private Boolean ValidateUserInput() { bool bool_Test = true; if (txt_CustomerDescription.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { bool_Test = false; ErrorProvider.SetError(txt_CustomerDescription, "Enter Customer Description"); string str_error = ErrorProvider.GetError(txt_CustomerDescription); MessageBox.Show(str_error); } else if (cbx_Catagory.Text.Trim().Length == 0 || cbx_Catagory.SelectedValue == null) { bool_Test = false; ErrorProvider.SetError(cbx_Catagory, "Please Select Customer Catagory"); string str_error = ErrorProvider.GetError(cbx_Catagory); MessageBox.Show(str_error); } ErrorProvider.Clear(); return(bool_Test); }
protected override void OnValidating(System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { base.OnValidating(e); if (this.Text != "") { DateTime dateOut; IFormatProvider iFP = new CultureInfo("en-GB", true); DateTimeStyles style = DateTimeStyles.None; string givendate = this.Text; if (!DateTime.TryParse(givendate, iFP, style, out dateOut)) { errDate.SetError(this, String.Format("Silahkan masukkan tanggal yang valid dalam format ({0})", _format.ToUpper())); e.Cancel = true; } else { this.DateValue = dateOut; errDate.Clear(); } } }
private bool Validar() { bool rtn = true; errorProvider.Clear(); string errorMensaje = string.Empty; string correos = _txtPara.Text.Replace(',', ';'); string[] emails = correos.Split(';'); if (correos.Trim().Length == 0) { errorMensaje = MessageMgr.Instance.GetMessage("EMAILS_OBLIGATORIO"); } else { EmailValidator validador = new EmailValidator(); string detalleNoValidos = string.Empty; foreach (string email in emails) { if (!validador.IsValidEmail(email.Trim())) { detalleNoValidos += email + ";"; } } if (detalleNoValidos.Length > 0) { string emailsNoValidosMsg = MessageMgr.Instance.GetMessage("EMAIL_NO_VALIDO"); errorMensaje += emailsNoValidosMsg + detalleNoValidos; } } if (errorMensaje.Length > 0) { rtn = false; errorProvider.SetError(_txtPara, errorMensaje); } return(rtn); }
public static bool ObaveznoPolje(Control control, ErrorProvider err, string poruka) { bool validno = true; if (control is TextBox && string.IsNullOrEmpty((control as TextBox).Text)) { validno = false; } else if (control is ComboBox && (control as ComboBox).SelectedIndex == -1) { validno = false; } if (!validno) { err.SetError(control, poruka); return(false); } err.Clear(); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Валидация формы /// </summary> /// <param name="el">Элемент-отправитель события</param> /// <param name="errorProvider">Обработчик ошибок</param> public ushort DoValidate(Control el, ErrorProvider errorProvider) { ushort val = 0; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(el.Text.Trim())) { errorProvider.SetError(el, "Обязательное поле!"); } else if (!ushort.TryParse(el.Text.Trim(), out val)) { errorProvider.SetError(el, "Значение некорректно!"); } else if (val == 0) { errorProvider.SetError(el, "Значение не 0!"); } else { errorProvider.Clear(); } return(val); }
public bool ComprobarCamposFactura() { ErrorProvider.Clear(); bool ok = true; if (gridarticulo.Rows.Count < 1) { ok = false; ErrorProvider.SetError(gridarticulo, "Debe haber al menos un articulo para poder facturar."); } if (txtcliente.Text == "") { ok = false; ErrorProvider.SetError(txtcliente, "Este campo no puede estar vacio."); } return(ok); }
private void buttonSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int error = 0; errorProvider.Clear(); if (textBoxName.Text == "") { error++; errorProvider.SetError(textBoxName, "Required"); } if (textBoxOrigin.Text == "") { error++; errorProvider.SetError(textBoxOrigin, "Required"); } if (error > 0) { return; } DAL.Brand brand = new Brand(); brand.Name = textBoxName.Text; brand.Origin = textBoxOrigin.Text; if (brand.Insert()) { MessageBox.Show("Save Brand"); textBoxName.Text = ""; textBoxOrigin.Text = ""; textBoxName.Focus(); } else { MessageBox.Show(brand.Error); } }
