Пример #1
    protected void btnContinue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //STEP 1
        //Insert into pnd_SavedAddressedSelections table (ValMap-DEV)- return ReferenceID via Stored Procedure

        //STEP 2
        //Insert into pnd_CustomerDistribution table (Redesign db) with ReferenceID and return DistributionID

        //STEP 3
        //Insert into pnd_SavedAddressedListFilters table

        //STEP 4
        //Set cookie to store DistributionID

        string referenceID    = CreateDistribution();
        int    distributionID = 0;

        //Something went wrong inserting the SavedAddressedSelection
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(referenceID))
            pnlFilterData.Visible = false;
            pnlError.Visible      = true;
            litErrorMessage.Text  = "We're sorry but something went wrong while saving your selection.  Our IT Staff has been notified and you will be contacted very shortly about this error.";
            EmailUtility.SendAdminEmail("Error in CreateDistribution on BuildList page.");

            pnlSysError.Visible = true;
            litSysError.Text    = "Error - No reference ID was returned.";

        //STEP 1 - insert into Map Server went OK
            pnlFilterData.Visible = true;
            pnlError.Visible      = false;

            //STEP 2
            distributionID = SaveCustomerDistribution(referenceID);

            //STEP 3

            //Something went wrong with saving the customer selection.
            if (distributionID == 0)
                pnlFilterData.Visible = false;
                pnlError.Visible      = true;
                litErrorMessage.Text  = "We're sorry but something went wrong while saving your selection.  Our IT Staff has been notified and you will be contacted very shortly about this error.";
                EmailUtility.SendAdminEmail("Error in SaveCustomerSelection on BuildList page.");

                pnlSysError.Visible = true;
                litSysError.Text    = "Error - No Distribution ID was returned.";

            //All is good. Let's go!
                //Delete any existing cookies.
                if (Request.Cookies["TaradelDistributionID"] != null)
                    HttpCookie taradelDistIDCookie = new HttpCookie("TaradelDistributionID");
                    taradelDistIDCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1d);

                //Set NEW cookie. Will expire in 20 minutes.
                HttpCookie newTaradelDistIDCookie = new HttpCookie("TaradelDistributionID");
                newTaradelDistIDCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(20);
                newTaradelDistIDCookie.Value   = distributionID.ToString();
                //End =================

                Response.Redirect("~/Step1-TargetReview.aspx?distid=" + distributionID);
Пример #2
    private void CreateCart()
        //   USelectID type 1.

        //   Cart Build Steps:
        //   1) EDDM Product
        //       a) Build the Xml Document.  Load <cart /> parent node.
        //       b) Begin building Product Node components
        //	        1) Build Options SortedList (Int, Int)
        //	        2) Build OptionCategories List (of ProductOptionCategory)
        //	        3) Build PriceMatrix
        //       c) Get PrintMethodID
        //       d) Loop through OptionCategories, add to Options as needed.
        //       e) Get the product options from the Selected Product.  Get the OptCatID.
        //       f) Build the Quote object
        //       g) Set variables returned from Quote Object.
        //       h) Finally, insert the Product Node into the Cart
        //   2) EDDM Attribute Nodes
        //   3) EDDM OrderCalc Node
        //   4) EDDM Drops Node
        //   5) EDDM Indiv Drop Nodes w/ nested Area Nodes
        //   6) EDDM Design Node
        //   7) EDDM SHIPMENTS Node and w/ nested Shipment node(s)

        TaradelReceiptUtility.OrderCalculator eddmObjCalc = new TaradelReceiptUtility.OrderCalculator();
        StringBuilder methodVars = new StringBuilder();

