public bool Copy() { var guid = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ComServerUniqueId"]; _thisComServer = new ServiceClientComServer().GetServerByGuid(guid); if (_thisComServer == null) { Logger.Error($"Com Server With Guid {guid} Not Found"); return(false); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_thisComServer.TftpPath)) { Logger.Error($"Com Server With Guid {guid} Does Not Have A Valid Tftp Path"); return(false); } _sourceRootPath = _thisComServer.TftpPath + "static" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; var copyResult = ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.ProxyDhcpEnabled) == "Yes" ? CopyFilesForProxy() : CopyFilesForNonProxy(); return(copyResult); }
public DtoActionResult Add(EntityClientComServer clientServer) { var actionResult = new DtoActionResult(); if (!clientServer.Url.EndsWith("/")) { clientServer.Url += "/"; } clientServer.Url = clientServer.Url.ToLower(); var validationResult = Validate(clientServer, true); if (validationResult.Success) { _uow.ClientComServerRepository.Insert(clientServer); _uow.Save(); actionResult.Success = true; actionResult.Id = clientServer.Id; } else { return(new DtoActionResult() { ErrorMessage = validationResult.ErrorMessage }); } return(actionResult); }
public DtoActionResult Post(EntityClientComServer server) { var result = _clientComService.Add(server); if (result == null) { return new DtoActionResult() { ErrorMessage = "Result Was Null" } } ; if (result.Success) { var auditLog = new EntityAuditLog(); auditLog.ObjectType = "ClientComServer"; auditLog.ObjectId = result.Id; auditLog.ObjectName = server.DisplayName; auditLog.ObjectJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(server); auditLog.UserId = _userId; auditLog.AuditType = EnumAuditEntry.AuditType.Create; _auditLogService.AddAuditLog(auditLog); } return(result); }
protected void buttonAdd_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtLocalStorage.Text.Contains(" ")) { EndUserMessage = "Storage Path Cannot Contain Any Spaces"; return; } var server = new EntityClientComServer() { DisplayName = txtName.Text, Url = txtUrl.Text, Description = txtDescription.Text, UniqueId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), LocalStoragePath = txtLocalStorage.Text }; var result = Call.ClientComServerApi.Post(server); if (result.Success) { EndUserMessage = "Successfully Created Server"; Response.Redirect("~/views/admin/comservers/editcomserver.aspx?level=2&serverId=" + result.Id); } else { EndUserMessage = result.ErrorMessage; } }
public DtoActionResult Update(EntityClientComServer clientServer) { var u = GetServer(clientServer.Id); if (u == null) { return new DtoActionResult { ErrorMessage = "Com Server Not Found", Id = 0 } } ; var actionResult = new DtoActionResult(); if (!clientServer.Url.EndsWith("/")) { clientServer.Url += "/"; } clientServer.Url = clientServer.Url.ToLower(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientServer.LocalStoragePath)) { if (!clientServer.LocalStoragePath.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString())) { clientServer.LocalStoragePath += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientServer.TftpPath)) { if (!clientServer.TftpPath.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString())) { clientServer.TftpPath += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientServer.RemoteAccessUrl)) { if (!clientServer.RemoteAccessUrl.EndsWith("/")) { clientServer.RemoteAccessUrl += "/"; } } var validationResult = Validate(clientServer, false); if (validationResult.Success) { _uow.ClientComServerRepository.Update(clientServer, u.Id); _uow.Save(); actionResult.Success = true; actionResult.Id = clientServer.Id; } else { return(new DtoActionResult() { ErrorMessage = validationResult.ErrorMessage }); } return(actionResult); }
public int RunOnComServer(DtoMulticastArgs mArgs, EntityClientComServer comServer) { var intercomKey = ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.IntercomKeyEncrypted); var decryptedKey = new EncryptionServices().DecryptText(intercomKey); var pid = new APICall().ClientComServerApi.StartUdpSender(comServer.Url, "", decryptedKey, mArgs); return(pid); }
