Пример #1
        override public void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            //Get the ElementBase for which this Property Drawer is used.
            ElementBase eb = fieldInfo.GetValue(property.serializedObject.targetObject) as ElementBase;

            //Add the diagram ID in the label.
            if (eb?.DiagMapping != null)
                //label.text += " [" + eb.DiagMapping.DiagramElementID + "]";

            label    = EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property);
            position = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, label); //This will change the value of position (see docs of PrefixLabel).

            //Get Scriptable Object with Control Panel Graphics.
            if (cpGraphics == null)
                string assetGUID = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:MnCPanelGraphics")[0];
                string path      = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(assetGUID);
                cpGraphics = (MnCPanelGraphics)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <ScriptableObject>(path);
                //Draw the Machinations Icon.
                GUIContent icon         = new GUIContent(cpGraphics.MachinationsIcon);
                Rect       iconPosition = new Rect(position);
                iconPosition.x -= 42; //Because 42 :).
                EditorGUI.LabelField(iconPosition, icon);

            //Get the Base Value from ElementBase's member.
            SerializedProperty baseValueProp = property.FindPropertyRelative("_serializableValue");
            //Store it here.
            int baseValue = baseValueProp.intValue;

            //Can only proceed if we have an ElementBase to work with.
            if (eb == null)

            int newValue = EditorGUI.IntField(position, baseValue); //Get new value.

            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                 * baseValueProp.intValue = newValue; //Store the new value.
                 * L.D("Set basevalue to " + newValue);
                 * L.D("The element's value is " + eb.CurrentValue);
                baseValueProp.intValue = newValue;
                L.T("Set basevalue to " + newValue);
                L.T("The element's value is " + eb.CurrentValue);