        //Customer data.  Needed below in multiple nodes.
        Taradel.Customer oCust = Taradel.CustomerDataSource.GetCustomer(User.Identity.Name);

        string   eddmGUID            = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
        string   jobName             = "OLB Campaign for " + RetrieveFromSession(TaradelSession.Location) + "-" + DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString();
        string   sCustomField1       = appxCMS.Util.CMSSettings.GetSetting("Job", "JobDescription1");
        string   sCustomField2       = appxCMS.Util.CMSSettings.GetSetting("Job", "JobDescription2");
        string   sCustomField3       = appxCMS.Util.CMSSettings.GetSetting("Job", "JobDescription3");
        string   designType          = "template";                                                     //'possible choices: 'my', 'template', 'pro'
        string   deliveryAddressID   = "0";                                                            //Ship To Address ID
        string   comments            = "";                                                             //also comes from JobComments.Text on normal pages
        string   mailAllPiecesAtOnce = "yes";                                                          //Normally comes from ddlDrops.SelectedValue. Yes/No, True/False
        DateTime startingDate        = DateTime.Parse(RetrieveFromSession(TaradelSession.StartDate));  //Normally comes from (txtLaunchWeek.Text). User selected start of 'Launch Week'
        string   zip = "23060";                                                                        //Normally ZipCode.Text. User Ship To Zip Code.

        decimal price         = 0;                                                                      //Stores calculated total price from Quote Obj.  (total mailed x price per piece)
        decimal taxablePrice  = 0;                                                                      //Currently same as eddmPrice / eddmQuoteObj.Price
        decimal pricePerPiece = 0;                                                                      //Stores EDDM Price Per Piece from Quote Obj.

        //Fees / Rates
        decimal postageFee  = 0;                                                                        //Fee for postage. (totalMailQty * postageRate)
        double  dropFee     = 0;                                                                        //Fee for extra drop. Ex $99
        double  dropPrice   = 0;                                                                        //Fee for additional drops. Ex $99 x number of drops.
        decimal postageRate = 0;                                                                        //Postage Rate

        //Product attributes
        decimal weight        = 0;                                                                       //Comes from Base Product Obj
        decimal WeightPerPage = 0;                                                                       //Used for Shipments Node. (Weight * PageCount) / EDDMSelected

        //various quantities
        int holdQTY     = 0;                                                                            //Obsolete concept. In place just to be safe. AKA 'iHoldQty' Does not apply to OLB.
        int extraCopies = 00;                                                                           //AKA 'iShipQty'. Comes from user. Does not apply to OLB.
        int printQTY    = 0;                                                                            //AKA 'iPrintQty'. (totalSelected + holdQTY + extraCopies)

        //Campaign variables
        int numDrops = 1;                                                                               //Num of drops. AKA iDrops. Default to 1 for OLB.
        int sendThisNumberOfDrops = 0;                                                                  //Adjusted # of Drops to send to oPriceQuote. Work Around.
        //int iFrequency = 0;                                                                           //Every X of weeks - selected in DropDownList. Now stored as Page Property

        //Distribution variables
        bool useBusinesses       = true;                                                                //Flag to use Businesses in distribution.
        bool usePOBoxes          = true;                                                                //Flag to use PO Boxes in distribution.
        bool useResidential      = true;                                                                //Flag to use Residentials in distribution.
        int  daysToAdd           = 1;                                                                   //Used to logically find next drop date. AKA 'weekInterval'
        int  totalDropSelections = 0;                                                                   //Used as a running total to store total 'matches' in the EDDM DataTable
        int  totalAreaSelections = 0;

        //Quote params
        bool    isFlatRateShipping = false;                                                             //Set by Quote Obj.
        decimal flatRateFee        = 0;                                                                 //Comes from QuoteObj.ShipPrice.
        int     flatRateShipQTY    = 1000;                                                              //Hard coded to 1000.

