/// <summary>
        /// Validate function for all ElementLayerService commands
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="validationContext">System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ValidationContext (Describes the context in which a validation check is performed.)</param>
        /// <param name="actionDBType">[ActionDBTypeEnum] (CSSPEnums.ActionDBTypeEnum.html) action type to validate</param>
        /// <returns>IEnumerable of ValidationResult (Where ValidationResult is a container for the results of a validation request.)</returns>
        private IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext, ActionDBTypeEnum actionDBType)
            string       retStr       = "";
            Enums        enums        = new Enums(LanguageRequest);
            ElementLayer elementLayer = validationContext.ObjectInstance as ElementLayer;

            elementLayer.HasErrors = false;

            if (elementLayer.Layer < 1 || elementLayer.Layer > 1000)
                elementLayer.HasErrors = true;
                yield return(new ValidationResult(string.Format(CSSPServicesRes._ValueShouldBeBetween_And_, "Layer", "1", "1000"), new[] { "Layer" }));

            //ZMin has no Range Attribute

            //ZMax has no Range Attribute

            //CSSPError: Type not implemented [Element] of type [Element]

            //CSSPError: Type not implemented [Element] of type [Element]
            retStr = "";      // added to stop compiling CSSPError
            if (retStr != "") // will never be true
                elementLayer.HasErrors = true;
                yield return(new ValidationResult("AAA", new[] { "AAA" }));
Пример #2
        public void Add()
            GroupLayer gl = AppState.ViewDef.FindOrCreateGroupLayer(@"Environment");
            var w = new WebMercator();
            ElementLayer wi = new ElementLayer() { ID = "NO2" };
            var i = new Image
                Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("http://cool2.mooo.com/urbanfloodwebsite/images/NO2proj2.png")),
                IsHitTestVisible = false,
                Stretch = Stretch.Fill
            //<LatLonBox id="khLatLonBox218"><north>90</north><south>-90</south><east>180</east><west>-180</west></LatLonBox>

            var mpa = new MapPoint(-14.9515, 41.4389);
            var mpb = new MapPoint(20.4106, 59.9934);
            mpa = w.FromGeographic(mpa) as MapPoint;
            mpb = w.FromGeographic(mpb) as MapPoint;

            mpa = w.FromGeographic(new MapPoint(-180, -85.0511, new SpatialReference(4326))) as MapPoint;
            mpb = w.FromGeographic(new MapPoint(180, 85.0511, new SpatialReference(4326))) as MapPoint;
            var envelope = new Envelope(mpa, mpb);
            ElementLayer.SetEnvelope(i, envelope);

            wi.Visible = true;

Пример #3
 //Wait for the element layer to initialize
 private void ElementLayer_Initialized(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //Grab the element layer
     myElementLayer = MyMap.Layers["ElementLayer"] as ElementLayer;
     //Create a new bitmap image from the image file
     BitmapImage bitImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri(pathToFile));
     //When the image has successfully been opened
     bitImage.ImageOpened += (sender1, e1) =>
         //grab the image height and width
         imageHeight = bitImage.PixelHeight;
         imageWidth = bitImage.PixelWidth;
         //Create a new web client to send the request for the world file
         WebClient myClient = new WebClient();
         //The event handler for when the world file has been loaded
         myClient.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(WorldFileLoaded);
         //Replaces the .jpg extension with the .jgw extension
         String pathToWorldFile = (pathToFile.Remove(pathToFile.Length - 4, 4)) + worldFileExtention;
         //Download the world file
         myClient.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(pathToWorldFile));
     //Create a new image element
     image = new Image();
     image.Source = bitImage;
     //Set the envelope for the image. Note the extent is merely a placeholder, we will replace it in a momment.
     ElementLayer.SetEnvelope(image, new Envelope(100, 100, 100, 100));
     //Add the image to element layer
Пример #4
        private void WorldFileLoaded(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
            //Checks to see if there was an error
            if (e.Error == null)
                //grab the data from the world file
                string myData = e.Result;
                //split string into an array based on new line characters
                string[] lines = myData.Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                //convert the strings into doubles
                double[] coordValues = new double[6];
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    coordValues[i] = Convert.ToDouble(lines[i]);
                //calculate the pixel height and width in real world coordinates
                double pixelWidth  = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(coordValues[0], 2) + Math.Pow(coordValues[1], 2));
                double pixelHeight = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(coordValues[2], 2) + Math.Pow(coordValues[3], 2));

                //Create a map point for the top left and bottom right
                MapPoint topLeft     = new MapPoint(coordValues[4], coordValues[5]);
                MapPoint bottomRight = new MapPoint(coordValues[4] + (pixelWidth * imageWidth), coordValues[5] + (pixelHeight * imageHeight));
                //create an envelope for the elmently layer
                Envelope extent = new Envelope(topLeft.X, topLeft.Y, bottomRight.X, bottomRight.Y);
                ElementLayer.SetEnvelope(image, extent);
                //Zoom to the extent of the image
                MyMap.Extent = extent;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create element chart and add it into an Elememt Layer in the Map
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateElementChart(Graphic graphic, string displayValue)
            ChartQueryLayer chartLayer = queryTool.QueryLayer as ChartQueryLayer;

            string[] outFields = chartLayer.OutputFields.Split(',');
            string[] outLabels = chartLayer.OutputLabels.Split(',');

            string title = string.Format("{0} - {1}", displayValue, chartLayer.Title);
            bool   isPercentDependent = chartLayer.ChartOutput.DependentIsPercentage;
            string dependentAxisTitle = chartLayer.ChartOutput.DependentAxisTitle;

