private void OnApplicationQuit() { if (endGame != null) { endGame = null; } }
public void EndGame(bool win) { OpenMinedCells(); var endGame = new EndGame(); var time = view.EndGame(); endGame.SetTime(time); endGame.SetGameResult(win); var result = endGame.ShowDialog(); var lastResult = highScores.GetLastResult(settings.Level); if (win && settings.Level != Settings.Levels.Special && (lastResult >= time || lastResult == -1)) { var nameForm = new NameForm(); var name = nameForm.GetName(); WriteToFile(Convert.ToString(time) + '—' + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + '—' + name, $"..\\..\\Resources\\highScores{settings.Level}.txt"); } if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { SetSettings(Settings.Levels.This); } else if (result == DialogResult.No) { Application.Exit(); } }
private string MakeATurn(int userXint) { //1. IF reached the top if (Settings.YCoordinate[userXint - 1] < 0) { //The column is full return("reload"); } Settings.Board[Settings.YCoordinate[userXint - 1], userXint - 1] = Settings.IsPlayerOne ? CellState.X : CellState.O; Settings.NumTurns++; //IF win condition was fulfilled if (EndGame.GameOver(userXint, Settings)) { GameOver = true; return("reload"); } //IF board is full if (Settings.NumTurns == Settings.BoardHeight * Settings.BoardWidth) { FullBoard = true; return("reload"); } // IF not change player, save state and let's continue Settings.YCoordinate[userXint - 1]--; Settings.IsPlayerOne = !Settings.IsPlayerOne; RuntimeData.GameSettings = Settings; return("OK"); }
public List <Event> SetEvents() { List <Event> events = new List <Event>(); Event pAtack1 = new PirateEncounter1(); events.Add(pAtack1); Event pAtack2 = new PirateEncounter2(pAtack1); events.Add(pAtack2); Event merchant = new MerchantArrive(); events.Add(merchant); Event refugees = new RefugeesAarrive(); events.Add(refugees); Event endGame = new EndGame(); events.Add(endGame); return(events); }
private void ChangeEnemyCount(int enemyCount) { if (_waves.Count == _currentWaveNumber + 1 && enemyCount == 0) // когда текущая волна последняя и не осталось врагов в волне { EndGame?.Invoke(); // вызываем событие конец игры } }
public async Task End_EmptyPayload_ReturnsBadRequest() { var command = new EndGame(); var response = await client.PutAsync($"/games/{Guid.NewGuid()}/end", command.ToContent()); response.StatusCode.Should().Be((int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); }
void Update() { if (isWin) { defaultActionWinlose(); win(); } if (isLose) { defaultActionWinlose(); lose(); } timer -= Time.deltaTime; if (timer < 0) { Debug.Log("TIME"); object[] allBloks = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Block"); //ExploitBlock object[] allBloksExploids = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("ExploitBlock"); if (allBloks.Length == 0 && allBloksExploids.Length == 0) { EndGame.WinLoseAction(true); } timer = 3f; } }
void Start() { _dayTimer = GameObject.Find("Timer").GetComponent <DayTimer>(); _endGame = GameObject.Find("HarbourCanvas").GetComponent <EndGame>(); _col = gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider>(); ChangeSightSize(); }
//Handles the player clicking a tile. public override void handlePlayerAt(int x, int y) { //Get the staterep location and updating it with the correct value latestStateRep[x * 9 + y] = playerIndx == 0 ? 2 : 1; //Change the players turn currentPlayersTurn = (currentPlayersTurn + 1) % 2; //Update the number of moves numbMovesPlayed++; //Set up the last state latestAIState = new HexAIState(playerIndx, null, 0, latestStateRep, numbMovesPlayed); //Find out the result of the board int result = latestAIState.getWinner(); //And the end game as such if (result >= 0) { if (result == 2) { winlose.text = "You drew!"; } else if (result == playerIndx) { winlose.text = "You won!"; } else { winlose.text = "You lost!"; } gamePlaying = false; EndGame.SetActive(true); } }
