Пример #1
        public bool UpdateParts(ThisEntity entity, ref SaveStatus status)
            bool isAllValid = true;
            Entity_AgentRelationshipManager mgr = new Entity_AgentRelationshipManager();
            Entity relatedEntity = EntityManager.GetEntity(entity.RowId);

            if (relatedEntity == null || relatedEntity.Id == 0)
                status.AddError("Error - the related Entity was not found.");
            mgr.DeleteAll(relatedEntity, ref status);
            mgr.SaveList(relatedEntity.Id, Entity_AgentRelationshipManager.ROLE_TYPE_OWNER, entity.OwnedBy, ref status);

Пример #2
        public bool UpdateParts(ThisEntity entity, ref SaveStatus status)
            bool isAllValid = true;
            Entity_AgentRelationshipManager mgr = new Entity_AgentRelationshipManager();
            Entity relatedEntity = EntityManager.GetEntity(entity.RowId);

            if (relatedEntity == null || relatedEntity.Id == 0)
                status.AddError("Error - the related Entity was not found.");
            mgr.DeleteAll(relatedEntity, ref status);

            mgr.SaveList(relatedEntity.Id, Entity_AgentRelationshipManager.ROLE_TYPE_OWNER, entity.OwnedBy, ref status);

            //initial plan is store whole payload as json

            Entity_ReferenceFrameworkManager erfm = new Entity_ReferenceFrameworkManager();

            erfm.DeleteAll(relatedEntity, ref status);

            if (erfm.SaveList(relatedEntity.Id, CodesManager.PROPERTY_CATEGORY_SOC, entity.Occupations, ref status) == false)
                isAllValid = false;
            if (erfm.SaveList(relatedEntity.Id, CodesManager.PROPERTY_CATEGORY_NAICS, entity.Industries, ref status) == false)
                isAllValid = false;

            Entity_ReferenceManager erm = new Entity_ReferenceManager();

            erm.DeleteAll(relatedEntity, ref status);
            if (erm.Add(entity.Subject, entity.RowId, CodesManager.ENTITY_TYPE_PATHWAY, ref status, CodesManager.PROPERTY_CATEGORY_SUBJECT, false) == false)
                isAllValid = false;

            if (erm.Add(entity.Keyword, entity.RowId, CodesManager.ENTITY_TYPE_PATHWAY, ref status, CodesManager.PROPERTY_CATEGORY_KEYWORD, false) == false)
                isAllValid = false;

Пример #3
        public bool UpdateParts(ThisEntity entity, ref SaveStatus status)
            bool isAllValid = true;
            Entity_AgentRelationshipManager mgr = new Entity_AgentRelationshipManager();
            Entity relatedEntity = EntityManager.GetEntity(entity.RowId);

            if (relatedEntity == null || relatedEntity.Id == 0)
                status.AddError(thisClassName + " - Error - the parent entity was not found.");
            mgr.DeleteAll(relatedEntity, ref status);

            mgr.SaveList(relatedEntity.Id, Entity_AgentRelationshipManager.ROLE_TYPE_OFFERED_BY, entity.OfferedBy, ref status);
            mgr.SaveList(relatedEntity.Id, Entity_AgentRelationshipManager.ROLE_TYPE_OWNER, entity.OwnedBy, ref status);

            var epmgr = new Entity_PathwayManager();
            //handle pathways - using replace
            //actually just use typical pattern of delete all and then add
            //could be extreme
            //epmgr.DeleteAll( parent.EntityUid, ref status );
            var list = new List <int>();

            //check if we should get the list of ids easier
            foreach (var item in entity.HasPathwayList)
                var p = PathwayManager.GetBasic(item);
                if (p != null && p.Id > 0)
                    status.AddError(thisClassName + string.Format(" - Error - the pathway using Guid: {0} entity was not found.", item.ToString()));
            if (!new Entity_PathwayManager().Replace(entity.RowId, 1, list, ref status))
                isAllValid = false;

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Do delete based on import of deleted documents
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="credentialRegistryId">NOT CURRENTLY HANDLED</param>
        /// <param name="ctid"></param>
        /// <param name="statusMessage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Delete(string ctid, ref string statusMessage)
            bool isValid = true;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ctid))
                statusMessage = thisClassName + ".Delete() Error - a valid CTID must be provided";
            using (var context = new EntityContext())
                    context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
                    var efEntity = context.CompetencyFramework
                                   .FirstOrDefault(s => s.CTID == ctid);

                    if (efEntity != null && efEntity.Id > 0)
                        //TODO - may need a check for existing alignments
                        Guid rowId   = efEntity.RowId;
                        var  orgCtid = efEntity.OrganizationCTID ?? "";
                        //need to remove from Entity.
                        //-using before delete trigger - verify won't have RI issues
                        string msg = string.Format(" CompetencyFramework Id: {0}, Name: {1}, Ctid: {2}", efEntity.Id, efEntity.Name, efEntity.CTID);
                        //leaving as virtual?
                        //need to check for in use.
                        //context.CompetencyFramework.Remove( efEntity );
                        efEntity.EntityStateId = 0;
                        efEntity.LastUpdated   = System.DateTime.Now;