            Chart chart = null;

            switch (chartLayer.ChartOutput.ChartType)
            case "Bar":
            case "Column":
                chart = CreateSingleBarChart(graphic, chartLayer.ChartOutput.ChartType, outFields, outLabels, title, dependentAxisTitle);

            case "Pie":
                chart            = CreateSinglePieChart(graphic, outFields, outLabels, title, dependentAxisTitle, isPercentDependent);
                chart.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(204, 240, 240, 255));

            Envelope ext = GeometryTool.ExpandGeometryExtent(graphic.Geometry, 0.10);

            ElementLayer.SetEnvelope(chart, ext);
Пример #6
        public void Add()
                                                 GroupLayer gl = AppState.ViewDef.FindOrCreateGroupLayer(@"Weather/Rain");
                                                 var w = new WebMercator();
                                                 var wi = new ElementLayer() { ID = "Rain Radar" };
                                                 var i = new Image
                                                     Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("http://www2.buienradar.nl/euradar/latlon_0.gif")),
                                                     IsHitTestVisible = false,
                                                     Stretch = Stretch.Fill
                                                 var mpa = new MapPoint(-14.9515, 41.4389);
                                                 var mpb = new MapPoint(20.4106, 59.9934);
                                                 mpa = w.FromGeographic(mpa) as MapPoint;
                                                 mpb = w.FromGeographic(mpb) as MapPoint;
                                                 var envelope = new Envelope(mpa, mpb);
                                                 ElementLayer.SetEnvelope(i, envelope);
                                                 wi.Visible = true;

Пример #7
    // 移除但不清空
    public Element RemoveElement(ElementLayer layer)
        var el = GetElement(layer);

        this.elements[(int)layer] = null;
Пример #8
        //Wait for the element layer to initialize
        private void ElementLayer_Initialized(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Grab the element layer
            myElementLayer = MyMap.Layers["ElementLayer"] as ElementLayer;
            //Create a new bitmap image from the image file
            BitmapImage bitImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri(pathToFile));

            //When the image has successfully been opened
            bitImage.ImageOpened += (sender1, e1) =>
                //grab the image height and width
                imageHeight = bitImage.PixelHeight;
                imageWidth  = bitImage.PixelWidth;
                //Create a new web client to send the request for the world file
                WebClient myClient = new WebClient();
                //The event handler for when the world file has been loaded
                myClient.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(WorldFileLoaded);
                //Replaces the .jpg extension with the .jgw extension
                String pathToWorldFile = (pathToFile.Remove(pathToFile.Length - 4, 4)) + worldFileExtention;
                //Download the world file
                myClient.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(pathToWorldFile));
            //Create a new image element
            image        = new Image();
            image.Source = bitImage;
            //Set the envelope for the image. Note the extent is merely a placeholder, we will replace it in a momment.
            ElementLayer.SetEnvelope(image, new Envelope(100, 100, 100, 100));
            //Add the image to element layer
Пример #9
        public void Location(string Jsondata)
            //string str= @"[{/""MapPointList/"":[{/""X/"":120.199997984195,/""Y/"":33.2838481078603},{/""X/"":120.20085629108,/""Y/"":33.2838481078603},{/""X/"":120.201714597965,/""Y/"":33.2831305928853},{/""X/"":120.201371275211,/""Y/"":33.2823413195999},{/""X/"":120.199997984195,/""Y/"":33.2823413195999},{/""X/"":120.199997984195,/""Y/"":33.2838481078603}],/""colour/"":/""248,10,97/"",/""name/"":/""住宅用户/""}]";

            //List<MapPoint> points = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<MapPoint>>(str);
            // MessageBox.Show("123");
            //ContainerManager.ToastTip.Text = "正在加载..";
            //ContainerManager.ToastTip.IsOpened = true;
            List <MapElementPoint> objList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <MapElementPoint> >(Jsondata); // new List<MapElementPoint>();//new List<MapElementPoint>();//=
                                                                                                                //MapElementPoint p = new MapElementPoint()
                                                                                                                //    ID = 2,
                                                                                                                //    Type = 1,
                                                                                                                //    X = 119.905900224839,
                                                                                                                //    Y = 33.4571349076769,
                                                                                                                //    Icon = "/JXXZ.ZHCG.Front;component/Images/leftImg_14.png"
                                                                                                                //MapElementPoint p1 = new MapElementPoint()
                                                                                                                //    ID = 1,
                                                                                                                //    Type = 1,
                                                                                                                //    X = 369739.4480747870000000,
                                                                                                                //    Y = 3307466.1026192900000000,
                                                                                                                //    Icon = "/JXXZ.ZHCG.Front;component/Images/leftImg_14.png"
                                                                                                                // objList.Add(p);
                                                                                                                // objList.Add(p1);

            ElementLayer ElementLayer1 = map.Layers["ElementLayer"] as ElementLayer;

            // ElementLayer1.Children.Clear();
            foreach (MapElementPoint obj in objList)
                //MarkerMapPoint element = new MarkerMapPoint(obj, 0, ContainerManager.Map, LayerManager.ElementLayer);

