Пример #1
        /// <summary> Constructor for a new instance of the UF_Archives_ItemViewer class, used display
        /// the tracking milestones information for a digital resource </summary>
        /// <param name="BriefItem"> Digital resource object </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentUser"> Current user, who may or may not be logged on </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentRequest"> Information about the current request </param>
        /// <param name="Tracer"> Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering </param>
        public UF_Archives_ItemViewer(BriefItemInfo BriefItem, User_Object CurrentUser, Navigation_Object CurrentRequest, Custom_Tracer Tracer)
            // Save the arguments for use later
            this.BriefItem      = BriefItem;
            this.CurrentUser    = CurrentUser;
            this.CurrentRequest = CurrentRequest;

            // Set the behavior properties to the empy behaviors ( in the base class )
            Behaviors = EmptyBehaviors;

            // Get the archives information
            Tracer.Add_Trace("UF_Archives_ItemViewer.Constructor", "Try to pull the archives details for this item");
            DataSet data = Engine_Database.Tracking_Get_History_Archives(BriefItem.Web.ItemID, Tracer);

            if ((data == null) || (data.Tables.Count < 3))
                Tracer.Add_Trace("Constructor.Constructor", "Unable to pull tracking details");
                CurrentRequest.Mode          = Display_Mode_Enum.Error;
                CurrentRequest.Error_Message = "Internal Error : Unable to pull tracking information for " + BriefItem.BibID + ":" + BriefItem.VID;

            // Save this table
            archiveTable = data.Tables[2];
        /// <summary> Processes any incoming FDA (Florida Dark Archive) reports, saves the data to the database, and archives the report in the resource folder </summary>
        /// <param name="Settings"> Instance-wide settings which may be required for this process </param>
        public override void DoWork(InstanceWide_Settings Settings)
            // Step through each incoming folder and look for FDA reports
            if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Florida.FDA_Report_DropBox)) && (Directory.Exists(Settings.Florida.FDA_Report_DropBox)))
                // Create the FDA process
                FDA_Report_Processor fdaProcessor = new FDA_Report_Processor();

                // Process all pending FDA reports

                // Log successes and failures
                if ((fdaProcessor.Error_Count > 0) || (fdaProcessor.Success_Count > 0))
                    // Clear any previous report
                    Engine_Database.Builder_Clear_Item_Error_Log("FDA REPORT", "", "SobekCM Builder");

                    if (fdaProcessor.Error_Count > 0)
                        OnError("Processed " + fdaProcessor.Success_Count + " FDA reports with " + fdaProcessor.Error_Count + " errors", String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);
                        OnProcess("Processed " + fdaProcessor.Success_Count + " FDA reports", "Standard", String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);
        /// <summary> Refresh the hierarchy of non-aggregational web content pages by pulling the data back from the database </summary>
        /// <returns> TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE </returns>
        public static bool RefreshWebContentHierarchy()
                lock (webContentHierarchyLock)
                    // Either create a new hierarchy object , or clear the existing
                    if (webContentHierarchy == null)
                        webContentHierarchy = new WebContent_Hierarchy();

                    if (!Engine_Database.WebContent_Populate_All_Hierarchy(webContentHierarchy, null))
                        webContentHierarchy = null;

 private void ReportLastRun()
     // Save information about this last run
     Engine_Database.Set_Setting("Builder Version", Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Static.Current_Builder_Version);
     Engine_Database.Set_Setting("Builder Last Run Finished", DateTime.Now.ToString());
     Engine_Database.Set_Setting("Builder Last Message", finalmessage);
        /// <summary> Method returns the table of results for the browse indicated </summary>
        /// <param name = "ItemAggr">Object with all the information about the browse</param>
        /// <param name = "Page"> Page of results requested for the indicated browse </param>
        /// <param name = "Sort"> Sort applied to the results before being returned </param>
        /// <param name="Potentially_Include_Facets"> Flag indicates if facets could be included in this browse results </param>
        /// <param name = "Need_Browse_Statistics"> Flag indicates if the browse statistics (facets and total counts) are required for this browse as well </param>
        /// <param name = "Tracer">Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering</param>
        /// <param name="Results_Per_Page"> Number of results to retrieve per page</param>
        /// <returns> Resutls for the browse or info in table form </returns>
        public static Multiple_Paged_Results_Args Gat_All_Browse(Complete_Item_Aggregation ItemAggr,
                                                                 int Page, int Sort, int Results_Per_Page,
                                                                 bool Potentially_Include_Facets, bool Need_Browse_Statistics,
                                                                 Custom_Tracer Tracer)
            if (Tracer != null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("Item_Aggregation_Utilities.Get_Browse_Results", String.Empty);

