Пример #1
        public AuthControllerTests()
            _context = Helpers.GetContext("test");
            var option = new JwtIssuerOptions
                Issuer   = "webApi",
                Audience = "http://localhost:5000/"

            var optionsMock = new Mock <IOptions <JwtIssuerOptions> >();

            optionsMock.Setup(ap => ap.Value).Returns(option);
            _userManager = new Mock <FakeUserManager>();
            var userRepository     = new EntityUserRepository(_context, _userManager.Object);
            var userService        = new UserService(userRepository, null);
            var tenantProviderMock = new Mock <ITenantProvider>();

            tenantProviderMock.Setup(serv => serv.GetTenantId()).Returns("test");
            var mapper = Helpers.GetMapper();
            var userViewModelService = new UserApiViewModelService(userService, mapper, tenantProviderMock.Object);

            _authLocalizerMock = new Mock <IStringLocalizer <AuthController> >();
            _controller        = new AuthController(optionsMock.Object, _userManager.Object, userService, userViewModelService,
Пример #2
        public PollJobServiceTests()
            _context          = Helpers.GetContext("test");
            _tenantsDbContext = Helpers.GetTenantContext();
            IPollRepository         pollRepository = new EntityPollRepository(_context, _tenantsDbContext);
            IUserRepository         userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(_context, null);
            IUserService            userService    = new UserService(userRepository, null);
            IAsyncRepository <Vote> voteRepository = new EfRepository <Vote>(_context);
            var voteService = new VoteService(voteRepository, userService);
            ITenantRepository          tenantRepository  = new EntityTenantRepository(_tenantsDbContext);
            IAsyncRepository <Setting> settingRepository = new EfRepository <Setting>(_context);
            ISettingService            settingService    = new SettingService(settingRepository);
            ITenantService             tenantService     = new TenantService(tenantRepository, settingService, null);
            var policyService   = new PolicyService(new EfRepository <Policy>(_context));
            var emailSenderMock = new Mock <IEmailSender>();

            emailSenderMock.Setup(serv =>
                                  serv.SendEmailAsync(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>()));
            var genericServiceMock = new Mock <IGenericService>();

            genericServiceMock.Setup(serv => serv.GetBaseUrl(It.IsAny <string>()))
            IPollService pollService = new PollService(pollRepository, settingService, userService, tenantService,
                                                       voteService, emailSenderMock.Object, genericServiceMock.Object);

            _pollJobService = new PollJobService(pollService, userService, voteService, settingService, pollRepository,
                                                 tenantService, policyService);
Пример #3
        public ApiSettingControllerTests()
            var context     = Helpers.GetContext("test");
            var currentUser = new ApplicationUser
                Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                FirstName      = "test",
                LastName       = "Test",
                CreatedAt      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                SecurityStamp  = new Guid().ToString(),
                EmailConfirmed = true,
                Id             = 1.ToString(),
                IsDeleted      = false,
                UserDetail     = new UserDetail
                    AuthorityPercent = 30, LanguagePreference = "tr"

            context.Roles.Add(new ApplicationRole {
                Id = 1.ToString(), Name = "Admin"
            context.UserRoles.Add(new IdentityUserRole <string> {
                RoleId = 1.ToString(), UserId = 1.ToString()

            IAsyncRepository <Setting> settingRepository = new EfRepository <Setting>(context);
            ISettingService            settingService    = new SettingService(settingRepository);
            var mapper             = Helpers.GetMapper();
            var tenantProviderMock = new Mock <ITenantProvider>();

            tenantProviderMock.Setup(serv => serv.GetTenantId()).Returns("test");

            var userManager    = new Mock <FakeUserManager>();
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(context, userManager.Object);
            var userService    = new UserService(userRepository, null);

            var          pollLocalizerMock = new Mock <IStringLocalizer <ApiSettingController> >();
            const string key             = "AdminUserError";
            var          localizedString = new LocalizedString(key, key);

            pollLocalizerMock.Setup(_ => _[key]).Returns(localizedString);

