Пример #1
        protected override IEnumerable <PropertyDescriptor> GetProperties()
            var properties = new List <PropertyDescriptor>
                                                 new CategoryAttribute("Box Emitter"),
                                                 new DisplayNameAttribute("Width"),
                                                 new DescriptionAttribute("Gets or sets the width of the box.")),

                                                 new CategoryAttribute("Box Emitter"),
                                                 new DisplayNameAttribute("Height"),
                                                 new DescriptionAttribute("Gets or sets the height of the box.")),

                                                 new CategoryAttribute("Box Emitter"),
                                                 new DisplayNameAttribute("Depth"),
                                                 new DescriptionAttribute("Gets or sets the depth of the box.")),

                                                 new CategoryAttribute("Box Emitter"),
                                                 new DisplayNameAttribute("Rotation"),
                                                 new DescriptionAttribute("Gets or sets the rotation vector of the box.")),

        protected override IEnumerable <PropertyDescriptor> GetProperties()
            var properties = new List <PropertyDescriptor>
                                                 new CategoryAttribute("Cylinder Emitter"),
                                                 new DisplayNameAttribute("Radius"),
                                                 new DescriptionAttribute("Gets or sets the radius of the cylinder.")),

                                                 new CategoryAttribute("Cylinder Emitter"),
                                                 new DisplayNameAttribute("Height"),
                                                 new DescriptionAttribute("Gets or sets the height of the cylinder.")),

                                                 new CategoryAttribute("Cylinder Emitter"),
                                                 new DisplayNameAttribute("Shell"),
                                                 new DescriptionAttribute("Gets or sets a value indicating whether particles should be released only on the edge of the cylinder.")),

                                                 new CategoryAttribute("Cylinder Emitter"),
                                                 new DisplayNameAttribute("Radiate"),
                                                 new DescriptionAttribute("Gets or sets a value indicating whether particles should radiate out from the centre column of the cylinder.")),

Пример #3
        public EmitterController SpawnEmitter(GridElementController container, EmitterType type)
            var prefab  = ItemsMap.Emitters.FirstOrDefault((p) => p.Type == type).Prefab;
            var emitter = Instantiate(prefab, container.transform, false);

        public void CreateParticle(Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRect, ParticleInfo pInfo, EmitterType type)
            if (sourceRect != Rectangle.Empty)
                this.Initialize(texture, sourceRect);

            m_Type = type;

            m_CurrentLife = pInfo.m_Lifespan;
            m_Lifespan = pInfo.m_Lifespan;
            m_Position = pInfo.m_Pos;
            m_StartPos = pInfo.m_StartPos;
            m_Velocity = pInfo.m_Velocity;
            m_EmitterRadius = pInfo.m_EmitterRadius;
            m_EmitterRadiusDelta = pInfo.m_EmitterRadiusDelta;
            m_EmitterRotation = pInfo.m_EmitterRotation;
            m_EmitterRotationDelta = pInfo.m_EmitterRotationDelta;
            m_RadialAcceleration = pInfo.m_RadialAcceleration;
            m_TangentialAcceleration = pInfo.m_TangentialAcceleration;
            m_Scale = pInfo.m_Scale;
            m_ScaleDelta = pInfo.m_ScaleDelta;
            m_Color = pInfo.m_StartColor;
            m_StartColor = pInfo.m_StartColor;
            m_EndColor = pInfo.m_EndColor;
            m_ColorDelta = pInfo.m_ColorDelta;
            m_Rotation = pInfo.m_Rotation;
            m_RotationDelta = pInfo.m_RotationDelta;
            m_Depth = pInfo.m_Depth;
            m_DepthDelta = pInfo.m_DepthDelta;
            m_Speed = pInfo.m_Speed;
Пример #5
    public void ChangeType()
        System.Random random        = new System.Random();
        int           random_number = random.Next(0, 2);

        //Temporary, will change to switch if more EmitterType
        typeOfEmitter = random_number == 0 ? EmitterType.ENEMY : EmitterType.POWERUP;
Пример #6
 public Emitter(EmitterType type, int priority, bool exclusive, IEnumerable <E164Number> numbers)
     this.Type = type;
     if (numbers != null)
         this.PhoneNumbers = new List <E164Number>(numbers);
Пример #7
        protected override IEnumerable <PropertyDescriptor> GetProperties()
            var properties = new List <PropertyDescriptor>
                                                 new CategoryAttribute("Plane Emitter"),
                                                 new DisplayNameAttribute("Constrain To Plane"),
                                                 new DescriptionAttribute("Should random forces keep the particle in the XY plane or allow it to move in all 3. Can be used in 2d or 3d. In 2d this will keep particles in the same plane as the emitter. In 3d it keeps particles radiating in a planar fashion.")),

