Пример #1
        public bool Save(ModelStateDictionary modelState, int userID, int employeeID, List <int> warehouseIDs)
            QueryOutput queryResult;

            if (!Validate(modelState))
                return(Result = false);
            if (ID == 0 && Query <bool>(new DbQuery(userID, employeeID, DbAction.Login.View,
                                                    String.Format("select case when (select top 1 ID from Login where BussinessID = {0} and Username = N'{1}' and Status = 'active') is null then 0 else 1 end",
                                                                  BussinessID, Username)), out queryResult).FirstOrDefault())
                Messages.Add("Tài khoản đã được sử dụng");
                return(Result = false);
            if (Username != "admin" && Permission == null)
                Messages.Add("Tài khoản chưa được cấp quyền");
                return(Result = false);
            var query  = "";
            var id     = ID.ToString();
            var action = "";

            if (ID > 0)
                query = String.Format(@"update Login 
                                            set Username = (case when Username = '******' then 'admin' else N'{0}' end), Password = N'{1}', EmployeeID = {2}, Type = N'{4}'
                                            where ID = {3}", new object[] {
                    Username, Password, EmployeeID.DbValue(), ID, Type
                action = DbAction.Login.Modify;
                query = String.Format(@"declare @ID table (ID int)
                                        insert Login(Username, Password, BussinessID, EmployeeID, Status, Type) 
                                        output inserted.ID into @ID
                                        values ('{0}', N'{1}', {2}, {3}, 'active', N'{4}')",
                                      new object[] { Username, Password, BussinessID, EmployeeID.DbValue(), Type });
                id     = "(select top 1 ID from @ID)";
                action = DbAction.Login.Create;
            if (Username != "admin")
                query += String.Format(
                    " if ((select count(Username) from Login where ID = {0} and Username = '******') = 0) begin delete LoginPermission where LoginID = {0}", id);
                var permissions = Permission.AuthorizedPermissions();
                if (permissions.Count > 0)
                    query += String.Format(" insert into LoginPermission(LoginID, Action) values {0}",
                                           String.Join(",", permissions.Select(p => String.Format("({0}, N'{1}')", id, p))));
                if (warehouseIDs != null && warehouseIDs.Count > 0)
                    query += String.Format(" insert into LoginWarehouse(LoginID, WarehouseID) values {0}", String.Join(",", warehouseIDs.Select(wh => String.Format("({0}, {1})", id, wh))));
                query += " end";
            Result = Execute(new DbQuery(userID, employeeID, action, query, true, id, "Username"), out queryResult);
            if (Result)
                Messages = new List <string>()
                    "Lưu thông tin thành công"