public override void imethod_10( EntityColor color, Transparency transparency, bool isColorBookColor) { this.imethod_6(Color.CreateFrom(color)); }
public void imethod_26( out EntityColor color, out Transparency transparency, out bool isColorBookColor) { this.interface30_0.imethod_26(out color, out transparency, out isColorBookColor); }
protected DrawContext(DrawContext from) { this.image_0 = from.image_0; this.graphics_0 = from.graphics_0; this.dxfModel_0 = from.dxfModel_0; this.dxfLayout_0 = from.dxfLayout_0; this.graphicsConfig_0 = from.graphicsConfig_0; this.dxfLayer_0 = from.dxfLayer_0; this.dxfLayer_1 = from.dxfLayer_1; this.dxfEntity_0 = from.dxfEntity_0; this.dxfBlock_0 = from.dxfBlock_0; this.drawContext_0 = from.drawContext_0; this.dxfEntity_1 = from.dxfEntity_1; this.entityColor_0 = from.entityColor_0; this.transparency_0 = from.transparency_0; this.dxfColor_0 = from.dxfColor_0; this.dxfLineType_0 = from.dxfLineType_0; this.short_0 = from.short_0; this.int_0 = from.int_0; this.int_1 = from.int_1; this.dxfWipeoutVariables_0 = from.dxfWipeoutVariables_0; this.dictionary_0 = from.dictionary_0; this.double_0 = from.double_0; this.double_1 = from.double_1; }
public void DrawString(string s, Font font, Brush brush, PointF point) { DxfText dxfText = new DxfText(s, new WW.Math.Point3D((double)point.X, -(double)point.Y, 0.0), (double)font.Size); dxfText.AlignmentPoint2 = new WW.Math.Point3D?(dxfText.AlignmentPoint1); dxfText.VerticalAlignment = TextVerticalAlignment.Top; DxfTextStyle dxfTextStyle = (DxfTextStyle)null; foreach (DxfTextStyle textStyle in (DxfHandledObjectCollection <DxfTextStyle>) this.dxfModel_0.TextStyles) { if (textStyle.FontFilename == font.Name) { dxfTextStyle = textStyle; break; } } if (dxfTextStyle == null) { dxfTextStyle = new DxfTextStyle(font.Name, font.Name); this.dxfModel_0.TextStyles.Add(dxfTextStyle); } dxfText.Style = dxfTextStyle; SolidBrush solidBrush = brush as SolidBrush; if (solidBrush != null) { dxfText.Color = EntityColor.CreateFrom((ArgbColor)solidBrush.Color); } this.list_0.Add((DxfEntity)dxfText); }
//纹理测试 static private void createMaterial(Database db, Transaction myT) { DBDictionary dic = (DBDictionary)myT.GetObject(db.MaterialDictionaryId, OpenMode.ForWrite, false); ImageFileTexture imfttr = new ImageFileTexture(); imfttr.SourceFileName = @"D:\Geological Project\Geological Source\dbFiles\aaaaa.jpg"; double uScale = 1.0; double vScale = 1.0; double uOffset = 0; double vOffset = 0; double[] p = new double[] { uScale, 0, 0, uScale *uOffset, 0, vScale, 0, vScale *vOffset, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }; Matrix3d mx = new Matrix3d(p); Mapper mapper = new Mapper(Projection.Planar, Tiling.Crop, Tiling.Crop, AutoTransform.TransformObject, mx); MaterialMap map = new MaterialMap(Source.File, imfttr, 1, mapper); EntityColor eclr = new EntityColor(150, 150, 150); MaterialColor mc = new MaterialColor(Method.Override, 1, eclr); MaterialDiffuseComponent mdc = new MaterialDiffuseComponent(mc, map); MaterialSpecularComponent mck = new MaterialSpecularComponent(mc, map, 0.5); MaterialOpacityComponent moc = new MaterialOpacityComponent(1, map); MaterialRefractionComponent mrfr = new MaterialRefractionComponent(2, map); Material Mat = new Material(); Mat.Name = "My Material"; Mat.Description = "New Material"; Mat.Diffuse = mdc; Mat.Specular = mck; Mat.Refraction = mrfr; Mat.Reflectivity = 1; Mat.Reflection = map; Mat.Opacity = moc; Mat.Ambient = mc; Mat.Bump = map; Mat.SelfIllumination = 1; // MaterialDiffuseComponent diffuseColor = new MaterialDiffuseComponent(color, map); // material.Diffuse = diffuseColor; // material.Mode = Mode.Realistic; dic.SetAt(Mat.Name, Mat); }
