Пример #1
        public FighterGeometry()
            var nose            = new Nose(0.5f, 0.6f, 26, 0.4f);
            var cockpitFuselage = new CockpitFuselage(nose, 1.2f, 1.2f, 3f);
            var mainFuselage    = new MainFuselage(cockpitFuselage);
            var intake          = new EngineIntake(cockpitFuselage);
            var underside       = new Underside(intake);
            var canopy          = new Canopy(0.65f, 0.5f, 3f, 16);
            var wing            = new Wing(4.5f, 4.5f);
            var rear            = new Rear(mainFuselage, underside);
            var tailFin         = new TailFin();
            var stabilizer      = new Stabilizer();
            var exhaust         = new Exhaust(rear, 0.6f);
            var bottomFin       = new BottomFin();

            var path      = exhaust.FlangeEndXSection;
            var graySlide = new Vec3(1f).Interpolate(new Vec3(0f), path.Vertices.Length);

            Paths = EnumerableExt.Enumerate(path);

            Fighter = Composite.Create(Stacking.StackBackward(cockpitFuselage.Fuselage, mainFuselage.Fuselage)
                                       .Concat(EnumerableExt.Enumerate(intake.Intake, intake.Belly, underside.Geometry, canopy.Geometry,
                                                                       wing.Geometry, wing.Geometry.ReflectX(), rear.Geometry, exhaust.Geometry,
                                                                       exhaust.StabilizerFlange, exhaust.StabilizerFlange.ReflectX(),
                                                                       tailFin.Geometry, stabilizer.Geometry, stabilizer.Geometry.ReflectX(),
                                                                       bottomFin.Geometry, bottomFin.Geometry.ReflectX())))
Пример #2
 public ColorMapEdit(float domainMin, float domainMax, float knobWidth, float minVisualLength,
                     ColorMap <Vec3> colorMap, Reaction <ColorMap <Vec3> > changed)
     : base(VisualDirection.Horizontal, HAlign.Left, VAlign.Top, false, false,
            Enumerable.Empty <Control> ())
     _bar = new ColorMapBar(domainMin, domainMax, knobWidth, minVisualLength, colorMap, changed,
                            React.By <int?> (ItemSelected));
     _picker = new ColorPicker(VisualDirection.Vertical, knobWidth, minVisualLength - (3f * knobWidth),
                               Color.Black, true, React.By <Color> (ColorChanged));
     Controls.AddRange(EnumerableExt.Enumerate <Control> (_bar, _picker)
                       .Select(c => new Tuple <Control, Reaction <Control> > (c, null)));
Пример #3
         * The only thing left is to define the implementation for
         * `IArbitrary<Command>`. We register it in the static constructor. We can
         * use the `Arbitrary<T>` wrapper class as a helper.
        static Command()
            Arbitrary.Register(new Arbitrary <Command> (

                                    * The generator consist of two branches. We will use the `OneOf`
                                    * combinator to first randomly chooses whether we push a digit
                                    * button or an operator button.

                                        * If the digit button is selected, then we choose a random
                                        * number from the range of 0 to 9, and create a `Digit`
                                        * command for the chosen number.
                                       from i in Gen.ChooseInt(0, 10)
                                       select Digit(i),

                                        * If the winner was the other branch, then we choose a random
                                        * command from the set of operators.
                                       Gen.ChooseFrom(Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Equals)

                                    * How to implement shrinking is a bit harder to figure out.
                                    * Shrinking of operators is not something we can easily define,
                                    * so we will be content with shrinking just the digit command
                                    * utilizing the shrinking defined for integers. We achieve the
                                    * true power of shrinking by reducing the lists of commands to
                                    * shorter examples when LinqCheck finds a failing sequence. This
                                    * functionality we get out-of-the-box without any additional code.
                                   com => com is _Digit n ?
                                   Arbitrary.Shrink(n.Value).Select(Digit) :
Пример #4
        public ColorPicker(VisualDirection direction, float knobWidth, float minVisualLength, Color color,
                           bool preview, Reaction <Color> changed)
            : base(preview ? direction : direction.Opposite(), HAlign.Left, VAlign.Top, true, false,
                   Enumerable.Empty <Control> ())
            Changed = changed;
            _hue    = ColorSlider.Hue(direction, knobWidth, minVisualLength, color,
                                      React.By <float> (ChangeHue));
            _saturation = ColorSlider.Saturation(direction, knobWidth, minVisualLength, color,
                                                 React.By <float> (ChangeSaturation));
            _brightness = ColorSlider.Brightness(direction, knobWidth, minVisualLength, color,
                                                 React.By <float> (ChangeBrightness));
            var controls = EnumerableExt.Enumerate <Control> (_hue, _saturation, _brightness);
            var contents = preview ?
                new Container(direction, HAlign.Center, VAlign.Center, false, false,
                              new Container(direction.Opposite(), HAlign.Left, VAlign.Top, false, false, controls),
                              Label.ColorPreview(() => _value, new SizeF(3.5f * knobWidth, 3.5f * knobWidth)))) :

