public void RestoreStatistics(DatabaseClient dbClient, int status) { Logging.Write(EssentialEnvironment.GetExternalText("emu_cleandb")); bool flag = true; try { if (int.Parse(Essential.GetConfig().data["debug"]) == 1) { flag = false; } } catch { } if (flag) { dbClient.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE users SET online = '0' WHERE online != '0'"); dbClient.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE rooms SET users_now = '0' WHERE users_now != '0'"); dbClient.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE user_roomvisits SET exit_timestamp = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE exit_timestamp <= 0"); dbClient.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE users SET websocket='0'"); dbClient.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "UPDATE server_status SET status = '", status, "', users_online = '0', rooms_loaded = '0', server_ver = '", Essential.PrettyVersion, "', stamp = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() LIMIT 1;" })); } Logging.WriteLine("completed!", ConsoleColor.Green); }
internal void method_4() { using (Class26 class26_ = this.class25_0.Class26_0) { IEnumerator enumerator; using (DatabaseClient @class = Essential.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { enumerator = class26_.Values.GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Room class2 = (Room)enumerator.Current; class2.method_65(@class); } } finally { IDisposable disposable = enumerator as IDisposable; if (disposable != null) { disposable.Dispose(); } } } if (Essential.GetConfig().data["emu.messages.roommgr"] == "1") { Console.WriteLine("[RoomMgr] Done with furniture saving, disposing rooms"); } enumerator = class26_.Values.GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Room class2 = (Room)enumerator.Current; try { class2.method_62(); } catch { } } } finally { IDisposable disposable = enumerator as IDisposable; if (disposable != null) { disposable.Dispose(); } } if (Essential.GetConfig().data["emu.messages.roommgr"] == "1") { Console.WriteLine("[RoomMgr] Done disposing rooms!"); } } }
public Class114(string string_0, int int_2, int maxConnections, SocketsManager class113_1) { this.int_1 = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id; this.socket_0 = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); IPEndPoint localEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(Essential.GetConfig().data["game.tcp.bindip"]), int_2); this.socket_0.Bind(localEP); this.socket_0.Listen(133337); this.asyncCallback_0 = new AsyncCallback(this.method_4); this.class113_0 = class113_1; AntiDDosSystem.SetupTcpAuthorization(20000); Logging.WriteLine("Listening for connections on port: " + int_2 + " | Max connections is: 133337"); }
public void Handle(GameClient Session, ClientMessage Event) { int GameId = Event.PopWiredInt32(); string UserAuthTicket = Essential.GetGame().GetGamesManager().CreateAuthTicket(Session.GetHabbo().Id); using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Essential.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { // Check exist auth tokens and delete them. if (dbClient.ReadInt32("SELECT COUNT(token) FROM basejump_auth_tokens WHERE user_id = '" + Session.GetHabbo().Id + "' LIMIT 1") == 1) { dbClient.ExecuteQuery("DELETE FROM `basejump_auth_tokens` WHERE `user_id`='" + Session.GetHabbo().Id + "'"); } dbClient.AddParamWithValue("auth_token", UserAuthTicket); dbClient.AddParamWithValue("user_id", Session.GetHabbo().Id); dbClient.AddParamWithValue("expire", Essential.GetUnixTimestamp() + 1800); // +30 min expires dbClient.