public override bool WorldDraw(Drawable d, WorldDraw wd) { double radius = 0.0; if (d is DBObject) { radius = PipeRadiusForObject((DBObject)d); } if (radius > 0.0) { Line line = d as Line; if (line != null) { // Draw the line as is, with overruled attributes base.WorldDraw(line, wd); if (!line.Id.IsNull && line.Length > 0.0) { // Draw a pipe around the line EntityColor c = wd.SubEntityTraits.TrueColor; wd.SubEntityTraits.TrueColor = new EntityColor(0x00AfAfff); wd.SubEntityTraits.LineWeight = LineWeight.LineWeight000; Circle clr = new Circle( line.StartPoint, line.EndPoint - line.StartPoint, radius ); ExtrudedSurface pipe = new ExtrudedSurface(); try { pipe.CreateExtrudedSurface( clr, line.EndPoint - line.StartPoint, sweepOpts ); } catch { Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; doc.Editor.WriteMessage( "\nFailed with CreateExtrudedSurface." ); } clr.Dispose(); pipe.WorldDraw(wd); pipe.Dispose(); wd.SubEntityTraits.TrueColor = c; } return(true); } } return(base.WorldDraw(d, wd)); }
public bool Matches(DxfLayer layer, EntityColor byBlockColor, DxfLineType byBlockLineType) { if (this.graphicElementBlock2_0 == null) { return(false); } return(this.graphicElementBlock2_0.Matches(layer, byBlockColor, byBlockLineType)); }
public TraitsState(SubEntityTraits subEntityTraits) { _subEntityTraits = subEntityTraits; _entColor = subEntityTraits.TrueColor; _transparency = subEntityTraits.Transparency; _visualStyle = subEntityTraits.VisualStyle; _selectionFlags = subEntityTraits.SelectionFlags; }
public bool Matches(DxfLayer layer, EntityColor byBlockColor, DxfLineType byBlockLineType) { if (layer.Enabled == this.bool_0 && layer.Frozen == this.bool_1 && (layer.Color.ToArgb() == this.color_0.ToArgb() && layer.LineType == this.ByLayerLineType && byBlockColor.ToArgb() == this.entityColor_0.ToArgb())) { return(byBlockLineType == this.ByBlockLineType); } return(false); }
public bool Matches(Color byLayerColor, EntityColor byBlockColor) { if (byLayerColor.ToArgb() == this.color_0.ToArgb()) { return(byBlockColor.ToArgb() == this.entityColor_0.ToArgb()); } return(false); }
public override void imethod_26( out EntityColor color, out Transparency transparency, out bool isColorBookColor) { isColorBookColor = false; short colorNumber = this.imethod_14(); transparency = Transparency.ByLayer; color = DxfIndexedColorSet.GetEntityColor(colorNumber); }
void Start() { charSlot = GetComponentInParent <CharSlot>(); entityColor = GetComponentInChildren <EntityColor>(); charAnimator = GetComponent <CharAnimator>(); type = tag; vidaAtual = vidaMax; SetupUIBar(); KillCount = 0; LastKillCount = 0; }
public IPlotStyle GetPlotStyle( IPlotPropertyOwner plotPropertyOwner, DrawContext drawContext) { EntityColor entityColor = plotPropertyOwner.GetEntityColor(drawContext); if (entityColor.ColorType == ColorType.ByColorIndex && entityColor.ToArgbColor() == this.argbColor_0) { return((IPlotStyle) new OverrideColorPlotStyle(this.argbColor_1, plotPropertyOwner, drawContext)); } return((IPlotStyle) new DefaultPlotStyle(plotPropertyOwner, drawContext)); }
