private static List<Episode> ScanForEpisodes(string html, string siteLinkNameExtension) { List<Episode> episodes = new List<Episode>(); html = html.GetSubstringBetween(0, "<div style=\"font-size:14px;\">", "</div>"); List<string> linkList = new List<string>(html.Split('"')); for (int i = 0; i < linkList.Count; i++) { if (!linkList[i].Contains("http")) linkList.RemoveAt(i--); } for (int i = (linkList.Count - 1); i >= 0; i--) { Episode e = new Episode(); string link = linkList[i]; e.AddLink(DubbedanimehdTvStreamingSite.NAME, link); e.Number = episodes.Count + 1; e.Name = "Episode " + e.Number.ToString(); e.Season = 0; episodes.Add(e); FormMain.SeriesOpenCallback(e); } return episodes; }
private async static Task<List<Episode>> ScanForEpisodes(string html, string seriesName) { List<Episode> episodes = new List<Episode>(); string list = await Util.RequestSimplifiedHtmlSiteAsync(html.GetSubstringBetween(0, "$(\"#load\").load('", "')")); int startIndex = list.IndexOf("<table id=\"episode-list-entry-tbl\">"); if (startIndex == -1) return episodes; int endIndex = list.IndexOf("</table>"); if (endIndex == -1) return episodes; string linkStart = "<a href=\""; string linkEnd = "\" title=\""; string nameStart = "<h2>"; string nameEnd = "</h2>"; int currentIndex = startIndex; while (currentIndex != -1 && currentIndex < endIndex) { string link = list.GetSubstringBetween(currentIndex, linkStart, linkEnd, out currentIndex); if (currentIndex == -1) continue; string name = list.GetSubstringBetween(currentIndex, nameStart, nameEnd, out currentIndex) .Replace(seriesName + " ", "") .Replace(" English Dubbed", ""); name = name.Trim(); if (currentIndex == -1) continue; Episode e = new Episode(); e.Season = 1; e.Name = name; e.AddLink(CartooncrazyStreamingSite.NAME, "" + link); episodes.Add(e); } var orderedList = new List<Episode>(episodes.Count); for (int i = (episodes.Count - 1); i >= 0; i--) { episodes[i].Number = episodes.Count - i; orderedList.Add(episodes[i]); } return orderedList; }
private static List<Episode> ExtractEpisodesFromHtml(int seasonNumber, string html, string siteLinkNameExtension, Control threadAnchor) { var episodes = new List<Episode>(); int episodeNumber = 0; int episodeIndex = 0; var episodeIndices = new List<int>(); Application.DoEvents(); //Scan for all episode indices. do { string searchString = "<td>" + ++episodeNumber + "</td><td><a href=\"serie/" + siteLinkNameExtension + "/" + seasonNumber; episodeIndex = html.IndexOf(searchString, episodeIndex); if (episodeIndex != -1) { episodeIndices.Add(episodeIndex); } } while (episodeIndex != -1); //Scan for episodes for (int i = 0; i < episodeIndices.Count; i++) { episodeIndex = episodeIndices[i]; Episode e = null; int index = episodeIndex; string name = html.GetSubstringBetween(index, "<strong>", "</strong>", out index); if (name == "" || (i != episodeIndices.Count - 1 && index > episodeIndices[i + 1])) { index = episodeIndex; name = ""; } string nameExt = html.GetSubstringBetween(index, "<span lang=\"en\">", "</span>", out index); if (nameExt == "" || (i != episodeIndices.Count - 1 && index > episodeIndices[i + 1])) { index = episodeIndex; nameExt = ""; } else { name += " (" + nameExt + ")"; } e = new Episode(seasonNumber, i + 1, name); /* int indexVivo = html.IndexOf(VIVO_SEARCH, index); if (indexVivo != -1) //check if a vivo link is found { if (!(i + 1 < episodeIndices.Count) || ((i + 1 < episodeIndices.Count) && (indexVivo < episodeIndices[i + 1]))) //check if the streamcloud link is before the next episode. { string vivoSite = "" + html.GetSubstringBetween(indexVivo, VIVO_SEARCH, "\""); e.AddLink(BsToVivoStreamingSite.NAME, vivoSite); } } int indexStreamcloud = html.IndexOf(STREAMCLOUD_SEARCH, index); if (indexStreamcloud != -1) //check if a streamcloud link is found { if (!(i + 1 < episodeIndices.Count) || ((i + 1 < episodeIndices.Count) && (indexStreamcloud < episodeIndices[i + 1]))) //check if the streamcloud link is before the next episode. { string streamcloudSite = "" + html.GetSubstringBetween(indexStreamcloud, STREAMCLOUD_SEARCH, "\""); e.AddLink(BsToStreamcloudStreamingSite.NAME, streamcloudSite); } } */ int indexOpenload = html.IndexOf(OPENLOAD_SEARCH, index); if (indexOpenload != -1) //check if a streamcloud link is found { if (!(i + 1 < episodeIndices.Count) || ((i + 1 < episodeIndices.Count) && (indexOpenload < episodeIndices[i + 1]))) //check if the streamcloud link is before the next episode. { string openloadSite = "" + html.GetSubstringBetween(indexOpenload, OPENLOAD_SEARCH, "\""); e.AddLink(BsToOpenLoadSite.NAME, openloadSite); } } int indexOpenloadHD = html.IndexOf(OPENLOAD_HD_SEARCH, index); if (indexOpenloadHD != -1) //check if a streamcloud link is found { if (!(i + 1 < episodeIndices.Count) || ((i + 1 < episodeIndices.Count) && (indexOpenloadHD < episodeIndices[i + 1]))) //check if the streamcloud link is before the next episode. { string openloadHDSite = "" + html.GetSubstringBetween(indexOpenloadHD, OPENLOAD_HD_SEARCH, "\""); e.AddLink(BsToOpenLoadHDSite.NAME, openloadHDSite); } } threadAnchor.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => FormMain.SeriesOpenCallback(e))); episodes.Add(e); } return episodes; }