Пример #1
 private bool TryParseInclude(Include include, ModuleDecl module, BuiltIns builtIns, ErrorReporter errorReporter, Errors errors)
     try {
         var dafnyFile  = new DafnyFile(include.includedFilename);
         int errorCount = Parser.Parse(
             useStdin: false,
             verifyThisFile: false,
             compileThisFile: false
         if (errorCount != 0)
             errorReporter.Error(MessageSource.Parser, include.tok, $"{errorCount} parse error(s) detected in {include.includedFilename}");
     } catch (IllegalDafnyFile e) {
         errorReporter.Error(MessageSource.Parser, include.tok, $"Include of file {include.includedFilename} failed.");
         _logger.LogDebug(e, "encountered include of illegal dafny file {}", include.includedFilename);
     } catch (IOException e) {
         errorReporter.Error(MessageSource.Parser, include.tok, $"Unable to open the include {include.includedFilename}.");
         _logger.LogDebug(e, "could not open file {}", include.includedFilename);
Пример #2
 public void SemErr(IToken tok, string msg)    // semantic errors
     Contract.Requires(tok != null);
     Contract.Requires(msg != null);
     Reporting.Error(MessageSource.Parser, tok, msg);
Пример #3
    private void CodeSign(string BaseDirectory, string GameName, string RawProjectPath, UnrealTargetConfiguration TargetConfig, string LocalRoot, string ProjectName, string ProjectDirectory, bool IsCode, bool Distribution = false)
        // check for the proper xcodeproject
        bool   bWasGenerated = false;
        string XcodeProj     = EnsureXcodeProjectExists(RawProjectPath, LocalRoot, ProjectName, ProjectDirectory, IsCode, out bWasGenerated);
        string Arguments     = "UBT_NO_POST_DEPLOY=true";

        Arguments += " /usr/bin/xcrun xcodebuild build -project \"" + XcodeProj + "\"";
        Arguments += " -scheme '";
        Arguments += GameName;
        Arguments += " - iOS'";
        Arguments += " -configuration " + TargetConfig.ToString();
        Arguments += " CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=" + (Distribution ? "\"iPhone Distribution\"" : "\"iPhone Developer\"");
        ProcessResult Result = Run("/usr/bin/env", Arguments, null, ERunOptions.Default);

        if (bWasGenerated)
            InternalUtils.SafeDeleteDirectory(XcodeProj, true);
        if (Result.ExitCode != 0)
            ErrorReporter.Error("CodeSign Failed", (int)ErrorCodes.Error_FailedToCodeSign);
            throw new AutomationException("CodeSign Failed");
    private static string GetFinalObbName(string ApkName)
        // calculate the name for the .obb file
        string PackageName = GetPackageInfo(ApkName, false);

        if (PackageName == null)
            ErrorReporter.Error("Failed to get package name from " + ApkName, (int)ErrorCodes.Error_FailureGettingPackageInfo);
            throw new AutomationException("Failed to get package name from " + ApkName);

        string PackageVersion = GetPackageInfo(ApkName, true);

        if (PackageVersion == null || PackageVersion.Length == 0)
            ErrorReporter.Error("Failed to get package version from " + ApkName, (int)ErrorCodes.Error_FailureGettingPackageInfo);
            throw new AutomationException("Failed to get package version from " + ApkName);

        if (PackageVersion.Length > 0)
            int IntVersion = int.Parse(PackageVersion);
            PackageVersion = IntVersion.ToString("0");

        string ObbName = string.Format("main.{0}.{1}.obb", PackageVersion, PackageName);

        // plop the .obb right next to the executable
        ObbName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(ApkName), ObbName);

Пример #5
        public ProofState(Program program, ErrorReporter reporter, Program unresolvedProgram = null)
            Contract.Requires(program != null);
            // get a new program instance
            Datatypes        = new Dictionary <string, DatatypeDecl>();
            _topLevelClasses = new List <TopLevelClassDeclaration>();
            Reporter         = reporter;
            //get some token such that _filename != null
            var tld    = (ClassDecl)program.DefaultModuleDef.TopLevelDecls.FirstOrDefault(x => x is ClassDecl);
            var member = tld?.Members.FirstOrDefault();
            var tok    = member?.tok;

            if (unresolvedProgram == null)
                var err = Parser.ParseCheck(new List <string>()
                    tok?.filename ?? program.FullName
                }, program.Name, out _original);
                if (err != null)
                    reporter.Error(MessageSource.Tacny, program.DefaultModuleDef.tok, $"Error parsing a fresh Tacny program: {err}");
                _original = unresolvedProgram;
            ResultCache = new List <TacticCache>();
            // fill state
        public override object VisitFunctionDefinition([NotNull] functionalParser.FunctionDefinitionContext context)
            var predicate = ((string, string[], Ty))Visit(context.predicate());