Пример #8
        public static void ToggleEmitter(EmitterType emitterType)
            StudioEventEmitter emitter = AudioManager.Instance.EventPaths.GetEmitter(emitterType);

            if (emitter.IsPlaying())

Пример #9
        private void RenderItemsManagmentMenu()

            selectedAbsorberType  = (AbsorberType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(selectedAbsorberType);
            selectedReflectorType = (ReflectorType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(selectedReflectorType);
            selectedEmitterType   = (EmitterType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(selectedEmitterType);



                SetEnabled(selectedAbsorberType != AbsorberType.None);
                if (GUILayout.Button("Spawn"))
                    TrySetEntityToSpawn(new LevelEntity()
                        Type = EntityType.Absorber, AbsorberType = selectedAbsorberType

                SetEnabled(selectedReflectorType != ReflectorType.None);
                if (GUILayout.Button("Spawn"))
                    TrySetEntityToSpawn(new LevelEntity()
                        Type = EntityType.Reflector, ReflectorType = selectedReflectorType

                SetEnabled(selectedEmitterType != EmitterType.None);
                if (GUILayout.Button("Spawn"))
                    TrySetEntityToSpawn(new LevelEntity()
                        Type = EntityType.Emitter, EmitterType = selectedEmitterType

Пример #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Preleva un emitter del tipo fornito. Se non esiste lo crea.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="et">Tipo di emitter da ottenere</param>
 private AudioEmitter getEmitter(EmitterType et)
     for (int i = 0; i < emittersList.Count - 1; i++)
         if (emittersList[i].Type == et)
     emittersList.Add(new AudioEmitter {
         Type = et, Source = new AudioSource()
     return(emittersList[emittersList.Count - 1]);
Пример #11
        public ParticleEmitter AddEmitter(EmitterType type, LinkedList<Texture2D> textures, Vector3 location, Vector3 speed, int particlesPerFrame, Vector2 particleMovementSpeed, float defaultScale, int lifetime, Color color)
            ParticleEmitter emitter = null;

            switch (type)
                case EmitterType.Point:
                    emitter = new PointEmitter(textures, location, speed, particlesPerFrame, particleMovementSpeed, defaultScale, lifetime, color);


            return emitter;
Пример #12
        private string Write13_EmitterType(EmitterType v)
            string result;

            switch (v)
            case EmitterType.Unknown:
                result = "Unknown";

            case EmitterType.TextMessaging:
                result = "TextMessaging";

                throw base.CreateInvalidEnumValueException(((long)v).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.VersionedXml.EmitterType");
Пример #13
        protected override IEnumerable <PropertyDescriptor> GetProperties()
            var properties = new List <PropertyDescriptor>
                                                 new CategoryAttribute("Line Emitter"),
                                                 new DisplayNameAttribute("Length"),
                                                 new DescriptionAttribute("Gets or sets the length of the line.")),

                                                 new CategoryAttribute("Line Emitter"),
                                                 new DisplayNameAttribute("Rectilinear"),
                                                 new DescriptionAttribute("If true, will emit particles perpendicular to the angle of the line.")),

                                                 new CategoryAttribute("Line Emitter"),
                                                 new DisplayNameAttribute("EmitBothWays"),
                                                 new DescriptionAttribute("If true, will emit particles both ways. Only work when Rectilinear is enabled.")),

Пример #14
        public ParticleEmitterInfo(DatLoader.FileTypes.ParticleEmitterInfo info)
            _info            = info;
            EmitterType      = info.EmitterType;
            ParticleType     = info.ParticleType;
            GfxObjID         = info.GfxObjId;
            HWGfxObjID       = info.HwGfxObjId;
            Birthrate        = info.Birthrate;
            MaxParticles     = info.MaxParticles;
            InitialParticles = info.InitialParticles;
            TotalParticles   = info.TotalParticles;
            TotalSeconds     = info.TotalSeconds;
            LifeSpanRand     = info.LifespanRand;
            LifeSpan         = info.Lifespan;
            OffsetDir     = info.OffsetDir.Copy();
            MinOffset     = info.MinOffset;
            MaxOffset     = info.MaxOffset;
            A             = info.A.Copy();
            B             = info.B.Copy();
            C             = info.C.Copy();
            MinA          = info.MinA;
            MaxA          = info.MaxA;
            MinB          = info.MinB;
            MaxB          = info.MaxB;
            MinC          = info.MinC;
            MaxC          = info.MaxC;
            ScaleRand     = info.ScaleRand;
            StartScale    = info.StartScale;
            FinalScale    = info.FinalScale;
            TransRand     = info.TransRand;
            StartTrans    = info.StartTrans;
            FinalTrans    = info.FinalTrans;
            IsParentLocal = info.IsParentLocal != 0;