        //Get Design Type.  Set flags
        bool bProDesign = false;

        if (designType == "pro")
            bProDesign = true;

        //In OLB Environment, Template will ALWAYS be the design type.  Normally, designType is set by DropDownList on page.
        bool bTemplateDesign = false;

        if (designType == "template")
            bTemplateDesign = true;

        //Postage Rate
        postageRate = appxCMS.Util.AppSettings.GetDecimal("USPSPostageRate");
        if (postageRate <= 0)
            postageRate = 0.16M;

        //Calculate Stuff / Assign more stuff
        printQTY = CalculatePrintQTY(totalSelected, holdQTY, extraCopies);
        //daysToAdd = (7 * frequency);

        //Multiple Impressions Logic
        //If is Multiple Impressions, change the number of drops to match the number of impressions
        if (numImpressions == 1)
            eddmObjCalc.IsThisAMultiple = false;
            eddmObjCalc.NumOfDrops      = numDrops;
            eddmObjCalc.MailPieces      = totalSelected;

            //Should always be Yes for OLB
            if (mailAllPiecesAtOnce.ToLower() == "yes")
                eddmObjCalc.NumOfDrops = 1;
                numDrops = 1;

            eddmObjCalc.IsThisAMultiple = true;
            eddmObjCalc.NumOfDrops      = numImpressions;
            eddmObjCalc.MailPieces      = (totalSelected * numImpressions);

        //The PriceQuote Obj ADDS on the drop fees based on the number of drops since we are NOT charging for Multiple
        //Impressions on SOME sites set the number of drops to 1 for these sites.
        sendThisNumberOfDrops = eddmObjCalc.NumOfDrops;

        if (multipleImpressionsNoFee)
            sendThisNumberOfDrops = 1;

        if (numDrops == 0)
            numDrops = 1;

        //1) PRODUCT NODE

        //a) Build the Xml Document.  Load <cart /> parent node.
        XmlDocument oXML = new XmlDocument();

        oXML.LoadXml("<cart />");

        //Find and define 'the cart'. Doesn't yet exist in Profile.
        XmlNode oCart = oXML.SelectSingleNode("/cart");

        //b) Begin building Product Node components
        //1) Build Options SortedList (Int, Int)
        SortedList <int, int> productOptions;

        productOptions = new SortedList <int, int>();

        //2) Build OptionCategories List (of ProductOptionCategory)
        List <Taradel.ProductOptionCategory> oOptCats = Taradel.ProductDataSource.GetProductOptionCategories(baseProductID);

        //3) Build PriceMatrix
        Taradel.PriceMatrix oPriceMatrix = Taradel.ProductDataSource.GetPriceRange(baseProductID, totalSelected);

        if (oPriceMatrix != null)
            //c) Get PrintMethodID
            printMethodID = oPriceMatrix.PrintMethod.PrintMethodId;

            //d) Loop through OptionCategories, add to Options as needed.
            foreach (Taradel.ProductOptionCategory oOptCat in oOptCats)
                IEnumerable <Taradel.ProductOption> oOpts = default(IEnumerable <Taradel.ProductOption>);
                oOpts = oOptCat.Options.Where((Taradel.ProductOption po) => po.ProductPrintMethodOptions.Any((ppmo => ppmo.PrintMethodReference.ForeignKey() == printMethodID)));
                if (oOpts.Count() > 0)
                    productOptions.Add(oOptCat.OptCatID, 0);

            pnlNormal.Visible    = false;
            pnlError.Visible     = true;
            litErrorMessage.Text = "Uh Oh!  Don't worry but something went wrong. Our IT Staff has been notified and you will be contacted very shortly about this error.";
            EmailUtility.SendAdminEmail("oPriceMatrix IS Null. (TargetDataMap3.aspx)");

        //e) Get the product options from the Selected Product.  Get the OptCatID. ???? Already done??
        Taradel.ProductPriceQuote oPriceQuote = new Taradel.ProductPriceQuote(siteID, baseProductID, totalMailed, holdQTY, extraCopies, distributionID, sendThisNumberOfDrops, productOptions, oCust.ZipCode, bProDesign, bTemplateDesign, 0, "percent");

