private void Setup() { if (!App.Crawler.HasCourse(courseId)) { ErrorReporting.Log("App.Crawler.HasCourse is false"); SafeGoBack(); return; } var course = App.Crawler.GetCourse(courseId); title.Text = course.Topic.Name; ErrorReporting.Log(courseId + " = " + course.Topic.Name + " [" + course.Name + "]"); if (pivot.ItemsSource == null) { Load(false); } else { foreach (var lectureSection in pivot.ItemsSource.Cast <LectureSection>()) { foreach (var lecture in lectureSection.Lectures) { lecture.DownloadInfo.RefreshStatus(); } } } }
public static void Init(PhoneApplicationPage page) { if (!(page is SettingsPage)) { var settingsMenuItem = new ApplicationBarMenuItem("Settings"); settingsMenuItem.Click += delegate { ErrorReporting.Log("OnSettingsClick"); page.NavigateToSettings(); }; page.ApplicationBar.MenuItems.Add(settingsMenuItem); } var aboutButton = new ApplicationBarIconButton(new Uri("/Assets/Icons/dark/appbar.information.png", UriKind.Relative)) { Text = "About" }; aboutButton.Click += delegate { ErrorReporting.Log("OnAboutClick"); page.NavigationService.Navigate(page.GetUri <AboutPage>()); }; page.ApplicationBar.Buttons.Insert(0, aboutButton); }
private void OnCourseCatalogClickFromAppBar(object sender, EventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnCourseCatalogClickFromAppBar"); new WebBrowserTask { Uri = new Uri("") }.Show(); }
private void OnCreateAccountClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnCreateAccountClick"); new WebBrowserTask { Uri = new Uri("") }.Show(); }
private void OnStationClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnStationClick"); var dataContext = ((Button)sender).DataContext; GoToStation(dataContext); }
private void OnStreamClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnStreamClick"); var lecture = (Lecture)((Button)sender).DataContext; ErrorReporting.Log("Lecture = " + lecture.Title + " [" + lecture.Id + "]"); if (videoLazyBlocks.ContainsKey(lecture.Id)) { ErrorReporting.Log("Already fetching video url"); } else { videoLazyBlocks.Add(lecture.Id, new LazyBlock <string>( "video location", null, lecture.VideoUrl, _ => false, new LazyBlockUI <string>( this, videoUrl => { ErrorReporting.Log("Launching video from url"); VideoPage.LaunchVideoFromUrl(this, videoUrl); }, () => false, null), false, null, _ => videoLazyBlocks.Remove(lecture.Id), null)); } }
private void OnPlayOrDownloadOrCancelClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnPlayOrDownloadOrCancelClick"); var lecture = (Lecture)((Button)sender).DataContext; ErrorReporting.Log("Lecture = " + lecture.Title + " [" + lecture.Id + "]"); if (videoLazyBlocks.ContainsKey(lecture.Id)) { ErrorReporting.Log("Already fetching video url"); } else if (lecture.DownloadInfo.Downloading) { ErrorReporting.Log("Cancelling download"); ((DownloadInfo)lecture.DownloadInfo).Monitor.RequestCancel(); } else if (lecture.DownloadInfo.Downloaded) { ErrorReporting.Log("Launching downloaded video"); VideoPage.LaunchDownloadedVideo(this, lecture.DownloadInfo); } else { StartDownload(lecture); } }
private void OnCourseClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnCourseClick"); var course = (Course)((Button)sender).DataContext; NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/CoursePage.xaml?courseId=" + course.Id, UriKind.Relative)); }
private void OnSaveClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnSaveClick"); Settings.Set(Setting.LocationServicesEnabled, enableLocationServices.IsChecked == true); Settings.Set(Setting.AutoRefresh, autoRefresh.IsChecked == true); LocationService.Setup(); NavigationService.GoBack(); }
private void OnRefreshClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnRefreshClick"); if (journeyElementsLazyBlock != null) { journeyElementsLazyBlock.Refresh(); } }
private void OnRecentItemRemoveClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnRecentItemRemoveClick"); var dataContext = (DeparturesAndArrivalsTable)((MenuItem)sender).DataContext; RecentItems.Remove(dataContext); RefreshRecentItemsList(); }
private void OnLiveProgressFromArrivalsClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnLiveProgressFromArrivalsClick"); var arrival = (Arrival)((Button)sender).DataContext; var title = departuresAndArrivalsTable.Match(_ => arrival.Origin, (_, origin) => origin.Name) + " to " + departuresAndArrivalsTable.Station.Name; LiveProgressPage.SetDetails(title, arrival.Details); NavigationService.Navigate(this.GetUri <LiveProgressPage>()); }
private void OnLiveProgressFromDeparturesClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnLiveProgressFromDeparturesClick"); var departure = (Departure)((Button)sender).DataContext; var title = departuresAndArrivalsTable.Station.Name + " to " + departuresAndArrivalsTable.Match(_ => departure.Destination, (_, destination) => destination.Name); LiveProgressPage.SetDetails(title, departure.Details); NavigationService.Navigate(this.GetUri <LiveProgressPage>()); }
private void OnOpenInBrowserClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnOpenInBrowserClick"); var course = App.Crawler.GetCourse(courseId); new WebBrowserTask { Uri = new Uri(course.HomeLink) }.Show(); }
private void OnDeleteClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnDeleteClick"); var lecture = (Lecture)((MenuItem)sender).DataContext; ErrorReporting.Log("Lecture = " + lecture.Title + " [" + lecture.Id + "]"); lecture.DownloadInfo.DeleteVideo(); }
private void OnPlayClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnPlayClick"); var downloadInfo = (DownloadInfo)((Button)sender).DataContext; ErrorReporting.Log("Course = " + downloadInfo.CourseTopicName + " [" + downloadInfo.CourseId + "] Lecture = " + downloadInfo.LectureTitle + " [" + downloadInfo.LectureId + "]"); VideoPage.LaunchDownloadedVideo(this, downloadInfo); }
private void OnDeleteAllClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnDeleteAllClick"); foreach (var downloadInfo in completed) { downloadInfo.DeleteVideo(); } completed.Clear(); RefreshEmptyMessagesVisibility(); }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { courseId = int.Parse(NavigationContext.QueryString["courseId"]); // settings changed if (lastEmail != null && lastEmail != Settings.GetString(Setting.Email)) { ErrorReporting.Log("Settings changed"); pivot.ItemsSource = null; } lastEmail = Settings.GetString(Setting.Email); // app was tombstoned or settings changed if (App.Crawler == null) { ErrorReporting.Log("App.Crawler is null"); var email = Settings.GetString(Setting.Email); var password = Settings.GetString(Setting.Password); if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(email) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))) { SafeGoBack(); return; } App.Crawler = new Crawler(email, password, Cache.GetFiles(), Cache.SaveFile, DownloadInfo.Create); new LazyBlock <Course[]>( "courses", "No courses", App.Crawler.Courses, a => a.Length == 0, new LazyBlockUI <Course[]>( this, _ => Setup(), () => false, messageTextBlock), false, null, success => { if (!success) { ErrorReporting.Log("Failed to get courses"); App.Crawler = null; SafeGoBack(); } }, null); } else { Setup(); } }
private void OnPinToStartClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnPinToStartClick"); var uri = GetUri(departuresAndArrivalsTable); if (!IsStationPinnedToStart()) { ShellTile.Create(GetUri(departuresAndArrivalsTable), GetTileData(), supportsWideTile: true); } GetPinToStartButton().IsEnabled = false; }
private void SafeGoBack() { if (NavigationService.CanGoBack) { NavigationService.GoBack(); } else { ErrorReporting.Log("Can not go back"); } }
private void OnRefreshClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnRefreshClick"); if (pivot.SelectedIndex != 1 && departuresLazyBlock != null) { departuresLazyBlock.Refresh(); } if (pivot.SelectedIndex != 0 && arrivalsLazyBlock != null) { arrivalsLazyBlock.Refresh(); } }
private void OnFilterOrClearFilterClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnFilterOrClearFilterClick"); if (departuresAndArrivalsTable.HasDestinationFilter) { NavigationService.Navigate(GetUri(departuresAndArrivalsTable.WithoutFilter)); } else { NavigationService.Navigate(MainAndFilterPage.GetUri(this, departuresAndArrivalsTable.Station)); } }