            // Get the list of facets first
            List <short> facetsList = ItemAggr.Facets;

            if (!Potentially_Include_Facets)
                facetsList = null;

            // Pull data from the database if necessary

            // Get this browse from the database
            if ((ItemAggr.ID < 0) || (ItemAggr.Code.ToUpper() == "ALL"))
                return(Engine_Database.Get_All_Browse_Paged(false, false, Results_Per_Page, Page, Sort, Need_Browse_Statistics, facetsList, Need_Browse_Statistics, Tracer));

            return(Engine_Database.Get_Item_Aggregation_Browse_Paged(ItemAggr.Code, false, false, Results_Per_Page, Page, Sort, Need_Browse_Statistics, facetsList, Need_Browse_Statistics, Tracer));
        private void Process_Single_Incoming_Package(Incoming_Digital_Resource ResourcePackage)
            ResourcePackage.BuilderLogId = Add_NonError_To_Log("........Processing '" + ResourcePackage.Folder_Name + "'", "Standard", ResourcePackage.BibID + ":" + ResourcePackage.VID, ResourcePackage.METS_Type_String, -1);

            // Clear any existing error linked to this item
            Engine_Database.Builder_Clear_Item_Error_Log(ResourcePackage.BibID, ResourcePackage.VID, "SobekCM Builder");

            // Before we save this or anything, let's see if this is truly a new resource
            ResourcePackage.NewPackage   = (Engine_Database.Get_Item_Information(ResourcePackage.BibID, ResourcePackage.VID, null) == null);
            ResourcePackage.Package_Time = DateTime.Now;

                // Do all the item processing per instance config
                foreach (iSubmissionPackageModule thisModule in builderModules.ItemProcessModules)
                    //if ( superverbose)
                    //    Add_NonError_To_Log("Running module " + thisModule.GetType().ToString(), true, ResourcePackage.BibID + ":" + ResourcePackage.VID, String.Empty, ResourcePackage.BuilderLogId);
                    if (!thisModule.DoWork(ResourcePackage))
                        Add_Error_To_Log("Unable to complete new/replacement for " + ResourcePackage.BibID + ":" + ResourcePackage.VID, ResourcePackage.BibID + ":" + ResourcePackage.VID, String.Empty, ResourcePackage.BuilderLogId);

                        // Try to move the whole package to the failures folder
                        string final_failures_folder = Path.Combine(ResourcePackage.Source_Folder.Failures_Folder, ResourcePackage.BibID + "_" + ResourcePackage.VID);
                        if (Directory.Exists(final_failures_folder))
                            final_failures_folder = final_failures_folder + "_" + DateTime.Now.Year + "_" + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "_" + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "_" + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "_" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "_" + DateTime.Now.Second.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');

                            Directory.Move(ResourcePackage.Resource_Folder, final_failures_folder);

                // Save these collections to mark them for refreshing the RSS feeds, etc..
                Add_Process_Info_To_PostProcess_Lists(ResourcePackage.BibID, ResourcePackage.VID, ResourcePackage.Metadata.Behaviors.Aggregation_Code_List);

                // Finally, clear the memory a little bit
            catch (Exception ee)
                StreamWriter errorWriter = new StreamWriter(logFileDirectory + "\\error.log", true);
                errorWriter.WriteLine("Message: " + ee.Message);
                errorWriter.WriteLine("Stack Trace: " + ee.StackTrace);

                Add_Error_To_Log("Unable to complete new/replacement for " + ResourcePackage.BibID + ":" + ResourcePackage.VID, ResourcePackage.BibID + ":" + ResourcePackage.VID, String.Empty, ResourcePackage.BuilderLogId, ee);
Пример #7
        /// <summary> Add the HTML to be displayed below the search box </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this viewer</param>
        /// <param name="Tracer"> Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering</param>
        /// <remarks> This writes the HTML from the static browse or info page here  </remarks>
        public override void Add_Secondary_HTML(TextWriter Output, Custom_Tracer Tracer)
            if (Tracer != null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("Item_Count_AggregationViewer.Add_Secondary_HTML", "Adding HTML");

            DataTable value = Engine_Database.Tracking_Get_Milestone_Report(ViewBag.Hierarchy_Object.Code, Tracer);