public DtoActionResult Put(int id, EntityClientComServer account) { account.Id = id; var result = _clientComService.Update(account); if (result == null) { throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound)); } if (result.Success) { var auditLog = new EntityAuditLog(); auditLog.ObjectType = "ClientComServer"; auditLog.ObjectId = result.Id; auditLog.ObjectName = account.DisplayName; auditLog.ObjectJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(account); auditLog.UserId = _userId; auditLog.AuditType = EnumAuditEntry.AuditType.Update; _auditLogService.AddAuditLog(auditLog); } return(result); }
protected void buttonAdd_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { var server = new EntityClientComServer() { DisplayName = txtName.Text, Url = txtUrl.Text, Description = txtDescription.Text, ReplicateStorage = true, }; var result = Call.ClientComServerApi.Post(server); if (result.Success) { EndUserMessage = "Successfully Created Server"; Response.Redirect("~/views/admin/comservers/editcomserver.aspx?level=2&serverId=" + result.Id); } else { EndUserMessage = result.ErrorMessage; } }
public DtoValidationResult Validate(EntityClientComServer comServer, bool isNew) { var validationResult = new DtoValidationResult { Success = true }; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(comServer.DisplayName) || !comServer.DisplayName.All(c => char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '_' || c == '-' || c == ' ')) { validationResult.Success = false; validationResult.ErrorMessage = "Com Server Name Is Not Valid"; return(validationResult); } if (isNew) { if (_uow.ClientComServerRepository.Exists(h => h.DisplayName == comServer.DisplayName)) { validationResult.Success = false; validationResult.ErrorMessage = "A Com Server With This Name Already Exists"; return(validationResult); } } else { var original = _uow.ClientComServerRepository.GetById(comServer.Id); if (original.DisplayName != comServer.DisplayName) { if (_uow.ClientComServerRepository.Exists(h => h.DisplayName == comServer.DisplayName)) { validationResult.Success = false; validationResult.ErrorMessage = "A Com Server With This Name Already Exists"; return(validationResult); } } } return(validationResult); }
public DtoActionResult Update(EntityClientComServer clientServer) { var u = GetServer(clientServer.Id); if (u == null) { return new DtoActionResult { ErrorMessage = "Com Server Not Found", Id = 0 } } ; var actionResult = new DtoActionResult(); if (!clientServer.Url.EndsWith("/")) { clientServer.Url += "/"; } clientServer.Url = clientServer.Url.ToLower(); var validationResult = Validate(clientServer, false); if (validationResult.Success) { _uow.ClientComServerRepository.Update(clientServer, u.Id); _uow.Save(); actionResult.Success = true; actionResult.Id = clientServer.Id; } else { return(new DtoActionResult() { ErrorMessage = validationResult.ErrorMessage }); } return(actionResult); }
public bool Download(DtoOnlineKernel onlineKernel) { var guid = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ComServerUniqueId"]; _thisComServer = new ServiceClientComServer().GetServerByGuid(guid); if (_thisComServer == null) { log.Error($"Com Server With Guid {guid} Not Found"); return(false); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_thisComServer.TftpPath)) { log.Error($"Com Server With Guid {guid} Does Not Have A Valid Tftp Path"); return(false); } var baseUrl = ""; using (var wc = new WebClient()) { try { wc.DownloadFile(new Uri(baseUrl + onlineKernel.BaseVersion + "/" + onlineKernel.FileName), _thisComServer.TftpPath + "kernels" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + onlineKernel.FileName); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Could Not Download Kernel On Com Server: " + _thisComServer.DisplayName); log.Error(ex.Message); return(false); } } }
public DtoValidationResult Validate(EntityClientComServer comServer, bool isNew) { var validationResult = new DtoValidationResult { Success = true }; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(comServer.DisplayName) || !comServer.DisplayName.All(c => char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '_' || c == '-' || c == ' ')) { validationResult.Success = false; validationResult.ErrorMessage = "Com Server Name Is Not Valid"; return(validationResult); } if (isNew) { if (_uow.ClientComServerRepository.Exists(h => h.DisplayName == comServer.DisplayName)) { validationResult.Success = false; validationResult.ErrorMessage = "A Com Server With This Name Already Exists"; return(validationResult); } } else { var original = _uow.ClientComServerRepository.GetById(comServer.Id); if (original.DisplayName != comServer.DisplayName) { if (_uow.ClientComServerRepository.Exists(h => h.DisplayName == comServer.DisplayName)) { validationResult.Success = false; validationResult.ErrorMessage = "A Com Server With This Name Already Exists"; return(validationResult); } } } //remove for now, it's possible that you might want to com servers on the same server and still wouldn't need smb /* * var comServerCount = Convert.ToInt32(TotalCount()); * if(comServerCount > 0) * { * //verify storage type before allowing more than one com server * var storageType = ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.StorageType); * if(storageType.Equals("Local")) * { * validationResult.Success = false; * validationResult.ErrorMessage = "Could Not Add Server. If Using More Than 1 Com Server, The Storage Type Must Be Set To SMB In Admin Settings->Storage Location"; * return validationResult; * } * }*/ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(comServer.LocalStoragePath)) { validationResult.Success = false; validationResult.ErrorMessage = "Local Storage Path Must Be Populated. If Global Storage is set to Local, verify Admin Settings-> Storage Location is populated."; return(validationResult); } Regex r = new Regex(@"^(?<proto>\w+)://[^/]+?(?<port>:\d+)?/", RegexOptions.None, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(150)); Match m = r.Match(comServer.Url); if (m.Success) { var port = r.Match(comServer.Url).Result("${port}"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(port)) { validationResult.Success = false; validationResult.ErrorMessage = "The URL Must Include The Port Number"; return(validationResult); } } else { validationResult.Success = false; validationResult.ErrorMessage = "The URL Is Invalid"; return(validationResult); } return(validationResult); }
public string Upload(int taskId, string fileName, int profileId, int userId, string hdNumber) { //no need to find and call com server, client should already be directly communicating with the correct imaging server var guid = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ComServerUniqueId"]; _thisComServer = new ServiceClientComServer().GetServerByGuid(guid); if (_thisComServer == null) { log.Error($"Com Server With Guid {guid} Not Found"); return("0"); } var appPath = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~"), "private", "apps"); var task = new ServiceActiveImagingTask().GetTask(taskId); if (task == null) { return("0"); } var imageProfile = new ServiceImageProfile().ReadProfile(profileId); var uploadPort = new ServicePort().GetNextPort(task.ComServerId); var path = _thisComServer.LocalStoragePath; try { var dir = Path.Combine(path, "images", imageProfile.Image.Name, $"hd{ hdNumber}"); if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Could Not Create Directory"); log.Error(ex.Message); return("0"); } path = Path.Combine(path, "images", imageProfile.Image.Name, $"hd{hdNumber}", fileName); string arguments = " /c \""; var receiverPath = Path.Combine(appPath, "udp-receiver.exe"); arguments += $"{receiverPath}\" --portbase {uploadPort}"; arguments += $" --interface {_thisComServer.ImagingIp} --file {path}"; var pid = StartReceiver(arguments, imageProfile.Image.Name); //use multicast session even though it's not a multicast, uploads still use udpcast var activeMulticast = new EntityActiveMulticastSession(); if (pid != 0) { activeMulticast.ImageProfileId = imageProfile.Id; activeMulticast.Name = imageProfile.Image.Name; activeMulticast.Pid = pid; activeMulticast.Port = uploadPort; activeMulticast.ComServerId = _thisComServer.Id; activeMulticast.UserId = userId; activeMulticast.UploadTaskId = task.Id; var result = new ServiceActiveMulticastSession().AddActiveMulticastSession(activeMulticast); if (result) { return(uploadPort.ToString()); } } return("0"); }