        //f) Build the Quote object
        //For Each oOpt As Taradel.PMOptionInfo In oPriceQuote.SelectedOptions
        foreach (Taradel.PMOptionInfo oOpt in oPriceQuote.SelectedOptions)
            double  dOptMarkup = 0;
            Boolean bPercent   = false;

            if (oOpt.PriceMatrixOptionMarkup != null)
                dOptMarkup = oOpt.BasePrice;
                bPercent   = oOpt.BaseMarkupPercent;

        //g) Set variables returned from Quote Object.
        //Set Proper Weight, Price, Taxable Price, etc. These values and variables are needed/used later in the code.
        pricePerPiece      = oPriceQuote.PricePerPiece;
        weight             = oPriceQuote.Weight;
        price              = oPriceQuote.Price;
        taxablePrice       = CalculateTaxPrice(price, postageRate, totalMailed);
        isFlatRateShipping = oPriceQuote.IsFlatRateShipping;
        flatRateFee        = oPriceQuote.ShipPrice;
        postageFee         = (totalMailed * postageRate);
        dropFee            = CalculateMultipleImpressionDropFee(eddmObjCalc.NumOfDrops, dropPrice);

        //Set Design Fee Attribute. Store 0 unless Pro was selected.
        if (designType.ToLower() != "pro")
            designFee = 0;

        //h) Finally, insert the Product Node into the Cart

        oCart = (CartUtility.AddProduct(oCart, DateTime.Now.ToString(), baseProductID.ToString(), designFee.ToString(), distributionID.ToString(), flatRateFee.ToString(),
                                        flatRateShipQTY.ToString(), eddmGUID, isFlatRateShipping.ToString(), comments, jobName, productName, paperHeight.ToString(), paperWidth.ToString(),
                                        postageFee.ToString(), price.ToString(), pricePerPiece.ToString(), productID.ToString(), totalMailed.ToString(), siteID.ToString(),
                                        productSKU.ToString(), taxablePrice.ToString(), "EDDM", weight.ToString()));

        //2) EDDM Attribute Nodes
        foreach (Taradel.PMOptionInfo oOpt in oPriceQuote.SelectedOptions)
            double  dOptMarkup = 0;
            Boolean bPercent   = false;

            if (oOpt.PriceMatrixOptionMarkup != null)
                dOptMarkup = oOpt.BasePrice;
                bPercent   = oOpt.BaseMarkupPercent;

            oCart = (CartUtility.AddAttribute(oCart, "EDDM", oOpt.OptCatName, oOpt.OptCatId.ToString(), oOpt.OptionId.ToString(), oOpt.OptName, dOptMarkup.ToString(), bPercent.ToString(), oOpt.Weight.Value.ToString()));

        //Professional Service Attribute
        if (designType == "pro")
            oCart = (CartUtility.AddAttribute(oCart, "EDDM", "Professional Design Services", "0", "1", paperWidth + "x" + paperHeight + " (" + designFee.ToString("C") + ")", designFee.ToString(), "False", "0"));

        //Postage Fee Attribute
        oCart = (CartUtility.AddAttribute(oCart, "EDDM", "Postage Fee", "0", postageFee.ToString(), eddmObjCalc.MailPieces.ToString("N0") + " pieces (" + postageFee.ToString("C") + ")", postageFee.ToString(), "False", "0"));

        //Number of Drops Attribute
        string dropLabel = "";

        if (numImpressions == 1)
            dropLabel = " drop";

            dropLabel = " drops";

        oCart = (CartUtility.AddAttribute(oCart, "EDDM", "Number of Drops", "0", eddmObjCalc.NumOfDrops.ToString(), (numImpressions.ToString() + dropLabel + " (" + extraDropFee.ToString("C") + ")"), dropFee.ToString(), "False", "0"));

        //Drop Schedule Attribute
        oCart = (CartUtility.AddAttribute(oCart, "EDDM", "Drop Schedule", "0", "every " + frequency.ToString() + " weeks", frequency.ToString() + " weeks", "0", "False", "0"));

        oCart = (CartUtility.AddOrderCalc(oCart, "EDDM", "0", "0", oCust.State, "", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"));

