Пример #1
 public UseStatusLogic(EnrolledEmployee emp, IEnumerable <RawData> rData, DateTime dateToProcess)
     this.employee      = emp;
     this.rawData       = rData.ToList();
     this.dateToProcess = dateToProcess;
     this._unitOfWork   = new UnitOfWork();
Пример #2
 public void ProcessRawData(EnrolledEmployee emp, DateTime dtFrom, DateTime dtTo, string tableName = "")
         //ShiftType shift = new ShiftType();
         enClockMode clockMode;
         //IEnumerable<RawData> rData = this.GetRawData(false,emp.enrollno,dtFrom,dtTo).ToList();
         IEnumerable <RawData> rData;
         using (var db = new iTimeServiceContext())
             rData = db.Set <RawData>()
                     .Where(x => x.ENROLL_NO == emp.enrollno)
                     .Where(x => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.PUNCH_TIME) >= dtFrom.Date &&
                            DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.PUNCH_TIME) <= dtTo.Date)
                     .OrderBy(x => x.PUNCH_TIME)
         //if (rData.Count() > 0)
         if (emp.shift > 0)
             Common.Common.SetShiftParams(dtFrom, emp.ShiftType);
             clockMode = emp.ShiftType.clockmode;
             //foreach (DateTime dateToProcess in Common.Common.GetDateRange(dtFrom,dtTo))
             if (clockMode == enClockMode.Schedules)
                 logic = new UseSchedulesLogic(emp, rData, dtFrom);
             else if (clockMode == enClockMode.StatusCode)
                 logic = new UseStatusLogic(emp, rData, dtFrom);
             else if (clockMode == enClockMode.Device)
                 logic = new UseDeviceLogic(emp, rData, dtFrom);
             else if (clockMode == enClockMode.WorkCodes)
                 logic = new UseWorkCodeLogic(emp, rData, dtFrom);
             if (logic != null)
                 ClockModeLogicProvider _provider = new ClockModeLogicProvider(logic, emp.ShiftType.type);
     catch (Exception ex)
         Common.Common._processedOk = false;
         Common.Common._exception   = ex;
         //_log.Debug("ProcessRawData encountered a problem : " + ex.InnerException);
Пример #3
 public UseSchedulesLogic(EnrolledEmployee emp, IEnumerable <RawData> rData, DateTime dateToProcess)
     this.employee = emp;
     this.rawData  = rData.ToList();
     //this.shift = shift;
     this.dateToProcess = dateToProcess;
     _unitOfWork        = new UnitOfWork();
Пример #4
 private string GetCurrentAttTable(EnrolledEmployee emp, DateTime dtAttend)
         AttendanceBase objAtt;
         string         strTableName = string.Empty;
         if (emp.type == enEmpType.Casual)
             objAtt = unitOfWork.AttCasuals.All()
                      .Where(x => x.attenddt.Month == dtAttend.Date.Month)
             if (objAtt != null)
                 strTableName = "Trn_AttCasual";
                 strTableName = "Trn_AttCasual_" + dtAttend.ToString("yyyyMM");
         else if (emp.type == enEmpType.Permanent)
             strTableName = "Trn_AttPermanent";
             objAtt       = unitOfWork.AttPermanents.All()
                            .Where(x => x.attenddt.Month == dtAttend.Date.Month)
             if (objAtt != null)
                 strTableName = "Trn_AttPermanent";
                 strTableName = "Trn_AttPermanent_" + dtAttend.ToString("yyyyMM");
         else if (emp.type == enEmpType.Contract)
             objAtt = unitOfWork.AttContracts.All()
                      .Where(x => x.attenddt.Month == dtAttend.Date.Month)
             if (objAtt != null)
                 strTableName = "Trn_AttContract";
                 strTableName = "Trn_AttContract_" + dtAttend.ToString("yyyyMM");
     catch (Exception ex)
         Common.Common._processedOk = false;
         Common.Common._exception   = ex;
Пример #5
        public ProcessAttendanceResult ProcessAtt(string dtFrom, string dtTo, string strEmpIds, string machineName, string ipAddress)

            var dtF = dtFrom.ToDate();

            if (!dtF.HasValue)
                _log.Info("Client Machine Attendance Processing Request Failed: Conversion Error");
            var dtT = dtTo.ToDate();

            if (!dtT.HasValue)
                _log.Info("Client Machine Attendance Processing Request Failed: Conversion Error");
            string strMachineIP = "[" + machineName + " - " + ipAddress + "]";

