Пример #1
        public static List <BaseEmployee> QueryEmployeePage(EmployeeCondition condition, int pagesize, int pageindex, out int total)
            if (condition == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("condition");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(condition.VillageId))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("VillageId");

            IBaseEmployee factory = BaseEmployeeFactory.GetFactory();

            return(factory.QueryEmployeePage(condition, pagesize, pageindex, out total));
Пример #2
        public List <BaseEmployee> QueryEmployeePage(EmployeeCondition condition, int pagesize, int pageindex, out int total)
            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();

            sql.Append("SELECT * FROM BaseEmployee WHERE  VID=@VID");
            using (DbOperator dbOperator = ConnectionManager.CreateReadConnection())
                dbOperator.AddParameter("VID", condition.VillageId);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition.DeptId))
                    sql.Append(" AND DeptID=@DeptID");
                    dbOperator.AddParameter("DeptID", condition.DeptId);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition.Name))
                    sql.Append(" AND EmployeeName like @EmployeeName");
                    dbOperator.AddParameter("UserAccount", "%" + condition.Name + "%");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition.Phone))
                    sql.Append(" AND (MobilePhone=@MobilePhone or HomePhone=@MobilePhone)");
                    dbOperator.AddParameter("MobilePhone", condition.Phone);
                if (condition.EmployeeType.HasValue)
                    sql.Append(" AND (EmployeeType=@EmployeeType or EmployeeType=@EmployeeType1)");
                    dbOperator.AddParameter("EmployeeType", (int)condition.EmployeeType);
                    dbOperator.AddParameter("EmployeeType1", (int)EmployeeType.OwnerAndStaff);
                using (DbDataReader reader = dbOperator.Paging(sql.ToString(), "LastUpdateTime DESC", pageindex, pagesize, out total))
                    List <BaseEmployee> models = new List <BaseEmployee>();
                    while (reader.Read())
                        models.Add(DataReaderToModel <BaseEmployee> .ToModel(reader));
Пример #3
        public JsonResult Get(int draw, int start)
            var             employeeNo = "";
            var             countEmpNo = "";
            int             count      = 0;
            int             index      = 0;
            int             empCount   = 0;
            string          empNo      = "";
            List <Employee> rows       = new List <Employee>();
            List <string>   rowsCount  = new List <string>();
            List <Employee> tbrows     = new List <Employee>();
            string          parameter  = Request.Query["search[value]"].FirstOrDefault();

            EmployeeCondition condition = null;

            var counttmp = _db.tbEmployee.Select(m => m.EmployeeNo).Distinct().AsQueryable();

            var tmp = (from a in _db.tbEmployee
                       from b in _db.tbEmpGroup
                       .Where(f => f.EmployeeNo == a.EmployeeNo)
                       select new
            } into x
                       join c in _db.tbGroup on x.GroupID equals c.GroupID into gj
                       from y in gj.DefaultIfEmpty()
                       select new Employee
                EmployeeNo = x.EmployeeNo,
                EmployeeName = x.EmployeeName,
                GroupName = (y == null ? String.Empty : y.GroupName)

            if (parameter != "")
                condition = (EmployeeCondition)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(parameter, typeof(EmployeeCondition));

            if (condition != null)
                if (condition.EmployeeNo != "")
                    tmp = tmp.Where(e => e.EmployeeNo.Contains(condition.EmployeeNo));

                if (condition.EmployeeName != "")
                    tmp = tmp.Where(e => e.EmployeeName.Contains(condition.EmployeeName));

            rows = tmp.OrderBy(e => e.EmployeeNo).ToList();

            foreach (Employee emp in rows)
                if (!empNo.Equals(emp.EmployeeNo))
                    empNo = emp.EmployeeNo;

            //for (int i = rows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)

            //    if (!rows[i].EmployeeNo.Equals(employeeNo))
            //    {
            //        index = i;
            //        employeeNo = rows[i].EmployeeNo;
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        rows[index].GroupName = rows[index].GroupName + "," + rows[i].GroupName;
            //        rows.RemoveAt(i);
            //    }

            Employee Employee = new Employee();

            for (int i = 0; i < rows.Count; i++)
                if (!rows[i].EmployeeNo.Equals(countEmpNo))
                    countEmpNo = rows[i].EmployeeNo;

                if (count > (start + 10))

                if (count > start)
                    if (!rows[i].EmployeeNo.Equals(employeeNo))
                        if (!employeeNo.Equals(""))
                        Employee              = new Employee();
                        employeeNo            = rows[i].EmployeeNo;
                        Employee.EmployeeNo   = employeeNo;
                        Employee.EmployeeName = rows[i].EmployeeName;
                        Employee.GroupName    = rows[i].GroupName;
                        Employee.GroupName = Employee.GroupName + "," + rows[i].GroupName;
            if (!countEmpNo.Equals(""))

            int recordsTotal = counttmp.Count();

            //rows = filteredData.OrderBy(e => e.GroupID).Skip(start).Take(10).ToList();

            var renderModel = new DataTablesRenderModel
                draw            = draw,
                data            = tbrows,
                length          = tbrows.Count(),
                recordsFiltered = empCount,
                recordsTotal    = empCount