void Start() { Instance = this; if (playerPrefab == null) { Debug.LogError("<Color=Red><a>Missing</a></Color> playerPrefab Reference. Please set it up in GameObject 'Game Manager'", this); } else { Debug.LogFormat("We are Instantiating LocalPlayer from {0}", Application.loadedLevelName); // we're in a room. spawn a character for the local player. it gets synced by using PhotonNetwork.Instantiate if (PlayerManager.LocalPlayerInstance == null) { Debug.LogFormat("We are Instantiating LocalPlayer from {0}", SceneManagerHelper.ActiveSceneName); // we're in a room. spawn a character for the local player. it gets synced by using PhotonNetwork.Instantiate PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(, new Vector3(0f, 5f, 0f), Quaternion.identity, 0); playerPrefab.GetComponent <FPSController>().enabled = true; playerCam = playerPrefab.transform.Find("Camera").gameObject; playerCam.gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { Debug.LogFormat("Ignoring scene load for {0}", SceneManagerHelper.ActiveSceneName); } } endGameObj = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("EndGame").GetComponent <EndGame>(); }
// Constructor public GameWindow() { InitializeComponent(); // Form properties StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; BackColor = Color.LightBlue; MaximumSize = new Size(655, 531); Size = new Size(655, 531); // Label properties scoreText.Text = "0"; instructions.Text = "Press s to start, enter for menu, tab for name input"; instructions.Font = new Font(instructions.Font.FontFamily, 14); instructions.Location = new Point(100, 200); instructions.Visible = true; // Collision event collision = new EndGame(); collision.CollisionOccurrence += new CollisionOccurrenceEventHandler(collision_CollisionOccurrence); // Add objects to list pictureBoxList.Add((PictureBox)Controls.Find("pipeBottom", true)[0]); pictureBoxList.Add((PictureBox)Controls.Find("pipeTop", true)[0]); pictureBoxList.Add((PictureBox)Controls.Find("flappyBird", true)[0]); pictureBoxList[0].Size = new Size(100, 250); pictureBoxList[1].Size = new Size(100, 250); pictureBoxList[0].Location = new Point(428, 300); pictureBoxList[1].Location = new Point(321, -100); // Disable game timer until user input gameTimer.Enabled = false; }
void Update() { //foreach (GameObject forBall in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Ball")) { //Instantiate(respawnPrefab, respawn.transform.position, respawn.transform.rotation) as GameObject; //} if (GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Ball").Length == 0 && GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("SmallBall").Length == 0) { //Говорим прощай жизнь и создаем мячик timer -= Time.deltaTime; if (timer < 0) { if (CorrectLife.getLife() > 0) { GameObject newBall = Instantiate(createBall) as GameObject; newBall.gameObject.tag = "Ball"; newBall.gameObject.GetComponent <BallV2>().isResetBall = true; //Выводим надпись предупреждающую CorrectLife.decLife(); } else { //Сообщаем что игра закончена и предлагаем переиграть... т.е. выводим меню EndGame.WinLoseAction(false); } timer = 0.5f; } } }
public ReversiBoard(ReversiBoard board, bool isVisualBoard) { this.gameBoard = new int[8, 8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { this.gameBoard[i, j] = board.gameBoard[i, j]; this.safeDisc[i, j] = board.safeDisc[i, j]; } this.currentPlayer = board.currentPlayer; this.blackCount = board.blackCount; this.whiteCount = board.whiteCount; this.emptyCount = board.emptyCount; GameOver += new EndGame(calculateWinner); this.players = board.players; this.validMoves = new bool[8, 8]; if (isVisualBoard) { this.MoveComplete = board.MoveComplete; this.NoLegalMoveAvailable = board.NoLegalMoveAvailable; this.GameOver += board.GameOver; } updateValidMoves(board.previousPlayerHadMoves); updateCounters(); }
void PopulateLists() { _player = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player"); _endGame = GameObject.Find("HarbourCanvas").GetComponent <EndGame>(); _dayTimer = GameObject.Find("Timer").GetComponent <DayTimer>(); _dayCycle = GameObject.Find("MainLight").GetComponent <DayCycle>(); _rumourScript = GameObject.Find("TownCanvas").GetComponent <RumourGenerator>(); _playerControls = _player.GetComponent <PlayerControls_WM>(); _towns.AddRange(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Town")); for (int i = 0; i < _towns.Count; i++) { _buildingScripts.Add(_towns[i].GetComponent <TownManager>()); } _factoryGO.AddRange(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Factory")); for (int i = 0; i < _factoryGO.Count; i++) { _factories.Add(_factoryGO[i].GetComponent <Factories>()); } _resourceSpawns.AddRange(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("ResourceSpawn")); for (int i = 0; i < _resourceSpawns.Count; i++) { _resourceGens.Add(_resourceSpawns[i].GetComponent <ResourceGen>()); } _fowGO.AddRange(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("FOW")); for (int i = 0; i < _fowGO.Count; i++) { _fow.Add(_fowGO[i].GetComponent <FOW>()); } _spawnGOs.AddRange(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Spawn Point")); for (int i = 0; i < _spawnGOs.Count; i++) { _spawns.Add(_spawnGOs[i].GetComponent <SpawnPoint>()); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (EndGame.GetEndGame()) { sceneChange.ChangeScene(); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player") { EndGame.SetEndTimeGame(true); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> EndGame([NotEmptyGuid, FromRoute] Guid id, [BindRequired, FromBody] EndGame command) { command.GameId = id; await this.commandBus.Send(command); return(Ok()); }
void Start() { tiles.Add(tile1); tiles.Add(tile2); tiles.Add(tile3); tiles.Add(tile4); tiles.Add(tile5); tiles.Add(tile6); tiles.Add(tile7); tiles.Add(tile8); tiles.Add(tile9); tiles.Add(tile10); tiles.Add(tile11); tiles.Add(tile12); tiles.Add(tile13); tiles.Add(tile14); tiles.Add(tile15); tiles.Add(tile16); tiles.Add(tile17); tiles.Add(tile18); tiles.Add(tile19); tiles.Add(tile20); tiles.Add(tile21); tiles.Add(tile22); tileRots.Add(tileRot1); tileRots.Add(tileRot2); tileRots.Add(tileRot3); tileRots.Add(tileRot4); endGame = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("EndGame").GetComponent <EndGame> (); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { myRigidBody2D = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); scoreHandlerScript = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ScoreHandler>(); enemyParticlesObject = GameObject.Find("EnemyParticles"); endGameScript = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <EndGame>(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { circleCollider = GetComponent <CircleCollider2D>(); waitForStartScript = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <WaitForStart>(); endGameScript = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <EndGame>(); GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Music").GetComponent <MusicHandler>().PlayMusic(); }
private void SettingsViewModel_PropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.PropertyName == "EnableDebugLog") { EndGame.UpdateLogger(); } }
public void TetrominoFall(Tetromino tetromino) { if (!IsAboveTopLine(tetromino)) { EndGame?.Invoke(); } AddTetrominoToGrid(tetromino); var completedLineIndexes = FindCompletedLines(); var deletedLineCount = 0; foreach (var lineIndex in completedLineIndexes) { DeleteCompletedLine(lineIndex); MoveUpperLinesDown(lineIndex); deletedLineCount++; } if (deletedLineCount > 0) { LinesDestroyed?.Invoke(deletedLineCount); } }
public void EndOfMatch(EndGame gameState) { Debug.Log("End of match. Match status: " + gameState); Debug.Log("Reseting game."); Invoke("ResetGame", resetTime); }
public Game(EndGame endGame, UpdateGame updateGame, Client client1, Client client2) { this.endGame = endGame; this.updateGame = updateGame; this.client1 = client1; this.client2 = client2; startTime = DateTime.Now; }
/// Called when the viewer's trigger is used, between OnGazeEnter and OnGazeExit. public void OnGazeTrigger() { // Call EndTheGame script EndGame endgame = FindObjectOfType <EndGame>(); string level = "EndGame"; endgame.EndTheGame(level, 10.0f); }
void Start () { dialogueScript = dialogueManager.GetComponent<Dialogue> (); entranceScript = gameObject.GetComponent<Entrance>(); playerMovementScript = gameObject.GetComponent<playerMovement>(); dancingScript = giraffe.GetComponent<dancing>(); endGameScript = gameObject.GetComponent<EndGame> (); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { guiText.text = "LIFE: " + life; if (life < 0) { EndGame.WinLoseAction(false); } }
private async Task EndGame(Guid id) { var command = new EndGame(id); command.EndedAt = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(90); var response = await client.PutAsync($"/games/{command.GameId}/end", command.ToContent()); response.StatusCode.Should().Be((int)HttpStatusCode.OK); }
public TicTacToeLogic(PlaceMarker xMarker, PlaceMarker oMarker, EndGame endGame) { placeXMarker = xMarker; placeOMarker = oMarker; placeXNext = true; boardState = new string[3,3]; endGameListener = endGame; gameOver = false; }