Пример #15
 public StudioEventEmitter GetEmitter(EmitterType emitterType)
Пример #16
 public static void StopEmitter(EmitterType emitter)
Пример #17
        public PRE2(BinaryReader br)
            Size = br.ReadUInt32();

            EmitterSize           = br.ReadInt32();
            EmitterType           = (EmitterType)br.ReadUInt32();
            Speed                 = br.ReadSingle();
            Variation             = br.ReadSingle();
            Latitude              = br.ReadSingle();
            Longitude             = br.ReadSingle();
            Gravity               = br.ReadSingle();
            ZSource               = br.ReadSingle();
            Lifespan              = br.ReadSingle();
            EmissionRate          = br.ReadSingle();
            Length                = br.ReadSingle();
            Width                 = br.ReadSingle();
            Rows                  = br.ReadInt32();
            Cols                  = br.ReadInt32();
            ParticleType          = (CellType)br.ReadUInt32();
            TailLength            = br.ReadSingle();
            MiddleTime            = br.ReadSingle();
            StartColor            = br.ReadStruct <CBGR>();
            MiddleColor           = br.ReadStruct <CBGR>();
            EndColor              = br.ReadStruct <CBGR>();
            StartAlpha            = br.ReadByte() / 255f;
            MiddleAlpha           = br.ReadByte() / 255f;
            EndAlpha              = br.ReadByte() / 255f;
            StartScale            = br.ReadSingle();
            MiddleScale           = br.ReadSingle();
            EndScale              = br.ReadSingle();
            LifespanUVAnimStart   = br.ReadUInt32();
            LifespanUVAnimEnd     = br.ReadUInt32();
            LifespanUVAnimRepeat  = br.ReadUInt32();
            DecayUVAnimStart      = br.ReadUInt32();
            DecayUVAnimEnd        = br.ReadUInt32();
            DecayUVAnimRepeat     = br.ReadUInt32();
            TailUVAnimStart       = br.ReadUInt32();
            TailUVAnimEnd         = br.ReadUInt32();
            TailUVAnimRepeat      = br.ReadUInt32();
            TailDecayUVAnimStart  = br.ReadUInt32();
            TailDecayUVAnimEnd    = br.ReadUInt32();
            TailDecayUVAnimRepeat = br.ReadUInt32();
            BlendMode             = (BlendMode)br.ReadUInt32();
            TextureId             = br.ReadUInt32();
            PriorityPlane         = br.ReadInt32();
            ReplaceableId         = br.ReadUInt32();
            GeometryModel         = br.ReadString(260).TrimEnd('\0');
            RecursionModel        = br.ReadString(260).TrimEnd('\0');
            TwinkleFPS            = br.ReadSingle();
            TwinkleOnOff          = br.ReadSingle();
            TwinkleScaleMin       = br.ReadSingle();
            TwinkleScaleMax       = br.ReadSingle();
            IvelScale             = br.ReadSingle();
            TumbleX               = br.ReadStruct <CRange>();
            TumbleY               = br.ReadStruct <CRange>();
            TumbleZ               = br.ReadStruct <CRange>();
            Drag                  = br.ReadSingle();
            Spin                  = br.ReadSingle();
            WindVector            = br.ReadStruct <C3Vector>();
            WindTime              = br.ReadSingle();
            FollowSpeed1          = br.ReadSingle();
            FollowScale1          = br.ReadSingle();
            FollowSpeed2          = br.ReadSingle();
            FollowScale2          = br.ReadSingle();
            Splines               = br.ReadStructArray <C3Vector>(br.ReadInt32());
            Squirts               = br.ReadUInt32() == 1; // for footsteps and impact spell effects

            while (true)
                string token = br.ReadString(4);
                br.BaseStream.Position -= 4;
                switch (token)
                case "KP2S": SpeedKeys = new MDXTrack <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2R": VariationKeys = new MDXTrack <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2G": GravityKeys = new MDXTrack <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2W": WidthKeys = new MDXTrack <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2N": LengthKeys = new MDXTrack <float>(br); break;