            Output.WriteLine("<div class=\"SobekText\">");
            Output.WriteLine("<br />");
            Output.WriteLine("<p>Below is the number of titles and items for all items within this aggregation, including currently online items as well as items in process.</p>");
            Output.WriteLine("<br />");

            // Start the table
            Output.WriteLine("<table width=\"700px\" border=\"0px\" cellspacing=\"0px\" class=\"statsTable\">");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#0022a7\">");
            Output.WriteLine("    <th align=\"left\"><span style=\"color: White\"><b>LAST MILESTONE</b></span></th>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <th align=\"left\"><span style=\"color: White\"><b>TITLE COUNT</b></span></th>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <th align=\"left\"><span style=\"color: White\"><b>ITEM COUNT</b></span></th>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <th align=\"left\"><span style=\"color: White\"><b>PAGE COUNT</b></span></th>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <th align=\"left\"><span style=\"color: White\"><b>FILE COUNT</b></span></th>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");

            foreach (DataRow thisRow in value.Rows)
                Output.WriteLine("  <tr><td bgcolor=\"#e7e7e7\" colspan=\"5\"></td></tr>");

                Output.WriteLine("  <tr align=\"left\">");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td>" + thisRow[0] + "</td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td>" + Int_To_Comma_String(Convert.ToInt32(thisRow[1])) + "</td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td>" + Int_To_Comma_String(Convert.ToInt32(thisRow[2])) + "</td>");
                if (thisRow[3] != DBNull.Value)
                    Output.WriteLine("    <td>" + Int_To_Comma_String(Convert.ToInt32(thisRow[3])) + "</td>");
                    Output.WriteLine("    <td>0</td>");
                if (thisRow[4] != DBNull.Value)
                    Output.WriteLine("    <td>" + Int_To_Comma_String(Convert.ToInt32(thisRow[4])) + "</td>");
                    Output.WriteLine("    <td>0</td>");
                Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");

            // End the table
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr><td bgcolor=\"#e7e7e7\" colspan=\"5\"></td></tr>");

            Output.WriteLine("<br />");
            Output.WriteLine("<br />");
        /// <summary> Clears the old logs that are ready to be expired, per instance-wide settings </summary>
        /// <param name="Settings"> Instance-wide settings which may be required for this process </param>
        public override void DoWork(InstanceWide_Settings Settings)
            // Clear the old logs
            OnProcess("ExpireOldLogEntriesModule : Expiring old log entries", "Standard", null, null, -1);

            // Clear the logs
        /// <summary> Constructor for a new instance of the Metadata_Browse_AggregationViewer class </summary>
        /// <param name="RequestSpecificValues"> All the necessary, non-global data specific to the current request </param>
        /// <param name="ViewBag"> Aggregation-specific request information, such as aggregation object and any browse object requested </param>
        public Metadata_Browse_AggregationViewer(RequestCache RequestSpecificValues, AggregationViewBag ViewBag)
            : base(RequestSpecificValues, ViewBag)
            // If there is not info browse mode listed, use the default
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Info_Browse_Mode))
                string defaultBrowseBy = ViewBag.Hierarchy_Object.Default_BrowseBy ?? String.Empty;
                RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Info_Browse_Mode = defaultBrowseBy;

                // Still length of zero?
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Info_Browse_Mode))
                    // Just look for the first browse by
                    foreach (Item_Aggregation_Child_Page browse in ViewBag.Hierarchy_Object.Child_Pages)
                        if (browse.Browse_Type == Item_Aggregation_Child_Visibility_Enum.Metadata_Browse_By)
                            RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Info_Browse_Mode = browse.Code;

            if ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Info_Browse_Mode)) && (ViewBag.Hierarchy_Object.Has_Browse_By_Pages))
                RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Info_Browse_Mode = ViewBag.Hierarchy_Object.Child_Page_By_Code(RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Info_Browse_Mode).Code;

            // Get this browse
            browseObject = ViewBag.Hierarchy_Object.Child_Page_By_Code(RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Info_Browse_Mode);

            // Was this a metadata browseby, or just a static html?
            if ((browseObject == null) || (browseObject.Source_Data_Type != Item_Aggregation_Child_Source_Data_Enum.Static_HTML))
                // Determine the correct metadata code
                string metadata_code = RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Info_Browse_Mode.Trim().Replace("_", " ");
                RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Info_Browse_Mode = metadata_code;

