Пример #1
        public MenuHome()
            this.head1 = new EntityAnimatedSprite(new AnimatedSprite("playerHead", 1, 1, 10, 1f, 1f));
            this.head1.ESprite.Origin = new Vector2(this.head1.ESprite.Width / 20, this.head1.ESprite.Height / 20);
            this.head1.ESprite.X      = 0;
            this.head1.ESprite.Y      = Misc.WindowHeight;

            this.head2 = new EntityAnimatedSprite(new AnimatedSprite("playerHead", 1, 1, 10, 1f, 1f));
            this.head2.ESprite.Origin = new Vector2(this.head2.ESprite.Width / 20, this.head2.ESprite.Height / 20);
            this.head2.ESprite.X      = Misc.WindowWidth;
            this.head2.ESprite.Y      = Misc.WindowHeight;

            this.background      = new EntitySprite(new Sprite("home_background", 4, false));
            this.title           = new EntitySprite(new Sprite("title", 2, true));
            this.title.ESprite.X = Misc.WindowWidth / 2 - this.title.ESprite.Width / 2;
            this.title.ESprite.Y = Misc.WindowHeight / 2 - this.title.ESprite.Height * 2 - this.title.ESprite.Height / 2;

            this.startButton           = new EntityButton("PLAY");
            this.startButton.ESprite.X = Misc.WindowWidth / 2 - this.startButton.ESprite.Width / 2;
            this.startButton.ESprite.Y = Misc.WindowHeight / 2 - this.startButton.ESprite.Height / 2;

            this.quitButton           = new EntityButton("QUIT");
            this.quitButton.ESprite.X = Misc.WindowWidth / 2 - this.quitButton.ESprite.Width / 2;
            this.quitButton.ESprite.Y = Misc.WindowHeight / 2 + this.quitButton.ESprite.Width / 2;

            this.madeFor           = new Text("Made by MatKubik for Ludum Dare 39", "ButtonFont", Misc.WindowWidth / 2, Misc.WindowHeight - 25);
            this.madeFor.TextColor = Color.Orange;
Пример #2
        public MenuGO()
            this.background           = new EntitySprite(new Sprite("gobackground", 4, false));
            this.scorePanel           = new EntitySprite(new Sprite("scorePanel", 3, false));
            this.scorePanel.ESprite.X = Misc.WindowWidth / 2 - this.scorePanel.ESprite.Width / 2;
            this.scorePanel.ESprite.Y = 90;

            this.homeButton           = new EntityButton("HOME");
            this.homeButton.ESprite.X = Misc.WindowWidth / 2 - this.homeButton.ESprite.Width / 2;
            this.homeButton.ESprite.Y = Misc.WindowHeight / 2 + this.homeButton.ESprite.Height * 2;

            this.grayBarrelNumber            = new Text("x" + Misc.grayBarrelGet, "ButtonFont", this.scorePanel.ESprite.X + 17 * 3, this.scorePanel.ESprite.Y + 21 * 3);
            this.grayBarrelNumber.TextColor  = Color.DarkGray;
            this.blueBBarrelNumber           = new Text("x" + Misc.blueBarrelGet, "ButtonFont", this.scorePanel.ESprite.X + 55 * 3, this.scorePanel.ESprite.Y + 21 * 3);
            this.blueBBarrelNumber.TextColor = Color.DarkBlue;
            this.redBarrelNumber             = new Text("x" + Misc.redBarrelGet, "ButtonFont", this.scorePanel.ESprite.X + 93 * 3, this.scorePanel.ESprite.Y + 21 * 3);
            this.redBarrelNumber.TextColor   = Color.DarkRed;
            this.questionBarrelNumber        = new Text("x" + Misc.questionBarrelGet, "ButtonFont", this.scorePanel.ESprite.X + 131 * 3, this.scorePanel.ESprite.Y + 21 * 3);

            this.t1                = new Text("TIME :", "ButtonFont", this.scorePanel.ESprite.X + 176 * 3, this.scorePanel.ESprite.Y + 6 * 3);
            this.t2                = new Text(Misc.playTimer, "ButtonFont", this.scorePanel.ESprite.X + 175 * 3, this.scorePanel.ESprite.Y + 21 * 3);
            this.t1.TextColor      = Color.DarkGreen;
            this.t2.TextColor      = Color.LightGray;
            this.youDied           = new Text("YOU DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH POWER TO SURVIVE!", "timerFont", Misc.WindowWidth / 2, Misc.WindowHeight / 2);
            this.youDied.TextColor = Color.Red;
            this.stats             = new Text("YOUR STATS", "ButtonFont", Misc.WindowWidth / 2, Misc.WindowHeight / 2 - 75);
            this.stats.TextColor   = Color.Yellow;
Пример #3
        void addSprite(object param)
            EntityNode     source = param as EntityNode;
            OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog();