        //4) EDDM DROPS NODE

        Taradel.CustomerDistribution oDist = Taradel.CustomerDistributions.GetDistribution(distributionID);

        Taradel.USelectProductConfiguration oUSelect = Taradel.Helper.USelect.GetProduct(oDist.USelectMethodReference.ForeignKey(), baseProductID);

        //oSummary obj
        Taradel.MapServer.UserData.SelectionSummary oSummary = Taradel.CustomerDistributions.GetSelectionSummary(oDist.ReferenceId);

        List <Taradel.MapServer.UserData.AreaSelection> oSelects = Taradel.CustomerDistributions.GetSelections(oDist.ReferenceId);

        if (oSummary != null)
            useBusinesses = oSummary.UseBusiness;
            usePOBoxes    = oSummary.UsePOBox;

        oCart = (CartUtility.AddDrops(oCart, "EDDM", oCust.Company, oCust.Address1, oCust.Address2, oCust.City, oCust.State, oCust.ZipCode, "", "", useResidential.ToString(), useBusinesses.ToString(), usePOBoxes.ToString()));

        //5) EDDM INDIV DROPS w/ Area Nodes
        int      dropBreak = totalSelected / numImpressions;
        bool     bOnePer   = false;
        DateTime dropDate  = startingDate;

        //Multiple impressions
        if (numImpressions > 1)
            //this is a muliple - so divide back out the tempObjCalc.MailPieces for each drop
            eddmObjCalc.MailPieces = eddmObjCalc.MailPieces / eddmObjCalc.NumOfDrops;
            dropBreak = eddmObjCalc.MailPieces;
            bOnePer   = false;

            //Loop through the drops
            for (int dropNumber = 1; dropNumber <= numImpressions; dropNumber++)
                daysToAdd = ((dropNumber - 1) * (frequency * 7));
                dropDate  = startingDate.AddDays(daysToAdd);

                //Find Prev Friday
                DateTime prevFridayDropDate = dropDate;
                while (prevFridayDropDate.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Friday)
                    prevFridayDropDate = prevFridayDropDate.AddDays(-1);

                //added 2/19/2016
                dropDate = prevFridayDropDate;
                //end added 2/19/2016

                //Add the Drop Nodes

                oCart = CartUtility.AddIndividualDrop(oCart, "EDDM", dropNumber.ToString(), totalMailed.ToString(), dropDate.ToShortDateString(), true, eddmObjCalc.NumOfDrops.ToString());

                Response.Write("totalMailed" + totalMailed.ToString() + "<br />");
                Response.Write("totalSelected" + totalSelected.ToString() + "<br />");

                //new --> rs 1/14/2016
                //CartUtility.AddIndividualDrop(oCart, "EDDM", dropNumber.ToString(), eddmObjCalc.MailPieces.ToString(), dropDate.ToShortDateString(), true, eddmObjCalc.NumOfDrops.ToString());
                //end the new

                //Loop Thru Areas
                foreach (Taradel.MapServer.UserData.AreaSelection oSelect in oSelects)
                        totalAreaSelections = oSelect.Residential;

                        if (useBusinesses)
                            totalAreaSelections = totalAreaSelections + oSelect.Business;

                        if (usePOBoxes)
                            totalAreaSelections = totalAreaSelections + oSelect.POBoxes;

                        //Add each Area Node
                        oCart = CartUtility.AddIndividualArea(oCart, "EDDM", dropNumber.ToString(), oSelect.Name, oSelect.FriendlyName, totalAreaSelections.ToString());

                        totalDropSelections = totalDropSelections + totalAreaSelections;

                    catch (Exception ex)
                    { }

                //Update total attribute with new value
                oCart = CartUtility.UpdateDropCount(oCart, "EDDM", dropNumber.ToString(), totalDropSelections.ToString());

                totalDropSelections = 0;

        //single impression
            dropBreak = totalSelected / numImpressions;