            _controller = new ApiSettingController(settingService, tenantProviderMock.Object, mapper, userService,
            var user = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new[]
                new Claim(ClaimTypes.PrimarySid, "1")

            _controller.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext
                HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext {
                    User = user
        public async Task Should_Check_User_Role()
            var context        = Helpers.GetContextAndUserRoleTestData();
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(context, null);

            Assert.True(await userRepository.UserInRole(1.ToString(), "Admin"));
            Assert.False(await userRepository.UserInRole(1.ToString(), "Test"));
        public async Task Should_Get_Active_User_Count()
            var context        = Helpers.GetContextAndUserTestData();
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(context, null);
            var count          = await userRepository.GetActiveUserCount();

            Assert.Equal(1, count);
        public async Task Should_Return_All_Users_Count_TenantIndependent()
            var context        = Helpers.GetContextAndUserTestData();
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(context, null);
            var count          = await userRepository.GetAllUserCount();

            Assert.Equal(3, count);
        public async Task Should_Get_Tenant_Admins()
            var context        = Helpers.GetContextAndUserRoleTestData();
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(context, null);
            var admin          = await userRepository.ListAdmins();

            Assert.Equal(new [] { "1" }, admin.Select(r => r.Id).ToArray());
        public async Task Should_GetUser_By_Id()
            var context        = Helpers.GetContextAndUserRoleTestData();
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(context, null);
            var user           = await userRepository.GetUser(1.ToString());

        public async Task Should_Get_SpecifiedCount_Users()
            var context        = Helpers.GetContextAndUserTestData();
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(context, null);
            var users          = await userRepository.GetAllUsers(2);

            Assert.Equal(2, users.Count());
        public async Task Should_Get_TenantUsers()
            var context        = Helpers.GetContextAndUserTestData();
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(context, null);
            var result         = await userRepository.GetUsers();

            Assert.Equal(2, result.Count);
Пример #11
        public VoteServiceTests()
            _context = Helpers.GetContext("test");
            IAsyncRepository <Vote> voteRepository = new EfRepository <Vote>(_context);
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(_context, null);
            var userService    = new UserService(userRepository, null);

            _voteService = new VoteService(voteRepository, userService);
        public async Task Should_GetDifferentTenantUser_ById()
            var context        = Helpers.GetContextAndUserRoleTestData();
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(context, null);
            var user           = await userRepository.GetUser(3.ToString(), true);

            Assert.NotEqual("test", user.TenantId);
        public async Task Should_GetVoters()
            var context        = Helpers.GetContextAndUserTestData();
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(context, null);
            var voters         = await userRepository.GetVoters();

            Assert.Equal(1, voters.Count);
            Assert.True(voters.Count(x => x.UserDetail.AuthorityPercent > 0) == 1);
        public async Task Should_Get_UserRoles()
            var context        = Helpers.GetContextAndUserRoleTestData();
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(context, null);
            var result         = await userRepository.GetUserRoles(1.ToString());

            Assert.Equal(1, result.Count);
            Assert.Contains(result, x => x.Id == 1.ToString() && x.Name == "Admin");
        public async Task Should_DeleteUser()
            var context        = Helpers.GetContextAndUserTestData();
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(context, null);
            await userRepository.DeleteUser(2.ToString());

            var user = await userRepository.GetUser(2.ToString());

        public async Task Should_Get_User_ByEmail()
            var          context        = Helpers.GetContextAndUserTestData();
            var          userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(context, null);
            const string email          = "*****@*****.**";
            var          user           = await userRepository.GetUserByEmail(email, null);

