public void TestJetThreadstatsToStringPerf() { var t = new JET_THREADSTATS { cPageReferenced = 10, cPageRead = 5, cPagePreread = 4, cPageDirtied = 3, cPageRedirtied = 2, cLogRecord = 1, cbLogRecord = 0, }; // Call the method once to make sure it is compiled. string ignored = t.ToString(); const int N = 100000; EsentStopwatch s = EsentStopwatch.StartNew(); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { ignored = t.ToString(); } s.Stop(); double ms = Math.Max(1, s.Elapsed.Milliseconds); EseInteropTestHelper.ConsoleWriteLine("{0} calls in {1} ({2} ms/call)", N, s.Elapsed, ms / N); }
public void TestStartAndStopEsentStopwatch() { var stopwatch = new EsentStopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); stopwatch.Stop(); }
public void TestStoppedStopwatchToString() { var stopwatch = new EsentStopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); stopwatch.Stop(); Assert.AreEqual(stopwatch.Elapsed.ToString(), stopwatch.ToString()); }