public bool Execute(EntityComputer computer) { _computer = computer; _listOfMacs = new List <string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_computer.ImagingMac)) { _listOfMacs.Add(StringManipulationServices.MacToPxeMac(_computer.ImagingMac)); } else { var computerMacs = new UnitOfWork().NicInventoryRepository.Get(x => x.ComputerId == computer.Id && x.Type.Equals("Ethernet")).Select(x => x.Mac).ToList(); foreach (var mac in computerMacs) { _listOfMacs.Add(StringManipulationServices.MacToPxeMac(mac)); } } _computerServices = new ServiceComputer(); var guid = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ComServerUniqueId"]; _thisComServer = new ServiceClientComServer().GetServerByGuid(guid); if (_thisComServer == null) { Logger.Error($"Com Server With Guid {guid} Not Found"); return(false); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_thisComServer.TftpPath)) { Logger.Error($"Com Server With Guid {guid} Does Not Have A Valid Tftp Path"); return(false); } if (ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.ProxyDhcpEnabled) == "Yes") { DeleteProxyFile("bios"); DeleteProxyFile("bios", ".ipxe"); DeleteProxyFile("efi32"); DeleteProxyFile("efi32", ".ipxe"); DeleteProxyFile("efi64"); DeleteProxyFile("efi64", ".ipxe"); DeleteProxyFile("efi64", ".cfg"); } else { var mode = ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.PxeBootloader); if (mode.Contains("ipxe")) { DeleteStandardFile(".ipxe"); } else if (mode.Contains("grub")) { DeleteStandardFile(".cfg"); } else { DeleteStandardFile(); } } return(true); }
public DtoActionResult Add(EntityClientComServer clientServer) { var actionResult = new DtoActionResult(); if (!clientServer.Url.EndsWith("/")) { clientServer.Url += "/"; } clientServer.Url = clientServer.Url.ToLower(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientServer.LocalStoragePath)) { if (!clientServer.LocalStoragePath.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString())) { clientServer.LocalStoragePath += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientServer.TftpPath)) { if (!clientServer.TftpPath.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString())) { clientServer.TftpPath += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientServer.RemoteAccessUrl)) { if (!clientServer.RemoteAccessUrl.EndsWith("/")) { clientServer.RemoteAccessUrl += "/"; } } clientServer.DecompressImageOn = "client"; clientServer.EmMaxBps = 0; clientServer.EmMaxClients = 0; clientServer.ImagingMaxBps = 0; clientServer.ImagingMaxClients = 5; clientServer.IsEndpointManagementServer = true; clientServer.IsImagingServer = true; clientServer.IsMulticastServer = true; clientServer.IsTftpServer = true; clientServer.MulticastEndPort = 10000; clientServer.MulticastStartPort = 9000; clientServer.ReplicateStorage = true; clientServer.ReplicationRateIpg = 0; clientServer.TftpPath = @"C:\Program Files\Theopenem\tftpboot\"; clientServer.IsTftpInfoServer = true; clientServer.UniqueId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var validationResult = Validate(clientServer, true); if (validationResult.Success) { _uow.ClientComServerRepository.Insert(clientServer); _uow.Save(); actionResult.Success = true; actionResult.Id = clientServer.Id; } else { return(new DtoActionResult() { ErrorMessage = validationResult.ErrorMessage }); } return(actionResult); }
public int GenerateProcessArguments(DtoMulticastArgs mArgs) { var guid = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ComServerUniqueId"]; _thisComServer = new ServiceClientComServer().GetServerByGuid(guid); if (_thisComServer == null) { log.Error($"Com Server With Guid {guid} Not Found"); return(0); } var schemaCounter = -1; var multicastHdCounter = 0; string processArguments = null; foreach (var hd in mArgs.schema.HardDrives) { schemaCounter++; if (!hd.Active) { continue; } multicastHdCounter++; var x = 0; foreach (var part in mArgs.schema.HardDrives[schemaCounter].Partitions) { if (!part.Active) { continue; } string imageFile = null; foreach (var ext in new[] { "ntfs", "fat", "extfs", "hfsp", "imager", "winpe", "xfs" }) { imageFile = new FilesystemServices().GetMulticastFileNameWithFullPath(mArgs.ImageName, schemaCounter.ToString(), part.Number, ext, _thisComServer.LocalStoragePath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageFile)) { break; } //Look for lvm if (part.VolumeGroup == null) { continue; } if (part.VolumeGroup.LogicalVolumes == null) { continue; } foreach (var lv in part.VolumeGroup.LogicalVolumes.Where(lv => lv.Active)) { imageFile = new FilesystemServices().GetMulticastLVMFileNameWithFullPath(mArgs.ImageName, schemaCounter.ToString(), lv.VolumeGroup, lv.Name, ext, _thisComServer.LocalStoragePath); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageFile)) { continue; } if (mArgs.Environment == "winpe" && mArgs.schema.HardDrives[schemaCounter].Table.ToLower() == "gpt") { if (part.Type.ToLower() == "system" || part.Type.ToLower() == "recovery" || part.Type.ToLower() == "reserved") { continue; } } if (mArgs.Environment == "winpe" && mArgs.schema.HardDrives[schemaCounter].Table.ToLower() == "mbr") { if (part.Number == mArgs.schema.HardDrives[schemaCounter].Boot && mArgs.schema.HardDrives[schemaCounter].Partitions.Length > 1) { continue; } } x++; var minReceivers = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mArgs.clientCount)) { minReceivers = " --min-receivers " + mArgs.clientCount; } var isUnix = Environment.OSVersion.ToString().Contains("Unix"); string compAlg; var stdout = ""; switch (Path.GetExtension(imageFile)) { case ".lz4": compAlg = isUnix ? "lz4 -d " : "lz4.exe\" -d "; stdout = " - "; break; case ".gz": if (isUnix) { compAlg = "gzip -c -d "; stdout = ""; } else { compAlg = "7za.exe\" x "; stdout = " -so "; } break; case ".uncp": compAlg = "none"; break; case ".wim": compAlg = "none"; break; default: return(0); } if (isUnix) { string prefix = null; if (multicastHdCounter == 1) { prefix = x == 1 ? " -c \"" : " ; "; } else { prefix = " ; "; } if (compAlg == "none" || _thisComServer.DecompressImageOn == "client") { processArguments += prefix + "cat " + "\"" + imageFile + "\"" + " | udp-sender" + " --portbase " + mArgs.Port + minReceivers + " " + " --ttl 32 --interface " + _thisComServer.MulticastInterfaceIp + " --mcast-rdv-address " + _thisComServer.MulticastInterfaceIp + mArgs.ExtraArgs; } else { processArguments += prefix + compAlg + "\"" + imageFile + "\"" + stdout + " | udp-sender" + " --portbase " + mArgs.Port + minReceivers + " " + " --ttl 32 --interface " + _thisComServer.MulticastInterfaceIp + " --mcast-rdv-address " + _thisComServer.MulticastInterfaceIp + mArgs.ExtraArgs; } } else { var appPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~") + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "private" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "apps" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; string prefix = null; if (multicastHdCounter == 1) { prefix = x == 1 ? " /c \"" : " & "; } else { prefix = " & "; } if (compAlg == "none" || _thisComServer.DecompressImageOn == "client") { processArguments += prefix + "\"" + appPath + "udp-sender.exe" + "\"" + " --file " + "\"" + imageFile + "\"" + " --portbase " + mArgs.Port + minReceivers + " " + " --ttl 32 --interface " + _thisComServer.MulticastInterfaceIp + " --mcast-rdv-address " + _thisComServer.MulticastInterfaceIp + mArgs.ExtraArgs; } else { processArguments += prefix + "\"" + appPath + compAlg + "\"" + imageFile + "\"" + stdout + " | " + "\"" + appPath + "udp-sender.exe" + "\"" + " --portbase " + mArgs.Port + minReceivers + " " + " --ttl 32 --interface " + _thisComServer.MulticastInterfaceIp + " --mcast-rdv-address " + _thisComServer.MulticastInterfaceIp + mArgs.ExtraArgs; } } } } processArguments += "\""; return(StartMulticastSender(processArguments, mArgs.groupName)); }
public bool Execute() { var guid = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ComServerUniqueId"]; _thisComServer = new ServiceClientComServer().GetServerByGuid(guid); if (_thisComServer == null) { Logger.Error($"Com Server With Guid {guid} Not Found"); return(false); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_thisComServer.TftpPath)) { Logger.Error($"Com Server With Guid {guid} Does Not Have A Valid Tftp Path"); return(false); } if (_thisComServer.IsTftpServer) { var tftpPath = _thisComServer.TftpPath; var pxePaths = new List <string> { tftpPath + "pxelinux.cfg" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, tftpPath + "proxy" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "bios" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "pxelinux.cfg" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, tftpPath + "proxy" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "efi32" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "pxelinux.cfg" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, tftpPath + "proxy" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "efi64" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "pxelinux.cfg" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar }; foreach (var pxePath in pxePaths) { var pxeFiles = Directory.GetFiles(pxePath, "01*"); try { foreach (var pxeFile in pxeFiles) { File.Delete(pxeFile); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex.ToString()); return(false); } } } if (_thisComServer.IsMulticastServer) { if (Environment.OSVersion.ToString().Contains("Unix")) { for (var x = 1; x <= 10; x++) { try { var killProcInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "killall", Arguments = " -s SIGKILL udp-sender" }; Process.Start(killProcInfo); } catch { // ignored } try { var killProcInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "killall", Arguments = " -s SIGKILL udp-receiver" }; Process.Start(killProcInfo); } catch { // ignored } Thread.Sleep(200); } } else { for (var x = 1; x <= 10; x++) { foreach (var p in Process.GetProcessesByName("udp-sender")) { try { p.Kill(); p.WaitForExit(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex.ToString()); } } foreach (var p in Process.GetProcessesByName("udp-receiver")) { try { p.Kill(); p.WaitForExit(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex.ToString()); } } Thread.Sleep(200); } } } new ServiceActiveImagingTask().DeleteAll(); new ServiceActiveMulticastSession().DeleteAll(); return(true); }
public bool CreatePxeBootFiles(EntityComputer computer, EntityImageProfile imageProfile) { _uow = new UnitOfWork(); const string newLineChar = "\n"; _computer = computer; _imageProfile = imageProfile; var guid = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ComServerUniqueId"]; _thisComServer = new ServiceClientComServer().GetServerByGuid(guid); if (_thisComServer == null) { log.Error($"Com Server With Guid {guid} Not Found"); return(false); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_thisComServer.TftpPath)) { log.Error($"Com Server With Guid {guid} Does Not Have A Valid Tftp Path"); return(false); } var webRequiresLogin = ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.WebTasksRequireLogin); var globalToken = ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.GlobalImagingToken); if (webRequiresLogin.Equals("False")) { _userToken = globalToken; } else { _userToken = ""; } var listOfMacs = new List <string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_computer.ImagingMac)) { log.Debug("Computer Task PXE Mac: " + _computer.ImagingMac); listOfMacs.Add(StringManipulationServices.MacToPxeMac(_computer.ImagingMac)); } else { var computerMacs = _uow.NicInventoryRepository.Get(x => x.ComputerId == computer.Id && x.Type.Equals("Ethernet")).Select(x => x.Mac).ToList(); foreach (var mac in computerMacs) { listOfMacs.Add(StringManipulationServices.MacToPxeMac(mac)); } } var imageComServers = new Workflows.GetCompImagingServers().Run(computer.Id); if (imageComServers == null) { log.Error("Could Not Determine Imaging Com Servers For Computer: " + computer.Name); return(false); } if (imageComServers.Count == 0) { log.Error("Could Not Determine Imaging Com Servers For Computer: " + computer.Name); return(false); } var webPath = "\""; foreach (var imageServer in imageComServers) { webPath += imageServer.Url + "clientimaging/ "; //adds a space delimiter } webPath = webPath.Trim(' '); webPath += "\""; var globalComputerArgs = ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.GlobalImagingArguments); var compTftpServers = new Workflows.GetCompTftpServers().Run(computer.Id); if (compTftpServers == null) { log.Error("Could Not Determine Tftp Com Servers For Computer: " + computer.Name); return(false); } if (compTftpServers.Count == 0) { log.Error("Could Not Determine Tftp Com Servers For Computer: " + computer.Name); return(false); } var iPxePath = _thisComServer.Url; if (iPxePath.Contains("https://")) { if (ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.IpxeSSL).Equals("False")) { iPxePath = iPxePath.ToLower().Replace("https://", "http://"); var currentPort = iPxePath.Split(':').Last(); iPxePath = iPxePath.Replace(currentPort, ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.IpxeHttpPort)) + "/clientimaging/"; } else { iPxePath += "clientimaging/"; } } else { iPxePath += "clientimaging/"; } var ipxe = new StringBuilder(); ipxe.Append("#!ipxe" + newLineChar); ipxe.Append("kernel " + iPxePath + "IpxeBoot?filename=" + _imageProfile.Kernel + "&type=kernel" + " initrd=" + _imageProfile.BootImage + " root=/dev/ram0 rw ramdisk_size=156000" + " consoleblank=0" + " web=" + webPath + " USER_TOKEN=" + _userToken + " " + globalComputerArgs + " " + _imageProfile.KernelArguments + newLineChar); ipxe.Append("imgfetch --name " + _imageProfile.BootImage + " " + iPxePath + "IpxeBoot?filename=" + _imageProfile.BootImage + "&type=bootimage" + newLineChar); ipxe.Append("boot" + newLineChar); var sysLinux = new StringBuilder(); sysLinux.Append("DEFAULT theopenem" + newLineChar); sysLinux.Append("LABEL