/// <summary> /// Добавить текущему работнику дополнительный предпочтительный тип занятости /// На основе этих данных будут подбираться предложения /// </summary> /// <param name="type">Предпочтительный тип занятости</param> public void AddPriorEmploymentType(EmploymentType type) { try { //Проверка существующей записи String query = "SELECT * FROM " + DataBase.GetShema() + ".ETOF " + "WHERE TYPEID = " + (int)type + " " + "AND EMPLOYEEPASSPORT = '" + this.PassportNumber + "'"; if (ExecuteSelect(query).Count > 0) { return; //Запись уже существует } //Добавление записи о предпочтительном типе занятости query = "INSERT INTO " + DataBase.GetShema() + ".ETOF (TYPEID, EMPLOYEEPASSPORT) VALUES ( " + (int)type + ", " + "'" + this.PassportNumber + "')"; ExecuteNonSelectQuery(query); Console.WriteLine("Предпочтительный тип занятости добавлен для работника"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Не удается добавить приоритетное направление специальности. Возможно уже существует в базе данных."); throw e; } }
public List <EmploymentType> GetEmploymentType() { List <EmploymentType> employmentTypeList = new List <EmploymentType>(); using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(connectionString); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.CommandText = "GetEmploymentType"; command.Connection = connection; connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); // Call Read before accessing data. while (reader.Read()) { EmploymentType employmentType = new EmploymentType(); employmentType.Id = reader["ETPK"] != null?Convert.ToInt32(reader["ETPK"]) : 0; employmentType.Type = Convert.ToString(reader["ET"]); employmentTypeList.Add(employmentType); } // Call Close when done reading. reader.Close(); } return(employmentTypeList); }
internal EmploymentDetails(Guid employeeId, RoleType roleType, EmploymentType employmentType, DateTime commencementDate) { Key = $"{roleType.ToString()}_{employmentType.ToString()}_{commencementDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd")}_{employeeId}"; RoleType = roleType; EmploymentType = employmentType; CommencementDate = commencementDate; }
/// <summary> /// Удалить приоритетное направление специальности /// </summary> /// <param name="type">Тип занятости который больше не хочет искать работник</param> public void DeletePriorEmploymentType(EmploymentType type) { try { //Проверка существующей записи String query = "SELECT * FROM " + DataBase.GetShema() + ".ETOF " + "WHERE TYPEID = " + (int)type + " " + "AND EMPLOYEEPASSPORT = '" + this.PassportNumber + "'"; if (ExecuteSelect(query).Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Предпочитаемый тип занятости удален из списка работника"); return; //Удалять нечего } query = "DELETE FROM " + DataBase.GetShema() + ".ETOF WHERE " + "TYPEID = " + (int)type + " " + "AND EMPLOYEEPASSPORT = '" + this.PassportNumber + "'"; ExecuteNonSelectQuery(query); Console.WriteLine("Предпочитаемый тип занятости удален из списка работника"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Во время удаления приоритетного направления специальности возникли ошибки"); throw e; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutEmploymentType(int id, EmploymentType employmentType) { if (id != employmentType.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(employmentType).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!EmploymentTypeExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
public EmploymentTypeDetailUI() { InitializeComponent(); lId = ""; lOperation = GlobalVariables.Operation.Add; loEmploymentType = new EmploymentType(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="StaffHr"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="employmentType">Type of the employment.</param> /// <param name="titleName">Name of the title.</param> /// <param name="supervisorStaff">The supervisor staff.</param> /// <param name="confidentialNote">The confidential note.</param> protected internal StaffHr(EmploymentType employmentType, string titleName, Staff supervisorStaff, string confidentialNote) { EmploymentType = employmentType; TitleName = titleName; SupervisorStaff = supervisorStaff; ConfidentialNote = confidentialNote; }
public Employee(string id, string firstName, string lastName, EmploymentType employmentType) { Id = id; FirstName = firstName; LastName = lastName; this.employmentType = employmentType; }