                Image img = new Image()
                    Width       = 32,
                    Height      = 37,
                    Margin      = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 37),
                    Source      = new BitmapImage(new Uri(obj.Icon, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)),
                    Cursor      = Cursors.Hand,
                    DataContext = obj
                img.MouseLeftButtonUp += Img_MouseLeftButtonUp;
                MapPoint c = new MapPoint
                    X = obj.X,
                    Y = obj.Y
                ElementLayer.SetEnvelope(img, new Envelope(c, c));
            // ContainerManager.Map.PanTo(new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Geometry(objList[0].X, objList[0].Y));
            ContainerManager.Map.PanTo(new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Envelope((double)objList[0].X, (double)objList[0].Y, (double)objList[0].X, (double)objList[0].Y));
Пример #10
    public void SetElement(ElementLayer layer, Element element)
        if (this.elements == null)
            this.elements = new Element[(int)ElementLayer.COUNT];

        this.elements[(int)layer] = element;
Пример #11
    public Element GetElement(ElementLayer layer)
        if (this.elements == null)

Пример #12
 public MarkerMapPoint(int iD, string reservedField1, Point point, int v, Map map, ElementLayer elementLayer)
     ID = iD;
     this.reservedField1 = reservedField1;
     Point        = point;
     this.v       = v;
     Map          = map;
     ElementLayer = elementLayer;
Пример #13
 public TVEElementDrawerData(ElementType elementType, ElementLayer elementLayer, RendererType rendererType, GameObject gameobject, Mesh mesh, Renderer renderer)
     this.elementType  = elementType;
     this.elementLayer = elementLayer;
     this.rendererType = rendererType;
     this.gameobject   = gameobject;
     this.mesh         = mesh;
     this.renderer     = renderer;
        protected override void OnWidgetLoaded()

            queryTool              = new QueryTool();
            queryTool.ResultReady += new QueryTool.QueryResultReady(Query_ResultReady);

            elementLayer = new ElementLayer();
Пример #15
    public void ResetElement(ElementLayer layer)
        var el = GetElement(layer);

        if (el != null)
            this.elements[(int)layer] = null;
Пример #16
 public string[] GetLayer(ElementLayer layer)
     for (int i = 0; i < layers.Count; i++)
         if (layers[i].layer.Equals(layer.ToString()))
Пример #17
        public MapControl()

            ArcGISLib.GoogleMap map1 = new ArcGISLib.GoogleMap() { ID = "BaseMap" };
            map1.SetValue(Map.NameProperty, "BaseMap");
            ElementLayer lyr = new ElementLayer() { ID = "ElementLyr" };
            overviewMap1.Layer  = new ArcGISLib.GoogleMap() ;
Пример #18
        private ElementLayer GetFilledRandomElementLayer(string OmitPropName)
            ElementLayer elementLayer = new ElementLayer();

            if (OmitPropName != "Layer")
                elementLayer.Layer = GetRandomInt(1, 1000);
            // should implement a Range for the property ZMin and type ElementLayer
            // should implement a Range for the property ZMax and type ElementLayer
            //CSSPError: property [Element] and type [ElementLayer] is  not implemented

Пример #19
        public void Clean()
            GraphicsLayer GraphicsLayerRL = map.Layers["GraphicsLayerRL"] as GraphicsLayer;

            GraphicsLayer GraphicsLayerCq = map.Layers["GraphicsLayerCq"] as GraphicsLayer;

            ElementLayer ElementLayer1 = map.Layers["ElementLayer"] as ElementLayer;

            GraphicsLayer GraphicsLayer = map.Layers["GraphicsLayer"] as GraphicsLayer;

Пример #20
    public Element CreateElement(ElementLayer layer, ElementType type, Transform parent, bool active = true)
        var go = Pool.Instance.Get(type, parent);

        if (go == null)

        go.name = "elem_" + this.coord.x + "_" + this.coord.y;
        go.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, 0);
        var el = new Element(type, go);

        SetElement(layer, el);

Пример #21
        public MarkerMapPoint(MapElementPoint element, int direction, Map map, ElementLayer mapMarkerLayer)
            Image img = new Image()
                Width  = 32,
                Height = 37,
                Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 37),
                Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(element.Icon, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)),
                Cursor = Cursors.Hand

            this._mapElement = element;
            this.ID          = element.ID;
            this.Point       = new Point((double)element.X, (double)element.Y);
            this.Direction   = direction;
            this.MapMarker   = img;

            //ToolTipService.SetToolTip(this.MapMarker, this.Name);

            this.Map          = map;
            this.ElementLayer = mapMarkerLayer;
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a UIElement to the layer at the indicated location.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ue">
        /// The UIElement to add to the layer.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="geo">
        /// The map location at which to add the UIElement.
        /// </param>
        public void AddSymbol(UIElement ue, ILocation geo)
            if (geo == null)

            // ESRI apparently doesn't use lat-lon with Bing maps
            var web         = (geo as MapPoint).GeographicToWebMercator();
            var webEnvelope = new Envelope(web.X - LonM, web.Y - LatM, web.X + LonP, web.Y + LatP);

// ReSharper disable RedundantNameQualifier
            ElementLayer.SetEnvelope(ue, webEnvelope);
// ReSharper restore RedundantNameQualifier

            // Extra work for special symbol types
            if (ue is MapMilSymbol)
                ((MapMilSymbol)ue).Layer = this;