            FunctionType functionPredicate;

            if (predicate.Item3.Type.Is <FunctionType>())
                functionPredicate = predicate.Item3.Type.As <FunctionType>();
                // If the predicate is not a function type make it into one (e.g. main :: Int)
                functionPredicate = new FunctionType(new Ty[] { predicate.Item3 });

            var overloads = context.stmt().Select(
                (obj) => ((string, Pattern[], Node, WhereClauseNode))Visit(obj)).ToArray();

            // check if all functions are of the same name
            if (overloads.Any((obj) => obj.Item1 != predicate.Item1))
                ErrorReporter.Error("The function block `{0}` contains different functions", predicate.Item1);

            return(new FunctionNode(
                       overloads.Select((obj) => (obj.Item2, obj.Item3, obj.Item4)).ToArray(),
Пример #7
 public AstType Get(string name)
     if (table.TryGetValue(name, out AstType type))
     // TODO line count print
     ErrorReporter.Error("Type `{0}` does not exist", name);
Пример #8
 private static string GetAaptPath()
     // there is a numbered directory in here, hunt it down
     string[] Subdirs = Directory.GetDirectories(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%ANDROID_HOME%/build-tools/"));
     if (Subdirs.Length == 0)
         ErrorReporter.Error("Failed to find %ANDROID_HOME%/build-tools subdirectory", (int)ErrorCodes.Error_AndroidBuildToolsPathNotFound);
         throw new AutomationException("Failed to find %ANDROID_HOME%/build-tools subdirectory");
     // we expect there to be one, so use the first one
     return(Path.Combine(Subdirs[0], "aapt.exe"));
Пример #9
        public static functionalParser Parse(string filePath)
            if (!File.Exists(filePath))
                ErrorReporter.Error("File {0} does not exist", filePath);

            AntlrInputStream  inputStream       = new AntlrInputStream(File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));
            functionalLexer   lexer             = new functionalLexer(inputStream);
            CommonTokenStream commonTokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);

            return(new functionalParser(commonTokenStream));
Пример #10
 private void CaptureViolatedPostconditions(ErrorInformation errorInfo)
     _errorReporter.Error(VerifierMessageSource, errorInfo.Tok, errorInfo.Msg);
     foreach (var auxiliaryErrorInfo in errorInfo.Aux)
         // The execution trace is an additional auxiliary which identifies itself with
         // line=0 and character=0. These positions cause errors when exposing them, Furthermore,
         // the execution trace message appears to not have any interesting information.
         if (auxiliaryErrorInfo.Tok.line > 0)
             _errorReporter.Info(VerifierMessageSource, auxiliaryErrorInfo.Tok, auxiliaryErrorInfo.Msg);
    public override void GetFilesToArchive(ProjectParams Params, DeploymentContext SC)
        if (SC.StageTargetConfigurations.Count != 1)
            string ErrorString = String.Format("Android is currently only able to package one target configuration at a time, but StageTargetConfigurations contained {0} configurations", SC.StageTargetConfigurations.Count);
            ErrorReporter.Error(ErrorString, (int)ErrorCodes.Error_OnlyOneTargetConfigurationSupported);
            throw new AutomationException(ErrorString);

        string[] Architectures         = UnrealBuildTool.AndroidToolChain.GetAllArchitectures();
        string[] GPUArchitectures      = UnrealBuildTool.AndroidToolChain.GetAllGPUArchitectures();
        bool     bMakeSeparateApks     = UnrealBuildTool.Android.UEDeployAndroid.ShouldMakeSeparateApks();
        bool     bPackageDataInsideApk = UnrealBuildTool.Android.UEDeployAndroid.PackageDataInsideApk(false);

        bool bAddedOBB = false;

        foreach (string Architecture in Architectures)
            foreach (string GPUArchitecture in GPUArchitectures)
                string ApkName   = GetFinalApkName(Params, SC.StageExecutables[0], true, bMakeSeparateApks ? Architecture : "", bMakeSeparateApks ? GPUArchitecture : "");
                string ObbName   = GetFinalObbName(ApkName);
                string BatchName = GetFinalBatchName(ApkName, Params, bMakeSeparateApks ? Architecture : "", bMakeSeparateApks ? GPUArchitecture : "");