private void gridViewEmployees_UserAddingRow(object sender, GridViewRowCancelEventArgs e) { if (e.Rows[0].Cells["colName"].Value != null && e.Rows[0].Cells["colHireDate"].Value != null && e.Rows[0].Cells["colAccType"].Value != null) { if (e.Rows[0].Cells["colBirthDate"].Value == null) { e.Rows[0].Cells["colBirthDate"].Value = "01.01.2000"; } if (e.Rows[0].Cells["colMobile"].Value == null) { e.Rows[0].Cells["colMobile"].Value = "(000)000-00-00"; } string name = e.Rows[0].Cells["colName"].Value.ToString(); DateTime date = (DateTime)e.Rows[0].Cells["colHireDate"].Value; EmploymentType type = (EmploymentType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EmploymentType), e.Rows[0].Cells["colAccType"].Value.ToString()); DateTime birthday = (DateTime)e.Rows[0].Cells["colBirthDate"].Value; string mobile = e.Rows[0].Cells["colMobile"].Value.ToString(); int id = employeeManager.AddEmployee(name, date, type, false, birthday, mobile); e.Rows[0].Cells["colID"].Value = id; UpdateVacationDays(id, e.Rows[0]); UpdateStatusStrip(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Заполните все данные о сотруднике!"); e.Cancel = true; } }
public User() { TwoStepAuthentication = TwoStepAuthentication.None; EmploymentType = EmploymentType.NotSet; PhoneNumbers = new List <PhoneNumber>(); Emails = new List <EmailAddress>(); }
private void tsmEmploymentType_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { foreach (TabPage _tab in this.tbcNSites_V.TabPages) { if (_tab.Text == "EmploymentType List") { tbcNSites_V.SelectedTab = _tab; return; } } EmploymentType _EmploymentType = new EmploymentType(); Type _Type = typeof(EmploymentType); ListFormHRISUI _ListForm = new ListFormHRISUI((object)_EmploymentType, _Type); TabPage _ListFormTab = new TabPage(); _ListFormTab.ImageIndex = 24; _ListForm.ParentList = this; displayControlOnTab(_ListForm, _ListFormTab); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessageUI em = new ErrorMessageUI(ex.Message, this.Name, "tsmEmploymentType_Click"); em.ShowDialog(); return; } }
public async Task <ActionResult <EmploymentType> > PostEmploymentType(EmploymentType employmentType) { _context.EmploymentTypes.Add(employmentType); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtAction("GetEmploymentType", new { id = employmentType.Id }, employmentType)); }
private void UpdateGrids() { gridViewFired.Rows.Clear(); gridViewEmployees.Rows.Clear(); Dictionary <int, Employee> employees = employeeManager.GetAllEmployees(); foreach (int empID in employees.Keys) { Employee emp = employees[empID]; string name = emp.Name; DateTime date = emp.HireDate; EmploymentType type = emp.AccountType; int vacation = emp.calculator.VacationDaysLeft; DateTime birth = emp.BirthDate; string mobile = emp.MobilePhone; object[] row = { empID, name, date, type, vacation, birth, mobile }; if (!emp.IsFired) { gridViewEmployees.Rows.Add(row); } else { gridViewFired.Rows.Add(row); } } }
public int AddEmployee(string _name, DateTime _hireDate, EmploymentType _accType, bool _fired, DateTime _birthday, string _mobile) { int id = GetNewID(); Employee employee = new Employee(_name, _hireDate, _accType, _fired, _birthday, _mobile, ref holidayManager); Employees.Add(id, employee); return(id); }
public void TestSetup() { employmentType_testObject = new EmploymentType(); busEmployment = new BEmployment(); personTA.Insert("0000", null, null, "", null, "", null, null, null, ADOEmploymentType1.ID, null, "", "", null, "", null); }
public EmploymentTypeDetailUI(string[] pRecords) { InitializeComponent(); lId = ""; lOperation = GlobalVariables.Operation.Edit; loEmploymentType = new EmploymentType(); lRecords = pRecords; }
public void Hire(Person person, EmploymentType employmentType) { var employee = new Employee { Person = person, EmploymentType = employmentType, StartDate = DateTime.UtcNow }; var employmentContract = EmploymentContract.CreateNew(employee, this, employmentType); Emit(new EmploymentStarted(this, employee, default)); }
public static IHaveToken<Employee> DepartmentHasEmployeeOfType(this ITokenRegister register, IHaveToken<Department> department, EmploymentType employmentType) { var employee = register.For(department) .Exists(dep => dep.Employees); register.For(employee) .IsTrue(emp => emp.EmploymentType == employmentType); return employee; }
