Пример #1
        private void StartQuest(ChatMessage message, Player player, Quest quest)
            Double successChance = player.GetQuestSuccessChance();

            Boolean successful = Random.TryPercentChance(successChance);

            var resultMessage = successful
                ? quest.OnSuccess(player, Random.NextElement(EmoteManager.Get(message.Channel, EmoteCategory.Positive)))
                : quest.FailureMessage + " " + Random.NextElement(EmoteManager.Get(message.Channel, EmoteCategory.Negative));

            StringBuilder questPrompt = new();

            .Append($"[Quest {String.Format("{0:0.0}", successChance * 100)}% success] ");

            if (quest.IsRare)
                var positiveEmotes = EmoteManager.Get(message.Channel, EmoteCategory.Positive);

                .Append(" RARE QUEST!!! ")
                .Append(' ');

            .Append($"{GetPlayerWithWorkers(player)} travel to {quest.Location}. {resultMessage}");

            Client.SpoolMessageAsMe(message.Channel, player, questPrompt.ToString());
Пример #2
        private String GetRankUpMessage(ChatMessage message, Player player, IApplicationContext context, out Priority priority)
            priority = Priority.Low;

            if (RanksToPoints.TryGetValue(player.Rank, out Int32 pointsToRank))
                Rank nextRank = player.Rank.Next();

                if (player.Points >= pointsToRank)
                    if (nextRank == Rank.None)
                        if (player.HasUnlockedAllRecipes())
                            HeistManager.LeaveAllHeists(context, player);
                            // Prestige instead of rank up
                            var positiveEmotes = EmoteManager.Get(message.Channel, EmoteCategory.Positive);
                            priority = Priority.Medium;
                            return($"{Random.NextElement(positiveEmotes)} You prestiged back to {Rank.Bronze} and have gained a permanent {(Int32)(PrestigeBonus * 100)}% cheese gain boost. {Random.NextElement(positiveEmotes)}");

                        return($"You need to buy all cheese recipes in order to prestige back to {Rank.Bronze} rank. " +
                               $"You will lose all your cheese and upgrades, but will gain a permanent {(Int32)(PrestigeBonus * 100)}% bonus on your cheese gains.");

                    player.Points -= pointsToRank;
                    player.Rank    = nextRank;
                    priority = Priority.Medium;

                    return($"You ranked up to {nextRank}. {Random.NextElement(EmoteManager.Get(message.Channel, EmoteCategory.Positive))} (-{pointsToRank} cheese)");

                var pointsNeededToRank = pointsToRank - player.Points;
                if (nextRank == Rank.None)
                    return($"You need {pointsNeededToRank} more cheese in order to prestige back to {Rank.Bronze} rank. " +
                           $"You will lose all your cheese and upgrades, but will gain a permanent {(Int32)(PrestigeBonus * 100)}% bonus on your cheese gains.");

                return($"You need {pointsNeededToRank} more cheese in order to rank up to {nextRank}.");

            return($"Uh oh, you broke something. You have an invalid rank of {player.Rank}.");
Пример #3
        private void InitiateNewHeist(ChatMessage message)
            using var context = ContextFactory.GetContext();

            var player = context.GetPlayer(Client, message);

            // Trying to initiate new heist
            var now = DateTime.Now;

            var oldLastHeistInitiated = player.LastHeistInitiated;

            var timeSinceLastHeistInitiated = now - oldLastHeistInitiated;

            if (timeSinceLastHeistInitiated >= HeistCooldown)
                // Update last heist initiated to prevent initiating
                // multiple heists in multiple channels.
                player.LastHeistInitiated = now;

                var heist = new Heist(message, Random, Client);
                OngoingHeists.TryAdd(message.Channel, heist);

                Client.SpoolMessageAsMe(message.Channel, player,

                // Join the heist in a separate thread so that the heist
                // countdown can start immediately as the join is being
                // processed. This should only save around a second or so of
                // time.
                Task.Run(() => JoinHeist(message, player, context));

                // Since we are sleeping, this needs to be async.