                        int count = context.SaveChanges();
                        if (count >= 0)
                            new ActivityManager().SiteActivityAdd(new SiteActivity()
                                ActivityType = "CompetencyFramework",
                                Activity     = "Import",
                                Event        = "Delete",
                                Comment      = msg
                            isValid = true;

                            //add pending request
                            List <String> messages = new List <string>();
                            new SearchPendingReindexManager().AddDeleteRequest(CodesManager.ENTITY_TYPE_COMPETENCY_FRAMEWORK, efEntity.Id, ref messages);

                            //delete all relationships
                            workIT.Models.SaveStatus        status = new SaveStatus();
                            Entity_AgentRelationshipManager earmgr = new Entity_AgentRelationshipManager();
                            earmgr.DeleteAll(rowId, ref status);
                            //also check for any relationships
                            //There could be other orgs from relationships to be reindexed as well!
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orgCtid))
                            List <String> messages = new List <string>();
                            //mark owning org for updates
                            //	- nothing yet from frameworks
                            var org = OrganizationManager.GetSummaryByCtid(orgCtid);
                            if (org != null && org.Id > 0)
                                new SearchPendingReindexManager().Add(CodesManager.ENTITY_TYPE_ORGANIZATION, org.Id, 1, ref messages);

                                //also check for any relationships
                                new Entity_AgentRelationshipManager().ReindexAgentForDeletedArtifact(org.RowId);
                                //issue with org ctid not found
                        statusMessage = thisClassName + ".Delete() Warning No action taken, as the record was not found.";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, thisClassName + ".Delete(envelopeId)");
                    statusMessage = FormatExceptions(ex);
                    isValid       = false;
                    if (statusMessage.ToLower().IndexOf("the delete statement conflicted with the reference constraint") > -1)
                        statusMessage = thisClassName + "Error: this record cannot be deleted as it is being referenced by other items, such as roles or credentials. These associations must be removed before this assessment can be deleted.";
Пример #5
        public bool Delete(string envelopeId, string ctid, ref string statusMessage)
            bool isValid = true;

            if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(envelopeId) || !IsValidGuid(envelopeId)) &&
                statusMessage = thisClassName + ".Delete() Error - a valid envelope identifier must be provided - OR  valid CTID";
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(envelopeId))
                envelopeId = "SKIP ME";
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ctid))
                ctid = "SKIP ME";
            int  orgId  = 0;
            Guid orgUid = new Guid();

            using (var context = new EntityContext())
                    context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
                    DBEntity efEntity = context.PathwaySet
                                        .FirstOrDefault(s => s.CredentialRegistryId == envelopeId ||
                                                        (s.CTID == ctid)

                    if (efEntity != null && efEntity.Id > 0)
                        Guid rowId = efEntity.RowId;
                        if (IsValidGuid(efEntity.OwningAgentUid))
                            Organization org = OrganizationManager.GetBasics(( Guid )efEntity.OwningAgentUid);
                            orgId  = org.Id;
                            orgUid = org.RowId;
                        //need to remove from Entity.
                        //-using before delete trigger - verify won't have RI issues
                        string msg = string.Format(" PathwaySet. Id: {0}, Name: {1}, Ctid: {2}.", efEntity.Id, efEntity.Name, efEntity.CTID);
                        //18-04-05 mparsons - change to set inactive, and notify - seems to have been some incorrect deletes
                        //context.Pathway.Remove( efEntity );
                        efEntity.EntityStateId = 0;
                        efEntity.LastUpdated   = System.DateTime.Now;
                        int count = context.SaveChanges();
                        if (count > 0)
                            new ActivityManager().SiteActivityAdd(new SiteActivity()
                                ActivityType     = "PathwaySet",
                                Activity         = "Import",
                                Event            = "Delete",
                                Comment          = msg,
                                ActivityObjectId = efEntity.Id
                            isValid = true;
                            //add pending request
                            List <String> messages = new List <string>();
                            new SearchPendingReindexManager().AddDeleteRequest(CodesManager.ENTITY_TYPE_PATHWAY_SET, efEntity.Id, ref messages);
                            //mark owning org for updates (actually should be covered by ReindexAgentForDeletedArtifact
                            new SearchPendingReindexManager().Add(CodesManager.ENTITY_TYPE_ORGANIZATION, orgId, 1, ref messages);

                            //delete all relationships
                            workIT.Models.SaveStatus        status = new SaveStatus();
                            Entity_AgentRelationshipManager earmgr = new Entity_AgentRelationshipManager();
                            earmgr.DeleteAll(rowId, ref status);
                            //also check for any relationships
                            //There could be other orgs from relationships to be reindexed as well!