private void OnLectureNotesClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnLectureNotesClick"); var lecture = (Lecture)((Button)sender).DataContext; ErrorReporting.Log("Lecture = " + lecture.Title + " [" + lecture.Id + "]"); new WebBrowserTask { Uri = new Uri(lecture.LectureNotesUrl) }.Show(); }
private void OnCancelAllClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnCancelAllClick"); foreach (var downloadInfo in inProgress) { // might be null if it was just completed, but hasn't been removed from the list yet if (downloadInfo.Monitor != null) { downloadInfo.Monitor.RequestCancel(); } } inProgress.Clear(); RefreshEmptyMessagesVisibility(); }
private void Load(bool refresh) { if (lecturesLazyBlock != null) { lecturesLazyBlock.Cancel(); lecturesLazyBlock = null; } var course = App.Crawler.GetCourse(courseId); if (!course.Active) { if (course.HasFinished) { messageTextBlock.Text = "Lectures no longer available"; } else { messageTextBlock.Text = "Lectures not available yet"; } } else { if (refresh) { course = App.Crawler.RefreshCourse(course.Id); } lecturesLazyBlock = new LazyBlock <LectureSection[]>( "lectures", "No lectures available. Make sure you have accepted the honor code.", course.LectureSections, a => a.Length == 0, new LazyBlockUI <LectureSection[]>( this, lectureSections => pivot.ItemsSource = lectureSections, () => pivot.ItemsSource != null, messageTextBlock), false, null, success => { if (!success) { ErrorReporting.Log("Failed to get lectures"); } }, null); } }
private void OnRefreshClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnRefreshClick"); var email = Settings.GetString(Setting.Email); var password = Settings.GetString(Setting.Password); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(email) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { this.NavigateToSettings(); } else { LoadCourses(email, password, true); } }
private void OnSaveClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnSaveClick"); if (email.Text != Settings.GetString(Setting.Email)) { Cache.DeleteAllFiles(); App.Crawler = null; } else if (password.Password != Settings.GetString(Setting.Password)) { App.Crawler = null; } Settings.Set(Setting.Email, email.Text); Settings.Set(Setting.Password, password.Password); Settings.Set(Setting.RunUnderLockScreen, runUnderLockScreen.IsChecked == true); EnableOrDisableLockScreen(); NavigationService.GoBack(); }
private void OnDownloadAllClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnDownloadAllClick"); if (pivot.SelectedIndex != -1 && pivot.ItemsSource != null) { var lectureSections = (LectureSection[])pivot.ItemsSource; if (pivot.SelectedIndex < lectureSections.Length) { foreach (var lecture in lectureSections[pivot.SelectedIndex].Lectures) { if (!videoLazyBlocks.ContainsKey(lecture.Id) && !lecture.DownloadInfo.Downloading && !lecture.DownloadInfo.Downloaded) { StartDownload(lecture); } } } } }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { base.OnNavigatedTo(e); if (journeyElementsLazyAsync == null) { ErrorReporting.Log("journeyElementsLazyAsync is null"); if (NavigationService.CanGoBack) { NavigationService.GoBack(); } else { ErrorReporting.Log("Can not go back"); } return; } if (journeyElementsLazyBlock != null) { if (journeyElements.ItemsSource == null) { journeyElementsLazyBlock.Refresh(); } } else { title.Text = trainTitle; if (title.Text.Length > 40) { title.Text = title.Text.Replace(" to ", "\nto "); } journeyElementsLazyBlock = new LazyBlock <JourneyElement[]>( "live progress", "No information available", journeyElementsLazyAsync, items => items.Length == 0, new LazyBlockUI <JourneyElement>(this, journeyElements, journeyElementsMessageTextBlock, journeyElementsLastUpdatedTextBlock), Settings.GetBool(Setting.AutoRefresh), null, null, null); } }
private void OnSendTextMessage(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ErrorReporting.Log("OnSendTextMessage"); var departure = (Departure)((MenuItem)sender).DataContext; var body = "I'm taking the " + departure.Due + " train from " + departuresAndArrivalsTable.Station.Name + " to " + departuresAndArrivalsTable.Match(_ => departure.Destination, (_, destination) => destination.Name); if (departure.ArrivalIsKnown) { body += ". I'll be there at " + departure.Arrival.Value.Value.Expected.Value; } new SmsComposeTask { Body = body }.Show(); }