                // Only get values if there was a metadata code
                if (metadata_code.Length > 0)
                    // Check the cache for this value
                    List <string> cacheInstance = CachedDataManager.Retrieve_Aggregation_Metadata_Browse(RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Aggregation, RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Info_Browse_Mode, RequestSpecificValues.Tracer);

                    if (cacheInstance != null)
                        results = cacheInstance;
                        results = Engine_Database.Get_Item_Aggregation_Metadata_Browse(RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Aggregation, RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Info_Browse_Mode, RequestSpecificValues.Tracer);
                        CachedDataManager.Store_Aggregation_Metadata_Browse(RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Aggregation, RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Info_Browse_Mode, results, RequestSpecificValues.Tracer);
Пример #10
        /// <summary> Reloads the basic behavior information from the database into the
        /// digital resource, such as collections and thumbnails  </summary>
        /// <param name="Resource"> Incoming digital resource object </param>
        /// <returns> TRUE if processing can continue, FALSE if a critical error occurred which should stop all processing </returns>
        public override bool DoWork(Incoming_Digital_Resource Resource)
            // Load the METS file
            if (!Resource.Load_METS())
                OnError("Error reading most recent METS file from " + Resource.BibID + ":" + Resource.VID, Resource.BibID + ":" + Resource.VID, String.Empty, Resource.BuilderLogId);

            // Add thumbnail, aggregation informaiton, and dark/access information from the database
            if (!Resource.NewPackage)
                // Check for any access/restriction/embargo date in the RightsMD section
                RightsMD_Info rightsInfo = Resource.Metadata.Get_Metadata_Module(GlobalVar.PALMM_RIGHTSMD_METADATA_MODULE_KEY) as RightsMD_Info;
                if ((rightsInfo != null) && (rightsInfo.hasData))
                    switch (rightsInfo.Access_Code)
                    case RightsMD_Info.AccessCode_Enum.Campus:
                        // Was there an embargo date?
                        if (rightsInfo.Has_Embargo_End)
                            if (DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now, rightsInfo.Embargo_End) < 0)
                                Resource.Metadata.Behaviors.IP_Restriction_Membership = 1;
                            Resource.Metadata.Behaviors.IP_Restriction_Membership = 1;

                    case RightsMD_Info.AccessCode_Enum.Private:
                        // Was there an embargo date?
                        if (rightsInfo.Has_Embargo_End)
                            if (DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now, rightsInfo.Embargo_End) < 0)
                                Resource.Metadata.Behaviors.Dark_Flag = true;
                            Resource.Metadata.Behaviors.Dark_Flag = true;

        private void Create_Complete_MarcXML_Feed(bool Test_Feed_Flag)
            // Determine some values based on whether this is for thr test feed or something else
            string feed_name       = "Production MarcXML Feed";
            string file_name       = "complete_marc.xml";
            string error_file_name = "complete_marc_last_error.html";

            if (Test_Feed_Flag)
                feed_name       = "Test MarcXML Feed";
                file_name       = "test_marc.xml";
                error_file_name = "test_marc_last_error.html";

            // Before doing this, create the Mango load
                // Create the Mango load stuff
                Console.WriteLine("Building " + feed_name);
                MarcXML_Load_Creator createEndeca = new MarcXML_Load_Creator();
                bool reportSuccess = createEndeca.Create_MarcXML_Data_File(Test_Feed_Flag, Path.Combine(logFileDirectory, file_name));

                // Publish this feed
                if (reportSuccess)
                    Engine_Database.Builder_Clear_Item_Error_Log(feed_name.ToUpper(), "", "UFDC Builder");
                    File.Copy(Path.Combine(logFileDirectory, file_name), Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.MarcGeneration.MarcXML_Feed_Location + file_name, true);
                    string errors = createEndeca.Errors;
                    if (errors.Length > 0)
                        StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.MarcGeneration.MarcXML_Feed_Location + error_file_name, false);
                        writer.WriteLine("<html><head><title>" + feed_name + " Errors</title></head><body><h1>" + feed_name + " Errors</h1>");
                        writer.Write(errors.Replace("\r\n", "<br />").Replace("\n", "<br />").Replace("<br />", "<br />\r\n"));

                        Engine_Database.Builder_Add_Log_Entry(-1, feed_name.ToUpper(), "Error", "Resulting file failed validation", "");

                        File.Copy(Path.Combine(logFileDirectory, file_name), Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.MarcGeneration.MarcXML_Feed_Location + file_name.Replace(".xml", "_error.xml"), true);
                Engine_Database.Builder_Add_Log_Entry(-1, feed_name.ToUpper(), "Error", "Unknown exception caught", "");