            _log.Info(strMachineIP + " Attendance Processing Request Started at " + DateTime.Now + " for Date Range : " + dtF.ToString() + " To " + dtT.ToString());
            //Pause currently running scheduled attendance job to avoid db update concurrency conflicts
            IScheduler sched = new StdSchedulerFactory().GetScheduler();
            //DataTable jobsTable = GetJobs(sched);
            JobKey updateJobKey  = null;
            var    executingJobs = sched.GetCurrentlyExecutingJobs();

            foreach (var job in executingJobs)
                JobKey jobKey = job.JobDetail.Key;
                updateJobKey = jobKey;
                if (jobKey.Name == "updateAtt")
            // -----To do : If no job currently running check if its about to start and reschedule the job
            string[] EmpIds = GetPostedEmpIds(strEmpIds);

            double empCount = 0;

            foreach (var empId in EmpIds)
                int employeeId       = Convert.ToInt16(empId);
                EnrolledEmployee emp = unitOfWork.EnrolledEmployees.All()
                                       .Where(x => x.workstatus == true)
                                       .Where(x => x.isdeleted == false)
                                       .Where(x => x.id == employeeId)
                if (emp != null)
                    string tableName = GetCurrentAttTable(emp, DateTime.Parse(dtF.ToString()));
                    foreach (DateTime punchDate in Common.Common.GetDateRange(DateTime.Parse(dtFrom.ToString()), DateTime.Parse(dtTo.ToString())))
                        ProcessRawData(emp, punchDate, punchDate.AddDays(1), tableName);
                        if (Common.Common._processedOk == false)
                            _log.Info("Exception encountered while processing attendance update for :" + strMachineIP + " at " + DateTime.Now, Common.Common._exception);
            _log.Info(strMachineIP + " Attendance Processing Request Finished at " + DateTime.Now + ".  No of Attendance Records Updated : " + empCount + " From " + dtFrom.ToString() + " to " + dtTo.ToString());
            //---------Resume paused job Here..---------------------
            if (updateJobKey != null)

            return(new ProcessAttendanceResult
                Count = empCount,
                Message = "Attendance has been processed successfully! Dates: " + dtFrom + " to  " + dtTo
Пример #6
        public static void UpdateAttendanceData(IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork, AttendanceBase objAtt, EnrolledEmployee employee,
                                                string strTableName, bool isClientCall)
                if (isClientCall == false)
                    if (employee.type == enEmpType.Casual)
                        AttCasual objC = (AttCasual)objAtt;
                        if (objAtt.isNewRecord)
                    else if (employee.type == enEmpType.Permanent)
                        AttPermanent objC = (AttPermanent)objAtt;
                        if (objAtt.isNewRecord)
                    else if (employee.type == enEmpType.Contract)
                        AttContract objC = (AttContract)objAtt;
                        if (objAtt.isNewRecord)
                    using (var db = new iTimeServiceContext())
                        var debug = new SqlParameter("@debug", false);

                        var Table_Name = strTableName != null ?
                                         new SqlParameter("@Table_Name", strTableName) :
                                         new SqlParameter("@Table_Name", SqlDbType.VarChar);

                        var empid = objAtt.empid != null ?
                                    new SqlParameter("@empid", objAtt.empid) :
                                    new SqlParameter("@empid", SqlDbType.Int);

