Пример #1
        public void GetMeta()
            // Floor
            _scope.AddNativeMethod(new FuncMethodBuilder()
                Name          = "Floor",
                Documentation = "Rounds the provided number down to the nearest integer.",
                ReturnType    = this,
                Action        = (actionSet, methodCall) => Element.RoundToInt(actionSet.CurrentObject, Rounding.Down)
            // Ceil
            _scope.AddNativeMethod(new FuncMethodBuilder()
                Name          = "Ceil",
                Documentation = "Return the ceiling of the provided number.",
                ReturnType    = this,
                Action        = (actionSet, methodCall) => Element.RoundToInt(actionSet.CurrentObject, Rounding.Up)
            // Round
            _scope.AddNativeMethod(new FuncMethodBuilder()
                Name          = "Round",
                Documentation = "Returns the provided number rounded to the nearest integer.",
                ReturnType    = this,
                Action        = (actionSet, methodCall) => Element.RoundToInt(actionSet.CurrentObject, Rounding.Nearest)
            // Absolute value
            _scope.AddNativeMethod(new FuncMethodBuilder()
                Name          = "Abs",
                Documentation = "Returns the absolute value of the provided number. Also known as the value's distance to 0.",
                ReturnType    = this,
                Action        = (actionSet, methodCall) => Element.Abs(actionSet.CurrentObject)

            Operations.AddTypeOperation(new TypeOperation[] {
                new TypeOperation(TypeOperator.Add, this, this),                                  // Number + number
                new TypeOperation(TypeOperator.Subtract, this, this),                             // Number - number
                new TypeOperation(TypeOperator.Multiply, this, this),                             // Number * number
                new TypeOperation(TypeOperator.Divide, this, this),                               // Number / number
                new TypeOperation(TypeOperator.Modulo, this, this),                               // Number % number
                new TypeOperation(TypeOperator.Pow, this, this),
                new TypeOperation(TypeOperator.Multiply, _supplier.Vector(), _supplier.Vector()), // Number * vector
                new TypeOperation(TypeOperator.LessThan, this, _supplier.Boolean()),              // Number < number
                new TypeOperation(TypeOperator.LessThanOrEqual, this, _supplier.Boolean()),       // Number <= number
                new TypeOperation(TypeOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual, this, _supplier.Boolean()),    // Number >= number
                new TypeOperation(TypeOperator.GreaterThan, this, _supplier.Boolean()),           // Number > number