public void MethodClear() { Form myForm = new Form(); myForm.ShowInTaskbar = false; Label label1 = new Label(); Label label2 = new Label(); ErrorProvider myErrorProvider = new ErrorProvider(); myErrorProvider.SetError(label1, "ErrorMsg1"); myErrorProvider.SetError(label2, "ErrorMsg2"); Assert.AreEqual("ErrorMsg1", myErrorProvider.GetError(label1), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual("ErrorMsg2", myErrorProvider.GetError(label2), "#2"); myErrorProvider.Clear(); Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, myErrorProvider.GetError(label1), "#3"); Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, myErrorProvider.GetError(label2), "#4"); myForm.Dispose(); }
public static bool CheckInputAddUser(TextBox txbUserName, TextBox txbphone, TextBox txbfullname, TextBox txbEmail, ErrorProvider errorProvider) { errorProvider.Clear(); bool k = true; if (txbfullname.Text == "") { k = false; errorProvider.SetError(txbfullname, "Khong duoc bo trong fullname"); } if (txbUserName.Text == "") { k = false; errorProvider.SetError(txbUserName, "Khong duoc bo trong username"); } else if (ChuaSpace(txbUserName.Text)) { k = false; errorProvider.SetError(txbUserName, "user khong duoc chua khoan cach"); } else if (UserController.GetUser(txbUserName.Text.Trim()) != null) { k = false; errorProvider.SetError(txbUserName, "user da ton tai"); } if (!IsPhone(txbphone.Text)) { k = false; errorProvider.SetError(txbphone, "Phone khong hop le"); } if (!IsEmail(txbEmail.Text)) { k = false; errorProvider.SetError(txbEmail, "Email khong hop le"); } return(k); }
private Boolean ValidataUserInput() { string str_Password = txt_Password.Text; string str_ConfirmPassword = txt_ConfirmPassword.Text; bool bool_Test = true; if (txt_Name.Text.Length == 0) { bool_Test = false; ErrorProvider.SetError(txt_Name, "Enter UserName"); string str_error = ErrorProvider.GetError(txt_Name); MessageBox.Show(str_error); } else if (txt_LoginName.Text.Length == 0) { bool_Test = false; ErrorProvider.SetError(txt_LoginName, "Enter LoginName"); string str_error = ErrorProvider.GetError(txt_LoginName); MessageBox.Show(str_error); } else if (user.UserId == Guid.Empty && checkUserExistedOrNot(txt_LoginName.Text)) { bool_Test = false; ErrorProvider.SetError(txt_LoginName, "LoginName already Existed. Please Choose Another"); string str_error = ErrorProvider.GetError(txt_LoginName); MessageBox.Show(str_error); } else if (str_Password != str_ConfirmPassword) { bool_Test = false; ErrorProvider.SetError(txt_ConfirmPassword, "Password And ConfirmPassword does not Match"); string str_error = ErrorProvider.GetError(txt_ConfirmPassword); MessageBox.Show(str_error); } ErrorProvider.Clear(); return(bool_Test); }
private void saveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int error = 0; aErrorProvider.Clear(); if (cityNameTextBox.Text == "") { error++; aErrorProvider.SetError(cityNameTextBox, "Requred"); } if (countryNameComboBox.SelectedValue == null || countryNameComboBox.SelectedValue.ToString() == "") { error++; aErrorProvider.SetError(countryNameComboBox, "Requred"); } if (error > 0) { return; } DAL.City aCity = new DAL.City(); aCity.Name = cityNameTextBox.Text; aCity.CountryId = Convert.ToInt32(countryNameComboBox.SelectedValue); if (aCity.Insert()) { MessageBox.Show("Data Saved"); cityNameTextBox.Text = ""; countryNameComboBox.SelectedValue = -1; cityNameTextBox.Focus(); } else { MessageBox.Show(aCity.Error); } }
private void saveBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int er = 0; ep.Clear(); if (txtName.Text == "") { er++; ep.SetError(txtName, "Name Required"); } if (txtDescription.Text == "") { er++; ep.SetError(txtDescription, "Description Required"); } if (er == 0) { DAL.Department department = new DAL.Department(); department.Name = txtName.Text; department.Description = txtDescription.Text; if (department.Insert()) { MessageBox.Show("Data Saved"); txtName.Text = ""; txtDescription.Text = ""; } else { MessageBox.Show(department.Error); } } }
