Пример #1
        private static double CalculatePerfectThrust(Point currentPosition, int dirAngle, Point nextCheckPoint, int nextCheckpointDist, EuclidianVector speedVector)
            var maxThrust = 100.0d;

            if (speedVector == null)

            if (dirAngle > 90 || dirAngle < -90)
                return(0);//Math.Abs(30 * Math.Sin(EuclidianTools.DegreeToRadian(dirAngle)));;
            if (nextCheckpointDist > 1600)

            var t = Math.Abs(100 * Math.Cos(EuclidianTools.DegreeToRadian(dirAngle)));

Пример #2
        public void DistanceBetweenTwoPointShouldReturnExpectedDistance()
            Assert.AreEqual(6, EuclidianTools.DistanceBetweenTwoPoint(B, E));
            Assert.AreEqual(6, EuclidianTools.DistanceBetweenTwoPoint(E, B));

            Assert.AreEqual(12.083045973594572d, EuclidianTools.DistanceBetweenTwoPoint(E, D));
            Assert.AreEqual(17.088007490635061d, EuclidianTools.DistanceBetweenTwoPoint(A, C));
Пример #3
        private static Point CalcIdealTarget(int dirAngle, Point nextCheckPoint, Point currentPosition, int distance, EuclidianVector speedV, Dictionary <Point, Point> Targets, bool firstRound)
            if (speedV == null)

            var referenceVector = new EuclidianVector(100, 0);
            var dirVector       = new EuclidianVector(currentPosition, nextCheckPoint);
            var angleBetwenReferenceAndDirection = referenceVector.AngleInDegreeWith(dirVector);
            var angleBetweenReferenceAndSpeed    = referenceVector.AngleInDegreeWith(speedV);
            var angleBetwenDirectionAndSpeed     = dirVector.AngleInDegreeWith(speedV);

            var angleBetwenSpeedAnDir = speedV.AngleInDegreeWith(dirVector);

            //double offsetAngle = angleBetwenReferenceAndDirection - dirAngle-angleBetwenDirectionAndSpeed;
            double offsetAngle = angleBetwenReferenceAndDirection - dirAngle - angleBetwenDirectionAndSpeed;

            //  a;
            Point idealTarget = new Point((int)(nextCheckPoint.X + 300 * Math.Cos(EuclidianTools.DegreeToRadian(offsetAngle))),
                                          (int)(nextCheckPoint.Y + 300 * Math.Sin(EuclidianTools.DegreeToRadian(offsetAngle))));

            // Point idealTarget = new Point(  (int) (nextCheckPoint.X + 400*Math.Cos(EuclidianTools.DegreeToRadian(-angleBetweenReferenceAndSpeed -2*angleBetwenDirectionAndSpeed))),
            //                           (int) (nextCheckPoint.Y + 400*Math.Sin(EuclidianTools.DegreeToRadian(-angleBetweenReferenceAndSpeed -2*angleBetwenDirectionAndSpeed))));

            Console.Error.WriteLine("dirAngle   " + dirAngle);
            Console.Error.WriteLine("distance   " + distance);
            Console.Error.WriteLine("offsetAngle  " + offsetAngle);

            if (dirAngle > 45 || dirAngle < -45)

            /* else
             * {
             * dirVector.Normalise();
             * dirVector.ScaleBy(-400);
             * idealTarget = dirVector.ApplyTo(nextCheckPoint);
             * }*/

            if (!firstRound && distance < 1800 && speedV.Norm > 300)

Пример #4
        public void DegreeToRadianShouldReturnExpectedValues()
            const double PI = Math.PI;

            Assert.That(EuclidianTools.DegreeToRadian(180), Is.EqualTo(PI));
            Assert.That(EuclidianTools.DegreeToRadian(90), Is.EqualTo(PI / 2));
            Assert.That(EuclidianTools.DegreeToRadian(270), Is.EqualTo((3 * PI) / 2));
            Assert.That(EuclidianTools.DegreeToRadian(225), Is.EqualTo((5 * PI) / 4));
            Assert.That(EuclidianTools.DegreeToRadian(360), Is.EqualTo((2 * PI)));
Пример #5
        public void RadianToDegreeShouldReturnExpectedValues()
            const double PI = Math.PI;