                Console.WriteLine("ERROR BUILDING THE " + feed_name.ToUpper());
        private void Recreate_Library_XML_and_RSS(long Builderid, InstanceWide_Settings Settings, string WorkSpaceDirectory, string PrimaryUrl)
            // Update the RSS Feeds and Item Lists for ALL
            // Build the simple XML result for this build
            OnProcess("........Building XML list for all digital resources", Builderid);
                DataSet simple_list = Engine_Database.Simple_Item_List(String.Empty, null);
                if (simple_list != null)
                        string aggregation_list_file = Settings.Servers.Static_Pages_Location + "\\all.xml";
                        if (File.Exists(aggregation_list_file))
                        simple_list.WriteXml(aggregation_list_file, XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema);
                    catch (Exception ee)
                        OnError("........Error in building XML list for all digital resources on " + Settings.Servers.Static_Pages_Location + "\n" + ee.Message, Builderid);
            catch (Exception ee)
                OnError("........Error in building XML list for all digital resources\n" + ee.Message, Builderid);

            // Create the RSS feed for all ufdc items
                OnProcess("........Building RSS feed for all digital resources", Builderid);
                DataSet complete_list = Engine_Database.Simple_Item_List(String.Empty, null);

                Create_RSS_Feed("all", WorkSpaceDirectory, "All Items", complete_list, PrimaryUrl);
                    File.Copy(Path.Combine(WorkSpaceDirectory, "all_rss.xml"), Path.Combine(Settings.Servers.Static_Pages_Location, "rss", "all_rss.xml"), true);
                    File.Copy(Path.Combine(WorkSpaceDirectory, "all_short_rss.xml"), Path.Combine(Settings.Servers.Static_Pages_Location, "rss", "all_short_rss.xml"), true);
                catch (Exception ee)
                    OnError("........Error in copying RSS feed for all digital resources to " + Settings.Servers.Static_Pages_Location + "\n" + ee.Message, Builderid);
            catch (Exception ee)
                OnError("........Error in building RSS feed for all digital resources\n" + ee.Message, Builderid);
Пример #13
        private static int Send_Usage_Emails(int year, int month, string SystemUrl, string SystemName, string FromAddress, string FromName)
            // Get the list of all users linked to items
            DataTable usersLinkedToItems = Engine_Database.Get_Users_Linked_To_Items(null);

            // If NULL, then no data linked to users
            if (usersLinkedToItems == null)

            // Determine the FROM
            string fromAddr = FromAddress;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FromName))
                fromAddr = FromName + " <" + FromAddress + ">";

            // Step through each row and pull data about the usage stats for this user
            int emails_sent = 0;

            foreach (DataRow thisRow in usersLinkedToItems.Rows)

                // Pull out the user information from this row
                string firstName = thisRow[0].ToString();
                string lastName  = thisRow[1].ToString();
                string nickName  = thisRow[2].ToString();
                int    userid    = Convert.ToInt32(thisRow[4]);
                string email     = thisRow[5].ToString();

                // Compose the name
                string name = firstName + " " + lastName;
                if (nickName.Length > 0)
                    name = nickName + " " + lastName;

                // Try to compose and send the email.  The email will only be sent if there was
                // some total usage this month, as well as total
                if (Usage_Stats_Email_Helper.Send_Individual_Usage_Email(userid, name, email, year, month, 10, SystemUrl, SystemName, fromAddr))

 private long Add_Error_To_Log(string LogStatement, string BibID_VID, string MetsType, long RelatedLogID)
     if (multiInstanceBuilder)
         Console.WriteLine(instanceInfo.Name + " - " + LogStatement);
         logger.AddError(instanceInfo.Name + " - " + LogStatement.Replace("\t", "....."));
         logger.AddError(LogStatement.Replace("\t", "....."));
     return(Engine_Database.Builder_Add_Log_Entry(RelatedLogID, BibID_VID, "Error", LogStatement.Replace("\t", ""), MetsType));
        private void Complete_Any_Recent_Loads_Requiring_Additional_Work()
            // Get the list of recent loads requiring additional work
            DataTable additionalWorkRequired = Engine_Database.Items_Needing_Aditional_Work;

            if ((additionalWorkRequired != null) && (additionalWorkRequired.Rows.Count > 0))
                Add_NonError_To_Log("Processing recently loaded items needing additional work", "Standard", String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);

                // Create the incoming digital folder object which will be used for all these
                Actionable_Builder_Source_Folder sourceFolder = new Actionable_Builder_Source_Folder();

