private void SpawnTentacles() { if (tentacles.Alive == 0) { tentacles.Spawn((t) => t.Spawn(proximity_hits, this), 4); } }
public Burst_Plant(EntityPreset preset, Player p) : base(preset, preset.Position, "burst_plant", 16, 16, Drawing.DrawOrder.ENTITIES, 0.7f) { AddAnimation("idle", CreateAnimFrameArray(0)); AddAnimation("charging", CreateAnimFrameArray(0, 1), 8); AddAnimation("shoot", CreateAnimFrameArray(3)); Play("idle"); immovable = true; _bullets = new(8, () => new()); _state = new StateMachineBuilder() .State <TimerState>("Initial") .Enter((s) => s.AddTimer(0.4f, "goToIdle")) .Event("goToIdle", (s) => _state.ChangeState("Idle")) .End() .State <TimerState>("Idle") .Enter((s) => { Play("idle"); s.Reset(); s.AddTimer(0.4f + (float)GlobalState.RNG.NextDouble(), "idleTimer"); }) .Event("idleTimer", (s) => _state.ChangeState("Charging")) .End() .State <ChargeState>("Charging") .Enter((s) => Play("charging")) .Event("Fire", (s) => { int sign = MathUtilities.OneRandomOf(-1, 1); float max_vel = 10 + 30 * (float)GlobalState.RNG.NextDouble(); _bullets.Spawn((b) => b.SpawnToPlayer(this, max_vel, p)); //one straight to the player _bullets.Spawn((b) => b.Spawn(this, max_vel, sign), 7); Play("shoot"); SoundManager.PlaySoundEffect("bubble_triple"); _state.ChangeState("BulletsFlying"); }) .End() .State("BulletsFlying") .Condition(() => _bullets.Alive == 0, (s) => _state.ChangeState("Idle")) .End() .Build(); _state.ChangeState("Initial"); }
public SteamPipe(EntityPreset preset, Player player) : base(preset.Position, "steam_pipe", 16, 16, DrawOrder.ENTITIES) { _player = player; Vector2 startPos = Vector2.Zero; SetFrame(preset.Frame); switch (GetFrame()) { case 0: width = 10; offset = new Vector2(3, 16); startPos = Position + new Vector2(2, 10); facing = Facing.DOWN; break; case 1: height = 10; offset = new Vector2(14, 5); startPos = Position + new Vector2(14, 5); facing = Facing.RIGHT; break; case 2: width = 10; offset = new Vector2(3, -4); startPos = Position + new Vector2(3, -2); facing = Facing.UP; break; case 3: height = 10; offset = new Vector2(-6, 3); startPos = Position + new Vector2(-6, 3); facing = Facing.LEFT; break; } Position += offset; _steam = new EntityPool <Steam>(6, () => new Steam(startPos, this)); _steam.Spawn(s => s.Spawn(), 6); }
public Frog(EntityPreset preset, Player p) : base(preset, preset.Position, "frog", 16, 16, Drawing.DrawOrder.ENTITIES, 0.7f) { AddAnimation("idle", CreateAnimFrameArray(0, 1), 2, true); AddAnimation("shoot_d", CreateAnimFrameArray(3), 3, false); AddAnimation("shoot_r", CreateAnimFrameArray(4), 3, false); AddAnimation("shoot_l", CreateAnimFrameArray(4), 3, false); AddAnimation("shoot_u", CreateAnimFrameArray(5), 3, false); Play("idle"); immovable = true; _player = p; int i = 0; _bullets = new(3, () => new(i++)); _state = new StateMachineBuilder() .State <TimerState>("Initial") .Enter((s) => { s.Reset(); s.AddTimer(0.8f, "goToIdle"); }) .Event("goToIdle", (s) => _state.ChangeState("Idle")) .End() .State("Idle") .Enter((s) => { Play("idle"); }) .Condition(() => (Center - _player.Center).LengthSquared() < 64 * 64, (s) => { _bullets.Spawn((b) => b.Spawn(this, _player), 3); FaceTowards(_player.Center); PlayFacing("shoot"); SoundManager.PlaySoundEffect("bubble_triple"); _state.ChangeState("BulletsFlying"); }) .End() .State("BulletsFlying") .Condition(() => _bullets.Alive == 0, (s) => _state.ChangeState("Idle")) .End() .Build(); _state.ChangeState("Initial"); }