                        var id = objAtt.id != null ?
                                 new SqlParameter("@id", objAtt.id) :
                                 new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.Int);

                        var shiftid = objAtt.shiftid != null ?
                                      new SqlParameter("@shiftid", objAtt.shiftid) :
                                      new SqlParameter("@shiftid", SqlDbType.Int);

                        var daytype = objAtt.daytype != null ?
                                      new SqlParameter("@daytype", objAtt.daytype) :
                                      new SqlParameter("@daytype", SqlDbType.Int);

                        var shifttype = objAtt.shifttype != null ?
                                        new SqlParameter("@shifttype", objAtt.shifttype) :
                                        new SqlParameter("@shifttype", SqlDbType.VarChar);

                        var isabsent = objAtt.isabsent != null ?
                                       new SqlParameter("@isabsent", objAtt.isabsent) :
                                       new SqlParameter("@isabsent", SqlDbType.Bit);

                        var attstatus = objAtt.attstatus != null ?
                                        new SqlParameter("@attstatus", objAtt.attstatus) :
                                        new SqlParameter("@attstatus", SqlDbType.Int);

                        var timein = objAtt.timein != null ?
                                     new SqlParameter("@timein", objAtt.timein) :
                                     new SqlParameter("@timein", DBNull.Value);

                        var timeout = objAtt.timeout != null ?
                                      new SqlParameter("@timeout", objAtt.timeout) :
                                      new SqlParameter("@timeout", DBNull.Value);

                        var timeinE = objAtt.timeinE != null ?
                                      new SqlParameter("@timeinE", objAtt.timeinE) :
                                      new SqlParameter("@timeinE", DBNull.Value);

                        var timeoutE = objAtt.timeoutE != null ?
                                       new SqlParameter("@timeoutE", objAtt.timeoutE) :
                                       new SqlParameter("@timeoutE", DBNull.Value);

                        var breakout = objAtt.breakout != null ?
                                       new SqlParameter("@breakout", objAtt.breakout) :
                                       new SqlParameter("@breakout", DBNull.Value);

                        var breakin = objAtt.breakin != null ?
                                      new SqlParameter("@breakin", objAtt.breakin) :
                                      new SqlParameter("@breakin", DBNull.Value);

                        var totalhrscount = objAtt.totalhrscount != null ?
                                            new SqlParameter("@totalhrscount", objAtt.totalhrscount) :
                                            new SqlParameter("@totalhrscount", SqlDbType.Float);

                        var totalhrsworked = objAtt.totalhrsworked != null ?
                                             new SqlParameter("@totalhrsworked", objAtt.totalhrsworked) :
                                             new SqlParameter("@totalhrsworked", SqlDbType.Float);

                        var normalhrsworked = objAtt.normalhrsworked != null ?
                                              new SqlParameter("@normalhrsworked", objAtt.normalhrsworked) :
                                              new SqlParameter("@normalhrsworked", SqlDbType.Float);

                        var otHD = objAtt.otHD != null ?
                                   new SqlParameter("@otHD", objAtt.otHD) :
                                   new SqlParameter("@otHD", SqlDbType.Float);

                        var otND = objAtt.otND != null ?
                                   new SqlParameter("@otND", objAtt.otND) :
                                   new SqlParameter("@otND", SqlDbType.Float);

                        var breaktm = objAtt.breaktm != null ?
                                      new SqlParameter("@breaktm", objAtt.breaktm) :
                                      new SqlParameter("@breaktm", SqlDbType.Float);

                        var leaveouts = objAtt.leaveouts != null ?
                                        new SqlParameter("@leaveouts", objAtt.leaveouts) :
                                        new SqlParameter("@leaveouts", SqlDbType.Float);

                        var losthrs = objAtt.losthrs != null ?
                                      new SqlParameter("@losthrs", objAtt.losthrs) :
                                      new SqlParameter("@losthrs", SqlDbType.Float);