            Assert.Equal(email, user.Email);
Пример #17
        public ApiPollControllerTests()
            _context     = Helpers.GetContext("test");
            _currentUser = new ApplicationUser
                Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                FirstName      = "test",
                LastName       = "Test",
                CreatedAt      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                SecurityStamp  = new Guid().ToString(),
                EmailConfirmed = true,
                Id             = 1.ToString(),
                IsDeleted      = false,
                UserDetail     = new UserDetail {
                    AuthorityPercent = 30, LanguagePreference = "tr"
            var                        tenantsDbContext  = Helpers.GetTenantContext();
            IPollRepository            pollRepository    = new EntityPollRepository(_context, tenantsDbContext);
            IAsyncRepository <Setting> settingRepository = new EfRepository <Setting>(_context);
            ISettingService            settingService    = new SettingService(settingRepository);
            IUserRepository            userRepository    = new EntityUserRepository(_context, null);
            IUserService               userService       = new UserService(userRepository, null);
            ITenantRepository          tenantRepository  = new EntityTenantRepository(tenantsDbContext);
            IAsyncRepository <Vote>    voteRepository    = new EfRepository <Vote>(_context);
            var                        voteService       = new VoteService(voteRepository, userService);
            ITenantService             tenantService     = new TenantService(tenantRepository, settingService, null);
            IPollService               pollService       = new PollService(pollRepository, settingService, userService, tenantService,
                                                                           voteService, null, null);
            var mapper             = Helpers.GetMapper();
            var tenantProviderMock = new Mock <ITenantProvider>();

            tenantProviderMock.Setup(serv => serv.GetTenantId()).Returns("test");
            _pollLocalizerMock = new Mock <IStringLocalizer <ApiPollController> >();
            IPollApiViewModelService pollApiViewModelService = new PollApiViewModelService(tenantProviderMock.Object,
                                                                                           pollService, mapper, voteService, userService, settingService);
            var genericServiceMock = new Mock <IGenericService>();

            genericServiceMock.Setup(serv => serv.GetBaseUrl(null)).Returns(Task.FromResult("decidehub.com"));
            _controller = new ApiPollController(pollService, mapper, userService, pollApiViewModelService,
                                                _pollLocalizerMock.Object, voteService, genericServiceMock.Object, tenantProviderMock.Object);
            var user = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new[]
                new Claim(ClaimTypes.PrimarySid, "1")

            _controller.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext
                HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext {
                    User = user
        public async Task Should_Get_User_By_IdAndTenant()
            var context        = Helpers.GetContextAndUserTestData();
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(context, null);
            var user           = await userRepository.GetUserByIdAndTenant(1.ToString(), "test");

            var user2 = await userRepository.GetUserByIdAndTenant(3.ToString(), "test");

        public async Task Should_Set_GeneratedPassToken()
            var token          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var context        = Helpers.GetContextAndUserTestData();
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(context, null);
            await userRepository.SetGeneratedPassToken(1.ToString(), token, "test");

            var user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == "1");

            Assert.Equal(token, user?.GeneratePassToken);
        public async Task Should_Return_TenantVoters_Count()
            var context        = Helpers.GetContextAndUserTestData();
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(context, null);
            var testCount      = await userRepository.GetVoterCount("test");

            var test2Count = await userRepository.GetVoterCount("test2");

            Assert.Equal(1, testCount);
            Assert.Equal(0, test2Count);
        public async Task Should_Assign_Role_To_User()
            var context        = Helpers.GetContextAndUserRoleTestData();
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(context, null);
            var userRole       = new IdentityUserRole <string> {
                RoleId = 3.ToString(), UserId = 1.ToString()
            await userRepository.AssignRoleToUser(userRole);

            Assert.NotNull(context.UserRoles.SingleOrDefault(x =>
                                                             x.RoleId == userRole.RoleId && x.UserId == userRole.UserId));
Пример #22
        public async Task Should_Check_User_Can_Vote()
            var poll = new PolicyChangePoll
                Name         = "PolicyChangePoll test",
                Active       = true,
                CreateTime   = new DateTime(2018, 6, 2),
                Deadline     = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(VotingDuration + 24),
                QuestionBody = "PolicyChangePoll test"