public override void LoadContent() { ContentManager content = ScreenManager.Game.Content; map = content.Load <Map>("map"); MapObject spawn = ((MapObjectLayer)map.GetLayer("spawn")).Objects[0]; camera = new Camera(ScreenManager.Game.RenderWidth, ScreenManager.Game.RenderHeight, map); camera.Target = new Vector2(ScreenManager.Game.RenderWidth, ScreenManager.Game.RenderHeight) / 2f; heroPool = new EntityPool(100, sheet => new Hero(sheet, new Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10), new Vector2(0, -5)), content.Load <Texture2D>("testhero")); heroPool.BoxCollidesWith.Add(heroPool); rotBoxPool = new EntityPool(100, sheet => new RotBox(sheet, new Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), null, Vector2.Zero), ScreenManager.blankTexture); rotBoxPool.PolyCollidesWith.Add(rotBoxPool); rotBoxPool.Spawn(entity => { entity.Position = new Vector2(100, 100); }); rotBoxPool.Spawn(entity => { entity.Position = new Vector2(140, 100); }); particleController.LoadContent(content); // TimerController.Instance.Create("shake", () => camera.Shake(500, 2f), 3000, true); TweenController.Instance.Create("spintext", TweenFuncs.SineEaseInOut, (tween) => { textScale = 0.8f + (tween.Value * 0.4f); }, 3000, true, true); //// More crazy tween examples //TweenController.Instance.Create("spincam", TweenFuncs.Linear, (tween) => //{ // camera.Rotation = MathHelper.TwoPi * tween.Value; //}, 10000, false, true, TweenDirection.Reverse); //TweenController.Instance.Create("zoomcam", TweenFuncs.Bounce, (tween) => //{ // camera.Zoom = 1f + tween.Value; //}, 3000, true, true); particleController.Add(new Vector2(195, 150), Vector2.Zero, 0, 1000, 0, false, false, new Rectangle(18, 0, 100, 100), Color.White, ParticleFunctions.PermaLight, 1f, 0f, 1, ParticleBlend.Multiplicative); base.LoadContent(); }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime, bool otherScreenHasFocus, bool coveredByOtherScreen) { camera.Update(gameTime); heroPool.Update(gameTime, map); rotBoxPool.Update(gameTime); // This stuff is all example - camera follows random Hero and zooms in when following //if (Helper.Random.Next(200) == 0) //{ // List<Entity> activeHeroes = heroPool.Entities.Where(hero => hero.Active).ToList(); // if (activeHeroes.Count > 0) followingHero = (Hero) activeHeroes[Helper.Random.Next(activeHeroes.Count)]; //} //if (Helper.Random.Next(200) == 1 && followingHero != null) followingHero = null; //if (followingHero != null && followingHero.Active) //{ // camera.Target = followingHero.Position; // if (camera.Zoom < 2.5f) camera.Zoom += 0.05f; //} //else //{ // camera.Target = new Vector2(ScreenManager.Game.RenderWidth, ScreenManager.Game.RenderHeight)/2f; // if (camera.Zoom > 1f) camera.Zoom -= 0.05f; //} ////////////////// particleController.Update(gameTime, map); if (Helper.Random.Next(100) == 0) { heroPool.Spawn(entity => { entity.Position = new Vector2(Helper.Random.Next(ScreenManager.Game.RenderWidth - 64) + 32, 32); ((Hero)entity).FaceDir = Helper.Random.Next(2) == 0 ? -1 : 1; }); } particleController.Add(new Vector2(17, 40), new Vector2(Helper.RandomFloat(2f), -1.5f), 100, 3000, 1000, true, true, new Rectangle(0, 0, 2, 2), new Color(new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f) * (0.25f + Helper.RandomFloat(0.5f))), ParticleFunctions.FadeInOut, 1f, 0f, 1, ParticleBlend.Alpha); particleController.Add(new Vector2(150, 176), new Vector2(-0.05f + Helper.RandomFloat(0.1f), -0.1f), 1000, Helper.Random.NextDouble() * 3000, Helper.Random.NextDouble() * 3000, false, false, new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), new Color(new Vector3(1f) * (0.25f + Helper.RandomFloat(0.5f))), ParticleFunctions.Smoke, 0.1f, 0f, 1, ParticleBlend.Additive); particleController.Add(new Vector2(250, 50), new Vector2(-1f + Helper.RandomFloat(2f), -1f + Helper.RandomFloat(2f)), 100, 500, 1000, false, false, new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), Color.White, ParticleFunctions.FadeLight, Helper.RandomFloat(0.5f), 0f, 1, ParticleBlend.Multiplicative); base.Update(gameTime, otherScreenHasFocus, coveredByOtherScreen); }
