static bool Prefix(out Vector3 spawnPoint, out Vector3 aimDir, Humanoid ___m_character) { spawnPoint =; aimDir =; if (___m_character != Player.m_localPlayer || !VHVRConfig.UseVrControls()) { return(true); } if (EquipScript.getLeft() == EquipType.Bow) { spawnPoint = BowLocalManager.spawnPoint; aimDir = BowLocalManager.aimDir; return(false); } switch (EquipScript.getRight()) { case EquipType.Fishing: spawnPoint = FishingManager.spawnPoint; aimDir = FishingManager.aimDir; return(false); case EquipType.Spear: case EquipType.SpearChitin: spawnPoint = SpearManager.spawnPoint; aimDir = SpearManager.aimDir; return(false); } return(true); }
static void Postfix(bool __result, string ___m_rightItem, ref GameObject ___m_rightItemInstance) { if (!__result || ___m_rightItemInstance == null) { return; } MeshFilter meshFilter = ___m_rightItemInstance.GetComponentInChildren <MeshFilter>(); if (meshFilter == null) { return; } Player player = ___m_rightItemInstance.GetComponentInParent <Player>(); if (player == null) { return; } var vrPlayerSync = player.GetComponent <VRPlayerSync>(); if (vrPlayerSync != null) { player.GetComponent <VRPlayerSync>().currentRightWeapon = meshFilter.gameObject; player.GetComponent <VRPlayerSync>() = ___m_rightItem; VrikCreator.resetVrikHandTransform(player); } if (Player.m_localPlayer != player || !VHVRConfig.UseVrControls()) { return; } if (StaticObjects.quickSwitch != null) { StaticObjects.quickSwitch.GetComponent <QuickSwitch>().refreshItems(); StaticObjects.quickActions.GetComponent <QuickActions>().refreshItems(); } switch (EquipScript.getRight()) { case EquipType.Fishing: meshFilter.gameObject.AddComponent <FishingManager>(); return; case EquipType.Spear: case EquipType.SpearChitin: meshFilter.gameObject.AddComponent <SpearManager>(); // (no return, we want collider for spear also) break; } StaticObjects.rightWeaponCollider().GetComponent <WeaponCollision>().setColliderParent(meshFilter.transform, ___m_rightItem, true); ParticleFix.maybeFix(___m_rightItemInstance); }
static void Postfix(Character __instance) { if (__instance != Player.m_localPlayer || EquipScript.getLeft() != EquipType.Shield || !VHVRConfig.UseVrControls()) { return; } ShieldManager.resetBlocking(); }
static void Prefix(Character __instance, HitData hit) { if (__instance != Player.m_localPlayer || EquipScript.getLeft() != EquipType.Shield || !VHVRConfig.UseVrControls()) { return; } ShieldManager.setBlocking(hit.m_dir); }
static void Postfix(bool __result, string ___m_leftItem, GameObject ___m_leftItemInstance) { if (!__result || ___m_leftItemInstance == null) { return; } MeshFilter meshFilter = ___m_leftItemInstance.GetComponentInChildren <MeshFilter>(); if (meshFilter == null) { return; } Player player = ___m_leftItemInstance.GetComponentInParent <Player>(); if (player == null) { return; } var vrPlayerSync = player.GetComponent <VRPlayerSync>(); if (vrPlayerSync != null) { player.GetComponent <VRPlayerSync>().currentLeftWeapon = meshFilter.gameObject; VrikCreator.resetVrikHandTransform(player); } if (Player.m_localPlayer != player || !VHVRConfig.UseVrControls()) { return; } if (StaticObjects.quickSwitch != null) { StaticObjects.quickSwitch.GetComponent <QuickSwitch>().refreshItems(); StaticObjects.quickActions.GetComponent <QuickActions>().refreshItems(); } switch (EquipScript.getLeft()) { case EquipType.Bow: meshFilter.gameObject.AddComponent <BowLocalManager>(); return; case EquipType.Shield: meshFilter.gameObject.AddComponent <ShieldManager>()._name = ___m_leftItem; return; } StaticObjects.leftWeaponCollider().GetComponent <WeaponCollision>().setColliderParent(meshFilter.transform, ___m_leftItem, false); ParticleFix.maybeFix(___m_leftItemInstance); }
static bool Prefix(Humanoid __instance, ref bool __result) { if (__instance != Player.m_localPlayer || EquipScript.getLeft() != EquipType.Shield || !VHVRConfig.UseVrControls()) { return(true); } __result = ShieldManager.isBlocking(); return(false); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { txt = GetComponent <Text>(); equip = GameObject.Find("EquipButton"); equipS = equip.GetComponent <EquipScript>(); eat = GameObject.Find("EatButton"); eatS = eat.GetComponent <EatScript>(); if (shopMode) { buy = GameObject.Find("BuyButton"); buyS = buy.GetComponent <BuyScript>(); buy.SetActive(false); } equip.SetActive(false); eat.SetActive(false); }