                case "KVIS": VisibilityKeys = new MDXTrack <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2E": EmissionRateKeys = new MDXTrack <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2L": LatitudeKeys = new MDXTrack <float>(br); break;

                case "KLIF": LifespanKeys = new MDXTrack <float>(br); break;

                case "KPLN": LongitudeKeys = new MDXTrack <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2Z": ZSourceKeys = new MDXTrack <float>(br); break;

                default: return;
 public M2Particle(BinaryReader br, uint build)
     ParticleId           = br.ReadInt32();
     Flags                = (Particle_Flags)br.ReadUInt32();
     Position             = br.ReadStruct <C3Vector>();
     BoneIndex            = br.ReadUInt16();
     TextureIndex         = br.ReadUInt16();
     GeometryMdl          = br.ReadM2Array <byte>(build)?.AsString();
     RecursionMdl         = br.ReadM2Array <byte>(build)?.AsString();
     BlendMode            = br.ReadUInt16();
     EmitterType          = br.ReadEnum <EmitterType>();
     ParticleType         = br.ReadEnum <ParticleType>();
     CellType             = br.ReadEnum <CellType>();
     PriorityPlane        = br.ReadInt16();
     Rows                 = br.ReadUInt16();
     Cols                 = br.ReadUInt16();
     SpeedTrack           = new M2Track <float>(br, build);
     VariationTrack       = new M2Track <float>(br, build);
     LatitudeTrack        = new M2Track <float>(br, build);
     LongitudeTrack       = new M2Track <float>(br, build);
     GravityTrack         = new M2Track <float>(br, build);
     LifeTrack            = new M2Track <float>(br, build);
     EmissionRateTrack    = new M2Track <float>(br, build);
     WidthTrack           = new M2Track <float>(br, build);
     LengthTrack          = new M2Track <float>(br, build);
     ZSourceTrack         = new M2Track <float>(br, build);
     MiddleTime           = br.ReadSingle();
     StartColor           = br.ReadStruct <CImVector>();
     MiddleColor          = br.ReadStruct <CImVector>();
     EndColor             = br.ReadStruct <CImVector>();
     StartScale           = br.ReadSingle();
     MiddleScale          = br.ReadSingle();
     EndScale             = br.ReadSingle();
     LifespanUVAnimStart  = br.ReadUInt16();
     LifespanUVAnimEnd    = br.ReadUInt16();
     LifespanUVAnimRepeat = br.ReadUInt16();
     DecayUVAnimStart     = br.ReadUInt16();
     DecayUVAnimEnd       = br.ReadUInt16();
     DecayUVAnimRepeat    = br.ReadUInt16();
     TailUVAnimStart      = br.ReadUInt16();
     TailUVAnimEnd        = br.ReadUInt16();
     TailDecayUVAnimStart = br.ReadUInt16();
     TailDecayUVAnimEnd   = br.ReadUInt16(); // unverified
     TailLength           = br.ReadSingle();
     TwinkleFPS           = br.ReadSingle();
     TwinklePercent       = br.ReadSingle();
     TwinkleScaleMin      = br.ReadSingle();
     TwinkleScaleMax      = br.ReadSingle();
     IvelScale            = br.ReadSingle();
     Drag                 = br.ReadSingle();
     Spin                 = br.ReadSingle();
     TumblexMin           = br.ReadSingle();
     TumblexMax           = br.ReadSingle();
     TumbleyMin           = br.ReadSingle();
     TumbleyMax           = br.ReadSingle();
     TumblezMin           = br.ReadSingle();
     TumblezMax           = br.ReadSingle();
     WindVector           = br.ReadStruct <C3Vector>();
     WindTime             = br.ReadSingle();
     FollowSpeed1         = br.ReadSingle();
     FollowScale1         = br.ReadSingle();
     FollowSpeed2         = br.ReadSingle();
     FollowScale2         = br.ReadSingle();
     Splines              = br.ReadM2Array <C3Vector>(build);
     EnabledIn            = new M2Track <bool>(br, build);
Пример #19
 public static Emitter Emitter(string name = "", double radiantProportion = 0.0, double viewCoefficient = 0.0, double maximumOutsideTemperature = 0.0, double switchOffOutsideTemperature = 0.0, EmitterType type = EmitterType.Undefined)
     return(new Emitter
         Name = name,
         RadiantProportion = radiantProportion,
         ViewCoefficient = viewCoefficient,
         MaximumOutsideTemperature = maximumOutsideTemperature,
         SwitchOffOutsideTemperature = switchOffOutsideTemperature,
         Type = type,
        /*  Function:  public abstract void Initialize()
         *   Purpose:  This function is abstract and will be defined by a derived class
        protected virtual void Initialize()
            // Misc
            m_Origin = new Vector2(m_Graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth / 2, m_Graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight / 2);
            m_EmitterDuration = 0;
            m_IsInfinite = true;
            m_IsOn = true;