                // verify the files exist
                if (!FileExists(ApkName))
                    string ErrorString = String.Format("ARCHIVE FAILED - {0} was not found", ApkName);
                    ErrorReporter.Error(ErrorString, (int)ErrorCodes.Error_AppNotFound);
                    throw new AutomationException(ErrorString);
                if (!bPackageDataInsideApk && !FileExists(ObbName))
                    string ErrorString = String.Format("ARCHIVE FAILED - {0} was not found", ObbName);
                    ErrorReporter.Error(ErrorString, (int)ErrorCodes.Error_ObbNotFound);
                    throw new AutomationException(ErrorString);

                SC.ArchiveFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(ApkName), Path.GetFileName(ApkName));
                if (!bPackageDataInsideApk && !bAddedOBB)
                    bAddedOBB = true;
                    SC.ArchiveFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(ObbName), Path.GetFileName(ObbName));

                SC.ArchiveFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(BatchName), Path.GetFileName(BatchName));
Пример #12
 public virtual void Error(string message, string sourceURI, int line, string lineText, int lineOffset)
     if (forEval)
         throw ScriptRuntime.ConstructError("SyntaxError", message, sourceURI, line, lineText, lineOffset);
     if (chainedReporter != null)
         chainedReporter.Error(message, sourceURI, line, lineText, lineOffset);
         throw RuntimeError(message, sourceURI, line, lineText, lineOffset);
Пример #13
 public static Assembly CompileAssembly(string fullSource, ErrorReporter errorReporter, params string[] referencedAssemblies)
     CompilerResults cr = DoCompile(fullSource, referencedAssemblies);
     foreach (CompilerError item in cr.Errors)
         if (item.IsWarning)
     return cr.CompiledAssembly;
    public override void PostRunClient(ProcessResult Result, ProjectParams Params)
        if (UnrealBuildTool.BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac)
            Console.WriteLine("Deleting " + Params.BaseStageDirectory + "/IOS/launch.trace");
            if (Directory.Exists(Params.BaseStageDirectory + "/IOS/launch.trace"))
                Directory.Delete(Params.BaseStageDirectory + "/IOS/launch.trace", true);

            switch (Result.ExitCode)
            case 253:
                ErrorReporter.Error("Launch Failure", (int)ErrorCodes.Error_DeviceNotSetupForDevelopment);

            case 255:
                ErrorReporter.Error("Launch Failure", (int)ErrorCodes.Error_DeviceOSNewerThanSDK);
Пример #15
        public ProofState(Program program, ErrorReporter reporter)
            Contract.Requires(program != null);
            // get a new program instance
            Datatypes        = new Dictionary <string, DatatypeDecl>();
            _topLevelClasses = new List <TopLevelClassDeclaration>();
            Reporter         = reporter;

            //note the differences between this ParseCheck and the one at the top level. This function only parses but the other one resolves.
            var err = Parser.ParseOnly(new List <string>()
            }, program.Name, out _original);

            if (err != null)
                reporter.Error(MessageSource.Tacny, program.DefaultModuleDef.tok, $"Error parsing a fresh Tacny program: {err}");

            // fill state
Пример #16
    public override void Package(ProjectParams Params, DeploymentContext SC, int WorkingCL)
        Log("Package {0}", Params.RawProjectPath);

        //@TODO: We should be able to use this code on both platforms, when the following issues are sorted:
        //   - Raw executable is unsigned & unstripped (need to investigate adding stripping to IPP)
        //   - IPP needs to be able to codesign a raw directory
        //   - IPP needs to be able to take a .app directory instead of a Payload directory when doing RepackageFromStage (which would probably be renamed)
        //   - Some discrepancy in the loading screen pngs that are getting packaged, which needs to be investigated
        //   - Code here probably needs to be updated to write 0 byte files as 1 byte (difference with IPP, was required at one point when using Ionic.Zip to prevent issues on device, maybe not needed anymore?)
        if (UnrealBuildTool.BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac)
            // copy in all of the artwork and plist
            var DeployHandler = UEBuildDeploy.GetBuildDeploy(UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS);
                                                    CombinePaths(Path.GetDirectoryName(Params.ProjectGameExeFilename), SC.StageExecutables[0]),
                                                    CombinePaths(SC.LocalRoot, "Engine"),
                                                    Params.Distribution, "");

            // figure out where to pop in the staged files
            string AppDirectory = string.Format("{0}/Payload/{1}.app",

            // delete the old cookeddata
            InternalUtils.SafeDeleteDirectory(AppDirectory + "/cookeddata", true);
            InternalUtils.SafeDeleteFile(AppDirectory + "/ue4commandline.txt", true);