                // Step through each one
                foreach (DataRow thisRow in additionalWorkRequired.Rows)
                    // Get the information about this item
                    string bibID = thisRow["BibID"].ToString();
                    string vid   = thisRow["VID"].ToString();

                    // Determine the file root for this
                    string file_root = bibID.Substring(0, 2) + "\\" + bibID.Substring(2, 2) + "\\" + bibID.Substring(4, 2) + "\\" + bibID.Substring(6, 2) + "\\" + bibID.Substring(8, 2);

                    // Determine the source folder for this resource
                    string resource_folder = settings.Servers.Image_Server_Network + file_root + "\\" + vid;

                    // Determine the METS file name
                    string mets_file = resource_folder + "\\" + bibID + "_" + vid + ".mets.xml";

                    // Ensure these both exist
                    if ((Directory.Exists(resource_folder)) && (File.Exists(mets_file)))
                        // Create the incoming digital resource object
                        Incoming_Digital_Resource additionalWorkResource = new Incoming_Digital_Resource(resource_folder, sourceFolder)
                            BibID = bibID, VID = vid, File_Root = bibID.Substring(0, 2) + "\\" + bibID.Substring(2, 2) + "\\" + bibID.Substring(4, 2) + "\\" + bibID.Substring(6, 2) + "\\" + bibID.Substring(8, 2)

                        Add_Error_To_Log("Unable to find valid resource files for reprocessing " + bibID + ":" + vid, bibID + ":" + vid, "Reprocess", -1);

                        int itemID = Engine_Database.Get_ItemID_From_Bib_VID(bibID, vid);

                        SobekCM_Item_Database.Update_Additional_Work_Needed_Flag(itemID, false);
 private void Add_Complete_To_Log(string LogStatement, string DbLogType, string BibID_VID, string MetsType, long RelatedLogID)
     if (multiInstanceBuilder)
         Console.WriteLine(instanceInfo.Name + " - " + LogStatement);
         logger.AddComplete(instanceInfo.Name + " - " + LogStatement.Replace("\t", "....."));
         logger.AddComplete(LogStatement.Replace("\t", "....."));
     Engine_Database.Builder_Add_Log_Entry(RelatedLogID, BibID_VID, DbLogType, LogStatement.Replace("\t", ""), MetsType);
Пример #17
        /// <summary> Returns a flag indicating if an abort was requested </summary>
        /// <returns> TRUE if the flag is currently ABORT REQUESTED, ABORTING, or NO BUILDER REQUESTED</returns>
        public static bool Abort_Requested()
            Dictionary <string, string> builder_settings = Engine_Database.Get_Settings(null);

            if (builder_settings.ContainsKey(setting_key))
                switch (builder_settings[setting_key].ToUpper().Replace("_", " "))
                case "ABORT REQUESTED":
                case "ABORTING":
                case "NO BUILDING REQUESTED":

        private static void load_metadata_template()
            // Get the list of all projects
            DataSet projectsSet = Engine_Database.Get_All_Template_DefaultMetadatas(null);

            if (projectsSet != null)
                if (templateList == null)
                    templateList = new List <Template>();

                if (defaultMetadataList == null)
                    defaultMetadataList = new List <Default_Metadata>();

                // Add each default metadata set
                foreach (DataRow thisRow in projectsSet.Tables[0].Rows)
                    string code        = thisRow["MetadataCode"].ToString();
                    string name        = thisRow["MetadataName"].ToString();
                    string description = thisRow["Description"].ToString();

                    defaultMetadataList.Add(new Default_Metadata(code, name, description));

                // Add each project
                foreach (DataRow thisRow in projectsSet.Tables[1].Rows)
                    string code        = thisRow["TemplateCode"].ToString();
                    string name        = thisRow["TemplateName"].ToString();
                    string description = thisRow["Description"].ToString();

                    templateList.Add(new Template(code, name, description));
        private void Complete_Single_Recent_Load_Requiring_Additional_Work(Incoming_Digital_Resource AdditionalWorkResource)
            AdditionalWorkResource.METS_Type_String = "Reprocess";
            AdditionalWorkResource.BuilderLogId     = Add_NonError_To_Log("Reprocessing '" + AdditionalWorkResource.BibID + ":" + AdditionalWorkResource.VID + "'", "Standard", AdditionalWorkResource.BibID + ":" + AdditionalWorkResource.VID, AdditionalWorkResource.METS_Type_String, -1);