            m_Type = EmitterType.GRAVITY;

            m_SortMode = SpriteSortMode.BackToFront;
            m_BlendType = BlendState.AlphaBlend;


            m_SourceRectangle = m_ParticleTexture.Bounds;

            // Color

            // Particles

            // Gravity

            // Radial
 public void CreateParticle(Texture2D texture, ParticleInfo pInfo, EmitterType type)
     CreateParticle(texture, Rectangle.Empty, pInfo, type);
Пример #22
        public ParticleEffect(string fileName)
            Name = fileName;
            colorFade_ = new ObservableCollection<ParticleColorFade>();
            texAnim_ = new ObservableCollection<ParticleTexAnim>();
            type_ = EmitterType.Box;
            emissionRate_ = new MinMax();
            directionMax_ = new Vector3();
            directionMax_ = new Vector3();
            emitterSize_ = new Vector3();
            constantForce_ = new Vector3();
            interval_ = new MinMax();
            minSize_ = new Vector2();
            maxSize_ = new Vector2();
            timeToLive_ = new MinMax();
            velocity_ = new MinMax();
            rotation_ = new MinMax();
            rotation_ = new MinMax();
            sizeDelta_ = new Vector2() { X = 0, Y = 1 };
            color_ = new UColor { A = 1, B = 1, G = 1, R = 1 };

            string path = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(fileName, "xml");
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(path)) {
                    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

                foreach (XmlElement mat in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("material"))
                    Material = mat.GetAttribute("name");
                foreach (XmlElement num in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("numparticles"))

                foreach (XmlElement u in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("updateinvisible"))
                    UpdateInvisible = u.GetAttribute("enable").Equals("true");
                foreach (XmlElement rel in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("relative"))
                    Relative = rel.GetAttribute("enable").Equals("true");
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("scaled"))
                    Scaled = s.GetAttribute("enable").Equals("true");
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("sorted"))
                    Sorted = s.GetAttribute("enable").Equals("true");
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("animlodbias"))
                    AnimLodBias = float.Parse(s.GetAttribute("value"));
                foreach (XmlElement t in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("emittertype")) {
                    foreach (EmitterType type in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EmitterType))) {
                        if (type.ToString().ToLower().Equals(t.GetAttribute("value"))) {
                            Type = type;
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("emittersize"))
                    EmitterSize = Vector3.FromString(s.GetAttribute("value"));
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("emitterradius"))
                    EmitterRadius = float.Parse(s.GetAttribute("value"));
                foreach (XmlElement d in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("direction")) {
                    DirectionMax = Vector3.FromString(d.GetAttribute("max"));
                    DirectionMin = Vector3.FromString(d.GetAttribute("min"));
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("constantforce"))
                    ConstantForce = Vector3.FromString(s.GetAttribute("value"));
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("dampingforce"))
                    DampingForce = float.Parse(s.GetAttribute("value"));
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("activetime"))
                    ActiveTime = float.Parse(s.GetAttribute("value"));
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("inactivetime"))
                    InActiveTime = float.Parse(s.GetAttribute("value"));
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("interval"))
                    Interval = MinMax.FromElement(s);
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("emissionrate"))
                    EmissionRate = MinMax.FromElement(s);
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("particlesize")) {
                    if (s.HasAttribute("min"))
                        MinSize = Vector2.FromString(s.GetAttribute("min"));
                    if (s.HasAttribute("max"))
                        MaxSize = Vector2.FromString(s.GetAttribute("max"));
                    if (s.HasAttribute("value")) {
                        MinSize = Vector2.FromString(s.GetAttribute("value"));
                        MaxSize = Vector2.FromString(s.GetAttribute("value"));
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("timetolive"))
                    TimeToLive = MinMax.FromElement(s);
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("velocity"))
                    Velocity = MinMax.FromElement(s);
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("rotation"))
                    Rotation = MinMax.FromElement(s);
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("rotationspeed"))
                    RotationSpeed = MinMax.FromElement(s);
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("sizedelta")) {
                    Vector2 sd = new Vector2();
                    if (s.HasAttribute("add"))
                        sd.X = float.Parse(s.GetAttribute("add"));
                    if (s.HasAttribute("mul"))
                        sd.Y = float.Parse(s.GetAttribute("mul"));
                    SizeDelta = sd;
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("color"))
                    Color = UColor.FromString(s.GetAttribute("color"));