            // copy the Staged files to the AppDirectory
            string[] StagedFiles = Directory.GetFiles(SC.StageDirectory, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            foreach (string Filename in StagedFiles)
                string DestFilename = Filename.Replace(SC.StageDirectory, AppDirectory);
                InternalUtils.SafeCopyFile(Filename, DestFilename, true);

        if (UnrealBuildTool.BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform != UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac)
            if (SC.StageTargetConfigurations.Count != 1)
                throw new AutomationException("iOS is currently only able to package one target configuration at a time, but StageTargetConfigurations contained {0} configurations", SC.StageTargetConfigurations.Count);
            var TargetConfiguration = SC.StageTargetConfigurations[0];

            var ProjectStub = Path.GetFullPath(Params.ProjectGameExeFilename) + "/" + Params.ShortProjectName + Path.GetExtension(Params.ProjectGameExeFilename);
            var ProjectIPA  = MakeIPAFileName(TargetConfiguration, Params);

            // package a .ipa from the now staged directory
            var IPPExe = CombinePaths(CmdEnv.LocalRoot, "Engine/Binaries/DotNET/IOS/IPhonePackager.exe");

            Log("ProjectName={0}", Params.ShortProjectName);
            Log("ProjectStub={0}", ProjectStub);
            Log("ProjectIPA={0}", ProjectIPA);
            Log("IPPExe={0}", IPPExe);

            bool cookonthefly = Params.CookOnTheFly || Params.SkipCookOnTheFly;

            // delete the .ipa to make sure it was made

            if (RemoteToolChain.bUseRPCUtil)
                string IPPArguments = "RepackageFromStage \"" + (Params.IsCodeBasedProject ? Params.RawProjectPath : "Engine") + "\"";
                IPPArguments += " -config " + TargetConfiguration.ToString();

                if (TargetConfiguration == UnrealTargetConfiguration.Shipping)
                    IPPArguments += " -compress=best";

                // Determine if we should sign
                bool bNeedToSign = GetCodeSignDesirability(Params);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Params.BundleName))
                    // Have to sign when a bundle name is specified
                    bNeedToSign   = true;
                    IPPArguments += " -bundlename " + Params.BundleName;

                if (bNeedToSign)
                    IPPArguments += " -sign";
                    if (Params.Distribution)
                        IPPArguments += " -distribution";

                IPPArguments += (cookonthefly ? " -cookonthefly" : "");
                IPPArguments += " -stagedir \"" + CombinePaths(Params.BaseStageDirectory, "IOS") + "\"";
                IPPArguments += " -project \"" + Params.RawProjectPath + "\"";

                RunAndLog(CmdEnv, IPPExe, IPPArguments);
                List <string> IPPArguments = new List <string>();
                IPPArguments.Add(Params.IsCodeBasedProject ? Params.RawProjectPath : "Engine");

                if (TargetConfiguration == UnrealTargetConfiguration.Shipping)

                // Determine if we should sign
                bool bNeedToSign = GetCodeSignDesirability(Params);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Params.BundleName))
                    // Have to sign when a bundle name is specified
                    bNeedToSign = true;

                if (bNeedToSign)

                if (cookonthefly)
                    IPPArguments.Add(" -cookonthefly");
                IPPArguments.Add(" -stagedir");
                IPPArguments.Add(CombinePaths(Params.BaseStageDirectory, "IOS"));
                IPPArguments.Add(" -project");

                if (RunIPP(IPPArguments.ToArray()) != 0)
                    throw new AutomationException("IPP Failed");

            // verify the .ipa exists
            if (!FileExists(ProjectIPA))
                ErrorReporter.Error(String.Format("PACKAGE FAILED - {0} was not created", ProjectIPA), (int)ErrorCodes.Error_FailedToCreateIPA);
                throw new AutomationException("PACKAGE FAILED - {0} was not created", ProjectIPA);

            if (WorkingCL > 0)
                // Open files for add or edit
                var ExtraFilesToCheckin = new List <string>

                // check in the .ipa along with everything else
                UE4Build.AddBuildProductsToChangelist(WorkingCL, ExtraFilesToCheckin);

            //@TODO: This automatically deploys after packaging, useful for testing on PC when iterating on IPP
            //Deploy(Params, SC);
            // code sign the app
            CodeSign(Path.GetDirectoryName(Params.ProjectGameExeFilename), Params.IsCodeBasedProject ? Params.ShortProjectName : Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Params.ProjectGameExeFilename), Params.RawProjectPath, SC.StageTargetConfigurations[0], SC.LocalRoot, Params.ShortProjectName, Path.GetDirectoryName(Params.RawProjectPath), SC.IsCodeBasedProject, Params.Distribution);

