Пример #1
		private bool UnpackCollectionLength( Stream source, UnpackingMode unpackingMode, out MessagePackObject? unpacked )
			int feeded;
			this._bytesBuffer = this._bytesBuffer.Feed( source, out feeded );
			this._readByteLength += feeded;

			if ( this._bytesBuffer.IsFilled )
				// new collection

				var length = this._bytesBuffer.AsUInt32();
				if ( length == 0 )
					// empty collection
					if ( unpackingMode == UnpackingMode.SkipSubtree )
						// Set dummy
						unpacked = MessagePackObject.Nil;
						unpacked = CreateEmptyCollection( this._contextValueHeader );

					this._lastEmptyCollection = ToEmptyCollectionType( this._contextValueHeader.Type );
					return true;

				this._collectionState.NewContextCollection( this._contextValueHeader, length );

				unpacked = null;
				return true;

			// Try next iteration.
			unpacked = null;
			return false;
Пример #2
		/// <summary>
		///		Try unpack object from specified source.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="source">Input source to unpack.</param>
		/// <param name="unpackingMode"><see cref="UnpackingMode"/> that controls unpacking flow.</param>
		/// <returns>
		///		Unpacked entry. The mean of the entry depends on specified <paramref name="unpackingMode"/>.
		/// </returns>
		/// <remarks>
		///		<para>
		///			When this method returns null, caller can feed extra bytes to <paramref name="source"/> and invoke this again. 
		///			It could succeed because this instance preserves previous invocation state, and required bytes are supplied.
		///		</para>
		///		<para>
		///			When this method completes unpackaging single <see cref="MessagePackObject"/> tree,
		///			this method stops iterating <paramref name="source"/> (via <see cref="IEnumerator&lt;T&gt;"/>.
		///			This behavior is notified via <see cref="IDisposable.Dispose">IEnumerator&lt;T&gt;.Dispose()</see> method.
		///		</para>
		/// </remarks>
		public MessagePackObject? Unpack( Stream source, UnpackingMode unpackingMode )
			Contract.Assert( source != null );

			this._lastEmptyCollection = EmptyCollectionType.None;

			MessagePackObject? collectionItemOrRoot;
			while ( this._next( source, unpackingMode, out collectionItemOrRoot ) )
				if ( collectionItemOrRoot != null )
					int depth = this._collectionState.Depth;
					var root = this.AddToContextCollection( collectionItemOrRoot.Value );
					this._hasMoreEntries = depth <= this._collectionState.Depth;

					if ( root != null )
						Contract.Assert( this._collectionState.IsEmpty );
						this._next = this._unpackHeader;
						this._isInCollection = false;
						Contract.Assert( this._contextValueHeader.Type == MessageType.Unknown, this._contextValueHeader.ToString() );// null
						Contract.Assert( this._bytesBuffer.BackingStore == null, this._bytesBuffer.ToString() ); // null
						if ( unpackingMode == UnpackingMode.PerEntry )
							if ( this._lastEmptyCollection != EmptyCollectionType.None )
								// It was empty collection.
								return 0;
								// Last item
								return collectionItemOrRoot.Value;
							// Length
							var readByteLength = this._readByteLength;
							this._readByteLength = 0L;
							return readByteLength;
					this._hasMoreEntries = true;

				// There are more entries in the tree.
				if ( unpackingMode == UnpackingMode.PerEntry )
					// The unpacker may return unpacked collection item.
					if ( this._isInCollection )
						if ( this._collectionState.UnpackedItemsCount == 0 )
							// Count
							return this._collectionState.UnpackingItemsCount;
						else if ( this._lastEmptyCollection != EmptyCollectionType.None )
							// Empty nested collection.
							return 0;
							Contract.Assert( collectionItemOrRoot.HasValue );
							return collectionItemOrRoot.Value;

			return null;