Пример #1
    bool showGUI = false;                       //!< flag to hold whether or not to show the gui above the game

     * Use this for initialization.
     * For this script the string representations of variable values are populated.
    void Start()
        debugConfig = gameObject.GetComponent <EsophagusDebugConfig>();         // find the reference to the debug config

        foodSpawnInterval = "" + debugConfig.foodSpawnInterval;                 // create the string for the foodSpawnInterval variable
        waveDelay         = "" + debugConfig.waveDelay;                         // create the string for the waveDelay variable
        waveTime          = "" + debugConfig.waveTime;                          // create the string for the waveTime variable
        foodSpeed         = "" + debugConfig.foodSpeed;                         // create the string for the foodSpeed variable
        oxygenDeplete     = "" + debugConfig.oxygenDeplete;                     // create the string for the oxygenDeplete variable
        oxygenGain        = "" + debugConfig.oxygenGain;                        // create the string for the oxygenGain variable
        debugActive       = debugConfig.debugActive;                            // create the string for the debugActive variable
Пример #2
    EsophagusDebugConfig debugConfig;           //!< to hold a reference to the mouth debug config

     * Use this for initialization
     * Finds references and initializes values.
    void Start()
        GameObject flaps = GameObject.Find("Flaps");                                                                            // find the reference to the flaps

        flap = flaps.GetComponent <openFlap>();                                                                                 // find the script on the flaps

        quaternion          = transform.rotation;
        quaternion.Duration = .5f;

        debugConfig = GameObject.Find("Debugger").GetComponent <EsophagusDebugConfig>();        // find the reference to the debugger
        b           = GameObject.Find("flap1").GetComponent <BoxCollider> ();
Пример #3
     * Use this for initialization
     * Find references, initialize variables
    void Start()
        percent         = 1f;                                                                                           // the oxygen bar should start off at 100%
        previousPercent = percent;

        GameObject flaps = GameObject.Find("Flaps");                            // find the flaps reference

        flap = flaps.GetComponent <openFlap>();                                 // get the script from the flaps

        GameObject debugger = GameObject.Find("Debugger");                      // find a reference to the debugger

        config = debugger.GetComponent <EsophagusDebugConfig>();                // get the script from the debug config
Пример #4
    public bool end = false;                                    //!< flag to indicate whether we are at the end of the script

     * Use this for initialization
     * Verifies the level was loaded correctly and if not reloads it.
     * Starts loading from script/debugger.
    void Start()
        level = null;                   // set the MouthLoadLevelCounter to null to begin with

        // find the reference to the mouth debugger
        debugConfig = GameObject.Find("Debugger").GetComponent <EsophagusDebugConfig>();
        if (debugConfig == null)                // if we are starting the game directly we need to add debugger
            debugConfig = gameObject.AddComponent <EsophagusDebugConfig>() as EsophagusDebugConfig;

        // find the background chooser
        GameObject chooseBackground = GameObject.Find("MouthChooseBackground");

        if (chooseBackground != null)           // if we did find the background chooser, get the level from it
            level = chooseBackground.GetComponent <MouthLoadLevelCounter>();
        else           // in this case we started the game load game properly
            // this will cause the mouth game to be properly loaded from level 1
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("DesiredMouthLevel", 1);

        // we also need to find the references to the flaps
        GameObject flaps = GameObject.Find("Flaps"); // find the reference to the flaps

        flap = flaps.GetComponent <openFlap>();      // get the openFlap script from the flaps

        if (level != null)                           // guard for if level was null since this will still execute before the reloading from level 1
            // finally load the script
            loadScript = new LoadScriptMouth();                                 // create a new script loader
            waves      = loadScript.loadMouthLevel(level.getLevel());           // load the proper script to the level and store data

            // begin parsing the data
            currentWave          = 0;                                           // reset the current wave counter to 0
            waveDelay            = waves[0].startDelay;                         // get the waveDelay for the current wave
            waveTime             = waves[0].runTime;                            // get the waveTime for the current wave
            SpawnInterval        = waves[0].foodSpawnInterval;                  // get the spawnInterval for the current wave
            speed                = waves[0].foodSpeed;                          // get the foodSpped for the current wave
            m_TimeSinceLastSpawn = 0f;                                          // reset the time since last spawn to 0