                // Similar computation in lat-lon space
                var geoEnvelope = new EsriLocationRect(
                    geo.Longitude - LonM, geo.Latitude - LatM, geo.Longitude + LonP, geo.Latitude + LatP);
                ((MapMilSymbol)ue).SymbolExtent = geoEnvelope;
            else if (ue is MilGraphic)
                ((MilGraphic)ue).Layer = this;

            if (!base.Children.Contains(ue))
Пример #23
        public MarkerMapElement(MapElement element, int direction, Map map, ElementLayer mapMarkerLayer, Dictionary <int, Image> imglist)
            this._mapElement          = element;
            this.ID                   = element.ID;
            this.MapElementCategoryID = (int)element.MapElementCategoryID;
            this.Name                 = element.ReservedField1;
            this.Point                = new Point((double)element.X, (double)element.Y);
            this.Direction            = direction;
            if (element.MapElementCategoryID != 4)
                this.MapMarker = new Image()
                    Width  = 32,
                    Height = 37,
                    Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 37),
                    Source = imglist[_mapElement.MapElementBizTypeID.Value].Source,
                    Cursor = Cursors.Hand
                this.MapMarker = new Image()
                    Width  = 32,
                    Height = 37,
                    Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 37),
                    Source = imglist[_mapElement.ReservedField8.Value].Source,
                    Cursor = Cursors.Hand

            ToolTipService.SetToolTip(this.MapMarker, this.Name);

            this.Map          = map;
            this.ElementLayer = mapMarkerLayer;
Пример #24
        private void backgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
            if (e.Error != null)
                this.InitializationFailure = new ArgumentException(Properties.Resources.KmlLayer_DocumentParsingFailed);
                // Create graphic features from definitions -- this code requires the UI thread
                FeatureDefinition fd = (FeatureDefinition)e.Result;

                // Initialize the layer name with the name info coming from the KML document
                Name = fd.name;

                _hasRootContainer = _isRoot && fd.hasRootContainer; // the root container has been collapsed (info needed to generate internal folderIDs)

                if (_visibleLayerIds != null && !IsInitialized)
                    // VisibleLayerIds is set --> layer created from a web map --> check that the layer must stay visible (_hasRootContainer is set only after the file has been parsed)
                    if (_hasRootContainer && !_visibleLayerIds.Contains(1)) // FolderIds 1 is the top level folder that may not be visible in SL
                        Visible = false;
                        _isLoading = false;

                // Store the parsed styles to be able to pass them to children
                _context.Styles = fd.styles;

                // Create ground overlays and add to element layer
                if (fd.groundOverlays.Any())
                    ElementLayer elementLayer = new ElementLayer { ID = Properties.Resources.KmlLayer_GroundOverlaysSublayer };
                    fd.CreateGroundOverlays(elementLayer, _context.Images, Map);
                    if (IsInitialized)
                        elementLayer.Initialize(); // should be done by the group layer (to remove when Bug#2718 is fixed)

                // Create graphics and add to graphics layer
                if (fd.placemarks.Any())
                    KmlGraphicsLayer kmlGraphicsLayer = new KmlGraphicsLayer
                        ID = Properties.Resources.KmlLayer_PlacemarksSublayer,
                        ProjectionService = ProjectionService,
                        IsHidden = _hideChildren
                    fd.CreateGraphics(kmlGraphicsLayer, _context.Images);
            #if !WINDOWS_PHONE
                    kmlGraphicsLayer.MapTip = MapTip;
                    if (IsInitialized)
                        kmlGraphicsLayer.Initialize(); // should be done by the group layer  (to remove when Bug#2718 is fixed)

                    // Setting the Spatial Reference of the KML layer to 4326:
                    if (this.SpatialReference == null)
                        this.SpatialReference = new Geometry.SpatialReference(4326);

                // Create a sub KML layer for each container
                foreach (ContainerInfo container in fd.containers)
                    string fullPath = _fullPath == null ? (container.Name ?? string.Empty) : string.Concat(_fullPath, "/", container.Name);
                    // Note : use internal constructor, so properties such as MapTip, ProxyUrl, VisibleLayers.. are reported to the children
                    var kmlLayer = new KmlLayer(this)
                                   		ID = container.Name,
                                   		Name = container.Name,
                                   		_fullPath = fullPath,
                                   		RefreshInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(container.RefreshInterval),
                                   		VisibleTimeExtent = container.TimeExtent,
                                   		RegionInfo = container.RegionInfo,
                                   		_folderId = container.FolderId,
                                   		_hideChildren = container.HideChildren,
                                   		IsHidden = _hideChildren

                    bool isOk = true;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(container.Url))
                        // Set the visibility of the layer
                        // There are 3 ways to define the visibility of a folder or document, by priority order:
                        //    - by the internal VisibleLayerIds property (for the layers inside a web map)
                        //    - by the public VisibleLayers property
                        //    - by the visibility defined in the KML document
                        kmlLayer.Visible = _visibleLayerIds != null ? _visibleLayerIds.Contains(kmlLayer._folderId) : IsContainerVisible(fullPath, container.Visible);
                        kmlLayer._visibleLayerIds = _visibleLayerIds;

                        // Subfolder : Create a context object and initialize a KmlLayer with it
                        kmlLayer._context = new KmlLayerContext
                                              		Element = container.Element, // The XElement that the KML layer has to process
                                              		Styles = _context.Styles,
                                              		Images = _context.Images,
                                              		AtomAuthor = container.AtomAuthor,
                                              		AtomHref = container.AtomHref
                        // NetworkLink : initialize the Url
                        Uri containerUri = GetUri(container.Url, GetBaseUri());
                        if (containerUri != null)
                            kmlLayer.Url = containerUri;
                            kmlLayer.ViewRefreshMode = container.ViewRefreshMode;
                            isOk = false; // bad url, don't create the child layer