            //oSelects.Count = # of Routes
            //If number of drops is the same as number as the number of routes AND is more than one.
            if (numImpressions == oSelects.Count && numImpressions > 1)
                bOnePer = true;

            for (int dropNumber = 1; dropNumber == numImpressions; dropNumber++)
                DateTime prevFridayDropDate = startingDate;

                //Find the previous Friday
                while (prevFridayDropDate.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Friday)
                    prevFridayDropDate = prevFridayDropDate.AddDays(-1);

                //Add the Drop Nodes
                oCart = CartUtility.AddIndividualDrop(oCart, "EDDM", dropNumber.ToString(), totalMailed.ToString(), dropDate.ToShortDateString(), false, eddmObjCalc.NumOfDrops.ToString());

                //Loop Thru Areas
                foreach (Taradel.MapServer.UserData.AreaSelection oSelect in oSelects)
                        totalAreaSelections = oSelect.Residential;

                        if (useBusinesses)
                            totalAreaSelections = totalAreaSelections + oSelect.Business;

                        if (usePOBoxes)
                            totalAreaSelections = totalAreaSelections + oSelect.POBoxes;

                        //Add each Area Node
                        oCart = CartUtility.AddIndividualArea(oCart, "EDDM", dropNumber.ToString(), oSelect.Name, oSelect.FriendlyName, totalAreaSelections.ToString());

                        totalDropSelections = totalDropSelections + totalAreaSelections;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                    { }

                //Update total attribute with new value
                oCart = CartUtility.UpdateDropCount(oCart, "EDDM", dropNumber.ToString(), totalDropSelections.ToString());

                totalDropSelections = 0;

        //6) EDDM DESIGN NODE
        //Upload and Save the file first and then ...update the cart.
        string sClientBase       = Taradel.WLUtil.GetRelativeSiteImagesPath() + "/UserImages";
        string frontAction       = "";
        string frontFileName     = "";
        string frontFileExt      = "";
        long   frontFileSize     = 0;
        string frontTmpName      = "";
        string frontRealFileName = "";
        string backAction        = "";
        string backFileName      = "";
        string backFileExt       = "";
        long   backFileSize      = 0;
        string backTmpName       = "";
        string backRealFileName  = "";
        bool   hasBackDesign     = false;
        string artKey            = "";
        string requiresProof     = "";

        if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath(sClientBase)))

        string sClientFolder = sClientBase + "/" + Profile.UserName.Replace("@", "_");
        string sClientPath   = Server.MapPath(sClientFolder);

        DirectoryInfo oDir = new DirectoryInfo(sClientPath);

        if (!oDir.Exists)

        switch (designType.ToLower())
        case "my":
            //logic ommitted because OLB always uses a Template

        case "template":
            artKey = hidSelectedTemplateID.Value;

        //Add Design Node
        oCart = (CartUtility.AddDesign(oCart, "EDDM", designType, frontFileExt, frontFileName, frontRealFileName, frontAction, hasBackDesign, backFileExt, backFileName, backRealFileName, backAction, artKey, requiresProof));

        WeightPerPage = ((weight * pageCount) / totalSelected);

        if (extraCopies > 0)
            if (deliveryAddressID == "0")
                //Create a new address and get the ID
                string sMsg  = "";
                int    iAddr = Taradel.CustomerAddressDataSource.NewAddress(oCust.CustomerID, "", "", "", "", oCust.Address1.ToString(), oCust.Address2.ToString(), oCust.City.ToString(), oCust.State.ToString(), oCust.ZipCode.ToString(), ref sMsg);

                if (iAddr > 0)
                    deliveryAddressID = iAddr.ToString();

        oCart = (CartUtility.AddShipments(oCart, "EDDM", deliveryAddressID.ToString(), extraCopies.ToString(), weight.ToString(), pageCount.ToString(), paperWidth.ToString(), paperHeight.ToString(), flatRateFee.ToString("N2"), oCust.ZipCode, totalMailed));

        Profile.Cart = oXML;