public EmployeeDetailUI() { InitializeComponent(); lId = ""; lOperation = GlobalVariables.Operation.Add; loEmployee = new Employee(); loEmploymentType = new EmploymentType(); loDesignation = new Designation(); loDepartment = new Department(); }
public DailyTimeRecordUI() { InitializeComponent(); loEmployee = new Employee(); loEmploymentType = new EmploymentType(); loDailyTimeRecord = new DailyTimeRecord(); loDepartment = new Department(); ldtDailyTimeRecord = new DataTable(); loDailyTimeRecordRpt = new DailyTimeRecordRpt(); loReportViewer = new ReportViewerUI(); }
/// <summary> /// Создает вакансию, но не добавляет запись в базу данных. Необходимо вызвать метод SetEmployer() /// для записи данных в базу. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Имя вакансии - уникально для каждого работодателя</param> /// <param name="specialty">Специальность для вакансии</param> /// <param name="type">Тип занятости для вакансии</param> /// <param name="description">Описание вакансии, может быть null</param> /// <param name="salary">Заработная плата</param> /// <param name="requiredExperience">Требуемый уровень для вакансии</param> public Vacancy(String name, Specialty specialty, EmploymentType type, String description, uint salary, uint requiredExperience) { this.Name = name; this.CurrentSpecialty = specialty; this.CurrentEmploymentType = type; this.Description = description; this.Salary = salary; this.RequiredExperience = requiredExperience; this.EmployerItn = null; }
/// <summary> /// Создает вакансию, но не добавляет запись в базу данных. Необходимо вызвать метод SetEmployer() /// для записи данных в базу. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Имя вакансии - уникально для каждого работодателя</param> /// <param name="specialtyName">Специальность для вакансии. /// Должно существовать в базе данных</param> /// <param name="type">Тип занятости для вакансии</param> /// <param name="description">Описание вакансии, может быть null</param> /// <param name="salary">Заработная плата</param> /// <param name="requiredExperience">Требуемый уровень для вакансии</param> public Vacancy(String name, String specialtyName, EmploymentType type, String description, uint salary, uint requiredExperience) { this.Name = name; this.CurrentSpecialty = Specialty.GetByName(specialtyName); //Установка специальности с проверкой в базе this.CurrentEmploymentType = type; this.Description = description; this.Salary = salary; this.RequiredExperience = requiredExperience; this.EmployerItn = null; }
public Employee(string _name, DateTime _hireDate, EmploymentType _type, bool _fired, DateTime _birth, string _mobile) { name = _name; hireDate = _hireDate; accountType = _type; fired = _fired; birthDate = _birth; mobilePhone = _mobile; vacationList = new List <Vacation>(); calculator = new DaysCalculator(this); }
public static IHaveToken <Employee> DepartmentHasEmployeeOfType(this ITokenRegister register, IHaveToken <Department> department, EmploymentType employmentType) { var employee = register.For(department) .Exists(dep => dep.Employees); register.For(employee) .IsTrue(emp => emp.EmploymentType == employmentType); return(employee); }
public PersonalDetail(int employeeID, string firstName, string lastName, string zipCode, string city, EmploymentType employmentType, AuditDetails auditDetails, ProfessionalDetails professionalDetails) { this.employeeID = employeeID; this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; this.zipCode = zipCode; this.city = city; this.employmentType = employmentType; this.auditDetails = auditDetails; this.professionalDetails = professionalDetails; }
/// <summary> /// Создает вакансию и добавляет информацию о ней в базу данных /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Имя вакансии - уникально для каждого работодателя</param> /// <param name="employerItn">ИНН работодателя, для которого создается вакансия. /// Работодатель должен существовать в базе данных</param> /// <param name="specialtyName">Имя специальности для вакансии. Должно существовать в базе данных</param> /// <param name="type">Тип занятости для вакансии</param> /// <param name="description">Описание вакансии, может быть null</param> /// <param name="salary">Заработная плата</param> /// <param name="requiredExperience">Требуемый уровень для вакансии</param> public Vacancy(String name, String employerItn, String specialtyName, EmploymentType type, String description, uint salary, uint requiredExperience) { this.Name = name; this.EmployerItn = employerItn; //Проверка введенного имени работодателя this.CurrentSpecialty = Specialty.GetByName(specialtyName); //Установка специальности с проверкой в базе this.CurrentEmploymentType = type; this.Description = description; this.Salary = salary; this.RequiredExperience = requiredExperience; AddEntityToDB(); }