                // Load the METS file
                if ((!AdditionalWorkResource.Load_METS()) || (AdditionalWorkResource.BibID.Length == 0))
                    Add_Error_To_Log("Error reading METS file from " + AdditionalWorkResource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), AdditionalWorkResource.Folder_Name.Replace("_", ":"), "Reprocess", AdditionalWorkResource.BuilderLogId);

                AdditionalWorkResource.METS_Type_String = "Reprocess";

                // Add thumbnail and aggregation informaiton from the database

                // Do all the item processing per instance config
                foreach (iSubmissionPackageModule thisModule in builderModules.ItemProcessModules)
                    if (verbose)
                        Add_NonError_To_Log("Running module " + thisModule.GetType(), true, AdditionalWorkResource.BibID + ":" + AdditionalWorkResource.VID, String.Empty, AdditionalWorkResource.BuilderLogId);
                    if (!thisModule.DoWork(AdditionalWorkResource))
                        Add_Error_To_Log("Unable to complete additional work for " + AdditionalWorkResource.BibID + ":" + AdditionalWorkResource.VID, AdditionalWorkResource.BibID + ":" + AdditionalWorkResource.VID, String.Empty, AdditionalWorkResource.BuilderLogId);


                // Save these collections to mark them for refreshing the RSS feeds, etc..
                Add_Process_Info_To_PostProcess_Lists(AdditionalWorkResource.BibID, AdditionalWorkResource.VID, AdditionalWorkResource.Metadata.Behaviors.Aggregation_Code_List);

                // Finally, clear the memory a little bit
            catch (Exception ee)
                Add_Error_To_Log("Unable to complete additional work for " + AdditionalWorkResource.BibID + ":" + AdditionalWorkResource.VID, AdditionalWorkResource.BibID + ":" + AdditionalWorkResource.VID, AdditionalWorkResource.METS_Type_String, AdditionalWorkResource.BuilderLogId, ee);
        /// <summary> Refreshes the values from the database settings </summary>
        /// <returns> A fully builder instance-wide setting object </returns>
        public static InstanceWide_Settings Build_Settings(Database_Instance_Configuration DbInstance)
            InstanceWide_Settings returnValue = new InstanceWide_Settings();

            // Don't read the configuration file now.. we already have the db data
            Engine_Database.Connection_String = DbInstance.Connection_String;

            DataSet sobekCMSettings = Engine_Database.Get_Settings_Complete(false, null);

            if (sobekCMSettings == null)

            Refresh(returnValue, sobekCMSettings);

        private void Add_Error_To_Log(string LogStatement, string BibID_VID, string MetsType, long RelatedLogID, Exception Ee)
            if (multiInstanceBuilder)
                Console.WriteLine(instanceInfo.Name + " - " + LogStatement);
                logger.AddError(instanceInfo.Name + " - " + LogStatement.Replace("\t", "....."));
                logger.AddError(LogStatement.Replace("\t", "....."));
            long mainErrorId = Engine_Database.Builder_Add_Log_Entry(RelatedLogID, BibID_VID, "Error", LogStatement.Replace("\t", ""), MetsType);

            string[] split = Ee.ToString().Split("\n".ToCharArray());
            foreach (string thisSplit in split)
                Engine_Database.Builder_Add_Log_Entry(mainErrorId, BibID_VID, "Error", thisSplit, MetsType);

            // Determine, and create the local work space
            string localLogArea = Path.Combine(MultiInstance_Builder_Settings.Builder_Executable_Directory, "logs");

            if (!Directory.Exists(localLogArea))

            // Save the exception to an exception file
            StreamWriter exception_writer = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(localLogArea, "exceptions_log.txt"), true);

            exception_writer.WriteLine("EXCEPTION CAUGHT " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + " BY PRELOADER");
            exception_writer.WriteLine(LogStatement.ToUpper().Replace("\t", "").Trim());
        /// <summary> Constructor for a new instance of the Builder_AdminViewer class </summary>
        /// <param name="RequestSpecificValues"> All the necessary, non-global data specific to the current request </param>
        public Builder_AdminViewer(RequestCache RequestSpecificValues) : base(RequestSpecificValues)
            // Ensure the user is the system admin
            if ((RequestSpecificValues.Current_User == null) || ((!RequestSpecificValues.Current_User.Is_System_Admin) && (!RequestSpecificValues.Current_User.Is_Portal_Admin)))
                RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.Mode          = Display_Mode_Enum.My_Sobek;
                RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.My_Sobek_Type = My_Sobek_Type_Enum.Home;

