Пример #1
        public static object OnEventListenerAdded(object instance, Type type, string eventName, object[] args)
            var arguments = new EventExecutionArguments();
            var evt       = type?.GetEvent(eventName);

            arguments.executionType = EventExecutionType.AddListener;
            arguments.eventObject   = evt;
            arguments.arguments     = args;

            var method = type.GetMethod("add_" + eventName + APPENDIX);
            // Get start aspects and process them
            var startAspects = evt.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(IEventBeforeListenerAddedAspect), true);

            foreach (var aspect in startAspects)

            if (!arguments.HasErrored)
                    method.Invoke(instance, args);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    arguments.exception = ex.InnerException;

            // Get start aspects and process them
            var exitAspects = evt.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(IEventAfterListenerAddedAspect), true);

            foreach (var aspect in exitAspects)

            // If had error throw it again after processing
            if (arguments.HasErrored)
                // Invoke event if exists

                // Invoke exception aspects
                var exceptionAspects = evt.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(IEventExceptionThrownAspect), true);
                foreach (var aspect in exceptionAspects)
                    ((IEventExceptionThrownAspect)aspect).OnExceptionThrown(arguments.exception, arguments);

                // Rethrow exception
                // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException, already checked using HasErrored
                throw arguments.exception;

            // Return value
Пример #2
        public static void AfterEventInvoked(object instance, Type type, string eventName)
            var arguments = new EventExecutionArguments();
            var evt       = type?.GetEvent(eventName);

            arguments.executionType = EventExecutionType.Invoke;
            arguments.eventObject   = evt;
            arguments.arguments     = null;

            var startAspects = evt.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(IAfterEventInvokedAspect), true);

            foreach (var aspect in startAspects)