theopenem" + newLineChar); sysLinux.Append("KERNEL kernels" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + _imageProfile.Kernel + newLineChar); sysLinux.Append("APPEND initrd=images" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + _imageProfile.BootImage + " root=/dev/ram0 rw ramdisk_size=156000" + " consoleblank=0" + " web=" + webPath + " USER_TOKEN=" + _userToken + " " + globalComputerArgs + " " + _imageProfile.KernelArguments + newLineChar); var grub = new StringBuilder(); grub.Append("set default=0" + newLineChar); grub.Append("set timeout=0" + newLineChar); grub.Append("menuentry Theopenem --unrestricted {" + newLineChar); grub.Append("echo Please Wait While The Boot Image Is Transferred. This May Take A Few Minutes." + newLineChar); grub.Append("linux /kernels/" + _imageProfile.Kernel + " root=/dev/ram0 rw ramdisk_size=156000" + " consoleblank=0" + " web=" + webPath + " USER_TOKEN=" + _userToken + " " + globalComputerArgs + " " + _imageProfile.KernelArguments + newLineChar); grub.Append("initrd /images/" + _imageProfile.BootImage + newLineChar); grub.Append("}" + newLineChar); var list = new List <Tuple <string, string, string> > { Tuple.Create("bios", "", sysLinux.ToString()), Tuple.Create("bios", ".ipxe", ipxe.ToString()), Tuple.Create("efi32", "", sysLinux.ToString()), Tuple.Create("efi32", ".ipxe", ipxe.ToString()), Tuple.Create("efi64", "", sysLinux.ToString()), Tuple.Create("efi64", ".ipxe", ipxe.ToString()), Tuple.Create("efi64", ".cfg", grub.ToString()) }; //In proxy mode all boot files are created regardless of the pxe mode, this way computers can be customized //to use a specific boot file without affecting all others, using the proxydhcp reservations file. if (ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.ProxyDhcpEnabled) == "Yes") { foreach (var mac in listOfMacs) { foreach (var bootMenu in list) { var path = _thisComServer.TftpPath + "proxy" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + bootMenu.Item1 + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "pxelinux.cfg" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + mac + bootMenu.Item2; if (!new FilesystemServices().WritePath(path, bootMenu.Item3)) { return(false); } } } } //When not using proxy dhcp, only one boot file is created else { var mode = ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.PxeBootloader); foreach (var mac in listOfMacs) { var path = ""; path = _thisComServer.TftpPath + "pxelinux.cfg" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + mac; string fileContents = null; if (mode == "pxelinux" || mode == "syslinux_32_efi" || mode == "syslinux_64_efi") { fileContents = sysLinux.ToString(); } else if (mode.Contains("ipxe")) { path += ".ipxe"; fileContents = ipxe.ToString(); } else if (mode.Contains("grub")) { path += ".cfg"; fileContents = grub.ToString(); } if (!new FilesystemServices().WritePath(path, fileContents)) { return(false); } } } return(true); }
public byte[] Create(DtoIsoGenOptions isoOptions) { var uow = new UnitOfWork(); _isoOptions = isoOptions; var mode = ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.PxeBootloader); var imageServers = new List <DtoClientComServers>(); var defaultCluster = uow.ComServerClusterRepository.GetFirstOrDefault(x => x.IsDefault); if (isoOptions.clusterId == -1) { imageServers = uow.ComServerClusterServerRepository.GetImagingClusterServers(defaultCluster.Id); } else { imageServers = uow.ComServerClusterServerRepository.GetImagingClusterServers(isoOptions.clusterId); } if (imageServers == null) { Logger.Error($"No Image Servers Found For This Cluster"); return(null); } if (imageServers.Count == 0) { Logger.Error($"No Image Servers Found For This Cluster"); return(null); } var guid = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ComServerUniqueId"]; _thisComServer = new ServiceClientComServer().GetServerByGuid(guid); if (_thisComServer == null) { Logger.Error($"Com Server With Guid {guid} Not Found"); return(null); } var webRequiresLogin = ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.WebTasksRequireLogin); var consoleRequiresLogin = ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.ConsoleTasksRequireLogin); var globalToken = ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.GlobalImagingToken); if (webRequiresLogin.Equals("False") || consoleRequiresLogin.Equals("False")) { _userToken = globalToken; } else { _userToken = ""; } _globalComputerArgs = ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.GlobalImagingArguments); _webPath = "\""; foreach (var imageServer in imageServers) { var url = new ServiceClientComServer().GetServer(imageServer.ComServerId).Url; _webPath += url + "clientimaging/ "; //adds a space delimiter } _webPath = _webPath.Trim(' '); _webPath += "\""; _basePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~") + "private" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; _rootfsPath = _basePath + "client_iso" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "rootfs" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; if (isoOptions.useSecureBoot) { _grubPath = _basePath + "client_iso" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "grub_binaries" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "signed" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; } else { _grubPath = _basePath + "client_iso" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "grub_binaries" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "unsigned" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; } _buildPath = _basePath + "client_iso" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "build-tmp"; _outputPath = _basePath + "client_iso" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; _configOutPath = _basePath + "client_iso" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "config" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; Generate(); var file = File.ReadAllBytes(_basePath + "client_iso" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "clientboot.iso"); return(file); }
public bool Create(DtoBootMenuGenOptions bootOptions) { _defaultBoot = bootOptions; var mode = ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.PxeBootloader); var guid = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ComServerUniqueId"]; _thisComServer = new ServiceClientComServer().GetServerByGuid(guid); if (_thisComServer == null) { log.Error($"Com Server With Guid {guid} Not Found"); return(false); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_thisComServer.TftpPath)) { log.Error($"Com Server With Guid {guid} Does Not Have A Valid Tftp Path"); return(false); } _bootEntryServices = new ServiceCustomBootMenu(); _globalComputerArgs = ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.GlobalImagingArguments); var defaultCluster = new UnitOfWork().ComServerClusterRepository.Get(x => x.IsDefault).FirstOrDefault(); var defaultImagingServers = new UnitOfWork().ComServerClusterServerRepository.GetImagingClusterServers(defaultCluster.Id); _webPath = "\""; //the global default menu doesn't really have a way of knowing which imaging server to connect to since it's not related to a computer /group with // the com server assigned. Instead use this server if it's an imaging server, otherwise use the default cluster. if (_thisComServer.IsImagingServer) { _webPath += _thisComServer.Url + "clientimaging/ "; } else { foreach (var imageServer in defaultImagingServers) { var url = new ServiceClientComServer().GetServer(imageServer.ComServerId).Url; _webPath += url + "clientimaging/ "; //adds a space delimiter } } _webPath = _webPath.Trim(' '); _webPath += "\""; var webRequiresLogin = ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.WebTasksRequireLogin); var consoleRequiresLogin = ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.ConsoleTasksRequireLogin); var globalToken = ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.GlobalImagingToken); if (webRequiresLogin.Equals("False") || consoleRequiresLogin.Equals("False")) { _userToken = globalToken; } else { _userToken = ""; } if (_defaultBoot.Type == "standard") { if (mode.Contains("ipxe")) { CreateIpxeMenu(defaultCluster.Id); } else if (mode.Contains("grub")) { CreateGrubMenu(); } else { CreateSyslinuxMenu(); } } else { foreach (var proxyMode in new[] { "bios", "efi32", "efi64" }) { bootOptions.Type = proxyMode; if (proxyMode.Equals("bios")) { bootOptions.Kernel = bootOptions.BiosKernel; bootOptions.BootImage = bootOptions.BiosBootImage; } else if (proxyMode.Equals("efi32")) { bootOptions.Kernel = bootOptions.Efi32Kernel; bootOptions.BootImage = bootOptions.Efi32BootImage; } else { bootOptions.Kernel = bootOptions.Efi64Kernel; bootOptions.BootImage = bootOptions.Efi64BootImage; } CreateIpxeMenu(defaultCluster.Id); CreateSyslinuxMenu(); CreateGrubMenu(); } } return(true); }