            dialog.Filter = "Sprite Files (*.png, *.bmp)|*.png;*.bmp";
            bool?dialogOpen = dialog.ShowDialog();

            dialog.Multiselect = false;

            if (dialogOpen == true)
                using (new WaitCursorHelper())
                    Debug.WriteLine("Filepath:" + dialog.FileName);
                    byte[]       image             = File.ReadAllBytes(dialog.FileName);
                    MemoryStream imageMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(image);
                    BitmapImage  loadedImage       = new BitmapImage();
                    loadedImage.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
                    loadedImage.StreamSource = imageMemoryStream;

                    EntitySprite entitySprite = new EntitySprite(source, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dialog.FileName), loadedImage);
Пример #4
 private void Start()
     Health           = 100;
     Speed            = 10f;
     _heroSprite      = GetComponent <EntitySprite>();
     _positionClamper = GetComponent <PositionClamper>();
 private void DeathAnim()
     hpBar.enabled       = false;
     mask_hp.alphaCutoff = 1;
     DOTween.To(() => mask_hpEffect.alphaCutoff, alpha => mask_hpEffect.alphaCutoff = alpha, 1, 0.3f).OnComplete(() => {
         hpBar.DOFade(0, 0.5f);
         EntitySprite.DOColor(Color.black, 0.5f);
         EntitySprite.DOFade(0, 0.5f).OnComplete(() => Destroy(gameObject));
         m_glowEffect.GlowColor = Color.black;
Пример #6
 public override void Initialize()
     slice_angle         = Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * 22.5f);
     rotation_vectors    = new Vector2[8];
     rotation_vectors[0] = Vector2.up;
     rotation_vectors[1] = (Vector2.up - Vector2.right).normalized;
     rotation_vectors[2] = -Vector2.right;
     rotation_vectors[3] = (-Vector2.up - Vector2.right).normalized;
     rotation_vectors[4] = -Vector2.up;
     rotation_vectors[5] = (-Vector2.up + Vector2.right).normalized;
     rotation_vectors[6] = Vector2.right;
     rotation_vectors[7] = (Vector2.up + Vector2.right).normalized;
     sprite_renderer     = EntitySprite.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
Пример #7
        public MenuGame()
            Misc.blueBarrelGet     = 0;
            Misc.redBarrelGet      = 0;
            Misc.grayBarrelGet     = 0;
            Misc.questionBarrelGet = 0;
            Misc.playTimer         = "";

            this.speedPlusTimer = 0f;

            this.timerPanel = new EntityAnimatedSprite(new AnimatedSprite("uiPanel", 1, 1, 6, 1f, 1f));
            this.timerPanel.ESprite.Effect = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally;
            this.timerPanel.ESprite.X      = Misc.WindowWidth - this.timerPanel.ESprite.Width;

            this.playTimer = new Timer(this.timerPanel.ESprite.X + this.timerPanel.ESprite.Width / 2, this.timerPanel.ESprite.Y + this.timerPanel.ESprite.Height / 2);

            this.barrels = new List <EntityBarrel>();

            this.randPlatSpawnTime = 0;
            this.timer             = 0f;
            this.rand = new Random();

            this.groundSpeed = 6;
            this.background  = new EntitySprite(new Sprite("background", 4, false));

            this.ground           = new EntitySprite(new Sprite("ground", 4, false));
            this.ground.ESprite.Y = Misc.WindowHeight - this.ground.ESprite.Height;

            this.ground1           = new EntitySprite(new Sprite("ground", 4, false));
            this.ground1.ESprite.Y = Misc.WindowHeight - this.ground1.ESprite.Height;
            this.ground1.ESprite.X = Misc.WindowWidth;

            this.player              = new EntityPlayer(this.ground.ESprite.Y);
            this.player.ESprite.Y    = this.ground.ESprite.Y - this.player.ESprite.Height;
            this.randPlatSpawnTime   = rand.Next(2000, 5000);
            this.playerFloorCollsPos = this.ground.ESprite.Y;
Пример #8
 public override void DropAnimation()
     transform.GetChild(0).localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0.15f, 0);
     EntitySprite.DOFade(0, 0);
Пример #9
 public void FaceTowards(EntitySprite other)
     sr.flipX = other.transform.position.x < transform.position.x;