            // If this is a postback, handle any events first
            if (RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.isPostBack)
                if (((RequestSpecificValues.Current_User.Is_System_Admin) && (!UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Servers.isHosted)) ||
                    // Pull the hidden value
                    string save_value = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["admin_builder_tosave"].ToUpper().Trim();
                    if (save_value.Length > 0)
                        // Set this value
                        Engine_Database.Set_Setting("Builder Operation Flag", save_value);

            page = 1;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.My_Sobek_SubMode))
                switch (RequestSpecificValues.Current_Mode.My_Sobek_SubMode.ToLower())
                case "b":
                    page = 2;

                case "c":
                    page = 3;
        /// <summary> Refresh the list of search stop words for database searching by pulling the data back from the database </summary>
        /// <returns> TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE </returns>
        public static bool RefreshStopWords()
                lock (searchStopWordsLock)
                    if (searchStopWords != null)
                    searchStopWords = Engine_Database.Search_Stop_Words(null);

        /// <summary> Refresh the list of all user groups by pulling the data back from the database </summary>
        /// <returns> TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE </returns>
        public static bool RefreshUserGroups()
                lock (userGroupsLock)
                    if (userGroups != null)
                    userGroups = Engine_Database.Get_All_User_Groups(null);

        /// <summary> Refresh the aggregation code list by pulling the data back from the database </summary>
        /// <returns> TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE </returns>
        public static bool RefreshCodes()
                lock (codesLock)
                    if (codes == null)
                        codes = new Aggregation_Code_Manager();

                    Engine_Database.Populate_Code_Manager(codes, null);

            catch (Exception ee)
                return(ee.Message.Length > 0);
Пример #26
        protected DataSet get_recent_builder_logs(DateTime?StartDate, DateTime?EndDate, string Filter, bool Include_No_Work, Custom_Tracer Tracer)
            // Look in the cache first
            DataSet fromCache = CachedDataManager.Builder.Retrieve_Builder_Logs(StartDate, EndDate, Filter, Include_No_Work, Tracer);

            if (fromCache != null)

            // Try to pull from the database
            DataSet fromDb = Engine_Database.Builder_Log_Search(StartDate, EndDate, Filter, Include_No_Work, Tracer);

            // Store in the cache if not null
            if (fromDb != null)
                CachedDataManager.Builder.Store_Builder_Logs(fromDb, StartDate, EndDate, Filter, Include_No_Work, Tracer);

        /// <summary> Populates/builds the main default HTML skin during application startup </summary>
        /// <param name="SkinList"> List of skin to populate with the default, commonly used skin</param>
        /// <param name="Tracer"> Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering  </param>
        /// <returns> TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE </returns>
        /// <remarks> Most HTML skins are built as they are needed and then cached for a period of time.  The main default skins are
        /// permanently stored in this global <see cref="Web_Skin_Collection"/> object.</remarks>
        public static bool Populate_Default_Skins(Web_Skin_Collection SkinList, Custom_Tracer Tracer)
            if (Tracer != null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("SobekCM_Skin_Collection_Builder.Populate_Default_Skins", "Build the standard interfaces");

            // Get the data from the database
            DataTable skinData = Engine_Database.Get_All_Web_Skins(Tracer);

            // Just return if the data appears bad..
            if ((skinData == null) || (skinData.Rows.Count == 0))

            // Clear existing interfaces

        /// <summary> Refresh the list of icon/wordmarks by pulling the data back from the database </summary>
        /// <returns> TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE </returns>
        public static bool RefreshIcons()
                lock (iconListLock)
                    if (iconList == null)
                        iconList = new Dictionary <string, Wordmark_Icon>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                    Engine_Database.Populate_Icon_List(iconList, null);

        /// <summary> Refresh the list of mime types by pulling the data back from the database </summary>
        /// <returns> TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE </returns>
        public static bool RefreshMimeTypes()
                lock (mimeTypesLock)
                    if (mimeTypes == null)
                        mimeTypes = new Dictionary <string, Mime_Type_Info>();

                    Engine_Database.Populate_MIME_List(mimeTypes, null);

        /// <summary> Refresh the list of aggregation/collection aliases by pulling the data back from the database </summary>
        /// <returns> TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE </returns>
        public static bool RefreshCollectionAliases()
                lock (collectionAliasesLock)
                    if (collectionAliases == null)
                        collectionAliases = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                    Engine_Database.Populate_Aggregation_Aliases(collectionAliases, null);