            Controls.AddRange(contents.Select(c => new Tuple <Control, Reaction <Control> > (c, null)));
Пример #5
            public EngineIntake(CockpitFuselage cockpitFuselage)
                var startNode = cockpitFuselage.XSectionStart;

                XSection = CrossSection(startNode.position,
                                        -cockpitFuselage.XSection.Vertices.Furthest(Dir3D.Up).First().position.Y, 20);

                var transforms =
                    from s in EnumerableExt.Range(0.25f, 2f, 0.25f)
                    let scaleFactor = 1f + (0.2f * s.Pow(0.5f))
                                      select Mat.Translation <Mat4> (0f, 0f, -s) *
                                      Mat.Scaling <Mat4> (scaleFactor, scaleFactor, 1f)
                                      .RelativeTo(new Vec3(0f, startNode.position.Y, 0f));

                Intake = XSection
                         .Inset <P, V> (0.9f, 0.9f)
                         .Stretch(transforms, true, false)
                RearXSection = XSection.Transform(transforms.Last());

                BellyXSection = Path <P, Vec3> .FromVecs(
                    from v in cockpitFuselage.Fuselage.Vertices.Furthest (Dir3D.Back)
                    where v.position.Y < -0.1f
                    select v.position);

                var scalePoint = new Vec3(0f, BellyXSection.Vertices.First().position.Y, 0f);

                Belly = EnumerableExt.Enumerate(BellyXSection,
                                                BellyXSection.Transform(Mat.Translation <Mat4> (0f, 0f, -1f) *
                                                                        Mat.Scaling <Mat4> (1.45f, 1f, 1f).RelativeTo(scalePoint)),
                                                BellyXSection.Transform(Mat.Translation <Mat4> (0f, 0f, -2f) *
                                                                        Mat.Scaling <Mat4> (1.9f, 1.25f, 1f).RelativeTo(scalePoint)),
                                                BellyXSection.Transform(Mat.Translation <Mat4> (0f, 0f, -3f) *
                                                                        Mat.Scaling <Mat4> (1.9f, 1.3f, 1f).RelativeTo(scalePoint)))
                        .Extrude <V, P> (false, false)
Пример #6
        public void TestMin()
             * The first method we test is the `Math.Min`. It returns the
             * minimum of two numbers. So, let's generate two random integers
             * to test it. We do this by writing a LINQ expression which
             * calls the `Prop.ForAll` method twice. The random integers are
             * assigned to the variables `x` and `y`.
            (from x in Prop.ForAll <int> ()
             from y in Prop.ForAll <int> ()

              * Now we can call `Math.Min` to calculate the minimum of `x`
              * and `y`. We assign the result to the variable `minxy`. Notice that
              * this time we are not generating a random value but just evaluating
              * an expression, so we use the `let` clause instead of `from`.
             let minxy = Math.Min(x, y)

                          * Let's still generate a third arbitrary integer `z` and calculate
                          * the minimum of `x`, `y`, and `z`.
                         from z in Prop.ForAll <int> ()
                         let minxyz = Math.Min(minxy, z)

                                       * We now got all the values we need, so we complete the LINQ
                                       * expression with the `select` clause that returns our values to the
                                       * next phase.
                                      select new { x, y, z, minxy, minxyz })

             * Essentially, we have set up a test case dispenser that produces
             * three random integers and calculates their minima. Now we can
             * start checking the properties these values should have. The first
             * property is obvious: `minxy` should contain the minimum  of `x`
             * and `y`. Let's check that this is true.
            .Check(t => t.minxy == (t.x < t.y ? t.x : t.y))

             * The previous line defines a property that should hold for all input
             * values. The `Prop.Check` extension method takes a lambda expression
             * to which the randomly generated test cases are fed, and the
             * expression should evaluate to true, if the property holds. If it
             * returns false or throws an exception, the property fails. The input
             * values are wrapped in anonymous object that we assign to parameter
             * `t`. The actual values are in the fields of this object.
             * Naturally we should not use the `Math.Min` function to check our
             * property, since that is the function we are testing. Instead we
             * use the ternary `?` operator to do this.
             * We don't need to stop here. Let's check that the Min method is
             * symmetric, that is, the order of the arguments should not matter.
            .Check(t => t.minxy == Math.Min(t.y, t.x))

             * Lastly we check that the minimum operation is transitive as the
             * `<=` operator is. For this we need the third random value `z`. We
             * check that the minimum of `x`, `y`, `z` is the smallest of them. For
             * that we utilize the `Enumerable.Min` function and a helper function
             * from the ExtensionCord library.
            .Check(t => t.minxyz == EnumerableExt.Enumerate(t.x, t.y, t.z).Min());
Пример #7
 public virtual IEnumerable <SceneNode> Traverse()