public void test_Event_addEventAssignment2() { Event e = new Event(2, 2); EventAssignment ea = new EventAssignment(2, 3); ea.setVariable("f"); ea.setMath(libsbml.parseFormula("a-n")); int i = e.addEventAssignment(ea); assertTrue(i == libsbml.LIBSBML_VERSION_MISMATCH); assertTrue(e.getNumEventAssignments() == 0); ea = null; e = null; }
public void test_EventAssignment_parent_add() { Event e = new Event(2, 4); EventAssignment ea = new EventAssignment(2, 4); ea.setVariable("c"); ea.setMath(libsbml.parseFormula("K+L")); e.addEventAssignment(ea); ea = null; ListOf lo = e.getListOfEventAssignments(); assertTrue(lo == e.getEventAssignment(0).getParentSBMLObject()); assertTrue(e == lo.getParentSBMLObject()); }
printEventAssignmentMath(int n, EventAssignment ea) { string variable; string formula; if (ea.isSetMath()) { variable = ea.getVariable(); formula = libsbml.formulaToString(ea.getMath()); Console.Write(" EventAssignment " + n + ", trigger: " + variable + " = " + formula + Environment.NewLine); } }
public void TestSerializationEventAssignment() { EventAssignment x1 = CreateObject <EventAssignment>().WithName("Eva").WithDimension(DimensionLength); x1.ParentContainer = C0; x1.UseAsValue = true; x1.ObjectPath = ObjectPathFactory.CreateAbsoluteObjectPath(P); x1.Formula = CreateObject <ConstantFormula>().WithDimension(DimensionLength).WithValue(23.4); x1.ResolveChangedEntity(); IEventAssignment x2 = SerializeAndDeserialize(x1); x2.ParentContainer = C0; x2.ResolveChangedEntity(); AssertForSpecs.AreEqualEventAssignment(x2, x1); }
public void test_Event_addEventAssignment1() { Event e = new Event(2, 2); EventAssignment ea = new EventAssignment(2, 2); int i = e.addEventAssignment(ea); assertTrue(i == libsbml.LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT); ea.setVariable("f"); i = e.addEventAssignment(ea); assertTrue(i == libsbml.LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT); ea.setMath(libsbml.parseFormula("a-n")); i = e.addEventAssignment(ea); assertTrue(i == libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS); assertTrue(e.getNumEventAssignments() == 1); ea = null; e = null; }
public void test_EventAssignment_ancestor_add() { Event e = new Event(2, 4); EventAssignment ea = new EventAssignment(2, 4); ea.setVariable("c"); ea.setMath(libsbml.parseFormula("K+L")); e.addEventAssignment(ea); ea = null; ListOf lo = e.getListOfEventAssignments(); EventAssignment obj = e.getEventAssignment(0); assertTrue(obj.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_EVENT) == e); assertTrue(obj.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_LIST_OF) == lo); assertTrue(obj.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_DOCUMENT) == null); assertTrue(obj.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_COMPARTMENT) == null); }
public void test_EventAssignment_ancestor_create() { Event e = new Event(2, 4); EventAssignment ea = e.createEventAssignment(); ListOf lo = e.getListOfEventAssignments(); assertTrue(ea.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_EVENT) == e); assertTrue(ea.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_LIST_OF) == lo); assertTrue(ea.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_DOCUMENT) == null); assertTrue(ea.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_COMPARTMENT) == null); EventAssignment obj = e.getEventAssignment(0); assertTrue(obj.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_EVENT) == e); assertTrue(obj.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_LIST_OF) == lo); assertTrue(obj.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_DOCUMENT) == null); assertTrue(obj.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_COMPARTMENT) == null); }
public void test_EventAssignment_copyConstructor() { EventAssignment o1 = new EventAssignment(2, 4); o1.setVariable("c2"); assertTrue(o1.getVariable() == "c2"); ASTNode node = new ASTNode(libsbml.AST_CONSTANT_PI); o1.setMath(node); node = null; assertTrue(o1.getMath() != null); EventAssignment o2 = new EventAssignment(o1); assertTrue(o2.getVariable() == "c2"); assertTrue(o2.getMath() != null); assertTrue(o2.getParentSBMLObject() == o1.getParentSBMLObject()); o2 = null; o1 = null; }
public void test_Event_full() { ASTNode math1 = libsbml.parseFormula("0"); Trigger trigger = new Trigger(2, 4); ASTNode math = libsbml.parseFormula("0"); Event e = new Event(2, 4); EventAssignment ea = new EventAssignment(2, 4); ea.setVariable("k"); ea.setMath(math); trigger.setMath(math1); e.setTrigger(trigger); e.setId("e1"); e.setName("Set k2 to zero when P1 <= t"); e.addEventAssignment(ea); assertTrue(e.getNumEventAssignments() == 1); assertNotEquals(e.getEventAssignment(0), ea); math = null; e = null; }
public void test_EventAssignment_createWithNS() { XMLNamespaces xmlns = new XMLNamespaces(); xmlns.add("", "testsbml"); SBMLNamespaces sbmlns = new SBMLNamespaces(2, 1); sbmlns.addNamespaces(xmlns); EventAssignment object1 = new EventAssignment(sbmlns); assertTrue(object1.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_EVENT_ASSIGNMENT); assertTrue(object1.getMetaId() == ""); assertTrue(object1.getNotes() == null); assertTrue(object1.getAnnotation() == null); assertTrue(object1.getLevel() == 2); assertTrue(object1.getVersion() == 1); assertTrue(object1.getNamespaces() != null); assertTrue(object1.getNamespaces().getLength() == 2); object1 = null; }
