Пример #1
        public async Task Add_Employee_Success_Return_CreatedAtAction_Test()
            EmployeesController target = new EmployeesController(this.employeesRepository.Object, this.mapper.Object);

            IActionResult result = await target.Add(new EmployeeModel());

            var createdAtActionObject = result as CreatedAtActionResult;


            this.employeesRepository.Verify(m => m.Add(It.IsAny <EmployeeModel>()), Times.Once);
            this.employeesRepository.Verify(m => m.Save(), Times.Once);
Пример #2
        public async Task Add_Employee_Save_Is_False_Throw_Exception_Test()
                this.employeesRepository.Setup(m => m.Save()).Returns(Task.FromResult(false));

                EmployeesController target = new EmployeesController(this.employeesRepository.Object, this.mapper.Object);

                IActionResult result = await target.Add(new EmployeeModel());

                Assert.Fail("Should be an exception");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.AreEqual("Failed to add new employee", ex.Message);

                this.employeesRepository.Verify(m => m.Add(It.IsAny <EmployeeModel>()), Times.Once);
                this.employeesRepository.Verify(m => m.Save(), Times.Once);
        public async Task ShouldAddEmployeeAndReturnOneWithId()
            var userId = new Guid("{155E521A-3D64-46C7-939E-8A3FC29DD201}");

            var employee = new EmployeeDTO();

            var expected = new EmployeeDTO()
                Id = Guid.NewGuid(),

            _mock.Mock <IUserManager>()
            .Setup(manager => manager.GetUserId(It.IsAny <ClaimsPrincipal>()))

            _mock.Mock <IEmployeesService>()
            .Setup(service => service.AddAsync(employee, userId))

            var actual = await _controller.Add(employee);

            ContentAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Пример #4
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //if (txtFName.Text == "")
            //    msg += "Text field cannot be empty";
            //if (!ValidationHelper.LettersOnly(txtFName.Text))
            //        MessageBox.Show("Employee first name must contain letters only!");
            //        return;
            //    }
            ////if (!ValidationHelper.LettersOnly(txtFName.Text))
            ////    MessageBox.Show("Employee first name must contain letters only!");
            ////    return;

            //if (!ValidationHelper.LettersOnly(txtLName.Text))
            //    MessageBox.Show("Employee last name must contain letters only!");
            //    return;

            //if (!ValidationHelper.IsPhoneValid(txtPhone.Text))
            //    MessageBox.Show("Employee phone number must contain letters only!");
            //    return;

            //if (!ValidationHelper.IsEmail(txtEmail.Text))
            //    MessageBox.Show("Employee email address is incorrect!");
            //    return;


            if (!ValidationHelper.LettersOnly(txtFName.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("Employee first name must contain letters only!");

            if (!ValidationHelper.LettersOnly(txtLName.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("Employee last name must contain letters only!");

            if (!ValidationHelper.IsEmail(txtEmail.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("Employee email address is incorrect!");

            //if (!ValidationHelper.NumberOnly(txtDOB.Text))
            //    MessageBox.Show("Employee date of birth must contain letters only!");
            //    return;

            //if (!ValidationHelper.IsValidDate(txtDOB.Text))
            //    MessageBox.Show("Incorect date of birth!");
            //    return;

            //if (!ValidationHelper.NumberOnly(txtPhone.Text))
            //    MessageBox.Show("Employee phone number must contain letters only!");
            //    return;
            //if (txtDOB.Text == "" || txtPhone.Text == "")
            //    MessageBox.Show("The text field can not be empty");

            //read input
            Employees emp = new Employees();

            emp.FirstName = txtFName.Text;
            emp.LastName  = txtLName.Text;
            emp.Email     = txtEmail.Text;
            emp.DOB       = txtDOB.Text;
            emp.Phone     = txtPhone.Text;

            //call controller - save into db
            EmployeesController controller = new EmployeesController();
            ResultEnum          result     = controller.Add(emp);

            switch (result)
            case ResultEnum.Success:
                MessageBox.Show("New employee added");

            case ResultEnum.Fail:
                MessageBox.Show("Employee can not be added, please try again :-");

            //    if (result == ResultEnum.Success)
            //    //show output ...
            //    MessageBox.Show("New employee added");
            //    MessageBox.Show("Employee can not be added, please try again :-");