private static ObjectId AddMaterial(string nameWood) { // Database db = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database; TransactionManager tm = db.TransactionManager; Transaction trans = tm.StartTransaction(); Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor; ObjectId materialId = ObjectId.Null; try { DBDictionary materialDict; ObjectId materialDictId = db.MaterialDictionaryId; materialDict = trans.GetObject(materialDictId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as DBDictionary; Material material = new Material(); material.Name = nameWood; WoodTexture woodTexture = new WoodTexture(); MaterialColor matColor, woodColor1, woodColor2; EntityColor entColor = new EntityColor(128, 0, 128); matColor = new MaterialColor(Method.Override, 1.0, entColor); EntityColor entColor2 = new EntityColor(128, 128, 0); woodColor1 = new MaterialColor(Method.Override, 1.0, entColor2); EntityColor entColor3 = new EntityColor(0, 128, 128); woodColor2 = new MaterialColor(Method.Override, 1.0, entColor3); woodTexture.Color1 = woodColor1; woodTexture.Color2 = woodColor2; MaterialMap materialMap = new MaterialMap(Source.Procedural, woodTexture, 0, null); material.Diffuse = new MaterialDiffuseComponent(matColor, materialMap); MaterialColor inheritColor = new MaterialColor(Method.Inherit, 1.0, entColor); material.Ambient = matColor; material.Specular = new MaterialSpecularComponent(matColor, new MaterialMap(), 0.5); material.Mode = Mode.Realistic; materialDict.SetAt(nameWood, material); materialId = material.ObjectId; trans.Commit(); } catch (System.Exception e) { ed.WriteMessage(e.Message); trans.Abort(); } return(materialId); }
public GraphicElementBlock1 GetGraphicElementBlock( Color byLayerColor, EntityColor byBlockColor) { foreach (GraphicElementBlock1 graphicElementBlock1 in this.list_0) { if (graphicElementBlock1.Matches(byLayerColor, byBlockColor)) { return(graphicElementBlock1); } } return((GraphicElementBlock1)null); }
public Class1001( DxfEntity entity, Color byLayerColor, DxfLineType byLayerLineType, EntityColor byBlockColor, DxfLineType byBlockLineType) { this.dxfEntity_0 = entity; this.color_0 = byLayerColor; this.dxfLineType_0 = byLayerLineType; this.entityColor_0 = byBlockColor; this.dxfLineType_1 = byBlockLineType; }
public static System.Windows.Media.Color ColorIndexToMediaColor(int cla) { if (cla == 7) { return(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255)); } var acirgb = EntityColor.LookUpRgb((byte)cla); var b = (byte)acirgb; var g = (byte)(acirgb >> 8); var r = (byte)(acirgb >> 16); return(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(r, g, b)); }
public GraphicElementBlock2 GetGraphicElementBlock( DxfLayer layer, EntityColor byBlockColor, DxfLineType byBlockLineType) { foreach (GraphicElementBlock2 graphicElementBlock2 in this.list_0) { if (graphicElementBlock2.Matches(layer, byBlockColor, byBlockLineType)) { return(graphicElementBlock2); } } return((GraphicElementBlock2)null); }
public static SolidBrush GetSolidBrush(string color) { EntityColor ec =; Enum.TryParse <EntityColor>(color, out ec); if ((int)ec == 0) { ec =; } Color c = GetEntityColor(ec); SolidBrush br = new SolidBrush(c); return(br); }