                        // Set the visibility of the layer
                        // For a network link, the internal VisibleLayerIds property is not used.
                        kmlLayer.Visible = IsContainerVisible(fullPath, container.Visible);

                    if (isOk)
                        if (IsInitialized)
                            kmlLayer.Initialize(); // should be done by the group layer --> to remove later (after or with CR2718)

                // Check that the layer refresh interval is compatible with infos coming from NetworkLinkControl
                if (fd.networkLinkControl != null)
                    if (RefreshInterval != TimeSpan.Zero && fd.networkLinkControl.MinRefreshPeriod > 0.0)
                        RefreshInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Max(RefreshInterval.Seconds, fd.networkLinkControl.MinRefreshPeriod));

                // Set resolution range from the Region/Lods info of the parent


            if (!IsInitialized)
            _isLoading = false;
            _isLoaded = true;
Пример #25
 private static void ProjectGroundOverlays(ElementLayer layer, SpatialReference sref)
     var proj = new Projection.WebMercator();
     var webMercatorSR = new SpatialReference(102100);
     var wgs84SR = new SpatialReference(4326);
     foreach (UIElement elt in layer.Children)
         var envelope = elt.GetValue(ElementLayer.EnvelopeProperty) as Envelope;
         if (envelope != null)
             if (webMercatorSR.Equals(envelope.SpatialReference) && wgs84SR.Equals(sref))
                 var env = proj.ToGeographic(envelope) as Envelope;
                 elt.SetValue(ElementLayer.EnvelopeProperty, env);
             else if (wgs84SR.Equals(envelope.SpatialReference) && webMercatorSR.Equals(sref))
                 var env = proj.FromGeographic(envelope) as Envelope;
                 elt.SetValue(ElementLayer.EnvelopeProperty, env);
		/// <summary>
		/// Createsground overlays and adds them to the element layer.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="layer">Element layer that will have overlays added to it.</param>
		/// <param name="images">Dictionary of images coming from kmz content or from previous parsing</param>
		public void CreateGroundOverlays(ElementLayer layer, IDictionary<string, ImageBrush> images)
			if (layer == null)

			// Process each metadata feature in the list
			foreach (GroundOverlayDescriptor feature in groundOverlays)
				UIElement uiElement;

				if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(feature.IconHref))
					ImageSource imageSource;

					// If the image is provided in kmz content, use it
					if (images.ContainsKey(feature.IconHref.ToLower()))
						imageSource = images[feature.IconHref.ToLower()].ImageSource;
						// Get the image using the HREF
						imageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri(feature.IconHref, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
					double opacity = (double)feature.Color.A/byte.MaxValue;
					uiElement = new Image
					            		Source = imageSource,
					            		Stretch = Stretch.Fill,
					            		Opacity = opacity
					// Just add a rectangle
					uiElement = new Rectangle { Fill = new SolidColorBrush(feature.Color)};

				// Set the rotation
				if (feature.Rotation != 0.0)
					uiElement.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
					uiElement.RenderTransform = new RotateTransform {Angle = -feature.Rotation}; // KML rotations are specified in a counterclockwise direction

				// Set the envelope
				var elementLayerEnvelopeProperty = ElementLayer.EnvelopeProperty;
				uiElement.SetValue(elementLayerEnvelopeProperty, feature.Envelope);

				// Add element to element layer
Пример #27
        public MarkerMapPoint(int id, int mapElementCategoryID, string name, Point point, int direction, Map map, ElementLayer mapMarkerLayer)
            Image img = new Image()
                Width  = 32,
                Height = 37,
                Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 37),
                Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"/Techzen.ICS.CS;component/Images/location_event_icon.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)),
                Cursor = Cursors.Hand

            switch (mapElementCategoryID)
            case 1:
                img.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"/Techzen.ICS.CS;component/Images/location_person_icon.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));

            case 2:
                img.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"/Techzen.ICS.CS;component/Images/location_car_icon.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));

            case 3:
                img.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"/Techzen.ICS.CS;component/Images/location_monitor_icon.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));

            case 4:
                img.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"/Techzen.ICS.CS;component/Images/location_event_icon.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));

            case 5:
                img.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"/Techzen.ICS.CS;component/Images/location_shop_icon.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));


            this.ID        = id;
            this.Point     = point;
            this.Direction = direction;
            this.MapMarker = img;

            ToolTipService.SetToolTip(this.MapMarker, name);

            this.Map          = map;
            this.ElementLayer = mapMarkerLayer;
Пример #28
        public void Init(GroupLayer gl, MapPoint start, MapPoint finish, ResourceDictionary rd)
            remoteClient.ComputeFieldOfViewAsImageCompleted += ClientOnComputeFieldOfViewCompleted;
            localClient .ComputeFieldOfViewAsImageCompleted += ClientOnComputeFieldOfViewCompleted;

            StartPoint = new csPoint
                Mp = start
            FinishPoint = new csPoint
                Mp = finish
            MLayer = new GraphicsLayer
                ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            ImageLayer = new ElementLayer();
            Image = new System.Windows.Controls.Image
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
                VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch,
                Stretch = Stretch.Fill,
                StretchDirection = StretchDirection.Both
            ElementLayer.SetEnvelope(Image, AppState.ViewDef.MapControl.Extent);

            Start = new Graphic();
            Finish = new Graphic();
            Line = new Graphic();

            var ls = new LineSymbol
                Color = Brushes.Black,
                Width = 4
            Line.Symbol = ls;


