Пример #1
        private IEnumerable <ConnectFourState> GetStatesFromData(string dataFileName)
            var fileProvider = new EmbeddedFileProvider(Assembly.GetAssembly(GetType()));

            var boards = fileProvider.ReadAllText(dataFileName)
                         .Batch(ConnectFourState.NumRows + 1);

            foreach (var rows in boards)
                var board = rows
                            .Reverse() // reverse the order because the bottom-left position is actually the first element in the board state
                            .Skip(1)   // skip the delimiter row at the bottom of the board (i.e. "-------")
                            .Select(row => row.PadRight(ConnectFourState.NumCols))
                            .SelectMany(s => s.Select(c => c == 'X' ? X : c == 'O' ? O : _))

                var state = new ConnectFourState(board);
                yield return(state);