            // now generate the ipa
            PackageIPA(Path.GetDirectoryName(Params.ProjectGameExeFilename), Params.IsCodeBasedProject ? Params.ShortProjectName : Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Params.ProjectGameExeFilename), Params.ShortProjectName, Path.GetDirectoryName(Params.RawProjectPath), SC.StageTargetConfigurations[0], Params.Distribution);

Пример #17
		public static void ReportException(ErrorReporter er, RhinoException ex)
			if (er is Rhino.Tools.ToolErrorReporter)
				string msg = GetExceptionMessage(ex);
				er.Error(msg, ex.SourceName(), ex.LineNumber(), ex.LineSource(), ex.ColumnNumber());
    public override ProcessResult RunClient(ERunOptions ClientRunFlags, string ClientApp, string ClientCmdLine, ProjectParams Params)
        string DeviceArchitecture = GetBestDeviceArchitecture(Params);
        string GPUArchitecture    = GetBestGPUArchitecture(Params);;

        string ApkName = ClientApp + DeviceArchitecture + ".apk";

        if (!File.Exists(ApkName))
            ApkName = GetFinalApkName(Params, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ClientApp), true, DeviceArchitecture, GPUArchitecture);

        Console.WriteLine("Apk='{0}', ClientApp='{1}', ExeName='{2}'", ApkName, ClientApp, Params.ProjectGameExeFilename);

        // run aapt to get the name of the intent
        string PackageName = GetPackageInfo(ApkName, false);

        if (PackageName == null)
            ErrorReporter.Error("Failed to get package name from " + ClientApp, (int)ErrorCodes.Error_FailureGettingPackageInfo);
            throw new AutomationException("Failed to get package name from " + ClientApp);

        if (Params.Prebuilt)
            // clear the log
            RunAdbCommand(Params, "logcat -c");

        // start the app on device!
        string        CommandLine   = "shell am start -n " + PackageName + "/com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity";
        ProcessResult ClientProcess = RunAdbCommand(Params, CommandLine, null, ClientRunFlags);

        if (Params.Prebuilt)
            // save the output to the staging directory
            string LogPath           = Path.Combine(Params.BaseStageDirectory, "Android\\logs");
            string LogFilename       = Path.Combine(LogPath, "devicelog" + Params.Device + ".log");
            string ServerLogFilename = Path.Combine(CmdEnv.LogFolder, "devicelog" + Params.Device + ".log");


            // check if the game is still running
            // time out if it takes to long
            DateTime StartTime      = DateTime.Now;
            int      TimeOutSeconds = Params.RunTimeoutSeconds;

            while (true)
                ProcessResult ProcessesResult = RunAdbCommand(Params, "shell ps", null, ERunOptions.SpewIsVerbose);

                string RunningProcessList = ProcessesResult.Output;
                if (!RunningProcessList.Contains(PackageName))

                TimeSpan DeltaRunTime = DateTime.Now - StartTime;
                if ((DeltaRunTime.TotalSeconds > TimeOutSeconds) && (TimeOutSeconds != 0))
                    Log("Device: " + Params.Device + " timed out while waiting for run to finish");

            // this is just to get the ue4 log to go to the output
            RunAdbCommand(Params, "logcat -d -s UE4 -s Debug");

            // get the log we actually want to save
            ProcessResult LogFileProcess = RunAdbCommand(Params, "logcat -d", null, ERunOptions.AppMustExist);

            File.WriteAllText(LogFilename, LogFileProcess.Output);
            File.WriteAllText(ServerLogFilename, LogFileProcess.Output);

    private string GetBestDeviceArchitecture(ProjectParams Params)
        bool bMakeSeparateApks = UnrealBuildTool.Android.UEDeployAndroid.ShouldMakeSeparateApks();

        // if we are joining all .so's into a single .apk, there's no need to find the best one - there is no other one
        if (!bMakeSeparateApks)

        string[] AppArchitectures = AndroidToolChain.GetAllArchitectures();

        // ask the device
        ProcessResult ABIResult = RunAdbCommand(Params, " shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abi", null, ERunOptions.AppMustExist);

        // the output is just the architecture
        string DeviceArch = UnrealBuildTool.Android.UEDeployAndroid.GetUE4Arch(ABIResult.Output.Trim());