public void test_Event_parent_NULL() { SBMLDocument d = new SBMLDocument(2, 4); Model m = d.createModel(); Event c = m.createEvent(); EventAssignment ea = c.createEventAssignment(); Trigger t = new Trigger(2, 4); t.setMath(new ASTNode()); Delay dy = new Delay(2, 4); dy.setMath(new ASTNode()); c.setTrigger(t); c.setDelay(dy); assertTrue(c.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_MODEL) == m); assertTrue(c.getTrigger().getParentSBMLObject() == c); assertEquals(c.getDelay().getSBMLDocument(), d); assertTrue(ea.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_EVENT) == c); Event c1 = c.clone(); d = null; assertTrue(c1.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_MODEL) == null); assertTrue(c1.getParentSBMLObject() == null); assertEquals(c1.getSBMLDocument(), null); assertTrue(c1.getEventAssignment(0).getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_MODEL) == null); assertTrue(c1.getEventAssignment(0).getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_EVENT) == c1); assertTrue(c1.getEventAssignment(0).getParentSBMLObject() != null); assertEquals(c1.getEventAssignment(0).getSBMLDocument(), null); assertTrue(c1.getTrigger().getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_MODEL) == null); assertTrue(c1.getTrigger().getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_EVENT) == c1); assertTrue(c1.getTrigger().getParentSBMLObject() != null); assertEquals(c1.getTrigger().getSBMLDocument(), null); assertTrue(c1.getDelay().getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_MODEL) == null); assertTrue(c1.getDelay().getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_EVENT) == c1); assertTrue(c1.getDelay().getParentSBMLObject() != null); assertEquals(c1.getDelay().getSBMLDocument(), null); c1 = null; }
static void testListOfRemove(ListOf lof, SBase s) { string ename = s.getElementName(); lof.append(s); SBase c = lof.get(0); if (c is CompartmentType) { CompartmentType x = (lof as ListOfCompartmentTypes).remove(0); c = x; } else if (c is Compartment) { Compartment x = (lof as ListOfCompartments).remove(0); c = x; } else if (c is Constraint) { Constraint x = (lof as ListOfConstraints).remove(0); c = x; } else if (c is EventAssignment) { EventAssignment x = (lof as ListOfEventAssignments).remove(0); c = x; } else if (c is Event) { Event x = (lof as ListOfEvents).remove(0); c = x; } else if (c is FunctionDefinition) { FunctionDefinition x = (lof as ListOfFunctionDefinitions).remove(0); c = x; } else if (c is InitialAssignment) { InitialAssignment x = (lof as ListOfInitialAssignments).remove(0); c = x; } else if (c is Parameter) { Parameter x = (lof as ListOfParameters).remove(0); c = x; } else if (c is Reaction) { Reaction x = (lof as ListOfReactions).remove(0); c = x; } else if (c is Rule) { Rule x = (lof as ListOfRules).remove(0); c = x; } else if (c is Species) { Species x = (lof as ListOfSpecies).remove(0); c = x; } else if (c is SpeciesReference) { SimpleSpeciesReference x = (lof as ListOfSpeciesReferences).remove(0); c = x; } else if (c is SpeciesType) { SpeciesType x = (lof as ListOfSpeciesTypes).remove(0); c = x; } else if (c is UnitDefinition) { UnitDefinition x = (lof as ListOfUnitDefinitions).remove(0); c = x; } else if (c is Unit) { Unit x = (lof as ListOfUnits).remove(0); c = x; } else { ERR("[testListOfRemove] Error: (" + ename + ") : ListOfXXX::remove() failed."); return; } if (c == null) { ERR("[testListOfRemove] Error: (" + ename + ") : ListOfXXX::remove() failed."); return; } string enameGet = c.getElementName(); if (ename == enameGet) { //Console.Out.WriteLine("[testListOfRemove] OK: (" + ename + ") remove(" + enameGet + ") : type match."); OK(); } else { ERR("[testListOfRemove] Error: (" + ename + ") remove(" + enameGet + ") : type mismatch."); } }
static void testClone(SBase s) { string ename = s.getElementName(); SBase c = s.clone(); if (c is Compartment) { Compartment x = (s as Compartment).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is CompartmentType) { CompartmentType x = (s as CompartmentType).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is Constraint) { Constraint x = (s as Constraint).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is Delay) { Delay x = (s as Delay).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is Event) { Event x = (s as Event).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is EventAssignment) { EventAssignment x = (s as EventAssignment).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is FunctionDefinition) { FunctionDefinition x = (s as FunctionDefinition).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is InitialAssignment) { InitialAssignment x = (s as InitialAssignment).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is KineticLaw) { KineticLaw x = (s as KineticLaw).clone(); c = x; } // currently return type of ListOf::clone() is SBase else if (c is ListOf) { SBase x = (s as ListOf).