            _context.Users.Add(new ApplicationUser
                Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                FirstName      = "test",
                LastName       = "Test",
                TenantId       = "test",
                CreatedAt      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                SecurityStamp  = new Guid().ToString(),
                EmailConfirmed = false,
                Id             = 1.ToString(),
                IsDeleted      = false,
                UserDetail     = new UserDetail {
                    AuthorityPercent = 1, LanguagePreference = "tr"
            _context.Users.Add(new ApplicationUser
                Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                FirstName      = "test",
                LastName       = "Test",
                CreatedAt      = new DateTime(2018, 5, 2),
                SecurityStamp  = new Guid().ToString(),
                EmailConfirmed = false,
                Id             = 2.ToString(),
                IsDeleted      = false,
                UserDetail     = new UserDetail {
                    AuthorityPercent = 0, LanguagePreference = "tr"
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(_context, null);
            var userService    = new UserService(userRepository, null);
            var pollService    = new PollService(_pollRepository, _settingService, userService, null, null, null, null);
            var user1Result    = await pollService.UserCanVote(poll.Id, 1.ToString());

            var user2Result = await pollService.UserCanVote(poll.Id, 2.ToString());

Пример #23
        public async Task Should_Get_User_Not_Voted_Polls()
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(_context, null);
            var userService    = new UserService(userRepository, null);
            var pollService    = new PollService(_pollRepository, _settingService, userService, null, null, null, null);
            var poll           = new PolicyChangePoll
                Name         = "PolicyChangePoll test",
                Active       = true,
                CreateTime   = new DateTime(2018, 6, 2),
                Deadline     = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(VotingDuration + 24),
                QuestionBody = "PolicyChangePoll test"
            var poll2 = new PolicyChangePoll
                Name         = "test",
                Active       = true,
                CreateTime   = new DateTime(2018, 7, 3),
                Deadline     = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(VotingDuration),
                QuestionBody = "test 123"


            _context.Users.Add(new ApplicationUser
                Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                FirstName      = "test",
                LastName       = "Test",
                TenantId       = "test",
                CreatedAt      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                SecurityStamp  = new Guid().ToString(),
                EmailConfirmed = false,
                Id             = 1.ToString(),
                IsDeleted      = false,
                UserDetail     = new UserDetail {
                    AuthorityPercent = 1, LanguagePreference = "tr"

            _context.Votes.Add(new Vote {
                PollId = poll.Id, Value = 1, VoterId = 1.ToString()
            var result = await pollService.GetUserNotVotedPolls(1.ToString());

            Assert.Equal(1, result.Count);
        public async Task Should_Set_User_Language()
            var context         = Helpers.GetContextAndUserTestData();
            var userManagerMock = new Mock <FakeUserManager>();

            userManagerMock.Setup(x => x.UpdateAsync(It.IsAny <ApplicationUser>()))
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(context, userManagerMock.Object);

            await userRepository.SetUserLangPreference(1.ToString(), "en");

            var user = context.UserDetails.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == "1");

            Assert.Equal("en", user?.LanguagePreference);
        public async Task Should_Update_UserDetail()
            var context        = Helpers.GetContextAndUserTestData();
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(context, null);
            var userDetail     = context.UserDetails.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == "1");

            userDetail.AuthorityPercent        = 50;
            userDetail.InitialAuthorityPercent = 64;
            await userRepository.UpdateUserDetails(userDetail);

            var user = context.UserDetails.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == "1");

            Assert.Equal(userDetail.AuthorityPercent, user?.AuthorityPercent ?? 0);
            Assert.Equal(userDetail.InitialAuthorityPercent, user?.InitialAuthorityPercent ?? 0);
        public async Task Should_Correctly_Update_Authority_Percents()
            var context        = Helpers.GetContextAndUserTestData();
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(context, null);
            var scores         = new Dictionary <string, decimal>
                { 1.ToString(), 80 },
                { 2.ToString(), 40 }
            await userRepository.UpdateAuthorityPercents(scores, "test");

            var user1 = context.UserDetails.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == "1");
            var user2 = context.UserDetails.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == "2");