            Start.Geometry = start;
            Start.Symbol = rd["Start"] as Symbol;
            Start.Attributes["position"] = start;
            Start.Attributes["finish"] = Finish;
            Start.Attributes["start"] = Start;
            Start.Attributes["line"] = Line;
            Start.Attributes["state"] = "start";
            Start.Attributes["measure"] = this;
            Start.Attributes["menuenabled"] = true;

            Finish.Geometry = finish;
            Finish.Attributes["position"] = finish;
            Finish.Symbol = rd["Finish"] as Symbol;
            Finish.Attributes["finish"] = Finish;
            Finish.Attributes["start"] = Start;
            Finish.Attributes["line"] = Line;
            Finish.Attributes["measure"] = this;
            Finish.Attributes["state"] = "finish";
            Finish.Attributes["menuenabled"] = true;

            AppStateSettings.Instance.ViewDef.MapManipulationDelta += ViewDef_MapManipulationDelta;

            if (AppState.Imb != null && AppState.Imb.Imb != null)
                _3D = AppState.Imb.Imb.Publish(AppState.Imb.Imb.ClientHandle + ".3d");

            updateTimer.Interval = 50;
            updateTimer.Elapsed += UpdateTimerElapsed;
Пример #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Createsground overlays and adds them to the element layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer">Element layer that will have overlays added to it.</param>
        /// <param name="images">Dictionary of images coming from kmz content or from previous parsing</param>
        /// <param name="map">The map the KML layer belongs to (useful to know the SR) </param>
        public void CreateGroundOverlays(ElementLayer layer, IDictionary <string, ImageBrush> images, Map map)
            if (layer == null)

            // Process each metadata feature in the list
            foreach (GroundOverlayDescriptor feature in groundOverlays)
                UIElement uiElement;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(feature.IconHref))
                    ImageSource imageSource;

                    // If the image is provided in kmz content, use it
                    if (images.ContainsKey(feature.IconHref.ToLower()))
                        imageSource = images[feature.IconHref.ToLower()].ImageSource;
                        // Get the image using the HREF
                        imageSource = new BitmapImage(KmlLayer.GetUri(feature.IconHref, _baseUri));

                    // If feature color is White with an alpha channel, this can be managed with Opacity, else we need the to blend the color with the icon
                    double opacity;
                    bool   needBlendEffect;

                    if (feature.Color.R == byte.MaxValue && feature.Color.G == byte.MaxValue && feature.Color.B == byte.MaxValue)
                        opacity         = (double)feature.Color.A / byte.MaxValue;
                        needBlendEffect = false;
                        opacity         = 1.0;
                        needBlendEffect = true;

                    uiElement = new Image
                        Source  = imageSource,
                        Stretch = Stretch.Fill,
                        Opacity = opacity
                    if (needBlendEffect)
                        uiElement.Effect = new MultiplyBlendEffect {
                            BlendColor = feature.Color
                    // Just add a rectangle
                    uiElement = new Rectangle {
                        Fill = new SolidColorBrush(feature.Color)

                // Set the time extent
                if (feature.TimeExtent != null)
                    ElementLayer.SetTimeExtent(uiElement, feature.TimeExtent);

                // Set the rotation
                if (feature.Rotation != 0.0)
                    uiElement.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
                    uiElement.RenderTransform       = new RotateTransform {
                        Angle = -feature.Rotation
                    };                                                                                               // KML rotations are specified in a counterclockwise direction

                // Set the envelope
                var elementLayerEnvelopeProperty = ElementLayer.EnvelopeProperty;
                var envelope = feature.Envelope;

                // If the map is based on WebMercatore coordinates, project the envelope (weird at small scale but acceptable at large scale)
                if (map != null && map.SpatialReference != null && IsWebMercator(map.SpatialReference) &&
                    envelope.SpatialReference != null && envelope.SpatialReference.WKID == 4326)                        // should always be the case
                    envelope = (new Projection.WebMercator()).FromGeographic(envelope) as Envelope;
                uiElement.SetValue(elementLayerEnvelopeProperty, envelope);

                // Add element to element layer
	    /// <summary>
	    /// Createsground overlays and adds them to the element layer.
	    /// </summary>
	    /// <param name="layer">Element layer that will have overlays added to it.</param>
	    /// <param name="images">Dictionary of images coming from kmz content or from previous parsing</param>
	    /// <param name="map">The map the KML layer belongs to (useful to know the SR) </param>
	    public void CreateGroundOverlays(ElementLayer layer, IDictionary<string, ImageBrush> images, Map map)
			if (layer == null)

			// Process each metadata feature in the list
			foreach (GroundOverlayDescriptor feature in groundOverlays)
				UIElement uiElement;

				if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(feature.IconHref))
					ImageSource imageSource;

					// If the image is provided in kmz content, use it
					if (images.ContainsKey(feature.IconHref.ToLower()))
						imageSource = images[feature.IconHref.ToLower()].ImageSource;
						// Get the image using the HREF
						imageSource = new BitmapImage(KmlLayer.GetUri(feature.IconHref, _baseUri));

                    // If feature color is White with an alpha channel, this can be managed with Opacity, else we need the to blend the color with the icon
                    double opacity;
                    bool needBlendEffect;

                    if (feature.Color.R == byte.MaxValue && feature.Color.G == byte.MaxValue && feature.Color.B == byte.MaxValue)
                        opacity = (double)feature.Color.A / byte.MaxValue;
                        needBlendEffect = false;
                        opacity = 1.0;
                        needBlendEffect = true;

					uiElement = new Image
					            		Source = imageSource,
					            		Stretch = Stretch.Fill,
					            		Opacity = opacity
                    if (needBlendEffect)
                        uiElement.Effect = new MultiplyBlendEffect{BlendColor = feature.Color};
					// Just add a rectangle
					uiElement = new Rectangle { Fill = new SolidColorBrush(feature.Color)};