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is Model) { Model x = (s as Model).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is Parameter) { Parameter x = (s as Parameter).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is Reaction) { Reaction x = (s as Reaction).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is AlgebraicRule) { AlgebraicRule x = (s as AlgebraicRule).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is AssignmentRule) { AssignmentRule x = (s as AssignmentRule).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is RateRule) { RateRule x = (s as RateRule).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is SBMLDocument) { SBMLDocument x = (s as SBMLDocument).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is Species) { Species x = (s as Species).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is SpeciesReference) { SpeciesReference x = (s as SpeciesReference).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is SpeciesType) { SpeciesType x = (s as SpeciesType).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is SpeciesReference) { SpeciesReference x = (s as SpeciesReference).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is StoichiometryMath) { StoichiometryMath x = (s as StoichiometryMath).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is Trigger) { Trigger x = (s as Trigger).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is Unit) { Unit x = (s as Unit).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is UnitDefinition) { UnitDefinition x = (s as UnitDefinition).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is ListOfCompartmentTypes) { ListOfCompartmentTypes x = (s as ListOfCompartmentTypes).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is ListOfCompartments) { ListOfCompartments x = (s as ListOfCompartments).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is ListOfConstraints) { ListOfConstraints x = (s as ListOfConstraints).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is ListOfEventAssignments) { ListOfEventAssignments x = (s as ListOfEventAssignments).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is ListOfEvents) { ListOfEvents x = (s as ListOfEvents).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is ListOfFunctionDefinitions) { ListOfFunctionDefinitions x = (s as ListOfFunctionDefinitions).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is ListOfInitialAssignments) { ListOfInitialAssignments x = (s as ListOfInitialAssignments).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is ListOfParameters) { ListOfParameters x = (s as ListOfParameters).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is ListOfReactions) { ListOfReactions x = (s as ListOfReactions).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is ListOfRules) { ListOfRules x = (s as ListOfRules).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is ListOfSpecies) { ListOfSpecies x = (s as ListOfSpecies).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is ListOfSpeciesReferences) { ListOfSpeciesReferences x = (s as ListOfSpeciesReferences).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is ListOfSpeciesTypes) { ListOfSpeciesTypes x = (s as ListOfSpeciesTypes).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is ListOfUnitDefinitions) { ListOfUnitDefinitions x = (s as ListOfUnitDefinitions).clone(); c = x; } else if (c is ListOfUnits) { ListOfUnits x = (s as ListOfUnits).clone(); c = x; } else { ERR("[testClone] Error: (" + ename + ") : clone() failed."); return; } if (c == null) { ERR("[testClone] Error: (" + ename + ") : clone() failed."); return; } string enameClone = c.getElementName(); if (ename == enameClone) { //Console.Out.WriteLine("[testClone] OK: (" + ename + ") clone(" + enameClone + ") : type match."); OK(); } else { ERR("[testClone] Error: (" + ename + ") clone(" + enameClone + ") : type mismatch."); } }
public static int Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: printUnits filename"); return(1); } string filename = args[0]; SBMLDocument document = libsbml.readSBML(filename); if (document.getNumErrors() > 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Encountered the following SBML errors:"); document.printErrors(); return(1); } Model model = document.getModel(); if (model == null) { Console.WriteLine("No model present."); return(1); } int i, j; for (i = 0; i < model.getNumSpecies(); i++) { Species s = model.getSpecies(i); Console.WriteLine("Species " + i + ": " + UnitDefinition.printUnits(s.getDerivedUnitDefinition())); } for (i = 0; i < model.getNumCompartments(); i++) { Compartment c = model.getCompartment(i); Console.WriteLine("Compartment " + i + ": " + UnitDefinition.printUnits(c.getDerivedUnitDefinition())) ; } for (i = 0; i < model.getNumParameters(); i++) { Parameter p = model.getParameter(i); Console.WriteLine("Parameter " + i + ": " + UnitDefinition.printUnits(p.getDerivedUnitDefinition())) ; } for (i = 0; i < model.getNumInitialAssignments(); i++) { InitialAssignment ia = model.getInitialAssignment(i); Console.WriteLine("InitialAssignment " + i + ": " + UnitDefinition.printUnits(ia.getDerivedUnitDefinition())); Console.WriteLine(" undeclared units: "); Console.WriteLine((ia.containsUndeclaredUnits() ? "yes\n" : "no\n")); } for (i = 0; i < model.getNumEvents(); i++) { Event e = model.getEvent(i); Console.WriteLine("Event " + i + ": "); if (e.isSetDelay()) { Console.WriteLine("Delay: " + UnitDefinition.printUnits(e.getDelay().getDerivedUnitDefinition())); Console.WriteLine(" undeclared units: "); Console.WriteLine((e.getDelay().containsUndeclaredUnits() ? "yes\n" : "no\n")); } for (j = 0; j < e.getNumEventAssignments(); j++) { EventAssignment ea = e.getEventAssignment(j); Console.WriteLine("EventAssignment " + j + ": " + UnitDefinition.printUnits(ea.getDerivedUnitDefinition())); Console.WriteLine(" undeclared units: "); Console.WriteLine((ea.containsUndeclaredUnits() ? "yes\n" : "no\n")); } } for (i = 0; i < model.getNumReactions(); i++) { Reaction r = model.getReaction(i); Console.WriteLine("Reaction " + i + ": "); if (r.isSetKineticLaw()) { Console.WriteLine("Kinetic Law: " + UnitDefinition.printUnits(r.getKineticLaw().getDerivedUnitDefinition())); Console.WriteLine(" undeclared units: "); Console.WriteLine((r.getKineticLaw().containsUndeclaredUnits() ? "yes\n" : "no\n")); } for (j = 0; j < r.getNumReactants(); j++) { SpeciesReference sr = r.getReactant(j); if (sr.isSetStoichiometryMath()) { Console.WriteLine("Reactant stoichiometryMath" + j + ": " + UnitDefinition.printUnits(sr.getStoichiometryMath().getDerivedUnitDefinition())); Console.WriteLine(" undeclared units: "); Console.WriteLine((sr.getStoichiometryMath().containsUndeclaredUnits() ? "yes\n" : "no\n")); } } for (j = 0; j < r.getNumProducts(); j++) { SpeciesReference sr = r.getProduct(j); if (sr.isSetStoichiometryMath()) { Console.WriteLine("Product stoichiometryMath" + j + ": " + UnitDefinition.printUnits(sr.getStoichiometryMath().getDerivedUnitDefinition())); Console.WriteLine(" undeclared units: "); Console.WriteLine((sr.getStoichiometryMath().containsUndeclaredUnits() ? "yes\n" : "no\n")); } } } for (i = 0; i < model.getNumRules(); i++) { Rule r = model.getRule(i); Console.WriteLine("Rule " + i + ": " + UnitDefinition.printUnits(r.getDerivedUnitDefinition())); Console.WriteLine(" undeclared units: "); Console.WriteLine((r.containsUndeclaredUnits() ? "yes\n" : "no\n")); } return(0); }
public static int Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: printNotes filename"); return(1); } int i, j; string filename = args[0]; SBMLDocument document; document = libsbml.readSBML(filename); int errors = (int)document.getNumErrors(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("filename: " + filename); Console.WriteLine(); if (errors > 0) { document.printErrors(); return(errors); } /* Model */ Model m = document.getModel(); printNotes(m); for (i = 0; i < m.getNumReactions(); i++) { Reaction re = m.getReaction(i); printNotes(re); /* SpeciesReference (Reacatant) */ for (j = 0; j < re.getNumReactants(); j++) { SpeciesReference rt = re.getReactant(j); if (rt.isSetNotes()) { Console.WriteLine(" "); } printNotes(rt, (rt.isSetSpecies() ? rt.getSpecies() : "")); } /* SpeciesReference (Product) */ for (j = 0; j < re.getNumProducts(); j++) { SpeciesReference rt = re.getProduct(j); if (rt.isSetNotes()) { Console.WriteLine(" "); } printNotes(rt, (rt.isSetSpecies() ? rt.getSpecies() : "")); } /* ModifierSpeciesReference (Modifier) */ for (j = 0; j < re.getNumModifiers(); j++) { ModifierSpeciesReference md = re.getModifier(j); if (md.isSetNotes()) { Console.WriteLine(" "); } printNotes(md, (md.isSetSpecies() ? md.getSpecies() : "")); } /* Kineticlaw */ if (re.isSetKineticLaw()) { KineticLaw kl = re.getKineticLaw(); if (kl.isSetNotes()) { Console.WriteLine(" "); } printNotes(kl); /* Parameter */ for (j = 0; j < kl.getNumParameters(); j++) { Parameter pa = kl.getParameter(j); if (pa.isSetNotes()) { Console.WriteLine(" "); } printNotes(pa); } } } /* Species */ for (i = 0; i < m.getNumSpecies(); i++) { Species sp = m.getSpecies(i); printNotes(sp); } /* Compartment */ for (i = 0; i < m.getNumCompartments(); i++) { Compartment sp = m.getCompartment(i); printNotes(sp); } /* FunctionDefinition */ for (i = 0; i < m.getNumFunctionDefinitions(); i++) { FunctionDefinition sp = m.getFunctionDefinition(i); printNotes(sp); } /* UnitDefinition */ for (i = 0; i < m.getNumUnitDefinitions(); i++) { UnitDefinition sp = m.getUnitDefinition(i); printNotes(sp); } /* Parameter */ for (i = 0; i < m.getNumParameters(); i++) { Parameter sp = m.getParameter(i); printNotes(sp); } /* Rule */ for (i = 0; i < m.getNumRules(); i++) { Rule sp = m.getRule(i); printNotes(sp); } /* InitialAssignment */ for (i = 0; i < m.getNumInitialAssignments(); i++) { InitialAssignment sp = m.getInitialAssignment(i); printNotes(sp); } /* Event */ for (i = 0; i < m.getNumEvents(); i++) { Event sp = m.getEvent(i); printNotes(sp); /* Trigger */ if (sp.isSetTrigger()) { Trigger tg = sp.getTrigger(); if (tg.isSetNotes()) { Console.WriteLine(" "); } printNotes(tg); } /* Delay */ if (sp.isSetDelay()) { Delay dl = sp.getDelay(); if (dl.isSetNotes()) { Console.WriteLine(" "); } printNotes(dl); } /* EventAssignment */ for (j = 0; j < sp.getNumEventAssignments(); j++) { EventAssignment ea = sp.getEventAssignment(j); if (ea.isSetNotes()) { Console.WriteLine(" "); } printNotes(ea); } } /* SpeciesType */ for (i = 0; i < m.getNumSpeciesTypes(); i++) { SpeciesType sp = m.getSpeciesType(i); printNotes(sp); } /* Constraint */ for (i = 0; i < m.getNumConstraints(); i++) { Constraint sp = m.getConstraint(i); printNotes(sp); } return(errors); }