            Assert.Equal(66.7M, Math.Round(user1?.AuthorityPercent ?? 0, 1));
            Assert.Equal(33.3M, Math.Round(user2?.AuthorityPercent ?? 0, 1));
        public UserApiViewModelServiceTests()
            _context = Helpers.GetContext("test");

            var list = new List <ApplicationUser>
                new ApplicationUser
                    Id             = 1.ToString(),
                    Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                    FirstName      = "test3",
                    LastName       = "test3",
                    CreatedAt      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    SecurityStamp  = new Guid().ToString(),
                    EmailConfirmed = true,
                    IsDeleted      = false,
                    UserDetail     = new UserDetail {
                        AuthorityPercent = 0, LanguagePreference = "tr"

            _userManager = new Mock <FakeUserManager>();

            _userManager.Setup(x => x.Users)
            _userManager.Setup(x => x.CreateAsync(It.IsAny <ApplicationUser>())).
            Callback((ApplicationUser usr) => list.Add(usr))
            _userManager.Setup(x => x.UpdateAsync(It.IsAny <ApplicationUser>()))
            .Callback((ApplicationUser usr) => list[list.FindIndex(x => x.Id == usr.Id)] = usr)
            var userRepository     = new EntityUserRepository(_context, _userManager.Object);
            var userService        = new UserService(userRepository, null);
            var tenantProviderMock = new Mock <ITenantProvider>();

            tenantProviderMock.Setup(serv => serv.GetTenantId()).Returns("test");
            var mapper = Helpers.GetMapper();

            _userApiViewModelService = new UserApiViewModelService(userService, mapper, tenantProviderMock.Object);
Пример #28
        public UserAccount User_Validate(string username, string password)
                IUserRepository userrep = new EntityUserRepository();
                User            user    = userrep.ValidateUser(username, password);
                if (user == null)

                IAccountRepository acctrep = new EntityAccountRepository();
                Account            acct    = acctrep.GetAccount(user.AccountID);
                if (acct == null || !acct.IsActive)

                UserAccount useracct = new UserAccount();
                useracct.UserID             = user.UserID;
                useracct.Username           = user.Username;
                useracct.FirstName          = user.FirstName;
                useracct.LastName           = user.LastName;
                useracct.EmailAddress       = user.EmailAddress;
                useracct.IsAdmin            = user.IsAdmin;
                useracct.UserIsActive       = user.IsActive;
                useracct.AccountID          = acct.AccountID;
                useracct.AccountName        = acct.AccountName;
                useracct.AccountDescription = acct.AccountDescription;
                useracct.FTPServer          = acct.FTPServer;
                useracct.FTPUsername        = acct.FTPUsername;
                useracct.FTPPassword        = acct.FTPPassword;
                useracct.AccountIsActive    = acct.IsActive;

        public PollApiViewModelServiceTests()
            var tenantProviderMock = new Mock <ITenantProvider>();

            tenantProviderMock.Setup(serv => serv.GetTenantId()).Returns("test");
            _context = Helpers.GetContext("test");
            var tenantsDbContext = Helpers.GetTenantContext();
            ITenantRepository          tenantRepository  = new EntityTenantRepository(tenantsDbContext);
            IAsyncRepository <Setting> settingRepository = new EfRepository <Setting>(_context);
            IPollRepository            pollRepository    = new EntityPollRepository(_context, tenantsDbContext);
            ISettingService            settingService    = new SettingService(settingRepository);
            ITenantService             tenantService     = new TenantService(tenantRepository, settingService, null);
            IUserRepository            userRepository    = new EntityUserRepository(_context, null);
            IUserService            userService          = new UserService(userRepository, null);
            IAsyncRepository <Vote> voteRepository       = new EfRepository <Vote>(_context);
            var          voteService = new VoteService(voteRepository, userService);
            IPollService pollService = new PollService(pollRepository, settingService, userService, tenantService,
                                                       voteService, null, null);
            var mapper = Helpers.GetMapper();