public override bool WorldDraw(Drawable d, WorldDraw wd) { double radius = 0.0; if (d is DBObject) { radius = PipeRadiusForObject((DBObject)d); } if (radius > 0.0) { Circle circle = d as Circle; if (circle != null) { // Draw the circle as is, with overruled attributes base.WorldDraw(circle, wd); // Needed to avoid ill-formed swept surface if (circle.Radius > radius) { // Draw a pipe around the cirle EntityColor c = wd.SubEntityTraits.TrueColor; wd.SubEntityTraits.TrueColor = new EntityColor(0x3fffe0e0); wd.SubEntityTraits.LineWeight = LineWeight.LineWeight000; Vector3d normal = (circle.Center - circle.StartPoint). CrossProduct(circle.Normal); Circle clr = new Circle( circle.StartPoint, normal, radius ); SweptSurface pipe = new SweptSurface(); pipe.CreateSweptSurface(clr, circle, sweepOpts); clr.Dispose(); pipe.WorldDraw(wd); pipe.Dispose(); wd.SubEntityTraits.TrueColor = c; } return(true); } } return(base.WorldDraw(d, wd)); }
public GraphicElementInsert GetGraphicElementInsert( DxfLayer layer, EntityColor byBlockColor, DxfLineType byBlockLineType) { foreach (IGraphicElement graphicElement in this.list_0) { GraphicElementInsert graphicElementInsert = graphicElement as GraphicElementInsert; if (graphicElementInsert != null && graphicElementInsert.Matches(layer, byBlockColor, byBlockLineType)) { return(graphicElementInsert); } } return((GraphicElementInsert)null); }
/// <summary> /// Get current layer color. /// </summary> /// <param name="doc">Current document</param> /// <returns>layer color</returns> public static EntityColor GetCurrentLayerColor(Database db) { if (db == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(/*MSG0*/ "db"); } using (Transaction tran = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { var existedLayerTableRecord = (LayerTableRecord)tran.GetObject(db.Clayer, OpenMode.ForRead, false); EntityColor entityColor = existedLayerTableRecord.Color.EntityColor; tran.Commit(); return(entityColor); } }
public GraphicElementBlock2( Matrix4D transform, DxfLayer layer, EntityColor byBlockColor, DxfLineType byBlockLineType) { this.matrix4D_0 = transform; this.bool_0 = layer.Enabled; this.bool_1 = layer.Frozen; this.color_0 = layer.Color; this.dxfLineType_0 = layer.LineType; this.entityColor_0 = byBlockColor; this.dxfLineType_1 = byBlockLineType; this.linkedListNode_0 = this.linkedList_0.AddLast((IGraphicElement)NullGraphicElement.Instance); this.linkedList_0.AddLast((IGraphicElement)NullGraphicElement.Instance); }
/// <summary> /// TODO /// </summary> /// <param name="color"></param> /// <returns></returns> private System.Drawing.Color AcadColorAciToDrawingColor(Color color) { var aci = Convert.ToByte(color.ColorIndex); var aRgb = EntityColor.LookUpRgb(aci); var ch = BitConverter.GetBytes(aRgb); if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(ch); } int r = ch[2]; int g = ch[1]; int b = ch[0]; return(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(r, g, b)); }
public void init(LayoutHelperDevice pDevice, Model gsModule, Database pDb /* OdDbCommandContext ctx*/) { m_pDevice = pDevice; m_pGsModel = gsModule; //pDb->addReactor(&m_cDbReactor); HostApplicationServices pAppSvcs = HostApplicationServices.Current; m_GRIPSIZE = pAppSvcs.GRIPSIZE; m_GRIPOBJLIMIT = pAppSvcs.GRIPOBJLIMIT; m_GRIPCOLOR = new EntityColor(ColorMethod.ByAci, pAppSvcs.GRIPCOLOR); m_GRIPHOVER = new EntityColor(ColorMethod.ByAci, pAppSvcs.GRIPHOVER); m_GRIPHOT = new EntityColor(ColorMethod.ByAci, pAppSvcs.GRIPHOT); //m_pGetSelectionSetPtr = pGetSSet; }
