Пример #1
    private void AddHiddenChild(Transform spawnPointTrans)
        EnemySpot sourceSpot = spawnPointTrans.GetComponent <EnemySpot>();

        Assertion.Check(sourceSpot != null, "Each child of trigger must have an EnemySpot component!");

        if (sourceSpot == null)

        GameObject go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);

        go.transform.renderer.sharedMaterial = GetMaterialByEnemyType(sourceSpot.acceptedSpawnType);

        go.transform.parent     = _hiddenRoot.transform;
        go.transform.position   = spawnPointTrans.position;
        go.transform.rotation   = spawnPointTrans.rotation;
        go.transform.localScale = spawnPointTrans.localScale;
        go.hideFlags            = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
        go.name = spawnPointTrans.name;

        EnemySpot hiddenSpot = go.AddComponent <EnemySpot>();

        hiddenSpot.acceptedSpawnType = sourceSpot.acceptedSpawnType;

        _dict.Add(spawnPointTrans, go.transform);
Пример #2
 public void Active(EnemySpot spot, float rotationY = 0)
     _enemySpot = spot;
     _actionController.AIUse.HaveHpBar        = _enemySpot.needHPBar;
     _actionController.AIUse.SlowTimeWhenDead = _enemySpot.needDeathCameraEffect;
     _actionController.AIUse.LockByCamera     = _enemySpot.needCameraLock;
     _actionController.AIUse.HaveEnergyBar    = false;
     isActive = true;
Пример #3
    private void Awake()
        instance = this;

        foreach (Transform spot in _spots)
            EnemySpot enemySpot = new EnemySpot();
            enemySpot.transform = spot;
            enemySpot.occupied  = false;
            enemySpot.indexInAvailableEnemies = -1;


        foreach (AIStateMachine stateMachine in _enemies)
            Enemy enemy = new Enemy();
            enemy.stateMachine     = stateMachine;
            enemy.isOccupyingASpot = false;

Пример #4
    private void Update()
        if (!Application.isPlaying) //run in design mode only
            //add new nodes
            foreach (Transform t in transform)
                if (!_dict.ContainsKey(t))

            //remove redundant nodes
            List <Transform> removeList = new List <Transform>();
            foreach (Transform t in _dict.Keys)
                bool found = false;
                foreach (Transform tt in transform)
                    if (t == tt)
                        found = true;
                if (!found)

            foreach (Transform t in removeList)

            //align the spawn points and display objects
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Transform, Transform> kv in _dict)
                if (kv.Key.position != kv.Value.position)
                    kv.Value.position = kv.Key.position;
                if (kv.Key.rotation != kv.Value.rotation)
                    kv.Value.rotation = kv.Key.rotation;
                if (kv.Key.localScale != kv.Value.localScale)
                    kv.Value.localScale = kv.Key.localScale;

                //check the change of enemy type
                EnemySpot sourceSpot = kv.Key.GetComponent <EnemySpot>();
                EnemySpot hiddenSpot = kv.Value.GetComponent <EnemySpot>();

                if (sourceSpot.acceptedSpawnType != hiddenSpot.acceptedSpawnType)
                    hiddenSpot.transform.renderer.sharedMaterial = GetMaterialByEnemyType(sourceSpot.acceptedSpawnType);
                    hiddenSpot.acceptedSpawnType = sourceSpot.acceptedSpawnType;
Пример #5
    private IEnumerator ActivateEnemy()
        // first enemy waiting time.
        float waitingTime = Random.Range(0, 101) / 100.0f;

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(waitingTime));

        //record which spot index has been used and must be avoided being used again until there is no vacancy
        List <int>[] mapping = new List <int> [(int)SpawnPointType.Count];

        for (int i = _startEnemyIndex; i < _endEnemyIndex; ++i)
            //randomly choose a spawn point for this enemy, the enemy type must fit
            //require: spawn points with the same enemy type must stay together

            SpawnPointType spawnType = LevelManager.Singleton.GetEnemySpawnPointTypeByIndex(i);

            List <int> spotList = mapping[(int)spawnType];

            //available spot list not built yet or spots have been used up, in both cases, need to rebuild
            if (spotList == null)
                spotList = new List <int>();

                mapping[(int)spawnType] = spotList;

                int count = this.transform.childCount;

                while (spawnType >= SpawnPointType.Type1)
                    for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < count; childIndex++)
                        EnemySpot spot = this.transform.GetChild(childIndex).GetComponent <EnemySpot>();
                        if (spot.acceptedSpawnType == spawnType)

                    if (spotList.Count > 0)
                        break;                          //found a suitable spawn point
                        if (spawnType == SpawnPointType.Type1)                          //the bottom has been reached, report error.
                            Assertion.Check(spotList.Count > 0, string.Format("Spawn point type {0} not found for trigger {1}", spawnType.ToString(), this.name));
                            Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("Required spawn point {0} not found, degrad it and search again.", spawnType.ToString()));

                //randomize the elements
                for (int k = 0; k < spotList.Count - 1; k++)
                    int rdm = Random.Range(k + 1, spotList.Count);

                    int a = spotList[rdm];

                    spotList[rdm] = spotList[k];

                    spotList[k] = a;

                //Debug show
                foreach (int spotIndex in spotList)
                    Debug.Log(string.Format("Spot index list for enemy type [{0}]: {1}", spawnType.ToString(), spotIndex));

            //Get delay time of an ememy group, which is attached to the first enemy of the group
            float delayTime = LevelManager.Singleton.GetDelayTimeByEnemyIndex(i);
            if (delayTime > 0)
                Debug.Log(string.Format("Waiting {0} seconds on enemy index {1}", delayTime, i));
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delayTime));

            LevelManager.Singleton.ActivateEnemyAtSpot(i, this.transform.GetChild(spotList[0]).GetComponent <EnemySpot>());

            Debug.Log(string.Format("\t\tEnemy created. Trigger name: {0}  Spawn point: {1}  Enemy index: {2}", this.name, spotList[0], i));

            //move the 1st to last


            waitingTime = Random.Range(0, 101) / 100.0f;
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(waitingTime));