                if (!heist.Start(context))
                    // No one joined the heist. Let the user initiate another heist.
                    player.LastHeistInitiated = oldLastHeistInitiated;

                OngoingHeists.TryRemove(message.Channel, out _);

            var timeUntilNextHeistAvailable = HeistCooldown - timeSinceLastHeistInitiated;

            var timeToWait = timeUntilNextHeistAvailable.Format();

            Client.SpoolMessageAsMe(message.Channel, player,
                                    Messages.Wait.Format(timeToWait, Random.NextElement(EmoteManager.Get(message.Channel, EmoteCategory.Waiting))));
Пример #4
        private void PromptStartQuestFailed(ChatMessage message, Player player, TimeSpan timeSinceLastQuestVentured)
            var timeUntilNextQuestAvailable = QuestCooldown - timeSinceLastQuestVentured;

            var timeToWait = timeUntilNextQuestAvailable.Format();

            Client.SpoolMessageAsMe(message.Channel, player,
                                    $"[Quest {String.Format("{0:0.0}", player.GetQuestSuccessChance() * 100)}% success] " +
                                    $"You must wait {timeToWait} until you can go on your next quest. {Random.NextElement(EmoteManager.Get(message.Channel, EmoteCategory.Waiting))}",
Пример #5
        public async void AddPoints(ChatMessage message)
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            using var context = ContextFactory.GetContext();

            Player player = context.GetPlayer(Client, message);

            TimeSpan timeSinceLastPointGain = now - player.LastPointsGained;

            Int32 playerStorage = player.GetTotalStorage();

            if (timeSinceLastPointGain >= PointGainCooldown)
                if (player.Points >= playerStorage)
                    Client.SpoolMessageAsMe(message.Channel, player, $" You have {player.Points}/{playerStorage} cheese and cannot store any more. Consider buying more cheese storage with \"!cheese buy storage\".");

                RecipeInfo initialCheese = Random.NextElement(RecipeRepository, player.CheeseUnlocked);

                RecipeModifier modifier = Random.NextElement(RecipeModifierManager, (Int32)player.NextCheeseModifierUpgradeUnlock);

                RecipeInfo cheese = modifier.Modify(initialCheese);

                StringBuilder outputMessage = new();

                String infestationStatus = HazardManager.UpdateInfestationStatus(player);

                var infestationTask = context.SaveChangesAsync();

                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(infestationStatus))
                    .Append(Random.NextElement(EmoteManager.Get(message.Channel, EmoteCategory.Rat)))
                    .Append(' ');

                Boolean isCritical = Random.TryPercentChance((Int32)player.NextCriticalCheeseUpgradeUnlock * RankUpgradeExtensions.CriticalCheeseUpgradePercent);

                await infestationTask;

                var modifiedPoints = player.GetModifiedPoints(cheese.Points, isCritical);


                player.LastPointsGained = now;

                var addPointsTask = context.SaveChangesAsync();

                Boolean isPositive = cheese.Points > 0;

                var emoteCategory = isPositive ? EmoteCategory.Positive : EmoteCategory.Negative;

                var emoteList = EmoteManager.Get(message.Channel, emoteCategory);

                if (isCritical)

                    if (!isPositive)
                        outputMessage.Append(" NEGATIVE ");

                    .Append(" CRITICAL CHEESE!!! ")
                    .Append(' ');

                outputMessage.Append($"You made some {cheese.Name}. {Random.NextElement(emoteList)} ({(isPositive ? "+" : String.Empty)}{modifiedPoints} cheese)");

                Client.SpoolMessageAsMe(message.Channel, player, outputMessage.ToString());

                await addPointsTask;

            TimeSpan timeUntilNextValidPointGain = PointGainCooldown - timeSinceLastPointGain;

            String timeToWait = timeUntilNextValidPointGain.Format();

            Client.SpoolMessageAsMe(message.Channel, player,
                                    $"You must wait {timeToWait} until you can make more cheese. {Random.NextElement(EmoteManager.Get(message.Channel, EmoteCategory.Waiting))}",