public static int Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 2) { Console.Write(Environment.NewLine + "Usage: unsetAnnotation <input-filename> <output-filename>" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); return 1; } int i, j; string filename = args[0]; SBMLDocument document; document = libsbml.readSBML(filename); int errors = (int)document.getNumErrors(); if (errors > 0) { document.printErrors(); return errors; } Model m = document.getModel(); m.unsetAnnotation(); for (i = 0; i < m.getNumReactions(); i++) { Reaction re = m.getReaction(i); re.unsetAnnotation(); for (j = 0; j < re.getNumReactants(); j++) { SpeciesReference rt = re.getReactant(j); rt.unsetAnnotation(); } for (j = 0; j < re.getNumProducts(); j++) { SpeciesReference rt = re.getProduct(j); rt.unsetAnnotation(); } for (j = 0; j < re.getNumModifiers(); j++) { ModifierSpeciesReference md = re.getModifier(j); md.unsetAnnotation(); } if (re.isSetKineticLaw()) { KineticLaw kl = re.getKineticLaw(); kl.unsetAnnotation(); for (j = 0; j < kl.getNumParameters(); j++) { Parameter pa = kl.getParameter(j); pa.unsetAnnotation(); } } } for (i = 0; i < m.getNumSpecies(); i++) { Species sp = m.getSpecies(i); sp.unsetAnnotation(); } for (i = 0; i < m.getNumCompartments(); i++) { Compartment sp = m.getCompartment(i); sp.unsetAnnotation(); } for (i = 0; i < m.getNumFunctionDefinitions(); i++) { FunctionDefinition sp = m.getFunctionDefinition(i); sp.unsetAnnotation(); } for (i = 0; i < m.getNumUnitDefinitions(); i++) { UnitDefinition sp = m.getUnitDefinition(i); sp.unsetAnnotation(); } for (i = 0; i < m.getNumParameters(); i++) { Parameter sp = m.getParameter(i); sp.unsetAnnotation(); } for (i = 0; i < m.getNumRules(); i++) { Rule sp = m.getRule(i); sp.unsetAnnotation(); } for (i = 0; i < m.getNumInitialAssignments(); i++) { InitialAssignment sp = m.getInitialAssignment(i); sp.unsetAnnotation(); } for (i = 0; i < m.getNumEvents(); i++) { Event sp = m.getEvent(i); sp.unsetAnnotation(); for (j = 0; j < sp.getNumEventAssignments(); j++) { EventAssignment ea = sp.getEventAssignment(j); ea.unsetAnnotation(); } } for (i = 0; i < m.getNumSpeciesTypes(); i++) { SpeciesType sp = m.getSpeciesType(i); sp.unsetAnnotation(); } for (i = 0; i < m.getNumConstraints(); i++) { Constraint sp = m.getConstraint(i); sp.unsetAnnotation(); } libsbml.writeSBML(document, args[1]); return errors; }
public void EventAssignmentElement(Hashtable attrs) { String variable; SBase parameter = null; if (attrs.Contains("variable")) { variable = (String)attrs["variable"]; if (this.model.findObject(variable) != null) parameter = (SBase)this.model.findObject(variable); } EventAssignment eventAssignment = new EventAssignment(this.model, parameter); Event eventNode = (Event)elementStack.Peek(); eventNode.listOfEventAssignments.Add(eventAssignment); elementStack.Push(eventAssignment); }
public static void Initialize(SchoolContext context) { //context.Database.EnsureCreated(); // Look for any Athletes. if (context.Athletes.Any()) { return; // DB has been seeded } var Athletes = new Athlete[] { new Athlete { FirstName = "Carson", LastName = "Alexander", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1995-05-30"), Weight = 140, Height = 50 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Meredith", LastName = "Alonso", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1992-07-5"), Weight = 160, Height = 60 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Arturo", LastName = "Anand", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1993-02-15"), Weight = 165, Height = 55 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Gytis", LastName = "JELLISON", Gender = Gender.Female, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1992-02-27"), Weight = 125, Height = 47 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Yan", MiddleName = "Lee", LastName = "Li", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1992-08-24"), Weight = 140, Height = 73 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Peggy", MiddleName = "Laura", LastName = "Justice", Gender = Gender.Female, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1991-08-03"), Weight = 230, Height = 73 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Laura", MiddleName = "Nicole", LastName = "Norman", Gender = Gender.Female, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1993-04-03"), Weight = 135, Height = 67 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Tom", MiddleName = "Marvolo", LastName = "Riddle", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1995-04-11"), Weight = 145, Height = 76 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Carl", LastName = "Gibbons", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1969-05-30"), Weight = 212, Height = 70 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Jackson ", LastName = "Smith ", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1995-05-30"), Weight = 140, Height = 50 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Sebastian ", LastName = "Smith ", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1992-07-5"), Weight = 160, Height = 60 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Aiden ", LastName = "Smith ", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1991-02-15"), Weight = 165, Height = 55 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Matthew ", LastName = "Smith ", Gender = Gender.Female, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1992-02-20"), Weight = 125, Height = 47 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Samuel ", MiddleName = "Colt ", LastName = "CarolsunlutzenBurhSchmity", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1992-08-29"), Weight = 140, Height = 73 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "David ", MiddleName = "Archer ", LastName = "Wheat", Gender = Gender.Female, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1998-08-03"), Weight = 230, Height = 73 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Joseph ", MiddleName = "Omar ", LastName = "Desk", Gender = Gender.Female, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1997-04-03"), Weight = 135, Height = 67 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Tom", MiddleName = "Aidan ", LastName = "Oliveoil", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1995-04-11"), Weight = 145, Height = 76 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Carter ", LastName = "Gibbons", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1969-05-30"), Weight = 212, Height = 70 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Harper", LastName = "WhiteHouse", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1995-05-30"), Weight = 140, Height = 50 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Meredith", LastName = "Ammoury", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1992-07-5"), Weight = 160, Height = 60 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Evelyn", LastName = "Swartzburg", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1993-02-13"), Weight = 165, Height = 55 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Abigail", LastName = "Disndy", Gender = Gender.Female, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1992-02-17"), Weight = 125, Height = 47 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Emily", MiddleName = "Ememin", LastName = "Li", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1992-08-21"), Weight = 140, Height = 73 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Elizabeth", LastName = "Kalifia", Gender = Gender.Female, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1991-08-03"), Weight = 230, Height = 73 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Mila", LastName = "Prettyman", Gender = Gender.Female, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1993-04-23"), Weight = 135, Height = 67 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Ella", LastName = "Larson", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1995-04-22"), Weight = 145, Height = 76 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Avery", LastName = "Thayne", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1969-05-02"), Weight = 212, Height = 70 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Riley", LastName = "Ocean", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1995-05-03"), Weight = 140, Height = 50 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Nora", LastName = "Excalaber", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1992-07-15"), Weight = 160, Height = 60 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Eleanor", LastName = "Ansley", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1993-02-15"), Weight = 165, Height = 55 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Hannah", LastName = "Barzee", Gender = Gender.Female, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1992-02-26"), Weight = 125, Height = 47 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Mason ", MiddleName = "Bryson ", LastName = "Li", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1992-08-14"), Weight = 167, Height = 72 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Damian ", MiddleName = "Sawyer ", LastName = "Jenson", Gender = Gender.Female, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1991-08-05"), Weight = 213, Height = 73 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Silas ", MiddleName = "Nicole", LastName = "Raia", Gender = Gender.Female, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1993-04-03"), Weight = 189, Height = 78 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Chase ", MiddleName = "Declan ", LastName = "Riddle", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1995-04-11"), Weight = 202, Height = 76 }, new Athlete { FirstName = "Carl ", LastName = "Gibbons", Gender = Gender.Male, Dob = DateTime.Parse("1969-05-30"), Weight = 200, Height = 70 } }; foreach (Athlete s in Athletes) { context.Athletes.Add(s); } context.SaveChanges(); var Coachs = new Coach[] { new Coach { FirstName = "Kim", MiddleName = "Amber", LastName = "Abercrombie", HireDate = DateTime.Parse("1995-03-11") }, new Coach { FirstName = "Fadi", MiddleName = "Aliku", LastName = "Fakhouri", HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2002-07-06") }, new Coach { FirstName = "Tim", LastName = "Thayne", HireDate = DateTime.Parse("1998-07-01") }, new Coach { FirstName = "Candace", LastName = "Kapoor", HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2001-01-15") }, new Coach { FirstName = "Roger", LastName = "Zheng", HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2004-02-12") } }; foreach (Coach i in Coachs) { context.Coaches.Add(i); } context.SaveChanges(); var Fields = new Field[] { new Field { Name = "Running", Budget = 357000, StartDate = DateTime.Parse("2007-09-01"), CoachID = Coachs.Single(i => i.LastName == "Thayne").ID }, new Field { Name = "Throwing", Budget = 0909000, StartDate = DateTime.Parse("2007-09-01"), CoachID = Coachs.Single(i => i.LastName == "Fakhouri").ID }, new Field { Name = "Jumping", Budget = 250000, StartDate = DateTime.Parse("2007-09-01"), CoachID = Coachs.Single(i => i.LastName == "Thayne").ID } }; foreach (Field d in Fields) { context.Fields.Add(d); } context.SaveChanges(); var Events = new Event[] { new Event { EventID = 1001, Title = "100 Meters", FieldID = Fields.Single(s => s.Name == "Running").FieldID }, new Event { EventID = 1002, Title = "200 Meters", FieldID = Fields.Single(s => s.Name == "Running").FieldID }, new Event { EventID = 1003, Title = "400 Meters", FieldID = Fields.Single(s => s.Name == "Running").FieldID }, new Event { EventID = 1004, Title = "1500 Meters", FieldID = Fields.Single(s => s.Name == "Running").FieldID }, new Event { EventID = 1005, Title = "3000 Meters", FieldID = Fields.Single(s => s.Name == "Running").FieldID }, new Event { EventID = 1006, Title = "400 Meters", FieldID = Fields.Single(s => s.Name == "Running").FieldID }, new Event { EventID = 1007, Title = "100 Meter Hurdles", FieldID = Fields.Single(s => s.Name == "Running").FieldID }, new Event { EventID = 1008, Title = "400 Meters Hurdles", FieldID = Fields.Single(s => s.Name == "Running").FieldID }, new Event { EventID = 1009, Title = "4X100 Meter Relay", FieldID = Fields.Single(s => s.Name == "Running").FieldID }, new Event { EventID = 1010, Title = "4X400 Meters Relay", FieldID = Fields.Single(s => s.Name == "Running").FieldID }, new Event { EventID = 2001, Title = "High Jump", FieldID = Fields.Single(s => s.Name == "Jumping").FieldID }, new Event { EventID = 2002, Title = "Pole Vault", FieldID = Fields.Single(s => s.Name == "Jumping").FieldID }, new Event { EventID = 2003, Title = "Triple Jump", FieldID = Fields.Single(s => s.Name == "Jumping").FieldID }, new Event { EventID = 3001, Title = "Discus Throw", FieldID = Fields.Single(s => s.Name == "Throwing").FieldID }, new Event { EventID = 3002, Title = "Hammer Throw", FieldID = Fields.Single(s => s.Name == "Throwing").FieldID }, new Event { EventID = 3003, Title = "Shot Put", FieldID = Fields.Single(s => s.Name == "Throwing").FieldID }, new Event { EventID = 3004, Title = "Javelin Throw", FieldID = Fields.Single(s => s.Name == "Throwing").FieldID } }; foreach (Event c in Events) { context.Events.Add(c); } context.SaveChanges(); var EventCoach = new EventAssignment[] { new EventAssignment { EventID = Events.Single(c => c.Title == "100 Meters").EventID, CoachID = Coachs.Single(i => i.LastName == "Kapoor").ID }, new EventAssignment { EventID = Events.Single(c => c.Title == "200 Meters").EventID, CoachID = Coachs.Single(i => i.LastName == "Kapoor").ID }, new EventAssignment { EventID = Events.Single(c => c.Title == "400 Meters").EventID, CoachID = Coachs.Single(i => i.LastName == "Kapoor").ID }, new EventAssignment { EventID = Events.Single(c => c.Title == "1500 Meters").EventID, CoachID = Coachs.Single(i => i.LastName == "Abercrombie").ID }, new EventAssignment { EventID = Events.Single(c => c.Title == "3000 Meters").EventID, CoachID = Coachs.Single(i => i.LastName == "Abercrombie").ID }, new EventAssignment { EventID = Events.Single(c => c.Title == "100 Meter Hurdles").EventID, CoachID = Coachs.Single(i => i.LastName == "Zheng").ID }, new EventAssignment { EventID = Events.Single(c => c.Title == "400 Meters Hurdles").EventID, CoachID = Coachs.Single(i => i.LastName == "Zheng").ID }, new EventAssignment { EventID = Events.Single(c => c.Title == "4X100 Meter Relay").EventID, CoachID = Coachs.Single(i => i.LastName == "Zheng").ID }, new EventAssignment { EventID = Events.Single(c => c.Title == "4X400 Meter Relay").EventID, CoachID = Coachs.Single(i => i.LastName == "Zheng").ID }, new EventAssignment { EventID = Events.Single(c => c.Title == "High Jump").EventID, CoachID = Coachs.Single(i => i.LastName == "Fakhouri").ID }, new EventAssignment { EventID = Events.Single(c => c.Title == "Pole Vault").EventID, CoachID = Coachs.Single(i => i.LastName == "Fakhouri").ID }, new EventAssignment { EventID = Events.Single(c => c.Title == "Triple Jump").EventID, CoachID = Coachs.Single(i => i.LastName == "Fakhouri").ID }, new EventAssignment { EventID = Events.Single(c => c.Title == "Discus Throw").EventID, CoachID = Coachs.Single(i => i.LastName == "Thayne").ID }, new EventAssignment { EventID = Events.Single(c => c.Title == "Hammer Throw").EventID, CoachID = Coachs.Single(i => i.LastName == "Thayne").ID }, new EventAssignment { EventID = Events.Single(c => c.Title == "Shot Put").EventID, CoachID = Coachs.Single(i => i.LastName == "Thayne").ID }, new EventAssignment { EventID = Events.Single(c => c.Title == "Javelin Throw").EventID, CoachID = Coachs.Single(i => i.LastName == "Thayne").ID } }; foreach (EventAssignment ci in EventCoach) { context.EventAssignments.Add(ci); } context.SaveChanges(); var trials = new Trial[] { //first new Trial { AthleteID = 35, EventID = 1001, Place = Place.First }, new Trial { AthleteID = 35, EventID = 1002, Place = Place.First }, new Trial { AthleteID = 35, EventID = 1003, Place = Place.First }, new Trial { AthleteID = 33, EventID = 1004, Place = Place.First }, new Trial { AthleteID = 5, EventID = 1005, Place = Place.First }, new Trial { AthleteID = 24, EventID = 1006, Place = Place.First }, new Trial { AthleteID = 13, EventID = 1007, Place = Place.First }, new Trial { AthleteID = 23, EventID = 1008, Place = Place.First }, new Trial { AthleteID = 14, EventID = 1009, Place = Place.First }, new Trial { AthleteID = 13, EventID = 1010, Place = Place.First }, new Trial { AthleteID = 10, EventID = 2001, Place = Place.First }, new Trial { AthleteID = 31, EventID = 2002, Place = Place.First }, new Trial { AthleteID = 27, EventID = 2003, Place = Place.First }, new Trial { AthleteID = 9, EventID = 3001, Place = Place.First }, new Trial { AthleteID = 5, EventID = 3002, Place = Place.First }, new Trial { AthleteID = 7, EventID = 3003, Place = Place.First }, new Trial { AthleteID = 16, EventID = 3004, Place = Place.First }, new Trial { AthleteID = 35, EventID = 1001, Place = Place.Second }, new Trial { AthleteID = 35, EventID = 1002, Place = Place.Second }, new Trial { AthleteID = 35, EventID = 1003, Place = Place.Second }, new Trial { AthleteID = 35, EventID = 1004, Place = Place.Second }, new Trial { AthleteID = 35, EventID = 1005, Place = Place.Second }, new Trial { AthleteID = 24, EventID = 1006, Place = Place.Second }, new Trial { AthleteID = 8, EventID = 1007, Place = Place.Second }, new Trial { AthleteID = 33, EventID = 1008, Place = Place.Second }, new Trial { AthleteID = 12, EventID = 1009, Place = Place.Second }, new Trial { AthleteID = 10, EventID = 1010, Place = Place.Second }, new Trial { AthleteID = 11, EventID = 2001, Place = Place.Second }, new Trial { AthleteID = 12, EventID = 2002, Place = Place.Second }, new Trial { AthleteID = 13, EventID = 2003, Place = Place.Second }, new Trial { AthleteID = 14, EventID = 3001, Place = Place.Second }, new Trial { AthleteID = 15, EventID = 3002, Place = Place.Second }, new Trial { AthleteID = 16, EventID = 3003, Place = Place.Second }, new Trial { AthleteID = 16, EventID = 3004, Place = Place.Second }, new Trial { AthleteID = 35, EventID = 1001, Place = Place.Third }, new Trial { AthleteID = 35, EventID = 1002, Place = Place.Third }, new Trial { AthleteID = 35, EventID = 1003, Place = Place.Third }, new Trial { AthleteID = 35, EventID = 1004, Place = Place.Third }, new Trial { AthleteID = 35, EventID = 1005, Place = Place.Third }, new Trial { AthleteID = 24, EventID = 1006, Place = Place.Third }, new Trial { AthleteID = 27, EventID = 1007, Place = Place.Third }, new Trial { AthleteID = 33, EventID = 1008, Place = Place.Third }, new Trial { AthleteID = 23, EventID = 1009, Place = Place.Third }, new Trial { AthleteID = 10, EventID = 1010, Place = Place.Third }, new Trial { AthleteID = 11, EventID = 2001, Place = Place.Third }, new Trial { AthleteID = 12, EventID = 2002, Place = Place.Third }, new Trial { AthleteID = 13, EventID = 2003, Place = Place.Third }, new Trial { AthleteID = 14, EventID = 3001, Place = Place.Third }, new Trial { AthleteID = 15, EventID = 3002, Place = Place.Third }, new Trial { AthleteID = 16, EventID = 3003, Place = Place.Third }, new Trial { AthleteID = 16, EventID = 3004, Place = Place.Third }, new Trial { AthleteID = 35, EventID = 1001 }, new Trial { AthleteID = 35, EventID = 1002 }, new Trial { AthleteID = 35, EventID = 1003 }, new Trial { AthleteID = 35, EventID = 1004 }, new Trial { AthleteID = 35, EventID = 1005 }, new Trial { AthleteID = 24, EventID = 1006 }, new Trial { AthleteID = 25, EventID = 1007 }, new Trial { AthleteID = 33, EventID = 1008 }, new Trial { AthleteID = 25, EventID = 1009 }, new Trial { AthleteID = 10, EventID = 1010 }, new Trial { AthleteID = 11, EventID = 2001 }, new Trial { AthleteID = 12, EventID = 2002 }, new Trial { AthleteID = 13, EventID = 2003 }, new Trial { AthleteID = 14, EventID = 3001 }, new Trial { AthleteID = 15, EventID = 3002 }, new Trial { AthleteID = 16, EventID = 3003 }, new Trial { AthleteID = 16, EventID = 3004 } }; foreach (Trial e in trials) { var enrollmentInDataBase = context.Trials.Where( s => s.Athlete.ID == e.AthleteID && s.Event.EventID == e.EventID).SingleOrDefault(); if (enrollmentInDataBase == null) { context.Trials.Add(e); } } context.SaveChanges(); }
public void tearDown() { EA = null; }