => x.TestId).ToArray(); foreach (var preQualificationTestTemplate in preQualificationTestTemplates) { if (CheckPreApprovedTest(new[] { preQualificationTestTemplate.TestId })) { selectedTemplateIds.Add(preQualificationTestTemplate.Id); } } hfTemplateIds.Value = string.Join(",", selectedTemplateIds); var eventCustomerQuestionAnswerService = IoC.Resolve <IEventCustomerQuestionAnswerService>(); hfQuestionIdAnswerTestId.Value = eventCustomerQuestionAnswerService.GetQuestionAnswerTestIdString(CustomerId, EventId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Customer.Tag)) { bool showEligibilityPopup = customerEligibility != null && customerEligibility.IsEligible.HasValue && customerEligibility.IsEligible.Value == false; if (AccountByEventId == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(AccountByEventId.Tag)) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "js_showTagChangeWarning", "showTagChangeWarning('" + Customer.Tag + "','','" + showEligibilityPopup + "');", true); } else if (Customer.Tag != AccountByEventId.Tag) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "js_showTagChangeWarning", "showTagChangeWarning('" + Customer.Tag + "','" + AccountByEventId.Tag + "','" + showEligibilityPopup + "','" + AccountByEventId.AllowRegistrationWithImproperTags + "');", true); } else if (Customer.Tag == AccountByEventId.Tag && customerEligibility != null && customerEligibility.IsEligible.HasValue && customerEligibility.IsEligible.Value == false) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "js_showCustomerNotEligibleWarning", "showCustomerNotEligibleWarning();", true); } else if (selectedTemplateIds.Any()) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "js_getPreQualificationQuestion", "getPreQualificationQuestion('" + string.Join(",", selectedTemplateIds) + "');", true); } else if (Customer.Tag == AccountByEventId.Tag) { SelectPackage(); } } else if (customerEligibility != null && customerEligibility.IsEligible.HasValue && customerEligibility.IsEligible.Value == false) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "js_showCustomerNotEligibleWarning", "showCustomerNotEligibleWarning();", true); } else if (selectedTemplateIds.Any()) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "js_getPreQualificationQuestion", "getPreQualificationQuestion('" + string.Join(",", selectedTemplateIds) + "');", true); } else { SelectPackage(); } } else { SelectPackage(); } }
protected BaseMessage() { EventId = Guid.NewGuid(); MessageId = EventId.ToString(); ContentName = GetType().Name; }
private void LogTypeError(EventId eventId, HandleType handleType, Delegate targetEventType, Delegate listener) { Debug.LogError(string.Format("## Event Id {0}, [{1}] Wrong Listener Type {2}, needed Type {3}.", eventId.ToString(), EventSystemDefine.dicHandleType[(int)handleType], targetEventType.GetType(), listener.GetType())); }
/// <summary> /// Adiciona código de erro na exceção a partir do evento ocorrido /// </summary> /// <param name="exception">Exceção ocorrida</param> /// <param name="eventId">Evento que será utilizado como base para o código de erro</param> public static void AddErrorCode(this Exception exception, EventId eventId) { AddErrorCode(exception, eventId.ToString()); }
public void TriggerEvent(EventId eventId) { Delegate del = null; if (_dicEvents.TryGetValue((int)eventId, out del)) { if (del == null) { return; } Delegate[] invocationList = del.GetInvocationList(); for (int i = 0; i < invocationList.Length; i++) { Action action = invocationList[i] as Action; if (action == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("## Trigger Event {0} Parameters type [void] are not match target type : {1}.", eventId.ToString(), invocationList[i].GetType()); return; } action(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Formats the value of the specified <paramref name="item" /> into an HTML paragraph tag. Example: If /// <paramref name="item" /> = ErrorItem.StackTrace, the action stack trace data associated with the current error /// is returned as the content of the tag. If present, line breaks (\r\n) are converted to <br /> tags. /// </summary> /// <param name="item"> /// The enum value indicating the error item to be used as the content of the paragraph element. /// The text is HTML encoded. /// </param> /// <returns>Returns an HTML paragraph tag.