            _pollApiViewModelService = new PollApiViewModelService(tenantProviderMock.Object, pollService, mapper,
                                                                   voteService, userService, settingService);
Пример #30
        public ApiAccountControllerTests()
            _context = Helpers.GetContext("test");
            var tenantsDbContext = Helpers.GetTenantContext();

            _userManager = new Mock <FakeUserManager>();
            ITenantRepository                  tenantRepository  = new EntityTenantRepository(tenantsDbContext);
            IAsyncRepository <Setting>         settingRepository = new EfRepository <Setting>(_context);
            ISettingService                    settingService    = new SettingService(settingRepository);
            IAsyncRepository <ApplicationRole> roleRepository    = new EfRepository <ApplicationRole>(_context);
            var            roleService   = new RoleService(roleRepository);
            ITenantService tenantService = new TenantService(tenantRepository, settingService, roleService);

            var userList = new List <ApplicationUser>();

            _userManager.Setup(x => x.Users).Returns(userList.AsQueryable());
            _userManager.Setup(x => x.CreateAsync(It.IsAny <ApplicationUser>(), It.IsAny <string>()))
                (ApplicationUser usr, string pass) =>
                usr.Id = "2";
            var userRepository = new EntityUserRepository(_context, _userManager.Object);
            var userService    = new UserService(userRepository, null);
            var emailSender    = new Mock <IEmailSender>();
            var configMock     = new Mock <IConfiguration>();

            _accountLocalizerMock = new Mock <IStringLocalizer <ApiAccountController> >();
            var tenantProviderMock = new Mock <ITenantProvider>();

            tenantProviderMock.Setup(serv => serv.GetTenantId()).Returns("test");

            _controller = new ApiAccountController(tenantService, userService, _userManager.Object, emailSender.Object,
                                                   configMock.Object, _accountLocalizerMock.Object, tenantProviderMock.Object);
            var currentUser = new ApplicationUser
                Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                FirstName      = "test",
                LastName       = "Test",
                CreatedAt      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                SecurityStamp  = new Guid().ToString(),
                EmailConfirmed = true,
                Id             = "1",
                IsDeleted      = false,
                UserDetail     = new UserDetail
                    InitialAuthorityPercent = 0, AuthorityPercent = 30, LanguagePreference = "tr"

            tenantsDbContext.Tenants.Add(new Tenant
                Id       = "test",
                HostName = "test.decidehub.com",
                Lang     = "tr"
Пример #31
 public User ValidateLogin(string username, string password)
     IUserRepository userrep = new EntityUserRepository();
     return userrep.ValidateUser(username, password);
 public UserService(IValidationDictionary validationDictionary)
     _validationDictionary = validationDictionary;
     _repository = new EntityUserRepository();
Пример #33
        private string ValidateInput(User user, string confirmpassword, bool isEdit, bool passwordchanged)
            if (user.AccountID == 0)
                return "Account ID is not valid.";

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Username))
                return "Username is required.";

            if (user.Username.Length < 6)
                return "Username must be at least 6 characters.";

            if (!isEdit)
                IUserRepository urep = new EntityUserRepository();
                User usercheck = urep.GetUserByUsername(user.Username);
                if (usercheck != null)
                    return "This username already exists.";

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Password))
                return "Password is required.";

            if (!isEdit || (isEdit && passwordchanged))
                if (user.Password != confirmpassword)
                    return "Passwords do not match.";

                if (user.Password.Length < 6)
                    return "Password must be at least 6 characters.";

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(user.FirstName) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(user.LastName))
                return "First Name and Last Name are required.";

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(user.EmailAddress))
                return "Email address is required.";

            Regex regex = new Regex(@"^[a-z0-9,!#\$%&'\*\+/=\?\^_`\{\|}~-]+(\.[a-z0-9,!#\$%&'\*\+/=\?\^_`\{\|}~-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*\.([a-z]{2,})$");
            if (!regex.IsMatch(user.EmailAddress))
                return "Email address is invalid.";

            return String.Empty;