static void Prefix(Humanoid __instance, ref HitData hit, ref float ___m_blockTimer) { if (__instance != Player.m_localPlayer || EquipScript.getLeft() != EquipType.Shield || !VHVRConfig.UseVrControls()) { return; } ___m_blockTimer = ShieldManager.blockTimer; if (ShieldManager.isBlocking()) { hit.m_dir = -__instance.transform.forward; } else { hit.m_dir = __instance.transform.forward; } }
private void checkHandOverShoulder(bool isRightHand, Hand hand, SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource, ref bool toggleShowHand) { var camera = CameraUtils.getCamera(CameraUtils.VR_CAMERA).transform; var action = SteamVR_Actions.valheim_Grab; if (camera.InverseTransformPoint(hand.transform.position).y > -0.4f && camera.InverseTransformPoint(hand.transform.position).z < 0) { if (action.GetStateDown(inputSource)) { if (isRightHand && isHoldingItem(isRightHand) && isUnpressSheath()) { return; } toggleShowHand = false; hand.hapticAction.Execute(0, 0.2f, 100, 0.3f, inputSource); if (isRightHand && EquipScript.getLeft() == EquipType.Bow) { BowLocalManager.instance.toggleArrow(); } else if (isHoldingItem(isRightHand)) { getPlayerCharacter().HideHandItems(); } else { getPlayerCharacter().ShowHandItems(); justUnsheathed = true; } } else if (!justUnsheathed && isRightHand && action.GetStateUp(inputSource)) { if (isHoldingItem(isRightHand) && isUnpressSheath()) { getPlayerCharacter().HideHandItems(); } } } if (justUnsheathed && isRightHand && action.GetStateUp(inputSource) && isUnpressSheath()) { justUnsheathed = false; } }
static void Postfix(Humanoid __instance, bool __result, ref float ___m_blockTimer) { if (__instance != Player.m_localPlayer || EquipScript.getLeft() != EquipType.Shield || !VHVRConfig.UseVrControls()) { return; } if (__result) { if (___m_blockTimer < ShieldManager.blockTimerTolerance) { VRPlayer.leftHand.hapticAction.Execute(0, 0.4f, 100, 0.5f, SteamVR_Input_Sources.LeftHand); VRPlayer.leftHand.hapticAction.Execute(0.4f, 0.7f, 100, 0.2f, SteamVR_Input_Sources.LeftHand); } else { VRPlayer.leftHand.hapticAction.Execute(0, 0.2f, 100, 0.5f, SteamVR_Input_Sources.LeftHand); } ShieldManager.block(); } }
static bool Prefix(Humanoid __instance, ref float __result) { if (__instance != Player.m_localPlayer || !VHVRConfig.UseVrControls()) { return(true); } if (EquipScript.getLeft() == EquipType.Bow) { __result = BowLocalManager.attackDrawPercentage; return(false); } if (EquipScript.getRight() == EquipType.Fishing) { __result = FishingManager.attackDrawPercentage; return(false); } return(true); }
private bool isBuildingTool() { return(EquipScript.getRight() == EquipType.Hammer || EquipScript.getRight() == EquipType.Hoe || EquipScript.getRight() == EquipType.Cultivator); }
private bool isHoldingThrowable() { return(EquipScript.getRight() == EquipType.Spear || EquipScript.getRight() == EquipType.SpearChitin || EquipScript.getRight() == EquipType.Fishing); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { txt = GetComponent<Text>(); equip = GameObject.Find("EquipButton"); equipS = equip.GetComponent<EquipScript>(); eat = GameObject.Find("EatButton"); eatS = eat.GetComponent<EatScript>(); if (shopMode) { buy = GameObject.Find("BuyButton"); buyS = buy.GetComponent<BuyScript>(); buy.SetActive(false); } equip.SetActive(false); eat.SetActive(false); }
static void Prefix(Player __instance, ref bool attack, ref bool attackHold, ref bool block, ref bool blockHold, ref bool secondaryAttack) { if (!VHVRConfig.UseVrControls() || __instance != Player.m_localPlayer) { return; } if (EquipScript.getLeft() == EquipType.Bow) { if (BowLocalManager.aborting) { block = true; blockHold = true; BowLocalManager.aborting = false; } else if (BowLocalManager.startedPulling) { attack = true; BowLocalManager.startedPulling = false; } else { attackHold = BowLocalManager.isPulling; } return; } if (EquipScript.getLeft() == EquipType.Shield) { blockHold = ShieldManager.isBlocking(); } switch (EquipScript.getRight()) { case EquipType.Fishing: if (FishingManager.isThrowing) { attack = true; attackHold = true; FishingManager.isThrowing = false; } blockHold = FishingManager.isPulling; break; case EquipType.Spear: if (SpearManager.isThrowing) { secondaryAttack = true; SpearManager.isThrowing = false; } break; // no one knows why all spears throw with right click, only spear-chitin throws with left click: case EquipType.SpearChitin: if (SpearManager.isThrowing) { attack = true; SpearManager.isThrowing = false; } break; } }