        // if the architecture wasn't built, look for a backup
        if (Array.IndexOf(AppArchitectures, DeviceArch) == -1)
            // go from 64 to 32-bit
            if (DeviceArch == "-arm64")
                DeviceArch = "-armv7";
            // go from 64 to 32-bit
            else if (DeviceArch == "-x86_64")
                if (Array.IndexOf(AppArchitectures, "-x86") == -1)
                    DeviceArch = "-x86";
                // if it didn't have 32-bit x86, look for 64-bit arm for emulation
                // @todo android 64-bit: x86_64 most likely can't emulate arm64 at this ponit
//              else if (Array.IndexOf(AppArchitectures, "-arm64") == -1)
//              {
//                  DeviceArch = "-arm64";
//              }
                // finally try for 32-bit arm emulation (Houdini)
                    DeviceArch = "-armv7";
            // use armv7 (with Houdini emulation)
            else if (DeviceArch == "-x86")
                DeviceArch = "-armv7";

        // if after the fallbacks, we still don't have it, we can't continue
        if (Array.IndexOf(AppArchitectures, DeviceArch) == -1)
            string ErrorString = String.Format("Unable to run because you don't have an apk that is usable on {0}", Params.Device);
            ErrorReporter.Error(ErrorString, (int)ErrorCodes.Error_NoApkSuitableForArchitecture);
            throw new AutomationException(ErrorString);

Пример #20
    public override void Package(ProjectParams Params, DeploymentContext SC, int WorkingCL)
        string[] Architectures     = UnrealBuildTool.AndroidToolChain.GetAllArchitectures();
        string[] GPUArchitectures  = UnrealBuildTool.AndroidToolChain.GetAllGPUArchitectures();
        bool     bMakeSeparateApks = UnrealBuildTool.Android.UEDeployAndroid.ShouldMakeSeparateApks();

        foreach (string Architecture in Architectures)
            foreach (string GPUArchitecture in GPUArchitectures)
                string ApkName   = GetFinalApkName(Params, SC.StageExecutables[0], true, bMakeSeparateApks ? Architecture : "", bMakeSeparateApks ? GPUArchitecture : "");
                string BatchName = GetFinalBatchName(ApkName, Params, bMakeSeparateApks ? Architecture : "", bMakeSeparateApks ? GPUArchitecture : "");

                // packaging just takes a pak file and makes it the .obb
                UEBuildConfiguration.bOBBinAPK = Params.OBBinAPK;         // Make sure this setting is sync'd pre-build
                var Deploy = UEBuildDeploy.GetBuildDeploy(UnrealTargetPlatform.Android);
                if (!Params.Prebuilt)
                    string CookFlavor = SC.FinalCookPlatform.IndexOf("_") > 0 ? SC.FinalCookPlatform.Substring(SC.FinalCookPlatform.IndexOf("_")) : "";
                    string SOName     = GetSONameWithoutArchitecture(Params, SC.StageExecutables[0]);
                    Deploy.PrepForUATPackageOrDeploy(Params.ShortProjectName, SC.ProjectRoot, SOName, SC.LocalRoot + "/Engine", Params.Distribution, CookFlavor);

                // first, look for a .pak file in the staged directory
                string[] PakFiles = Directory.GetFiles(SC.StageDirectory, "*.pak", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

                bool bHasPakFile = PakFiles.Length >= 1;

                // for now, we only support 1 pak/obb file
                if (PakFiles.Length > 1)
                    string ErrorString = String.Format("Can't package for Android with 0 or more than 1 pak file (found {0} pak files in {1})", PakFiles.Length, SC.StageDirectory);
                    ErrorReporter.Error(ErrorString, (int)ErrorCodes.Error_OnlyOneObbFileSupported);
                    throw new AutomationException(ErrorString);

                string LocalObbName  = GetFinalObbName(ApkName);
                string DeviceObbName = GetDeviceObbName(ApkName);

                // Always delete the target OBB file if it exists
                if (File.Exists(LocalObbName))

                if (!Params.OBBinAPK && bHasPakFile)
                    Log("Creating {0} from {1}", LocalObbName, PakFiles[0]);
                    File.Copy(PakFiles[0], LocalObbName);