                        var adjot = objAtt.adjot != null ?
                                    new SqlParameter("@adjot", objAtt.adjot) :
                                    new SqlParameter("@adjot", SqlDbType.Float);

                        var timeinM = objAtt.timeinM != null ?
                                      new SqlParameter("@timeinM", objAtt.timeinM) :
                                      new SqlParameter("@timeinM", SqlDbType.Bit);

                        var timeoutM = objAtt.timeoutM != null ?
                                       new SqlParameter("@timeoutM", objAtt.timeoutM) :
                                       new SqlParameter("@timeoutM", SqlDbType.Bit);

                        var weekday = objAtt.weekday != null ?
                                      new SqlParameter("@weekday", objAtt.weekday) :
                                      new SqlParameter("@weekday", SqlDbType.Int);

                        var comment = objAtt.comment != null ?
                                      new SqlParameter("@comment", objAtt.comment) :
                                      new SqlParameter("@comment", SqlDbType.VarChar);

                        var earlygo = objAtt.earlygo != null ?
                                      new SqlParameter("@earlygo", objAtt.earlygo) :
                                      new SqlParameter("@earlygo", SqlDbType.Float);

                        var latein = objAtt.latein != null ?
                                     new SqlParameter("@latein", objAtt.latein) :
                                     new SqlParameter("@latein", SqlDbType.Float);

                        var timeinP = objAtt.timeinP != null ?
                                      new SqlParameter("@timeinP", objAtt.timeinP) :
                                      new SqlParameter("@timeinP", SqlDbType.Float);

                        var timeoutP = objAtt.timeoutP != null ?
                                       new SqlParameter("@timeoutP", objAtt.timeoutP) :
                                       new SqlParameter("@timeoutP", SqlDbType.Float);

                        var lunchP = objAtt.lunchP != null ?
                                     new SqlParameter("@lunchP", objAtt.lunchP) :
                                     new SqlParameter("@lunchP", SqlDbType.Float);

                        var chlocked = objAtt.chlocked != null ?
                                       new SqlParameter("@chlocked", objAtt.chlocked) :
                                       new SqlParameter("@chlocked", SqlDbType.Bit);

                        var finallost = objAtt.finallost != null ?
                                        new SqlParameter("@finallost", objAtt.finallost) :
                                        new SqlParameter("@finallost", SqlDbType.Float);

                        var adjlost = objAtt.adjlost != null ?
                                      new SqlParameter("@adjlost", objAtt.adjlost) :
                                      new SqlParameter("@adjlost", SqlDbType.Float);

                        var finalot = objAtt.finalot != null ?
                                      new SqlParameter("@finalot", objAtt.finalot) :
                                      new SqlParameter("@finalot", SqlDbType.Float);

                        var lunchlost = objAtt.lunchlost != null ?
                                        new SqlParameter("@lunchlost", objAtt.lunchlost) :
                                        new SqlParameter("@lunchlost", SqlDbType.Float);

                        db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("spDynamicAttendanceUpdate @debug,@Table_Name,@empid,@id," +
                                                      "@shiftid,@daytype,@shifttype,@isabsent,@attstatus,@timein,@timeout,@timeinE,@timeoutE," +
                                                      "@breakout,@breakin,@totalhrscount,@totalhrsworked,@normalhrsworked,@otHD,@otND,@breaktm," +
                                                      "@leaveouts,@losthrs,@adjot,@timeinM,@timeoutM,@weekday,@comment,@earlygo,@latein,@timeinP," +
                                                      debug, Table_Name, empid, id, shiftid, daytype, shifttype, isabsent, attstatus, timein, timeout, timeinE, timeoutE,
                                                      breakout, breakin, totalhrscount, totalhrsworked, normalhrsworked, otHD, otND, breaktm, leaveouts, losthrs, adjot,
                                                      timeinM, timeoutM, weekday, comment, earlygo, latein, timeinP, timeoutP, lunchP, chlocked, finallost, adjlost, finalot, lunchlost);