				// Set the time extent
				if (feature.TimeExtent != null)
					ElementLayer.SetTimeExtent(uiElement, feature.TimeExtent);

				// Set the rotation
				if (feature.Rotation != 0.0)
					uiElement.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
					uiElement.RenderTransform = new RotateTransform {Angle = -feature.Rotation}; // KML rotations are specified in a counterclockwise direction

				// Set the envelope
				var elementLayerEnvelopeProperty = ElementLayer.EnvelopeProperty;
				var envelope = feature.Envelope;

				// If the map is based on WebMercatore coordinates, project the envelope (weird at small scale but acceptable at large scale)
				if (map != null && map.SpatialReference != null && IsWebMercator(map.SpatialReference)
					&& envelope.SpatialReference != null && envelope.SpatialReference.WKID == 4326) // should always be the case
					envelope = (new Projection.WebMercator()).FromGeographic(envelope) as Envelope;
				uiElement.SetValue(elementLayerEnvelopeProperty, envelope);

				// Add element to element layer
 public ElementLayerTest()
     elementLayer = new ElementLayer();
        private bool WriteHTMLParameterContent(StringBuilder sbHTML, DfsuFile dfsuFileHydrodynamic, DfsuFile dfsuFileTransport, List <ElementLayer> elementLayerList, List <NodeLayer> topNodeLayerList, List <NodeLayer> bottomNodeLayerList, List <ElementLayer> SelectedElementLayerList, Node node)
            MapInfoService mapInfoService = new MapInfoService(_TaskRunnerBaseService._BWObj.appTaskModel.Language, _TaskRunnerBaseService._User);

            string NotUsed = "";

            int ItemUVelocity   = 0;
            int ItemVVelocity   = 0;
            int ItemSalinity    = 0;
            int ItemTemperature = 0;
            int ItemWaterDepth  = 0;

            if (SelectedElementLayerList.Count == 0)
                NotUsed = string.Format(TaskRunnerServiceRes.Error_WhileCreating_Document_, "FillRequiredList", "XLSX", fi.FullName);
                _TaskRunnerBaseService._BWObj.TextLanguageList = _TaskRunnerBaseService.GetTextLanguageFormat3List("Error_WhileCreating_Document_", "FillRequiredList", "XLSX", fi.FullName);

            sb.AppendLine($@"<h2>Parameters output at Latitude: {node.Y} Longitude: {node.X}</h2>");

            // getting the ItemNumber
            foreach (IDfsSimpleDynamicItemInfo dfsDyInfo in dfsuFileTransport.ItemInfo)
                if (dfsDyInfo.Quantity.Item == eumItem.eumIuVelocity)
                    ItemUVelocity = dfsDyInfo.ItemNumber;
                if (dfsDyInfo.Quantity.Item == eumItem.eumIvVelocity)
                    ItemVVelocity = dfsDyInfo.ItemNumber;

            if (ItemUVelocity == 0 || ItemVVelocity == 0)
                NotUsed = string.Format(TaskRunnerServiceRes.CouldNotFind_, TaskRunnerServiceRes.Parameters);
                _TaskRunnerBaseService._BWObj.TextLanguageList = _TaskRunnerBaseService.GetTextLanguageFormat1List("CouldNotFind_", TaskRunnerServiceRes.Parameters);

            foreach (IDfsSimpleDynamicItemInfo dfsDyInfo in dfsuFileHydrodynamic.ItemInfo)
                if (dfsDyInfo.Quantity.Item == eumItem.eumISalinity)
                    ItemSalinity = dfsDyInfo.ItemNumber;
                if (dfsDyInfo.Quantity.Item == eumItem.eumITemperature)
                    ItemTemperature = dfsDyInfo.ItemNumber;
                if (dfsDyInfo.Quantity.Item == eumItem.eumIWaterDepth)
                    ItemWaterDepth = dfsDyInfo.ItemNumber;

            if (ItemUVelocity == 0 || ItemVVelocity == 0)
                NotUsed = string.Format(TaskRunnerServiceRes.CouldNotFind_, TaskRunnerServiceRes.Parameters);
                _TaskRunnerBaseService._BWObj.TextLanguageList = _TaskRunnerBaseService.GetTextLanguageFormat1List("CouldNotFind_", TaskRunnerServiceRes.Parameters);

            int CountLayer = (dfsuFileTransport.NumberOfSigmaLayers == 0 ? 1 : dfsuFileTransport.NumberOfSigmaLayers);

            for (int Layer = 1; Layer <= CountLayer; Layer++)
                sb.AppendLine($@"<h2>Layer: {Layer}</h2>");


                int vCount = 0;
                for (int timeStep = 0; timeStep < dfsuFileTransport.NumberOfTimeSteps; timeStep++)
                    if (vCount % 10 == 0)
                        _TaskRunnerBaseService.SendPercentToDB(_TaskRunnerBaseService._BWObj.appTaskModel.AppTaskID, (int)((float)(vCount / dfsuFileTransport.NumberOfTimeSteps) * 100.0f));

                    sbHTML.AppendLine($@"<td>{dfsuFileTransport.StartDateTime.AddSeconds(vCount * dfsuFileTransport.TimeStepInSeconds).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}</td>");
                    sbHTML.AppendLine($@"<td>{dfsuFileTransport.StartDateTime.AddSeconds((vCount + 1) * dfsuFileTransport.TimeStepInSeconds).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}</td>");

                    float[] UvelocityList = (float[])dfsuFileTransport.ReadItemTimeStep(ItemUVelocity, timeStep).Data;
                    float[] VvelocityList = (float[])dfsuFileTransport.ReadItemTimeStep(ItemVVelocity, timeStep).Data;

