Пример #1
        public ActionResult Index()
            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();

            IList <Entry> entries = _entriesRepository.GetList(userId);

            // Calculate the total activity.
            decimal totalActivity = entries
                                    .Where(e => e.Exclude == false)
                                    .Sum(e => e.Duration);

            // Determine the number of days that have entries.
            int numberOfActiveDays = entries
                                     .Select(e => e.Date)

            var viewModel = new EntriesIndexViewModel()
                Entries              = entries,
                TotalActivity        = totalActivity,
                AverageDailyActivity = numberOfActiveDays != 0 ?
                                       (totalActivity / numberOfActiveDays) : 0

        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(string title, string journal)
            var entries = from e in _context.Entry
                          where e.UserId == _userManager.GetUserId(User)
                          select e;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                entries = entries.Where(x => x.Title.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(title.ToUpperInvariant()));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(journal))
                entries = entries.Where(x => x.Journal.Equals(journal));
            var sortedEntries = await entries.ToListAsync();

            sortedEntries.Sort(new EntryComparer());

            var journals = from e in _context.Entry
                           where e.UserId == _userManager.GetUserId(User)
                           select e.Journal;

            var viewModel = new EntriesIndexViewModel
                TitleFilter   = title,
                JournalFilter = journal,
                Journals      = await journals.Distinct().OrderByDescending(j => j).ToListAsync(),
                Entries       = sortedEntries

Пример #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> List()
            var model = new EntriesIndexViewModel
                Entries = await this._api.GetAllAsync()

            return(this.View("List", model));
Пример #4
        public EntriesIndexViewModel GetEntriesVM(string name)
            var id      = ((UserRepostiory)_repostiory).GetUserIdByName(name);
            var entries = _repostiory.UsersData.Where(x => x.USER_ID == id).ToList();

            var userInfo = _repostiory.UserInfo.Where(x => x.USER_NAME.Equals(name)).FirstOrDefault();

            var vm = new EntriesIndexViewModel();

            if (userInfo != null)
                vm = new EntriesIndexViewModel()
                    UserData     = entries,
                    RecentHeight = Convert.ToString(userInfo.RECENT_HEIGHT),
                    RecentWeight = Convert.ToString(userInfo.RECENT_WEIGHT, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)