public void WhenINeedDepartmentToEitherBeTypeOrHaveEmployeeOrHaveProjectWithBudjetOrMore(string departmentName, DepartmentType departmentType, EmploymentType employeeType, int amount) { IHaveToken<Employee> employee = null; var department = context.GetToken<Department>(departmentName); context.Either(x => x.DepartmentHasType(department, departmentType), x => employee = x.DepartmentHasEmployeeOfType(department, employeeType), x => x.DepartmentHasProjectWithBudget(department, amount)); context.Storage.Set(employee); }
public static EmploymentType Save(EmploymentType obj, EntityState state) { if (state == EntityState.Added) { obj.EmploymentTypeID = _container.Resolve <IEmploymentTypeRepository>().Insert(obj); } else { _container.Resolve <IEmploymentTypeRepository>().Update(obj, obj.EmploymentTypeID); } return(obj); }
/// <summary> /// Создает вакансию и добавляет информацию о ней в базу данных /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Имя вакансии - уникально для каждого работодателя</param> /// <param name="employer">Работодатель, для которого создается вакансия.</param> /// <param name="specialty">Специальность для вакансии</param> /// <param name="type">Тип занятости для вакансии</param> /// <param name="description">Описание вакансии, может быть null</param> /// <param name="salary">Заработная плата</param> /// <param name="requiredExperience">Требуемый уровень для вакансии</param> public Vacancy(String name, Employer employer, Specialty specialty, EmploymentType type, String description, uint salary, uint requiredExperience) { this.Name = name; this.EmployerItn = employer.GetItn(); this.CurrentSpecialty = specialty; //Установка специальности с проверкой в базе this.CurrentEmploymentType = type; this.Description = description; this.Salary = salary; this.RequiredExperience = requiredExperience; AddEntityToDB(); }
// POST: odata/EmploymentTypes public IHttpActionResult Post(EmploymentType employmentType) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } db.EmploymentTypes.Add(employmentType); db.SaveChanges(); return(Created(employmentType)); }
private void BindEmploymentType() { DropDownListEmploymentType.DataSource = EmploymentType.GetEmploymentTypeList(); DropDownListEmploymentType.DataTextField = "Description"; DropDownListEmploymentType.DataValueField = "EmploymentTypeId"; DropDownListEmploymentType.DataBind(); if (DropDownListEmploymentType.Items.Count > 1) { DropDownListEmploymentType.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Please select", "0")); } }
/// <summary> /// Serves as a hash function for a particular type. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// A hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Object"/>. /// </returns> /// <filterpriority>2</filterpriority> public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { int result = EmploymentType != null?EmploymentType.GetHashCode() : 0; result = (result * 397) ^ (TitleName != null ? TitleName.GetHashCode() : 0); result = (result * 397) ^ (SupervisorStaff != null ? SupervisorStaff.GetHashCode() : 0); result = (result * 397) ^ (ConfidentialNote != null ? ConfidentialNote.GetHashCode() : 0); return(result); } }
public void WhenINeedDepartmentToNOTHaveAllThreeTypeEmployeeProjectBudjetOrMore(string departmentName, DepartmentType departmentType, EmploymentType employeeType, int amount) { IHaveToken<Employee> employee = null; var department = context.GetToken<Department>(departmentName); context.Not(x => { x.DepartmentHasType(department, departmentType); employee = x.DepartmentHasEmployeeOfType(department, employeeType); x.DepartmentHasProjectWithBudget(department, amount); }); context.Storage.Set(employee); }
/// <summary> /// Assigns the type of the employment. /// </summary> /// <param name="employmentType">Type of the employment.</param> /// <returns>A StaffHrBuilder.</returns> public StaffHrBuilder WithEmploymentType(EmploymentType employmentType) { _employmentType = employmentType; return this; }