Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Evaluates whether the user is entitled to any new badges, as a result of submitting an observation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="observation">The observation that has just been approved for the user.</param>
        public async Task EvaluateBadges(Observation observation)
            var userId = observation.UserId;

            Log.Info($"Evaluating badges for user id={userId} name={observation.User.UserName}");
                var challenge       = observation.Challenge;
                var track           = challenge.MissionTrack;
                var badgeForTrack   = track.Badge;
                var alreadyHasBadge = badgeForTrack.Users.Any(p => p.Id == userId);
                if (alreadyHasBadge)
                var eligibleObservationsSpec = new EligibleObservationsForChallenges(track.Challenges, userId);
                var eligibleObservations     = unitOfWork.Observations.AllSatisfying(eligibleObservationsSpec);
                var percentComplete          = ComputePercentComplete(track.Challenges, eligibleObservations);
                if (percentComplete < 100)
                AwardBadge(badgeForTrack.Id, userId);
                await notifier.BadgeAwarded(badgeForTrack, observation.User, track);
                Log.Info($"Completed evaluating badges for user id={userId} name={observation.User.UserName}");
        // GET: UserProfile
        public ActionResult Index(int showBadges = 4, int showObservations = 10)
            var specification = new SingleUserWithProfileInformation(user.UniqueId);
            var maybeUser     = uow.Users.GetMaybe(specification);

            if (maybeUser.None)
                return(HttpNotFound("User not found in the database"));
            var appUser          = maybeUser.Single();
            var badges           = appUser.Badges.Take(showBadges).Select(p => p.ImageIdentifier);
            var missionSpec      = new MissionProgressSummary();
            var missions         = uow.Missions.AllSatisfying(missionSpec);
            var missionViewModel = missions.Select(p => mapper.Map <Mission, MissionProgressViewModel>(p)).ToList();
            var model            = new UserProfileViewModel
                UserId       = user.UniqueId,
                UserName     = user.DisplayName,
                EmailAddress = user.LoginName,
                Titles       = Enumerable.Empty <string>(), //ToDo: coming soon...
                Badges       = badges,
                Observations = appUser.Observations
                               .Select(p => new ObservationSummaryViewModel
                    DateTimeUtc    = p.ObservationDateTimeUtc,
                    ChallengeTitle = p.Challenge.Name
                Missions = missionViewModel

            var allChallenges = uow.Challenges.GetAll();

            foreach (var mission in model.Missions)
                foreach (var level in mission.Levels)
                    var challengesForLevel   = allChallenges.Where(p => p.MissionTrack.MissionLevelId == level.Id);
                    var observationSpec      = new EligibleObservationsForChallenges(challengesForLevel, user.UniqueId);
                    var eligibleObservations = uow.Observations.AllSatisfying(observationSpec);
                    level.OverallProgressPercent = gameEngine.ComputePercentComplete(challengesForLevel, eligibleObservations);
        // GET Mission/Progress/1
        public ActionResult Progress(int id)
            //ToDo - this is not very 'clean' and really needs some TLC
            // Validate the parameters and fetch the Mission from the database
            var query        = new MissionLevelProgress(id);
            var maybeMission = uow.Missions.GetMaybe(query);

            if (maybeMission.None)
                return(HttpNotFound("The specified Mission ID was not found"));
            var mission      = maybeMission.Single();
            var missionModel = mapper.Map <Mission, MissionProgressViewModel>(mission);

            // Compute the % complete for each level overall and its individual tracks
            foreach (var missionLevel in missionModel.Levels)
                var challengeSpecification = new ChallengesInMissionLevel(missionLevel.Id);
                var challengesInLevel      = uow.Challenges.AllSatisfying(challengeSpecification);
                missionLevel.Unlocked = gameEngine.IsLevelUnlockedForUser(missionLevel, requestingUser.UniqueId);
                // Only count one observation towards each challenge, for the purposes of computing progress.
                var eligibleObservationsForLevel = new EligibleObservationsForChallenges(challengesInLevel,
                var observationsForLevel = uow.Observations.AllSatisfying(eligibleObservationsForLevel);
                missionLevel.OverallProgressPercent = gameEngine.ComputePercentComplete(challengesInLevel, observationsForLevel);
                // Compute individual track progress
                foreach (var track in missionLevel.Tracks)
                    var challengesInTrack     = challengesInLevel.Where(p => p.MissionTrackId == track.Id).ToList();
                    var trackObservationsSpec = new EligibleObservationsForChallenges(challengesInTrack,
                    var observationsForTrack = uow.Observations.AllSatisfying(trackObservationsSpec);
                    track.PercentComplete = gameEngine.ComputePercentComplete(challengesInTrack, observationsForTrack);
                    // Iterate through the challenges to determine whether or not each one is "complete"
                    foreach (var challenge in track.Challenges)
                        challenge.HasObservation = observationsForTrack.Any(p => p.ChallengeId == challenge.Id);