public GasGuy(EntityPreset preset, Player player) : base(preset, preset.Position, "gas_guy", 16, 24, DrawOrder.ENTITIES, 0.6f, true) { _player = player; AddAnimation("float", CreateAnimFrameArray(0, 1), 2, true); AddAnimation("release_gas", CreateAnimFrameArray(2), 20, true); Play("float"); drag = new Vector2(30); soundDelay = 0; soundDelayMax = (float)(1.5 + GlobalState.RNG.NextDouble()); gasClouds = new EntityPool <Gas>(3, () => new Gas()); _state = new StateMachineBuilder() .State <TimerState>("InitialLatency") .Enter((state) => { state.Reset(); state.AddTimer(1.5f, "StartTimer"); _inDelay = true; }) .Event("StartTimer", (state) => { _state.ChangeState("Normal"); }) .Exit((state) => { _inDelay = false; }) .End() .State <TimerState>("Normal") .Enter((state) => { state.Reset(); state.AddTimer(_didFirstShot ? 5f : 1f, "PreShootTimer"); Play("float"); }) .Event("PreShootTimer", (state) => { Play("release_gas"); _state.ChangeState("Shoot"); _didFirstShot = true; }) .End() .State <TimerState>("Shoot") .Enter((state) => { state.Reset(); state.AddTimer(1.2f, "ShootTimer"); }) .Event("ShootTimer", (state) => { Play("shoot"); _state.ChangeState("Normal"); SoundManager.PlaySoundEffect("gasguy_shoot"); gasClouds.Spawn((s) => s.Spawn(this, _player), 3, true); }) .End() .Build(); _state.ChangeState("InitialLatency"); }
public Annoyer(EntityPreset preset, Player player) : base(preset.Position, "annoyer", 16, 16, DrawOrder.ENTITIES) { MapInteraction = false; _preset = preset; _target = player; Solid = false; height = 7; width = 8; offset.X = 3; offset.Y = 2; explosion = new Explosion(Position) { exists = false }; if (GlobalState.IsCell) { AddAnimation("flap", CreateAnimFrameArray(6, 7), 4, true); } else { int i = preset.Frame == T_SUPER ? 12 : 0; AddAnimation("flap", CreateAnimFrameArray(i, i + 1, i + 2, i + 3, i + 4, i + 5), 8, true); } Play("flap"); if (preset.Frame == T_SUPER) { _health = 2; } fireballs = new EntityPool <Fireball>(preset.Frame == T_SUPER ? 4 : 0, () => new Fireball()); _state = new StateMachineBuilder() .State <ActiveState>("Active") .Enter((state) => { velocity = Vector2.Zero; state.ChangeState(start_state); start_state = "Approach"; //TODO: Add way of entering nested states(see ChangeState in Hit, needs to go to Approach, not Wait) }) .Event <CollisionEvent <Player> >("Player", (state, p) => p.entity.ReceiveDamage(1)) .Event <CollisionEvent <Broom> >("Hit", (state, b) => { velocity = FacingDirection(b.entity.facing) * 150; if (velocity.Y < 0) { velocity.X = GlobalState.RNG.Next(-30, 31); } _state.ChangeState("Hit"); }) .Event("Fire", (state) => fireballs.Spawn((f) => f.Spawn(this, _target))) .State <TimerState>("Wait") .Enter((state) => { state.Reset(); state.AddTimer(0.25f, "ApproachCheck"); }) .Event("ApproachCheck", (state) => { if ((Position - _target.Position).Length() < 64) { state.Parent.ChangeState("Approach"); } }) .End() .State("Approach") .Update((state, time) => { MathUtilities.MoveTo(ref Position.X, ApproachTarget.X, 36); MathUtilities.MoveTo(ref Position.Y, ApproachTarget.Y, 36); }) .Condition(() => (Position - ApproachTarget).Length() < 2, (state) => state.Parent.ChangeState("Circle")) .Exit((state) => velocity = Vector2.Zero) .End() .State <CirclingState>("Circle") .Enter((state) => state.angle = 0) .Update((state, time) => { Position = _target.VisualCenter + new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(state.angle), (float)Math.Sin(state.angle)) * rotation_radius; }) .Event("Swoop", (state) => state.Parent.ChangeState("Swoop")) .End() .State <SwoopState>("Swoop") .Enter((state) => = Position + 3 * (_target.Position - Position)) .Update((state, time) => { //TODO: make it possible for this to be a Condition if (MathUtilities.MoveTo(ref Position.X,, 2.5f * 60) & MathUtilities.MoveTo(ref Position.Y,, 2.5f * 60)) { state.Parent.ChangeState("Approach"); } }) .End() .End() .State <TimerState>("Hit") .Enter((state) => { SoundManager.PlaySoundEffect("player_hit_1"); state.Reset(); Flicker(0.2f); if (--_health <= 0) { Solid = true; state.AddTimer(0.25f, "Die"); } else { state.AddTimer(0.4f, "EndKnockback"); } }) .Event("EndKnockback", (state) => _state.ChangeState("Active")) .Event("Die", (state) => { exists = _preset.Alive = false; explosion.exists = true; explosion.Position = Position; SoundManager.PlaySoundEffect("hit_wall"); }) .Exit((state) => { Solid = false; }) .End() .Build(); _state.ChangeState("Active"); }