private void Save() { ErrorProvider.Clear(); var isFormValid = true; if (intInCount.Value <= 0) { ErrorProvider.SetError(intInCount, Resources.RequiredValidation); isFormValid = false; } if (dblInPrice.Value <= 0) { ErrorProvider.SetError(dblInPrice, Resources.RequiredValidation); isFormValid = false; } if (!isFormValid) { return; } var selectedItemId = int.Parse(cmbItems.SelectedValue.ToString()); var count = intInCount.Value; if (!SaleManager.IsItemAvailableToSale(selectedItemId, count)) { ShowErrorMsg(Resources.SaleCountNotAvailable); return; } SaleManager.AddNewSale(new Sale { Date = dtSaleDate.Value, ItemId = selectedItemId, Count = count, Price = (decimal)dblInPrice.Value }); ItemManager.DecreaseItemCount(selectedItemId, count); ShowInfoMsg(Resources.SaleAddedSuccessfully); Close(); }
private void buttonSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int error = 0; errorProvider.Clear(); if (textBoxName.Text == "") { error++; errorProvider.SetError(textBoxName, "Required"); } if (comboBoxCountry.SelectedValue == null || comboBoxCountry.SelectedValue.ToString() == "") { error++; errorProvider.SetError(comboBoxCountry, "Required"); } if (error > 0) { return; } cityEdit.Name = textBoxName.Text; cityEdit.CountryId = Convert.ToInt32(comboBoxCountry.SelectedValue); if (cityEdit.Update()) { MessageBox.Show("City is Update."); textBoxName.Text = ""; comboBoxCountry.Text = ""; textBoxName.Focus(); } else { MessageBox.Show(cityEdit.Error); } }
private Boolean validateSignUp() { bool result = false; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFullNameSignUp.Text)) { ErrorProvider.Clear(); ErrorProvider.SetError(txtFullNameSignUp, "Name can not be empty"); } else if (!Validations.isValidEmail(txtEmailSignUp.Text)) { ErrorProvider.Clear(); ErrorProvider.SetError(txtEmailSignUp, "Invalid Email Address"); } else if (!Validations.isValidMobile(txtMobileNoSignUp.Text)) { ErrorProvider.Clear(); ErrorProvider.SetError(txtMobileNoSignUp, "Invalid Mobile No"); } else if (!Validations.isLengthValid(txtPasswordSignUp.Text, 4)) { ErrorProvider.Clear(); ErrorProvider.SetError(txtPasswordSignUp, "Password length should be more than 4"); } else if (!txtPasswordSignUp.Text.Equals(txtConfirmPassSignUp.Text)) { ErrorProvider.Clear(); ErrorProvider.SetError(txtConfirmPassSignUp, "Passwords do not match"); } else { ErrorProvider.Clear(); result = true; } return(result); }
void PassTextBox_TextChanged2(object sender, EventArgs e) { Regex regex = new Regex(@"[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]"); string text = Text; if (text.Length < 6) { errP.SetError(this, "Not valid!"); } else { foreach (char c in text) { if (regex.IsMatch(c.ToString())) { errP.Clear(); return; } errP.SetError(this, "Not valid!"); } } }
private void limparCampos() { errorProvider.Clear(); dataAvaliacaoObjetivo.Value = DateTime.Today; dataUltimaMenstruacao.Value = DateTime.Today; UpDownPeso.Value = 0; UpDownAltura.Value = 0; UpDownPressaoArterial.Value = 0; UpDownFC.Value = 0; UpDownTemperatura.Value = 0; UpDownSPO2.Value = 0; upDownMenarca.Value = 0; UpDownBTM.Value = 0; UpDownAC.Value = 0; UpDownAP.Value = 0; upDownINR.Value = 0; upDownMenarca.Value = 0; upDownGravidezes.Value = 0; upDownFilhosVivos.Value = 0; upDownAbortos.Value = 0; txtObservacoes.Text = ""; reiniciar(); }
public void NextTab() { if (IsNextAvailable) { _errorProvider.Clear(); var res = ((MyTabPage)this.SelectedTab).OnPageLeaving(new Components.PageLeavingEventArgs()); if (!res.Cancel) { this.SelectedIndex = getNextShowablePageIndex(); ((MyTabPage)this.SelectedTab).OnPageEntering(new Components.PageEnteringEventArgs()); } else { foreach (PageError pe in res.PageErrors) { _errorProvider.SetIconAlignment(pe.Control, ErrorIconAlignment.MiddleLeft); _errorProvider.SetError(pe.Control, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pe.ErrorMessage) ? pe.ErrorMessage : "Error"); } } //MessageBox.Show(res.ErrorMessage, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private int Validar() { int retorno = 0; if (!Regex.Match(CodigoPostalTextBox.Text, @"^\d{5}$").Success) { miError.SetError(CodigoPostalTextBox, "Codigo postal invalido"); retorno = 0; } if (!Regex.Match(NombreTextBox.Text, "^\\w{1,50}$").Success) { miError.SetError(NombreTextBox, "Sobrepasa el tamaño de 50"); retorno = 0; } else { retorno = 1; miError.Clear(); } return(retorno); }