            Assert.That(EuclidianTools.RadianToDegree(PI), Is.EqualTo(180));
            Assert.That(EuclidianTools.RadianToDegree(PI / 2), Is.EqualTo(90));
            Assert.That(EuclidianTools.RadianToDegree((3 * PI) / 2), Is.EqualTo(270));
            Assert.That(EuclidianTools.RadianToDegree((7 * PI) / 6), Is.EqualTo(210));
            Assert.That(EuclidianTools.RadianToDegree((5 * PI) / 4), Is.EqualTo(225));
            Assert.That(EuclidianTools.RadianToDegree(2 * PI), Is.EqualTo(360));
Пример #6
        private static bool DoINeedActivateShield(EuclidianVector speedVector, Point currentPosition, Point opPosition, Point nextCheckPoint)
            if (speedVector == null)

            var distanceToOp = EuclidianTools.DistanceBetweenTwoPoint(currentPosition, opPosition);
            var OpDirection  = new EuclidianVector(opPosition, nextCheckPoint);
            var MyDirectiobn = new EuclidianVector(currentPosition, nextCheckPoint);

            var angleBetweenMeAndOp = (MyDirectiobn.AngleInDegreeWith(OpDirection)) % 360;

            return(false);// (distanceToOp < 810   );
Пример #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string[]                  inputs;
            bool                      isBoostUsed = false;
            Point                     lastPoint   = new Point();
            Point                     lastTarget  = new Point();
            EuclidianVector           speedVector = null;
            Point                     myTarget    = new Point();
            bool                      firstRound  = true;
            Dictionary <Point, Point> Targets     = new Dictionary <Point, Point>();

            // game loop
            while (true)
                inputs = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
                int x = int.Parse(inputs[0]);
                int y = int.Parse(inputs[1]);

                int nextCheckpointX     = int.Parse(inputs[2]); // x position of the next check point
                int nextCheckpointY     = int.Parse(inputs[3]); // y position of the next check point
                int nextCheckpointDist  = int.Parse(inputs[4]); // distance to the next checkpoint
                int nextCheckpointAngle = int.Parse(inputs[5]); // angle between your pod orientation and the direction of the next checkpoint
                inputs = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
                int opponentX = int.Parse(inputs[0]);
                int opponentY = int.Parse(inputs[1]);

                // Write an action using Console.WriteLine()
                // To debug: Console.Error.WriteLine("Debug messages...");

                var nextCheckPoint = new Point(nextCheckpointX, nextCheckpointY);
                if (firstRound && !lastTarget.IsEmpty && lastTarget != nextCheckPoint)
                    if (!Targets.ContainsKey(lastTarget))
                        Targets.Add(lastTarget, nextCheckPoint);
                        firstRound = false;

                var opPosition      = new Point(opponentX, opponentY);
                var currentPosition = new Point(x, y);

                if (!lastPoint.IsEmpty)
                    speedVector = new EuclidianVector(lastPoint, currentPosition);
                    var angleBetweenSpeedAndDirection =
                        (speedVector.AngleInDegreeWith(new EuclidianVector(currentPosition, nextCheckPoint))) % 360;

                    if (!isBoostUsed && nextCheckpointDist > 5000 && (nextCheckpointAngle < 5 && nextCheckpointAngle > -5))
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Angle when Boost: " + nextCheckpointAngle);
                        Console.WriteLine(nextCheckpointX + " " + nextCheckpointY + " BOOST");
                        isBoostUsed = true;
                        lastPoint   = new Point(x, y);
                var thrust = 100.0d;

                var target = CalcIdealTarget(nextCheckpointAngle, nextCheckPoint, currentPosition, nextCheckpointDist, speedVector, Targets, firstRound);

                var posTNextCheckPoint = new EuclidianVector(currentPosition, nextCheckPoint);
                var posToIdealTarget   = new EuclidianVector(currentPosition, target);

                var IdealTargetAngle = target.Equals(nextCheckPoint) ? nextCheckpointAngle : posToIdealTarget.AngleInDegreeWith(posTNextCheckPoint) - nextCheckpointAngle;

                thrust = CalculatePerfectThrust(currentPosition, nextCheckpointAngle, nextCheckPoint, nextCheckpointDist, speedVector);

                var distOponant = EuclidianTools.DistanceBetweenTwoPoint(currentPosition, opPosition);

                if (DoINeedActivateShield(speedVector, currentPosition, opPosition, nextCheckPoint))
                    Console.WriteLine(nextCheckpointX + " " + nextCheckpointY + " SHIELD");

                Console.WriteLine(target.X + " " + target.Y + " " + (int)thrust);

                lastPoint  = new Point(x, y);
                lastTarget = nextCheckPoint;

                // You have to output the target position
                // followed by the power (0 <= thrust <= 100)
                // i.e.: "x y thrust"