                    ElementLayer el = SelectedElementLayerList.Where(c => c.Layer == Layer).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();

                    float UV = UvelocityList[el.Element.ID - 1];
                    float VV = VvelocityList[el.Element.ID - 1];

                    double VectorVal          = Math.Sqrt((UV * UV) + (VV * VV));
                    double VectorDir          = 0.0D;
                    double VectorDirCartesian = Math.Acos(Math.Abs(UV / VectorVal)) * mapInfoService.r2d;

                    if (VectorDirCartesian <= 360 && VectorDirCartesian >= 0)
                        // everything is ok
                        VectorDirCartesian = 0.0D;

                    if (UV >= 0 && VV >= 0)
                        VectorDir = 90 - VectorDirCartesian;
                    else if (UV < 0 && VV >= 0)
                        VectorDir          = 270 + VectorDirCartesian;
                        VectorDirCartesian = 180 - VectorDirCartesian;
                    else if (UV >= 0 && VV < 0)
                        VectorDir          = 90 + VectorDirCartesian;
                        VectorDirCartesian = 360 - VectorDirCartesian;
                    else if (UV < 0 && VV < 0)
                        VectorDir          = 270 - VectorDirCartesian;
                        VectorDirCartesian = 180 + VectorDirCartesian;

                    //string SalinityText = "Salinity";
                    //if (ItemSalinity != 0)
                    //    float[] SalinityList = (float[])dfsuFileHydrodynamic.ReadItemTimeStep(ItemSalinity, timeStep).Data;

                    //    SalinityText = SalinityList[el.Element.ID - 1].ToString();

                    //string TemperatureText = "Temperature";
                    //if (ItemTemperature != 0)
                    //    float[] TemperatureList = (float[])dfsuFileHydrodynamic.ReadItemTimeStep(ItemTemperature, timeStep).Data;

                    //    TemperatureText = TemperatureList[el.Element.ID - 1].ToString();

                    string WaterDepthText = "WaterDepth";
                    if (ItemWaterDepth != 0)
                        float[] TotalWaterDepthList = (float[])dfsuFileHydrodynamic.ReadItemTimeStep(ItemWaterDepth, timeStep).Data;

                        WaterDepthText = TotalWaterDepthList[el.Element.ID - 1].ToString();


                    vCount += 1;


Пример #33
        public override void Start()

            var baseLayer = ((dsBaseLayer)Model.Layer);
            if (OperatingMode == FieldOfViewOperatingMode.Image)
                if (ImageLayer != null) return;
                var displayName = Model.Id + " FoV img";
                ImageLayer = baseLayer.ChildLayers.OfType<ElementLayer>().FirstOrDefault(c => string.Equals(c.DisplayName, displayName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                if (ImageLayer == null)
                    ImageLayer = new ElementLayer { ID = displayName, DisplayName = displayName };
                    baseLayer.ChildLayers.Insert(0, ImageLayer);
                if (GraphicsLayer != null) return;
                var displayName = Model.Id + " FoV";
                GraphicsLayer = baseLayer.ChildLayers.OfType<GraphicsLayer>().FirstOrDefault(c => string.Equals(c.DisplayName, displayName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                if (GraphicsLayer == null)
                    GraphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer { ID = displayName, DisplayName = displayName };
                    baseLayer.ChildLayers.Insert(0, GraphicsLayer);

            color = Model.Model.GetColor("Color", Colors.Blue);
            strokeWidth = Model.Model.GetInt("StrokeWidth", 2);
            precision = Model.Model.GetInt("Precision", 2);

            //this.operatingMode = FieldOfViewOperatingMode.Polygon;

            switch (OperatingMode)
                case FieldOfViewOperatingMode.Polygon:
                    if (GraphicsLayer == null) return;
                    remoteClient.ComputeFieldOfViewAsVectorCompleted += ClientOnComputeFieldOfViewAsVectorCompleted;
                    localClient.ComputeFieldOfViewAsVectorCompleted += ClientOnComputeFieldOfViewAsVectorCompleted;
                    if (ImageLayer == null) return;
                    remoteClient.ComputeFieldOfViewAsImageCompleted += ClientOnComputeFieldOfViewAsImageCompleted;
                    localClient.ComputeFieldOfViewAsImageCompleted += ClientOnComputeFieldOfViewAsImageCompleted;

                    image = new Image
                        HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
                        VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch,
                        Stretch = Stretch.Fill,
                        StretchDirection = StretchDirection.Both

                    ElementLayer.SetEnvelope(image, AppStateSettings.Instance.ViewDef.MapControl.Extent);

            var posChanged = Observable.FromEventPattern<PositionEventArgs>(ev => Poi.PositionChanged += ev, ev => Poi.PositionChanged -= ev);
            posChanged.Throttle(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(150)).Subscribe(k => Calculate());

            var labelChanged = Observable.FromEventPattern<LabelChangedEventArgs>(ev => Poi.LabelChanged += ev, ev => Poi.LabelChanged -= ev);
            labelChanged.Throttle(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(150)).Subscribe(k => Calculate());