private int Validar() { int retorno = 0; if (!Regex.Match(NombreTextBox.Text, "^\\w{1,50}$").Success) { miError.SetError(NombreTextBox, "Sobrepasa tamaño permitido de 50"); retorno = 0; } /*if (!Regex.Match(PrecioTextBox.Text, "/^([0-9])*$/").Success) * { * miError.SetError(PrecioTextBox, "Sobrepasa tamaño permitido de 50"); * retorno = 0; * }*/ else { retorno += 1; miError.Clear(); } return(retorno); }
private void Buscarbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { RepositorioBase <Inscripciones> repositorio = new RepositorioBase <Inscripciones>(); Inscripciones inscripcion = new Inscripciones(); Estudiantes estudiante = new Estudiantes(); Asignaturas asignatura = new Asignaturas(); int.TryParse(IdnumericUpDown.Text, out int id); inscripcion = repositorio.Buscar(id); if (inscripcion != null) { ErrorProvider.Clear(); LlenaCampo(inscripcion); //todo: llenar datos de la inscripcion LLenarEstudiante(BuscarEstudiante(inscripcion.EstudianteId)); //todo: llena id & nombre del estudiante LlenarAsignatura(BuscarAsignatura(inscripcion.AsignaturaId)); // todo: llenar id & descripcion de la asignatura } else { ErrorProvider.SetError(IdnumericUpDown, "Inscripcion no encontrada"); } }
private Boolean ValidateUserInput() { bool bool_Test = true; if (cbx_Product.Text.Length == 0 || cbx_Product.SelectedValue == null) { bool_Test = false; ErrorProvider.SetError(cbx_Product, "Please Select Product"); string str_error = ErrorProvider.GetError(cbx_Product); MessageBox.Show(str_error); } else if (txt_Quantity.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { bool_Test = false; ErrorProvider.SetError(txt_Quantity, "Enter Quantity"); string str_error = ErrorProvider.GetError(txt_Quantity); MessageBox.Show(str_error); } ErrorProvider.Clear(); return(bool_Test); }
private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int er = 0; ep.Clear(); if (txtEmail.Text == "") { er++; ep.SetError(txtEmail, "Email / Contact Required"); } if (txtPassword.Text == "") { er++; ep.SetError(txtPassword, "Required"); } if (er > 0) { return; } DAL.Login lgn = new DAL.Login(); lgn.Email = txtEmail.Text; lgn.Password = txtPassword.Text; if (lgn.LoginCheck()) { ACL.Login = lgn; this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Login, Try Again"); txtEmail.Focus(); } }
public void OnDirtyChange(int attributeID, bool Dirty) { switch (attributeID) { case 2: errorProvider1.SetError(CAValueTB, GXDLMSDirector.Properties.Resources.ValueChangedTxt); break; case 3: errorProvider1.SetError(LAValueTB, GXDLMSDirector.Properties.Resources.ValueChangedTxt); break; case 5: errorProvider1.SetError(StatusTB, GXDLMSDirector.Properties.Resources.ValueChangedTxt); break; case 6: errorProvider1.SetError(CaptureTimeTB, GXDLMSDirector.Properties.Resources.ValueChangedTxt); break; case 7: errorProvider1.SetError(CurrentStartTimeTB, GXDLMSDirector.Properties.Resources.ValueChangedTxt); break; case 8: errorProvider1.SetError(PeriodTB, GXDLMSDirector.Properties.Resources.ValueChangedTxt); break; case 9: errorProvider1.SetError(NOPeriodTB, GXDLMSDirector.Properties.Resources.ValueChangedTxt); break; default: errorProvider1.Clear(); break; } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String Name, Email, Mobile; Name = textBox1.Text; Email = textBox2.Text; Mobile = textBox3.Text; if (Name.Length == 0 || Name.Length > 30) { errorProvider1.SetError(textBox1, " Please Enter Valid Name "); errorProvider1.BlinkStyle = ErrorBlinkStyle.AlwaysBlink; } else if (Email.Length == 0 || Email.Length > 30) { errorProvider1.SetError(textBox2, " Please Enter Valid Email "); errorProvider1.BlinkStyle = ErrorBlinkStyle.AlwaysBlink; } else if (Mobile.Length == 0 || Mobile.Length > 30) { errorProvider1.SetError(textBox3, " Please Enter Valid Mobile "); errorProvider1.BlinkStyle = ErrorBlinkStyle.AlwaysBlink; } else { con.Open(); errorProvider1.Clear(); cmd.Connection = con; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand("Update Suppliers set Name = '" + Name.ToString() + "',Mobile = '" + Mobile.ToString() + "' Where Email = '" + Email + "'", con); int success = myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (success == 1) { MessageBox.Show(success + " row has been inserted "); } con.Close(); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int er = 0; ep.Clear(); if (txtName.Text == "") { er++; ep.SetError(txtName, "Requred"); } if (txtOrigin.Text == "") { er++; ep.SetError(txtOrigin, "Required"); } if (er > 0) { return; } //br.Id = 1; br.Name = txtName.Text; br.Origin = txtOrigin.Text; if (br.Update()) { MessageBox.Show("Updated"); txtName.Focus(); } else { MessageBox.Show(br.Error); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String Name, Address, Mobile; Name = textBox1.Text; Address = textBox2.Text; Mobile = textBox3.Text; if (Name.Length == 0 || Name.Length > 30) { errorProvider1.SetError(textBox1, " Please Enter Valid Name "); errorProvider1.BlinkStyle = ErrorBlinkStyle.AlwaysBlink; } else if (Address.Length == 0 || Address.Length > 30) { errorProvider1.SetError(textBox2, " Please Enter Valid Address "); errorProvider1.BlinkStyle = ErrorBlinkStyle.AlwaysBlink; } else if (Mobile.Length == 0 || Mobile.Length > 30) { errorProvider1.SetError(textBox3, " Please Enter Valid Mobile "); errorProvider1.BlinkStyle = ErrorBlinkStyle.AlwaysBlink; } else { con.Open(); errorProvider1.Clear(); cmd.Connection = con; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand("insert into Owner values ('" + Name.ToString() + "','" + Address.ToString() + "','" + Mobile.ToString() + "')", con); int success = myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (success == 1) { MessageBox.Show(success + " row has been inserted "); } con.Close(); } }
private int Validar() { int retorno = 0; if (!Regex.Match(NombresTextBox.Text, "^\\w{1,50}$").Success) { miError.SetError(NombresTextBox, "Sobrepasa tamaño permitido de 50"); retorno = 0; } if (!Regex.Match(ApellidostextBox.Text, "^\\w{1,50}$").Success) { miError.SetError(ApellidostextBox, "Sobrepasa tamaño permitido de 50"); retorno = 0; } if (!Regex.Match(DirecciontextBox.Text, "^\\w{1,150}$").Success) { miError.SetError(DirecciontextBox, "Sobrepasa tamaño permitido de 150"); retorno = 0; } if (!Regex.Match(EmailtextBox.Text, "^\\w{1,100}$").Success) { miError.SetError(EmailtextBox, "Sobrepasa tamaño permitido de 100"); retorno = 0; } if (!Regex.Match(EmailtextBox.Text, @"\A(\w+\.?\w*\@\w+.)(com)\Z").Success) { miError.SetError(EmailtextBox, "Correo Invalido"); retorno = 0; } else { retorno += 1; miError.Clear(); } return(retorno); }
public static bool ValidateControl <T>(this Control container, T instance, ErrorProvider errorProvider, out ICollection <ValidationResult> validationResults) where T : class, new() { var innerControls = new Dictionary <string, Control>(); container.GetAllInnerControls <T>(ref innerControls); errorProvider.Clear(); var validationContext = new ValidationContext(instance, null, null); validationResults = new List <ValidationResult>(); var isValid = Validator.TryValidateObject(instance, validationContext, validationResults, true); if (isValid) { return(isValid); } foreach (var validationResult in validationResults) { foreach (var member in validationResult.MemberNames) { if (!innerControls.ContainsKey(member)) { continue; } var control = innerControls[member]; errorProvider.SetError(control, validationResult.ErrorMessage); } } return(isValid); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String ProductName = textBox1.Text; if (ProductName.Length == 0 || ProductName.Length > 30) { errorProvider1.SetError(textBox1, " Please Enter Valid ProductName "); errorProvider1.BlinkStyle = ErrorBlinkStyle.AlwaysBlink; } else { con.Open(); errorProvider1.Clear(); cmd.Connection = con; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand("Delete From Supply Where ProductName ='" + ProductName.ToString() + "'", con); int success = myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (success == 1) { MessageBox.Show(success + " row has been Deleted "); } con.Close(); } }