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO `basejump_auth_tokens` (`token`, `user_id`, `expire`) VALUES (@auth_token, @user_id, @expire)"); } ServerMessage LoadGame = new ServerMessage(Outgoing.LoadGame); LoadGame.AppendInt32(GameId); LoadGame.AppendString(Session.GetHabbo().Id.ToString()); // ?? LoadGame.AppendString(Session.ClientVar + "/games/BaseJump.swf"); // url LoadGame.AppendString("best"); LoadGame.AppendString("showAll"); LoadGame.AppendInt32(60); LoadGame.AppendInt32(10); LoadGame.AppendInt32(0); LoadGame.AppendInt32(6); LoadGame.AppendString("assetUrl"); LoadGame.AppendString(Session.ClientVar + "/games/BasicAssets.swf"); LoadGame.AppendString("habboHost"); LoadGame.AppendString("http://fusees-private-httpd-fe-1"); LoadGame.AppendString("accessToken"); LoadGame.AppendString(UserAuthTicket); LoadGame.AppendString("gameServerHost"); LoadGame.AppendString(Essential.GetConfig().data["game.tcp.bindip"]); LoadGame.AppendString("gameServerPort"); LoadGame.AppendString(Essential.GetConfig().data["game.tcp.port"]); LoadGame.AppendString("socketPolicyPort"); LoadGame.AppendString(Essential.GetConfig().data["game.tcp.port"]); Session.SendMessage(LoadGame); }
public void Handle(GameClient Session, ClientMessage Event) { uint num = Event.PopWiredUInt(); if (Essential.GetConfig().data["emu.messages.roommgr"] == "1") { Logging.WriteLine("[RoomMgr] Requesting Public Room [ID: " + num + "]"); } RoomData @class = Essential.GetGame().GetRoomManager().method_12(num); Session.GetHabbo().uint_2 = num; Session.GetClientMessageHandler().method_5(num, ""); /* RoomData @class = Essential.GetGame().GetRoomManager().method_12(num); * if (@class != null && !(@class.Type != "public")) * { * Session.GetClientMessageHandler().method_5(num, ""); * } * else * { * * } */ }
private void PingTask() { int num = int.Parse(Essential.GetConfig().data[""]); if (num <= 100) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid configuration value for ping interval! Must be above 100 miliseconds."); } while (true) { try { ServerMessage Message = new ServerMessage(Outgoing.Ping); // Updated List <GameClient> list = new List <GameClient>(); List <GameClient> list2 = new List <GameClient>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.Clients.Length; i++) { GameClient @class = this.Clients[i]; if (@class != null) { if (@class.bool_0) { @class.bool_0 = false; list2.Add(@class); } else { list.Add(@class); } } } foreach (GameClient @class in list) { /*try * { * @class.Disconnect("PING"); * } * catch * { * }*/ } byte[] byte_ = Message.GetBytes(); foreach (GameClient @class in list2) { try { @class.GetConnection().SendData(byte_); } catch { //@class.Disconnect("PING ERROR"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.LogThreadException(ex.ToString(), "Connection checker task"); } Thread.Sleep(num); } }
public UserDataFactory(string ssoTicket, string ipAddress, bool getAllData) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ssoTicket)) { this.Validated = false; } else { using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Essential.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { dbClient.AddParamWithValue("auth_ticket", ssoTicket); string str = ""; try { if (int.Parse(Essential.GetConfig().data["debug"]) == 1) { str = ""; } } catch { } this.UserData = dbClient.ReadDataRow("SELECT * FROM users WHERE auth_ticket = @auth_ticket " + str + " LIMIT 1;"); if (this.UserData != null) { this.Validated = true; uint id = (uint)this.UserData["Id"]; if (getAllData) { this.Achievements = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT achievement_id,achievement_level FROM user_achievements WHERE user_id = '" + id + "'"); this.Favorites = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT room_id FROM user_favorites WHERE user_id = '" + id + "'"); this.Ignores = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT ignore_id FROM user_ignores WHERE user_id = '" + id + "'"); this.Tags = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT tag FROM user_tags WHERE user_id = '" + id + "'"); this.Subscriptions = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT subscription_id, timestamp_activated, timestamp_expire FROM user_subscriptions WHERE user_id = '" + id + "'"); this.Badges = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT user_badges.badge_id,user_badges.badge_slot FROM user_badges WHERE user_id = " + id); this.Items = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT items.Id,items.base_item,items.ltd_id,items.ltd_cnt,items.guild_data,items_extra_data.extra_data FROM items LEFT JOIN items_extra_data ON items_extra_data.item_id = items.Id WHERE room_id = 0 AND user_id = " + id); this.Effects = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT user_effects.effect_id,user_effects.total_duration,user_effects.is_activated,user_effects.activated_stamp FROM user_effects WHERE user_id = " + id); this.Friends = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT users.Id,users.username,users.motto,users.look,users.last_online FROM users JOIN messenger_friendships ON users.Id = messenger_friendships.user_two_id WHERE messenger_friendships.user_one_id = '" + id + "'"); this.FriendRequests = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT messenger_requests.Id,messenger_requests.from_id,users.username,users.gender,users.look FROM users JOIN messenger_requests ON users.Id = messenger_requests.from_id WHERE messenger_requests.to_id = '" + id + "'"); dbClient.AddParamWithValue("name", (string)this.UserData["username"]); this.Rooms = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT * FROM rooms WHERE owner = @name ORDER BY Id ASC LIMIT " + ServerConfiguration.RoomUserLimit); this.Pets = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT Id, user_id, room_id, name, type, race, color, expirience, energy, nutrition, respect, createstamp, x, y, z FROM user_pets WHERE user_id = " + id + " AND room_id = 0"); this.Bots = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT * FROM user_bots WHERE owner_id = '" + id + "' AND room_id=0"); dbClient.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "UPDATE users SET online = '1' WHERE Id = '", id, "' LIMIT 1; UPDATE user_info SET login_timestamp = '", Essential.GetUnixTimestamp(), "' WHERE user_id = '", id, "' LIMIT 1;" })); double loginStamp = Essential.GetUnixTimestamp(); this.LoginTime = loginStamp; dbClient.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO user_clientsessions (`userId`,`login_timestamp`,`logout_timestamp`) VALUES ('" + id + "','" + loginStamp + "','0');"); // @class.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] //{ // "UPDATE users SET online = '1'" + /*auth_ticket = ''*/ "WHERE Id = '", // num, // "' LIMIT 1; UPDATE user_info SET login_timestamp = '", // Essential.GetUnixTimestamp(), // "' WHERE user_id = '", // num, // "' LIMIT 1;" //})); DataTable table; DataTable table2; //Profile Initialization - Might don't need all friends information, just the count but I didn't want to brake the system, so let them go.. //Altrough this is not the best perfomance scenario table = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT * FROM user_relationships WHERE requester_id = " + id); uint target, rstatus; List <Relationship.Relationship> relationships = new List <Relationship.Relationship>(); Dictionary <uint, uint> tempRelationshipsDictionary = new Dictionary <uint, uint>(); foreach (DataRow row3 in table.Rows) { target = Convert.ToUInt32(row3["target_id"]); rstatus = Convert.ToUInt32(row3["relationshipstatus"]); relationships.Add(new Relationship.Relationship(target, rstatus)); } this.relationships = relationships; } } else { this.Validated = false; } } } }
public Game(int conns) { this.ClientManager = new GameClientManager(conns); if (Essential.GetConfig().data[""] == "1") { this.ClientManager.StartPingTask(); } DateTime now = DateTime.Now; Logging.Write("Connecting to the database.. "); try { using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Essential.