                        _processedOk = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                _processedOk = false;
                _exception   = ex;
Пример #7
        public static AttendanceBase InitializeAttendanceObject(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, EnrolledEmployee emp, DateTime dateToProcess, string tableName)
                AttendanceBase objAtt = new AttendanceBase();
                if (tableName == "")
                    if (emp.type == enEmpType.Casual)
                        objAtt = unitOfWork.AttCasuals.All()
                                 .Where(x => x.empid == emp.id)
                                 .Where(x => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.attenddt) == dateToProcess.Date)
                        if (objAtt == null) // insert new rec
                            objAtt = new AttCasual
                                empid       = emp.id,
                                attenddt    = dateToProcess.Date,
                                weekday     = (int)dateToProcess.DayOfWeek,
                                attstatus   = (int)enAttStatus.Work,
                                isNewRecord = true,
                                compid      = emp.compid,
                                userid      = 999
                        objAtt = (AttCasual)objAtt;
                    else if (emp.type == enEmpType.Permanent)
                        objAtt = unitOfWork.AttPermanents.All()
                                 .Where(x => x.empid == emp.id)
                                 .Where(x => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.attenddt) == dateToProcess.Date)

                        //if no record for this casual emp then initialize record and continue
                        if (objAtt == null) // insert new rec
                            objAtt = new AttPermanent
                                empid       = emp.id,
                                attenddt    = dateToProcess.Date,
                                weekday     = (int)dateToProcess.DayOfWeek,
                                attstatus   = (int)enAttStatus.Work,
                                isNewRecord = true,
                                compid      = emp.compid,
                                userid      = 999
                        objAtt = (AttPermanent)objAtt;
                    else if (emp.type == enEmpType.Contract)
                        objAtt = unitOfWork.AttContracts.All()
                                 .Where(x => x.empid == emp.id)
                                 .Where(x => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.attenddt) == dateToProcess.Date)

                        if (objAtt == null) // insert new rec
                            objAtt = new AttContract
                                empid       = emp.id,
                                attenddt    = dateToProcess.Date,
                                weekday     = (int)dateToProcess.DayOfWeek,
                                attstatus   = (int)enAttStatus.Work,
                                isNewRecord = true,
                                compid      = emp.compid,
                                userid      = 999
                        objAtt = (AttContract)objAtt;
                    using (var db = new iTimeServiceContext())
                        object[] parameters = { tableName, emp.id, dateToProcess.Date };
                        string   strFillObj = "SELECT * FROM " + tableName + "  WHERE empid =" + emp.id + " AND " +
                                              " CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), attenddt,120) ='" + dateToProcess.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'";

                        var obj = db.Database.SqlQuery <AttendanceBase>(strFillObj).FirstOrDefault();
                        objAtt = (AttendanceBase)obj;
            catch (Exception ex)
                _processedOk = false;
                _exception   = ex;
Пример #8
        public static AttendanceBase ObjAttStatus(AttendanceBase objAtt, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, EnrolledEmployee emp, DateTime dateToProcess)
                LeaveApplication la = unitOfWork.LeaveApplications.All()
                                      .Where(x => dateToProcess.Date >= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.dtstart) &&
                                             dateToProcess.Date <= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.dtend))
                                      .Where(x => x.isapproved == true && x.isdeleted == false)
                                      .Where(x => x.empid == emp.id)

                if (la != null)
                    objAtt.attstatus = la.LeaveType.attstatus;
                    if (la.LeaveType.attstatus == (int)enAttStatus.Sick)
                        if (la.ishalfday == true)
                            objAtt.attstatus = (int)enAttStatus.Sick2;
                    else if (la.LeaveType.attstatus == (int)enAttStatus.Off)
                        if (la.ishalfday == true)
                            objAtt.attstatus = (int)enAttStatus.Off2;
                    objAtt.attstatus = 0;
            catch (Exception ex)
                _processedOk = false;
                _exception   = ex;