                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("colorfade"))
                    ColorFade.Add(new ParticleColorFade(s));
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("texanim"))
                    TextureAnim.Add(new ParticleTexAnim(s));
Пример #23
        private string GetPathForEmitter(EmitterType emitterType)
            EventType eventType = emitterEvents.First(item => item.Key == emitterType).Value;

Пример #24
        public ParticleEffect(string fileName)
            Name       = fileName;
            colorFade_ = new ObservableCollection <ParticleColorFade>();
            texAnim_   = new ObservableCollection <ParticleTexAnim>();
            type_      = EmitterType.Box;

            string path = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(fileName, "xml");

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(path))
                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

                foreach (XmlElement mat in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("material"))
                    Material = mat.GetAttribute("name");
                foreach (XmlElement num in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("numparticles"))
                    foreach (XmlElement u in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("updateinvisible"))
                        UpdateInvisible = u.GetAttribute("enable").Equals("true");
                foreach (XmlElement rel in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("relative"))
                    Relative = rel.GetAttribute("enable").Equals("true");
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("scaled"))
                    Scaled = s.GetAttribute("enable").Equals("true");
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("sorted"))
                    Sorted = s.GetAttribute("enable").Equals("true");
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("animlodbias"))
                    AnimLodBias = float.Parse(s.GetAttribute("value"));
                foreach (XmlElement t in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("emittertype"))
                    foreach (EmitterType type in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EmitterType)))
                        if (type.ToString().ToLower().Equals(t.GetAttribute("value")))
                            Type = type;
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("emittersize"))
                    EmitterSize = Vector3.FromString(s.GetAttribute("value"));
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("emitterradius"))
                    EmitterRadius = float.Parse(s.GetAttribute("value"));
                foreach (XmlElement d in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("direction"))
                    DirectionMax = Vector3.FromString(d.GetAttribute("max"));
                    DirectionMin = Vector3.FromString(d.GetAttribute("min"));
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("constantforce"))
                    ConstantForce = Vector3.FromString(s.GetAttribute("value"));
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("dampingforce"))
                    DampingForce = float.Parse(s.GetAttribute("value"));
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("activetime"))
                    ActiveTime = float.Parse(s.GetAttribute("value"));
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("inactivetime"))
                    InActiveTime = float.Parse(s.GetAttribute("value"));
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("interval"))
                    Interval = MinMax.FromElement(s);
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("emissionrate"))
                    EmissionRate = MinMax.FromElement(s);
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("particlesize"))
                    if (s.HasAttribute("min"))
                        MinSize = Vector2.FromString(s.GetAttribute("min"));
                    if (s.HasAttribute("max"))
                        MaxSize = Vector2.FromString(s.GetAttribute("max"));
                    if (s.HasAttribute("value"))
                        MinSize = Vector2.FromString(s.GetAttribute("value"));
                        MaxSize = Vector2.FromString(s.GetAttribute("value"));
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("timetolive"))
                    TimeToLive = MinMax.FromElement(s);
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("velocity"))
                    Velocity = MinMax.FromElement(s);
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("rotation"))
                    Rotation = MinMax.FromElement(s);
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("rotationspeed"))
                    RotationSpeed = MinMax.FromElement(s);
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("sizedelta"))
                    Vector2 sd = new Vector2();
                    if (s.HasAttribute("add"))
                        sd.X = float.Parse(s.GetAttribute("add"));
                    if (s.HasAttribute("mul"))
                        sd.Y = float.Parse(s.GetAttribute("mul"));
                    SizeDelta = sd;

                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("colorfade"))
                    ColorFade.Add(new ParticleColorFade(s));
                foreach (XmlElement s in doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("texanim"))
                    TextureAnim.Add(new ParticleTexAnim(s));
                // Add the initial color fade
                // ColorFade.Add(new ParticleColorFade() { Color = new UColor(1, 1, 1, 1), Time = 0 });
Пример #25
 public static void PlayEmitter(EmitterType emitter)