</returns> public string ToHtmlValue(EventItem item) { switch (item) { case EventItem.EventId: return(ToHtmlParagraph(EventId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); case EventItem.EventType: return(ToHtmlParagraph(EventType.ToString())); case EventItem.Url: return(ToHtmlParagraph(Url)); case EventItem.Timestamp: return(ToHtmlParagraph(TimestampUtc.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); case EventItem.ExType: return(ToHtmlParagraph(ExType)); case EventItem.Message: return(ToHtmlParagraph(Message)); case EventItem.ExSource: return(ToHtmlParagraph(ExSource)); case EventItem.ExTargetSite: return(ToHtmlParagraph(ExTargetSite)); case EventItem.ExStackTrace: return(ToHtmlParagraph(ExStackTrace)); case EventItem.ExData: return(ToHtmlParagraphs(EventData)); case EventItem.InnerExType: return(ToHtmlParagraph(InnerExType)); case EventItem.InnerExMessage: return(ToHtmlParagraph(InnerExMessage)); case EventItem.InnerExSource: return(ToHtmlParagraph(InnerExSource)); case EventItem.InnerExTargetSite: return(ToHtmlParagraph(InnerExTargetSite)); case EventItem.InnerExStackTrace: return(ToHtmlParagraph(InnerExStackTrace)); case EventItem.InnerExData: return(ToHtmlParagraphs(InnerExData)); case EventItem.GalleryId: return(ToHtmlParagraph(GalleryId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); case EventItem.HttpUserAgent: return(ToHtmlParagraph(HttpUserAgent)); case EventItem.FormVariables: return(ToHtmlParagraphs(FormVariables)); case EventItem.Cookies: return(ToHtmlParagraphs(Cookies)); case EventItem.SessionVariables: return(ToHtmlParagraphs(SessionVariables)); case EventItem.ServerVariables: return(ToHtmlParagraphs(ServerVariables)); default: throw new BusinessException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Encountered unexpected EventItem enum value {0}. Event.ToHtmlValue() is not designed to handle this enum value. The function must be updated.", item)); } }
/// <summary> /// Wrapper for the the google.earth.addEventListener method /// </summary> /// <param name="feature">The target feature</param> /// <param name="action">The event Id</param> /// <param name="callback">Optional, the name of javascript callback function to use, or an anonymous function</param> /// <param name="useCapture">Optionally use event capture</param> /// <example>GEWebBrowser.AddEventListener(object, "click", "someFunction");</example> /// <example>GEWebBrowser.AddEventListener(object, "click", "function(event){alert(event.getType);}");</example> public void AddEventListener(object feature, EventId action, string callback = null, bool useCapture = false) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(callback)) { callback = "_x=" + callback; } object[] args = new object[] { feature, feature.GetHashCode(), action.ToString().ToUpperInvariant(), callback, useCapture }; this.InvokeJavaScript(JSFunction.AddEventListener, args); }
public override string ToString() { return(val.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Wrapper for the the google.earth.addEventListener method /// </summary> /// <param name="feature">The target feature</param> /// <param name="action">The event Id</param> /// <param name="callback">Optional, the name of JavaScript callback function to use, or an anonymous function</param> /// <param name="useCapture">Optionally use event capture</param> /// <example>GEWebBrowser.AddEventListener(object, "click", "someFunction");</example> /// <example>GEWebBrowser.AddEventListener(object, "click", "function(event){alert(event.getType);}");</example> public void AddEventListener(object feature, EventId action, string callback = null, bool useCapture = false) { this.InvokeJavaScript( JSFunction.AddEventListener, feature, feature.GetHashCode(), action.ToString().ToUpperInvariant(), callback, useCapture); }
public void AssertThat_EventId_StringRepresentation_IsMeaningful() { var eventId = new EventId(42, "event"); Assert.Equal("<42::event>", eventId.ToString()); }