                Log("Writing bat for install with {0}", Params.OBBinAPK ? "OBB in APK" : "OBB separate");
                string PackageName = GetPackageInfo(ApkName, false);
                // make a batch file that can be used to install the .apk and .obb files
                string[] BatchLines = new string[] {
                    "set ADB=%ANDROID_HOME%\\platform-tools\\adb.exe",
                    "set DEVICE=",
                    "if not \"%1\"==\"\" set DEVICE=-s %1",
                    "for /f \"delims=\" %%A in ('adb " + GetStorageQueryCommand() + "') do @set STORAGE=%%A",
                    "%ADB% %DEVICE% uninstall " + PackageName,
                    "%ADB% %DEVICE% install " + Path.GetFileName(ApkName),
                    "@if \"%ERRORLEVEL%\" NEQ \"0\" goto Error",
                    "%ADB% %DEVICE% shell rm -r %STORAGE%/" + Params.ShortProjectName,
                    "%ADB% %DEVICE% shell rm -r %STORAGE%/UE4Game/UE4CommandLine.txt",             // we need to delete the commandline in UE4Game or it will mess up loading
                    "%ADB% %DEVICE% shell rm -r %STORAGE%/obb/" + PackageName,
                    Params.OBBinAPK || !bHasPakFile ? "" : "%ADB% %DEVICE% push " + Path.GetFileName(LocalObbName) + " %STORAGE%/" + DeviceObbName,
                    Params.OBBinAPK || !bHasPakFile ? "" : "if \"%ERRORLEVEL%\" NEQ \"0\" goto Error",
                    "@echo There was an error installing the game or the obb file. Look above for more info.",
                    "@echo Things to try:",
                    "@echo Check that the device (and only the device) is listed with \"%ADB$ devices\" from a command prompt.",
                    "@echo Make sure all Developer options look normal on the device",
                    "@echo Check that the device has an SD card.",
                File.WriteAllLines(BatchName, BatchLines);

    public override void Deploy(ProjectParams Params, DeploymentContext SC)
        string DeviceArchitecture = GetBestDeviceArchitecture(Params);
        string GPUArchitecture    = GetBestGPUArchitecture(Params);

        string ApkName = GetFinalApkName(Params, SC.StageExecutables[0], true, DeviceArchitecture, GPUArchitecture);

        // make sure APK is up to date (this is fast if so)
        var Deploy = UEBuildDeploy.GetBuildDeploy(UnrealTargetPlatform.Android);

        if (!Params.Prebuilt)
            string CookFlavor = SC.FinalCookPlatform.IndexOf("_") > 0 ? SC.FinalCookPlatform.Substring(SC.FinalCookPlatform.IndexOf("_")) : "";
            string SOName     = GetSONameWithoutArchitecture(Params, SC.StageExecutables[0]);
            Deploy.PrepForUATPackageOrDeploy(Params.ShortProjectName, SC.ProjectRoot, SOName, SC.LocalRoot + "/Engine", Params.Distribution, CookFlavor, true);

        // now we can use the apk to get more info
        string PackageName = GetPackageInfo(ApkName, false);

        // try uninstalling an old app with the same identifier.
        int    SuccessCode          = 0;
        string UninstallCommandline = "uninstall " + PackageName;

        RunAndLogAdbCommand(Params, UninstallCommandline, out SuccessCode);

        // install the apk
        string InstallCommandline = "install \"" + ApkName + "\"";
        string InstallOutput      = RunAndLogAdbCommand(Params, InstallCommandline, out SuccessCode);
        int    FailureIndex       = InstallOutput.IndexOf("Failure");

        // adb install doesn't always return an error code on failure, and instead prints "Failure", followed by an error code.
        if (SuccessCode != 0 || FailureIndex != -1)
            string ErrorMessage = String.Format("Installation of apk '{0}' failed", ApkName);
            if (FailureIndex != -1)
                string FailureString = InstallOutput.Substring(FailureIndex + 7).Trim();
                if (FailureString != "")
                    ErrorMessage += ": " + FailureString;

            ErrorReporter.Error(ErrorMessage, (int)ErrorCodes.Error_AppInstallFailed);
            throw new AutomationException(ErrorMessage);

        // update the ue4commandline.txt
        // update and deploy ue4commandline.txt
        // always delete the existing commandline text file, so it doesn't reuse an old one
        string IntermediateCmdLineFile = CombinePaths(SC.StageDirectory, "UE4CommandLine.txt");

        Project.WriteStageCommandline(IntermediateCmdLineFile, Params, SC);

        // Setup the OBB name and add the storage path (queried from the device) to it
        string        DeviceStorageQueryCommand = GetStorageQueryCommand();
        ProcessResult Result          = RunAdbCommand(Params, DeviceStorageQueryCommand, null, ERunOptions.AppMustExist);
        String        StorageLocation = Result.Output.Trim();
        string        DeviceObbName   = StorageLocation + "/" + GetDeviceObbName(ApkName);

