Пример #1
        protected override void Solve(out string answer)
            answer = $"Solution not created yet...";
            StringBuilder   progress        = new StringBuilder("Composites checked: ");
            CompositeSolver compositeSolver = new CompositeSolver();
            List <long>     oddComposites   = new List <long>();

            //Pseudo code
            foreach (long candidate in Enumerable64.Range(1, 34000))
                if (compositeSolver.IsOddComposite(candidate))
                    if (compositeSolver.IsSumOfPrimeAndTwiceSquare(candidate))
                        progress.Append($"{candidate}, ");
                        answer = $"The smallest odd composite that cannot be written as the sum of a prime and twice a square is: {candidate}.";
Пример #2
        /// <summary>Thread1: Makes sure that queue is filled with at least 100 units of computation</summary>
        private void InputGenerator()
            var inputMax       = 30000;          //Desired input queue size
            var inputThreshold = inputMax * 0.8; //Minimum before we should refill

            while (ThreadContinueFlag)
                int newBatches = 0;
                if (inputBatches.Count < inputThreshold) //If length of input queue is shorter than target, populate it to 3000
                    foreach (int i in Enumerable.Range(1, inputMax - inputBatches.Count))
                        var tnew = Enumerable64.Range(bigInteger, batchSize);
                        bigInteger += batchSize;
                        lock (Locker)
                    AddStatusThreadsafe($"Input thread added {newBatches} new batches.");
            AddStatusThreadsafe($"Input task finished.");
Пример #3
 private void GenerateNumbers(long min, long max, Dictionary <long, long> triangleNumbers, Dictionary <long, long> pentagonalNumbers, Dictionary <long, long> hexagonalNumbers)
     foreach (long n in Enumerable64.Range(min, max - min))
         triangleNumbers.Add(n, n * (n + 1) / 2);
         pentagonalNumbers.Add(n, n * (3 * n - 1) / 2);
         hexagonalNumbers.Add(n, n * (2 * n - 1));
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes and returns the list of all primes which are smaller than the <paramref name="upperBound"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="upperBound"></param>
        /// <returns>List of primes</returns>
        public List <long> GetPrimesSmallerThan(long upperBound)
            List <long> retVal = new List <long>();

            foreach (int candidate in Enumerable64.Range(1, upperBound))
                if (IsPrime(candidate))
Пример #5
        protected override void Solve(out string answer)
            PentagonManager pentagonManager = new PentagonManager();

            //Generate numbers up to 5000
            long maxCount = 5000;

            foreach (long j in Enumerable64.Range(1, maxCount))
                PentagonNumber pj = new PentagonNumber(j);
            long count        = maxCount * maxCount;
            long progressDone = 0;

            //Create all pairs 5000x5000
            Parallelization.GetParallelRanges(1, maxCount, 50).ForAll(sequence =>
                foreach (long j in sequence)
                    foreach (long k in Enumerable64.Range(1, maxCount))
                        PentagonPair pjk = pentagonManager.CreatePair(j, k);
                        if (pentagonManager.IsSumPentagonal(pjk))
                            if (pentagonManager.IsDifPentagonal(pjk))
                                lock (pentagonManager)
                        lock (this)
                            if (progressDone % 100_000 == 0)
                                int percent = (int)(progressDone * 100.0 / count);
                                UpdateProgress($"Pairs checked out of {count}: Done {percent}%. Hits: {pentagonManager.storedPairs.Count}...");
            var solution = pentagonManager.storedPairs.OrderBy(pair => pair.AbsDifValue).First();

            answer = $"Candiates = {pentagonManager.storedPairs.Count}, D = {solution.AbsDifValue}.";
Пример #6
            /// <summary>
            /// Checks if candidate can be expressed as [n = p + 2 * a^2], where n is <paramref name="candidate"/>, p is some prime and 'a' is an integer.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="candidate"></param>
            /// <returns>Returns true if it can be expressed as p + 2 * a^2. False otherwise.</returns>
            internal bool IsSumOfPrimeAndTwiceSquare(long candidate)
                var primes = primeSolver.GetPrimesSmallerThan(candidate);

                foreach (var prime in primes)
                    foreach (long a in Enumerable64.Range(1, candidate / 2))
                        var twiceASquared = 2 * a * a;
                        if (candidate == prime + twiceASquared)
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Long (Int64) version.
        /// Gets a list of sub-ranges that can be used in parallel loop to iterate over whole range.
        /// Typical use: Call .ForAll() delegate on the returned query to distribute work on multiple processors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">The value of the first long in this sequence.</param>
        /// <param name="count">The number of sequential long to generate.</param>
        /// <param name="partitions">The number of partitions (sub-ranges) into which to divide the whole range produced.</param>
        public static ParallelQuery <IEnumerable <long> > GetParallelRanges(long start, long count, int partitions)
            List <IEnumerable <long> > enumerables = new List <IEnumerable <long> >();
            long partitionSize = (count + 1) / partitions; //Handle odd counts properly

            #region Hadle case when partitions is larget than count
            //In this case you have to ensure partition size must be at least 1
            partitionSize = Math.Max(partitionSize, 1);
            long end = count + start;
            for (long pos = start, range = partitionSize; pos < end; pos += partitionSize)
                if ((pos + range) > end) //Make sure the last partition is capped to ensure proper total count
                    range = end - pos;
                var item = Enumerable64.Range(pos, range);
            var parallels = enumerables.AsParallel();