Пример #1
    private bool GF_espera;                 //GF está esperando que o player interaja

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        happyBar      = gfFrame.GetComponentsInChildren <Image>();
        gfManager     = FindObjectOfType <GFManager>();
        telController = FindObjectOfType <TelephoneController>();
        objetos       = FindObjectOfType <ObjectsPlaces>();
        player        = FindObjectOfType <PlayerController>();
        escada1       = FindObjectOfType <ClimbUpStairs>();
        escada2       = FindObjectOfType <ClimbDownStairs>();
        emotes        = GetComponentInChildren <EmotesController>();
        //Define o começo;
        begin = Time.time;
        //Define o Happy
        Happy = Random.Range(45, 65);
        //Marca a Posição Inicial
        startMarker    = this.transform.position;
        oldStartMarker = startMarker;

        //Verifica o Andar
        if (startMarker.y >= 0.5f && startMarker.y <= 2f)
            AndarGF = 1;
            AndarGF = 2;
        oldAndar = AndarGF;
Пример #2
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 virtual protected void Awake()
     emotesController = GetComponentInChildren <EmotesController>();
     hpBar            = GetComponentInChildren <HPBarHandler>();
     rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
Пример #3
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     emotesController = GetComponentInChildren <EmotesController>();
     nextEmotesTime   = Random.Range(loopTimeMin, loopTimeMax);