                            //also check for any relationships
                            new Entity_AgentRelationshipManager().ReindexAgentForDeletedArtifact(orgUid);
                        statusMessage = thisClassName + ".Delete() Warning No action taken, as the record was not found.";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, thisClassName + ".Delete(envelopeId)");
                    isValid       = false;
                    statusMessage = FormatExceptions(ex);
                    if (statusMessage.ToLower().IndexOf("the delete statement conflicted with the reference constraint") > -1)
                        statusMessage = "Error: this PathwaySet cannot be deleted as it is being referenced by other items, such as roles or credentials. These associations must be removed before this PathwaySet can be deleted.";
        public bool UpdateParts(ThisEntity entity, ref SaveStatus status)
            bool isAllValid = true;
            Entity_AgentRelationshipManager mgr = new Entity_AgentRelationshipManager();
            Entity relatedEntity = EntityManager.GetEntity(entity.RowId);

            if (relatedEntity == null || relatedEntity.Id == 0)
                status.AddError("Error - the related Entity was not found.");
            mgr.DeleteAll(relatedEntity, ref status);
            mgr.SaveList(relatedEntity.Id, Entity_AgentRelationshipManager.ROLE_TYPE_OWNER, entity.OwnedBy, ref status);
            //consider storing the class properties as Json!

            //derived from
            //where to store this? It commonly require Entity.TransferValueProfile
            var etvlMgr = new Entity_TransferValueProfileManager();

            etvlMgr.SaveList(entity.DerivedFromForImport, entity.RowId, ref status);

            //delete all Entity.Lopp, .Cred, and .Assessment relationships, and then add?
            //would be convenient if a delete wasn't necessary
            //NOTE: this will leave orphan reference objects. Will need to clean up.
            //could check if target is a reference. If so delete, or check if there are other references
            //NOTE: this should have been done in TransferValueServices.HandlingExistingEntity - is done corrently, remove this
            Entity_CredentialManager ecm = new Entity_CredentialManager();

            ecm.DeleteAll(relatedEntity, ref status);
            var eam = new Entity_AssessmentManager();

            eam.DeleteAll(relatedEntity, ref status);
            var elom = new Entity_LearningOpportunityManager();

            elom.DeleteAll(relatedEntity, ref status);
            var etvp = new Entity_TransferValueProfileManager();

            etvp.DeleteAll(relatedEntity, ref status);
            foreach (var item in entity.TransferValueFromImport)
                int newId = 0;
                var from  = EntityManager.GetEntity(item, false);
                if (from == null || from.Id == 0)
                    status.AddError(string.Format("{0}.UpdateParts - TransferValueFromImport. TVP: {1}. An entity was not found for GUID: {2}", thisClassName, entity.Id, item));
                if (from.EntityTypeId == 1)
                    ecm.Add(entity.RowId, from.EntityBaseId, BaseFactory.RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_IS_PART_OF, ref newId, ref status);
                else if (from.EntityTypeId == 3)
                    eam.Add(entity.RowId, from.EntityBaseId, BaseFactory.RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_IS_PART_OF, false, ref status);
                else if (from.EntityTypeId == 7)
                    elom.Add(entity.RowId, from.EntityBaseId, BaseFactory.RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_IS_PART_OF, false, ref status);

            foreach (var item in entity.TransferValueForImport)
                int newId = 0;
                var from  = EntityManager.GetEntity(item, false);
                if (from == null || from.Id == 0)
                    status.AddError(string.Format("{0}.UpdateParts - TransferValueForImport. TVP: {1}. An entity was not found for GUID: {2}", thisClassName, entity.Id, item));
                if (from.EntityTypeId == 1)
                    ecm.Add(entity.RowId, from.EntityBaseId, BaseFactory.RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_HAS_PART, ref newId, ref status);
                else if (from.EntityTypeId == 3)
                    eam.Add(entity.RowId, from.EntityBaseId, BaseFactory.RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_HAS_PART, false, ref status);
                else if (from.EntityTypeId == 7)
                    elom.Add(entity.RowId, from.EntityBaseId, BaseFactory.RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_HAS_PART, false, ref status);

            foreach (var item in entity.DerivedFromForImport)
                var from = Get(item);
                if (from == null || from.Id == 0)
                    status.AddError(string.Format("{0}.UpdateParts - DerivedFromForImport. TVP: {1}. A TVP was not found for ID: {2}", thisClassName, entity.Id, item));
                //check that not the same as current TVP
                if (from.Id == entity.Id)
                    status.AddError(string.Format("{0}.UpdateParts - DerivedFromForImport. TVP: {1}. The DerivedFrom TVP Id ({2}) is the same as the current TVP ID", thisClassName, entity.Id, item));
                etvp.Add(entity.RowId, item, ref status);

            Entity_ProcessProfileManager ppm = new Factories.Entity_ProcessProfileManager();

            ppm.DeleteAll(relatedEntity, ref status);
                ppm.SaveList(entity.DevelopmentProcess, Entity_ProcessProfileManager.DEV_PROCESS_TYPE, entity.RowId, ref status);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string message = FormatExceptions(ex);
                LoggingHelper.LogError(ex, thisClassName + string.Format(".AddProfiles() - ProcessProfiles. id: {0}", entity.Id));
                status.AddWarning(thisClassName + ".AddProfiles(). Exceptions encountered handling ProcessProfiles. " + message);