/// <summary> /// Shortcut to spawning prefab from a pool /// </summary> public Entity InstantiateFromPool(Vector3?position = null, Quaternion?rotation = null) { return(EntityPool.Spawn(PackToEntity(), position, rotation)); }
IEnumerator State() { y_push = sprite.Height; player.grid_entrance = MapUtilities.GetRoomUpperLeftPos(GlobalState.CurrentMapGrid) + Vector2.One * 20; GlobalState.SpawnEntity(new VolumeEvent(0, 3)); while (MapUtilities.GetInGridPosition(player.Position).X < 48) { yield return(null); } GlobalState.Dialogue = Dialogue.DialogueManager.GetDialogue("redboss", "before_fight"); float push_timer = 0f; loopSFX = true; while (!GlobalState.LastDialogueFinished) { push_timer += GameTimes.DeltaTime; if (push_timer >= push_tick_max) { push_timer = 0f; if (y_push > 0) { GlobalState.screenShake.Shake(0.021f, 0.1f); y_push--; } } yield return(null); } loopSFX = false; SoundManager.PlaySong("redcave-boss"); Play("bob"); IState state = new StateMachineBuilder() .State <SplashState>("Splash") .Enter((s) => amp = 5) .Event("Splash", (s) => { splash_bullets.Spawn(b => b.Spawn(), 4); }) .Event("Tentacles", (s) => { SpawnTentacles(); if (proximity_hits != Touching.NONE) { s.got_too_close++; if (s.got_too_close == 2) { s.got_too_close = 0; s.Parent.ChangeState("Stun"); } } }) .End() .State <DashState>("Dash") .Enter((s) => { amp = 0; velocity = new Vector2(30, 20); Play("bob"); }) .Update((s, _) => { Drawing.Effects.ScreenShake.Directions dirs = new(); Vector2 tl = MapUtilities.GetInGridPosition(Position); Vector2 br = MapUtilities.GetInGridPosition(Position + new Vector2(width, height)); if (tl.Y < 2 * 16) { velocity.Y = 60; dirs |= Drawing.Effects.ScreenShake.Directions.Vertical; } else if (br.Y > 16 * 8) { velocity.Y = -60; dirs |= Drawing.Effects.ScreenShake.Directions.Vertical; } if (tl.X < 2 * 16) { velocity.X = 60; dirs |= Drawing.Effects.ScreenShake.Directions.Horizontal; } else if (br.X > 16 * 8) { velocity.X = -60; dirs |= Drawing.Effects.ScreenShake.Directions.Horizontal; } GlobalState.screenShake.Shake(0.05f, 0.1f, dirs); }) .Event("Tentacles", (s) => { SpawnTentacles(); if (proximity_hits != Touching.NONE) { s.got_too_close++; if (s.got_too_close == 2) { s.got_too_close = 0; s.Parent.ChangeState("Splash"); } } }) .Event("EndDash", (s) => { s.Parent.ChangeState("Stun"); }) .Exit((s) => velocity = Vector2.Zero) .End() .State <StunState>("Stun") .Enter((s) => s.stateLogic = StunStateLogic()) .Update((s, _) => { if (!s.stateLogic.MoveNext()) { s.Parent.ChangeState("Dash"); } }) .End() .Build(); state.ChangeState("Splash"); state.TriggerEvent("Splash"); //First time instantly fires splash bullets while (health > 0) { state.Update(GameTimes.DeltaTime); pushdown_timer += GameTimes.DeltaTime * 3; y_push = (int)(amp + MathF.Sin(pushdown_timer) * amp); yield return(null); } velocity = Vector2.Zero; SoundManager.StopSong(); GlobalState.Dialogue = Dialogue.DialogueManager.GetDialogue("redboss", "after_fight"); GlobalState.screenShake.Shake(0.05f, 0.1f); GlobalState.flash.Flash(1f, Color.Red); while (!GlobalState.LastDialogueFinished) { yield return(null); } Play("die"); SoundManager.PlaySoundEffect("redboss_death"); = true; y_push = 0; while (y_push < sprite.Height) { MathUtilities.MoveTo(ref ripple.opacity, 0, 0.3f); push_timer += GameTimes.DeltaTime; if (push_timer >= push_tick_max) { push_timer = 0f; y_push++; } yield return(null); } float final_timer = 2f; while (final_timer > 0f) { final_timer -= GameTimes.DeltaTime; yield return(null); } preset.Alive = exists = false; = false; SoundManager.PlaySong("redcave");"REDCAVE"); yield break; }