/// <summary> /// Verify enough players are initialized in the game. /// </summary> protected void Awake() { if (players.Count <= 1) { Debug.LogError("Not enough players."); } endGame = GetComponent<EndGame>(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); m_generator = FindObjectOfType <LevelGenerator>(); if (!endScript) { endScript = FindObjectOfType <EndGame>(); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { tilemap = GameObject.Find("Tilemap").GetComponent <Tilemap>(); spawnBulletScript = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <SpawnBullet>(); waitForStartScript = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <WaitForStart>(); checkModeScript = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ModeHandler>(); endGameScript = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <EndGame>(); mouseUp = false; }
void Awake() { _shake = GetComponent <ObjectShake> (); _blastLight.localScale =; _earthquake = FindObjectOfType <Earthquake> (); _theHellFire = FindObjectOfType <TheHellFire> (); _settings = FindObjectOfType <Settings> (); _endGame = FindObjectOfType <EndGame> (); }
private void IsGameFinished() { if (SticksCurrent != 0) { return; } _gameStatus = GameStatus.Finished; EndGame?.Invoke(Current == Player.One ? players[(int)Player.Two] : players[(int)Player.One]); }
public void Handle(EndGame command) { _running = false; var message = new GameEnded(); foreach (IListenForGameEnded listener in _gamEndedListeners) { listener.Handle(message); } }
void Awake() { if (!instance) { instance = this; GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(this.gameObject); } else { Destroy(gameObject); } }
public ReversiBoard(int currentPlayer) { if (currentPlayer != 0 && currentPlayer != 1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); this.gameBoard = new int[8, 8]; this.gameBoard[4, 4] = ReversiBoard.White; this.gameBoard[3, 4] = ReversiBoard.Black; this.gameBoard[4, 3] = ReversiBoard.Black; this.gameBoard[3, 3] = ReversiBoard.White; this.players = new ReversiPlayer[2]; this.players[0] = new ReversiPlayer(1); this.players[1] = new ReversiPlayer(-1); this.currentPlayer = currentPlayer; this.blackCount = 2; this.whiteCount = 2; this.emptyCount = 60; updateValidMoves(true); GameOver += new EndGame(calculateWinner); }
public CheckersWindow() { this.InitializeComponent(); board = new CheckersBoard(0, x); board.GameMaxLength = 150; lastMove = new CheckersMove(null, false, 1); moveList.Tag = new List<CheckersMove>(); myRepaint = new Repaint(this.repaint); CheckersPlayer player = new CheckersPlayer(ComputerPlayer); alg = new Algorithms(player); int blackWhite = 1; for (int row = 0; row < 8; ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < 8; ++col) { if (blackWhite % 2 == 0) { BlackSquare square = new BlackSquare(); square.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, col); square.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, row); square.Tag = new System.Windows.Point(row, col); square.DragEnter += new DragEventHandler(square_DragEnter); square.Drop += new DragEventHandler(square_Drop); square.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(square_MouseLeftButtonDown); UIBoard.Children.Add(square); blackSquares.Add(square); } else { WhiteSquare square = new WhiteSquare(); square.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, col); square.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, row); UIBoard.Children.Add(square); } blackWhite++; } blackWhite++; } StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("Current Player is:\n"); stringBuilder.Append(board.GetCurrentPlayer().GetPlayerID().ToString() == "-1" ? "Black" : "White"); currentPlayerLabel.Content = stringBuilder.ToString(); repaint(null); board.GameOver += new CheckersBoard.EndGame(board_GameOver); if (board.GetCurrentPlayer().GetPlayerID() == alg.ComputerPlayerID) { computerThread = new Thread(this.computerMove); computerThread.Start(); } this.visualGameOver = new EndGame(this.theGameIsOver); }
void Start() { explosionPrefab = Explosion; info = GetComponent<WaitingScreen>(); info.enabled = false; pause = GetComponent<MenuKeysController>(); pause.enabled = false; hud = GetComponent<GameHUD>(); hud.enabled = false; end = GetComponent<EndGame>(); end.enabled = false; alpha = GetComponent<AlphaBackground>(); alpha.enabled = false; }
private void endGame(EndGame.OnEndGame eventData) { Debug.Log("Ending the game"); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("gameStatus", eventData.gameStatus ? 1 : 0); Application.LoadLevel("EndGameScene"); }