        // copy files to device if we were staging
        if (SC.Stage)
            // cache some strings
            string BaseCommandline  = "push";
            string RemoteDir        = StorageLocation + "/UE4Game/" + Params.ShortProjectName;
            string UE4GameRemoteDir = StorageLocation + "/UE4Game/" + Params.ShortProjectName;

            // make sure device is at a clean state
            RunAdbCommand(Params, "shell rm -r " + RemoteDir);
            RunAdbCommand(Params, "shell rm -r " + UE4GameRemoteDir);

            // Copy UFS files..
            string[] Files = Directory.GetFiles(SC.StageDirectory, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

            // Find all the files we exclude from copying. And include
            // the directories we need to individually copy.
            HashSet <string>   ExcludedFiles = new HashSet <string>();
            SortedSet <string> IndividualCopyDirectories
                = new SortedSet <string>((IComparer <string>) new LongestFirst());
            foreach (string Filename in Files)
                bool Exclude = false;
                // Don't push the apk, we install it
                Exclude |= Path.GetExtension(Filename).Equals(".apk", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                // For excluded files we add the parent dirs to our
                // tracking of stuff to individually copy.
                if (Exclude)
                    // We include all directories up to the stage root in having
                    // to individually copy the files.
                    for (string FileDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Filename);
                         FileDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(FileDirectory))
                        if (!IndividualCopyDirectories.Contains(FileDirectory))
                    if (!IndividualCopyDirectories.Contains(SC.StageDirectory))

            // The directories are sorted above in "deepest" first. We can
            // therefore start copying those individual dirs which will
            // recreate the tree. As the subtrees will get copied at each
            // possible individual level.
            HashSet <string> EntriesToDeploy = new HashSet <string>();
            foreach (string DirectoryName in IndividualCopyDirectories)
                string[] Entries
                    = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(DirectoryName, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
                foreach (string Entry in Entries)
                    // We avoid excluded files and the individual copy dirs
                    // (the individual copy dirs will get handled as we iterate).
                    if (ExcludedFiles.Contains(Entry) || IndividualCopyDirectories.Contains(Entry))
            if (EntriesToDeploy.Count == 0)

            // We now have a minimal set of file & dir entries we need
            // to deploy. Files we deploy will get individually copied
            // and dirs will get the tree copies by default (that's
            // what ADB does).
            HashSet <ProcessResult> DeployCommands = new HashSet <ProcessResult>();
            foreach (string Entry in EntriesToDeploy)
                string FinalRemoteDir = RemoteDir;
                string RemotePath     = Entry.Replace(SC.StageDirectory, FinalRemoteDir).Replace("\\", "/");
                string Commandline    = string.Format("{0} \"{1}\" \"{2}\"", BaseCommandline, Entry, RemotePath);
                // We run deploy commands in parallel to maximize the connection
                // throughput.
                    RunAdbCommand(Params, Commandline, null,
                                  ERunOptions.Default | ERunOptions.NoWaitForExit));
                // But we limit the parallel commands to avoid overwhelming
                // memory resources.
                if (DeployCommands.Count == DeployMaxParallelCommands)
                    while (DeployCommands.Count > DeployMaxParallelCommands / 2)
                            delegate(ProcessResult r)
            foreach (ProcessResult deploy_result in DeployCommands)

            // delete the .obb file, since it will cause nothing we just deployed to be used
            RunAdbCommand(Params, "shell rm " + DeviceObbName);
        else if (SC.Archive)
            // deploy the obb if there is one
            string ObbPath = Path.Combine(SC.StageDirectory, GetFinalObbName(ApkName));
            if (File.Exists(ObbPath))
                // cache some strings
                string BaseCommandline = "push";

                string Commandline = string.Format("{0} \"{1}\" \"{2}\"", BaseCommandline, ObbPath, DeviceObbName);
                RunAdbCommand(Params, Commandline);
            // cache some strings
            string BaseCommandline = "push";
            string RemoteDir       = StorageLocation + "/UE4Game/" + Params.ShortProjectName;

            string FinalRemoteDir = RemoteDir;

             * // handle the special case of the UE4Commandline.txt when using content only game (UE4Game)
             * if (!Params.IsCodeBasedProject)
             * {
             *      FinalRemoteDir = "/mnt/sdcard/UE4Game";
             * }

            string RemoteFilename = IntermediateCmdLineFile.Replace(SC.StageDirectory, FinalRemoteDir).Replace("\\", "/");
            string Commandline    = string.Format("{0} \"{1}\" \"{2}\"", BaseCommandline, IntermediateCmdLineFile, RemoteFilename);
            RunAdbCommand(Params, Commandline);