public override void imethod_10( EntityColor color, Transparency transparency, bool isColorBookColor) { if (color == EntityColor.ByBlock && !isColorBookColor) { this.imethod_32((short)0); } else { ushort num = 0; bool flag; if (flag = transparency.TransparencyType != TransparencyType.ByLayer) { num |= (ushort)8192; } if (isColorBookColor) { this.imethod_32((short)(ushort)((uint)num | 49152U)); } else if (color == EntityColor.ByLayer) { this.imethod_32((short)(ushort)((uint)num | 256U)); } else if (color.ColorType == ColorType.ByColorIndex) { this.imethod_32((short)(ushort)((uint)num | (uint)(ushort)color.ColorIndex)); } else { int colorDifference; int colorIndex = (int)DxfIndexedColorSet.GetColorIndex(color.ToArgbColor(), out colorDifference); this.imethod_32((short)(ushort)((uint)num | (uint)(ushort)(32768 | colorIndex))); this.imethod_33((int)color.Data); } if (!flag) { return; } this.imethod_33((int)transparency.Data); } }
public static Color GetEntityColor(EntityColor color) { Color c = Color.Red; switch (color) { case c = Color.Red; break; case c = Color.Green; break; case c = Color.Blue; break; } return(c); }
public DxfHatch getHatch_Deck(decimal percentfill, double[] x, double[] y, EntityColor hatchcolor) { DxfHatch hatch = new DxfHatch(); hatch.Color = hatchcolor; if (percentfill != 0) { #region hatch DxfHatch.BoundaryPath.Polyline.Vertex[] Ver = new DxfHatch.BoundaryPath.Polyline.Vertex[13]; if ((Convert.ToInt32(percentfill) > 0) & (Convert.ToInt32(percentfill) <= 100)) { for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) { Ver[i] = new DxfHatch.BoundaryPath.Polyline.Vertex(x[i], y[i]); } } DxfHatch.BoundaryPath bp = new DxfHatch.BoundaryPath(); bp.Type = BoundaryPathType.Polyline; hatch.BoundaryPaths.Add(bp); bp.PolylineData = new DxfHatch.BoundaryPath.Polyline( new DxfHatch.BoundaryPath.Polyline.Vertex[] { Ver[1], Ver[2], Ver[3], Ver[4], Ver[5], Ver[6], Ver[7], Ver[8], Ver[9], Ver[10], Ver[11], Ver[12] } ); bp.PolylineData.Closed = true; #endregion hatch } return(hatch); }
public override void imethod_26( out EntityColor color, out Transparency transparency, out bool isColorBookColor) { isColorBookColor = false; short num1 = this.imethod_14(); if (num1 == (short)0) { color = EntityColor.ByBlock; transparency = Transparency.Opaque; } else { ushort num2 = (ushort)((uint)(ushort)num1 & 65280U); if (((int)num2 & 16384) != 0) { color = EntityColors.ByBlock; isColorBookColor = true; } else if (((int)num2 & 32768) != 0) { int num3 = this.imethod_11(); color = EntityColor.CreateFromRgb(num3 & 16777215); } else { color = DxfIndexedColorSet.GetEntityColor((short)((int)num1 & 4095)); } if (((int)num2 & 8192) != 0) { transparency = new Transparency((uint)this.imethod_11()); } else { transparency = Transparency.ByLayer; } } }
public bool GetGraphicElementInsert( IGraphicElementBlock graphicElementBlock, DxfEntity insert, DxfLayer layer, EntityColor byBlockColor, DxfLineType byBlockLineType, out GraphicElementInsert graphicElement) { Graphics.EntityInfo entityInfo; bool flag; if (this.dictionary_0.TryGetValue(insert, out entityInfo)) { graphicElement = entityInfo.GetGraphicElementInsert(layer, byBlockColor, byBlockLineType); if (graphicElement == null) { flag = true; graphicElement = new GraphicElementInsert(); entityInfo.GraphicElements.Add((IGraphicElement)graphicElement); } else { flag = false; } } else { graphicElement = new GraphicElementInsert(); this.dictionary_0.Add(insert, new Graphics.EntityInfo() { GraphicElements = { (IGraphicElement)graphicElement } }); flag = true; } graphicElementBlock.Add((IGraphicElement)graphicElement); return(flag); }