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { Logging.WriteLine("completed!", ConsoleColor.Green); Essential.Game = this; this.LoadServerSettings(dbClient); this.BanManager = new ModerationBanManager(); this.RoleManager = new RoleManager(); this.HelpTool = new HelpTool(); this.Catalog = new Catalog(); this.Navigator = new Navigator(); this.ItemManager = new ItemManager(); this.RoomManager = new RoomManager(); this.PixelManager = new PixelManager(); this.AchievementManager = new AchievementManager(); this.ModerationTool = new ModerationTool(); this.BotManager = new BotManager(); this.Marketplace = new Marketplace(); this.QuestManager = new QuestManager(); this.EssentialEnvironment = new EssentialEnvironment(); this.GamesManager = new GamesManager(); this.Groups = new Groups(); this.StormWars = new WarsData(); EssentialEnvironment.LoadExternalTexts(dbClient); this.BanManager.Initialise(dbClient); this.RoleManager.Initialize(dbClient); this.HelpTool.method_0(dbClient); this.HelpTool.method_3(dbClient); this.ModerationTool.method_1(dbClient); this.ModerationTool.method_2(dbClient); this.ItemManager.Initialize(dbClient); this.Catalog.Initialize(dbClient); this.Catalog.InitializeCache(); PetRace.Init(dbClient); this.Navigator.Initialize(dbClient); this.RoomManager.method_8(dbClient); this.RoomManager.method_0(); this.NavigatorCache = new NavigatorCache(); this.RoomManager.LoadMagicTiles(dbClient); this.RoomManager.LoadBillboards(dbClient); this.BotManager.Initialize(dbClient); AchievementManager.Load(dbClient); this.PixelManager.Initialize(); ChatCommandHandler.Initialize(dbClient); this.QuestManager.Initialize(); // this.GamesManager.LoadGameLocales(dbClient); // this.GamesManager.LoadPowerupPackages(dbClient); Groups.Initialize(dbClient); guideManager = new GuideManager(dbClient); this.RestoreStatistics(dbClient, 1); } } catch (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException e) { Logging.WriteLine("failed!", ConsoleColor.Red); Logging.WriteLine(e.Message + " Check the given configuration details in config.conf\r\n", ConsoleColor.Yellow); Essential.Destroy("", true, true); return; } this.task_0 = new Task(new Action(LowPriorityWorker.Work)); this.task_0.Start(); StartGameLoop(); }
public void HandleRequest(string Request, SocketConnection socket) { //Yes, i know, that's shitty coded, but it works. At least for me.. Do it better & don't hate me :) bool f = false; if (Request.StartsWith("GET")) { string[] Splits = Request.Split(' '); if (Request.Split(' ')[1].Equals("/")) { socket.SendFile("web/index.html"); } else if (Request.Split(' ')[1].StartsWith("/emu/console")) { List <string> alreadySent = new List <string>(); if (Splits[1].Split('?')[1].StartsWith("key") && Splits[1].Split('?')[1].Split('=')[1] == Essential.GetConfig().data["web.key"]) { try { string[] asdf = Essential.GetConsoleWriter().GetLines(); foreach (string line in asdf.ToList <string>()) { socket.SendMessage(line + "\n"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } else { this.Close(socket); } } else if (Request.Split(' ')[1].StartsWith("/emu/exceptions")) { if (Splits[1].Split('?')[1].StartsWith("key") && Splits[1].Split('?')[1].Split('=')[1] == Essential.GetConfig().data["web.key"]) { socket.SendFile("exceptions.err"); } else { this.Close(socket); } } else if (Request.Split(' ')[1].StartsWith("/emu/restart")) { if (Splits[1].Split('?')[1].StartsWith("key") && Splits[1].Split('?')[1].Split('=')[1] == Essential.GetConfig().data["web.key"]) { socket.SendMessage("Bye!"); this.Close(socket); Console.Clear(); Core.Logging.Disable(); Essential.Destroy("Disposing.......", false); Process.Start(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); Environment.Exit(0); } else { this.Close(socket); } } else if (Request.Split(' ')[1].StartsWith("/emu/console/clear")) { if (Splits[1].Split('?')[1].StartsWith("key") && Splits[1].Split('?')[1].Split('=')[1] == Essential.GetConfig().data["web.key"]) { Console.Clear(); Essential.GetConsoleWriter().ClearIt(); } else { this.Close(socket); } } else if (Request.Split(' ')[1].StartsWith("/api/furni")) { if (Splits[1].Split('?')[1].StartsWith("name")) { FurniImage.HandleRequest(Splits[1].Split('?')[1].Split('=')[1], socket); } else { this.Close(socket); } } { socket.SendFile("web" + Request.Split(' ')[1]); } } else if (Request.StartsWith("POST")) { if (Request.Split(' ')[1].Equals("/")) { socket.SendFile("web/index.html"); } else { socket.SendFile("web" + Request.Split(' ')[1]); } } if (!f) { this.Close(socket); } }