Пример #1
     * Fire the gun into the scene, or click make a click if no bullets.
    public void FireGun()
        // pseudo code:
        // Is there any bullets left?
        // if not, click, and do not fire. return.
        // otherwise play a fire sound effect
        // raycast from either mouse position or the center position of this object into the scene to see if anything is hit.
        // run the function in the hitable object to react to the hit.

        if (shotPointer < 6 && Time.time > nextFire)
            isReloading = false;
            nextReload  = 0.0f;
            nextFire    = Time.time + fireDelay;
            AudioClip thisSound = shotSounds[Random.Range(0, shotSounds.Length)];
            objectAudio.PlayOneShot(thisSound, 0.35f);
            wasLastClipWarn = false;
            Renderer rend = BulletUIChildren[shotPointer].GetComponent <Renderer>();
            rend.enabled = false;

            RaycastHit eHit;
            //Check for weak point hit, then check for normal hit
            if (Physics.Raycast(scopeCamera.transform.position, Vector3.forward, out eHit, 25f, weakPointMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))
                //weakpoint hitbox is a child of enemy, get parent first
                EnemyHandler eScript = eHit.transform.parent.transform.GetComponent <EnemyHandler>();
                if (multi < 5)
                if (thisCombo > topCombo)
                    topCombo = thisCombo;
                score = score + (critHitValue * multi);
                Cursor.SetCursor(critCursorTexture, hotSpot, cursorMode);
                removeHitMarker = Time.time + hitMarkerDelay;
                checkCursor     = true;
                hitSource.PlayOneShot(critSound, 1f);
            else if (Physics.Raycast(scopeCamera.transform.position, Vector3.forward, out eHit, 25f, enemyMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))
                if (eHit.transform.GetComponent <EnemyHandler>() == null)
                    if (eHit.transform.tag == "HealthPack")
                        foreach (GameObject thisPack in HealthUIChildren)
                            Renderer healthRend = thisPack.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                            healthRend.enabled = true;
                        hitsTaken = 0;
                        AudioSource packAudio = eHit.transform.GetComponent <AudioSource>();
                        Renderer packRend = eHit.transform.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                        packRend.enabled = false;
                        eHit.transform.gameObject.layer = 10;
                    else if (eHit.transform.tag == "Supercharger")
                        AudioSource packAudio = eHit.transform.GetComponent <AudioSource>();
                        Renderer packRend = eHit.transform.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                        packRend.enabled = false;
                        eHit.transform.gameObject.layer = 10;
                        chargeExpire = Time.time + chargeDuration;
                        isCharged    = true;
                        reloadDelay  = 0.12f;
                        fireDelay    = 0.25f;
                        nextReload   = 0.0f;
                        foreach (GameObject thisBullet in BulletUIChildren)
                            Renderer bRend = thisBullet.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                            bRend.material.color = Color.red;
                    else if (eHit.transform.tag == "ScreenClear")
                        AudioSource packAudio = eHit.transform.GetComponent <AudioSource>();
                        Renderer packRend = eHit.transform.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                        packRend.enabled = false;
                        eHit.transform.gameObject.layer = 10;
                        EnemyHandler eScript;
                        foreach (Transform thisEnemy in enemySpawnParent.transform)
                            eScript = thisEnemy.gameObject.GetComponent <EnemyHandler>();
                            if (!eScript.isDead)
                                score = score + critHitValue;
                    EnemyHandler eScript = eHit.transform.GetComponent <EnemyHandler>();
                    multi = 0;
                    score = score + normalHitValue;
                    Cursor.SetCursor(hitCursorTexture, hotSpot, cursorMode);
                    removeHitMarker = Time.time + hitMarkerDelay;
                    checkCursor     = true;
                    hitSource.PlayOneShot(hitSound, 2f);
                    thisCombo = 0;
                multi     = 0;
                thisCombo = 0;
        else if (shotPointer == 6 && Time.time > nextFire)
            if (!objectAudio.isPlaying || (objectAudio.isPlaying && !wasLastClipWarn))
                objectAudio.PlayOneShot(objectAudio.clip, 0.5f);
                wasLastClipWarn = true;