Пример #1
        public override void Resolve(Q.Query <Displayable> query)

            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.DataQueryToken))
            //    //NamedQueryFactory.Resolve(query);
            //    return;

            var builder        = new SearchQueryBuilder(query);
            var queryContainer = builder.GetQueryFor <Displayable>(query);

            var results = ElasticSearch.Search <ElasticTitleIndex>(queryContainer);

            //ClaimsPrincipalDto.Add("kpi.query", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(results.RequestInformation.Request));
            query.Items = new List <Displayable>();
            if (results.IsValid && results.Hits.Any())
                foreach (var displayable in results.Documents.Select(item => item.MapToDisplayable()))
                ExtractFilter(query, results);
                query.ResultSetCount = int.Parse(results.Total.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            // ClaimsPrincipalDto.AddMarker("kpi.SearchQueryResolver.end");
Пример #2
        public BulkElasticSuggestiveIndex Post(BulkElasticSuggestiveIndex t)
            const int batchCount     = 2000;
            var       timerStopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            var i = 0;

            Console.WriteLine(@"Elastic suggestive indexing started - ");


            foreach (var elasticTitle in t.ElasticSuggestive.Batch(batchCount))
                Console.WriteLine(@"indexed records - " + i * batchCount);
                Console.WriteLine(@"iteration {0} took - {1} ms", i, timerStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            Console.WriteLine(@"Elastic suggestive indexing finished at - " + timerStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
        // POST: api/HealthCheck
        public HealthCheckModel Post([FromBody] DeleteObject deleteme)
            string res = "";

            HealthCheckModel        hcm       = new HealthCheckModel();
            List <HealthCheckModel> returnval = new List <HealthCheckModel>();

            var client      = new RestClient(deleteme.AppUrl);
            var request     = new RestRequest("", Method.GET);
            var queryResult = client.Execute(request);

            hcm.AppName   = deleteme.AppName;
            hcm.AppUrl    = deleteme.AppUrl;
            hcm.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now;

            hcm.Status = queryResult.StatusCode.ToString();

            if (queryResult.StatusCode == 0)
                hcm.Status = HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable.ToString();

            if (JSONHelper.IsValidJson(queryResult.Content))
                hcm.Message = queryResult.Content;


Пример #4
        private bool disposedValue = false; // Para detectar chamadas redundantes

        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (!disposedValue)
                if (disposing)
                    // TODO: descartar estado gerenciado (objetos gerenciados).
                    if (this.ClientFactory != null)
                        this.ClientFactory = null;

                    if (this.ConnectionSettings != null)
                        this.ConnectionSettings = null;

                    if (this.ElasticSearchURL != null)
                        this.ElasticSearchURL = null;

                    if (this._configuration != null)
                        this._configuration = null;

                // TODO: liberar recursos não gerenciados (objetos não gerenciados) e substituir um finalizador abaixo.
                // TODO: definir campos grandes como nulos.

                disposedValue = true;
Пример #5
        private SearchResponse GetResponse(ElasticSearch cmdlet)
            var enumerator = cmdlet.Invoke().GetEnumerator();

        public IHttpActionResult GetESKey(string username)
            string   serializeResponse = "";
            Response response          = new Response();

                // Validate inputs
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                    string errorMessage = "";
                    // Get appsettings
                    AppSettingsValues appKeys   = GetAppSettings.GetAppSettingsValues();
                    ElasticSearch     es        = new ElasticSearch();
                    string            secretKey = "";
                    // Gets the key from ElasticSearch
                    string[] esResults = es.GetESKey(username, appKeys.LookupKey, out errorMessage);
                    if (esResults != null)
                        secretKey = esResults[0];
                    response.success = true;
                    response.message = secretKey;
                    Log.Info(username + " username, Process : Get ES key, Message : The Get method for Secret Key from Elastic Search has been successfully executed.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.success = false;
                response.message = "Sorry, there seems to be an issue with your request.  Please send an email to #automationinfo with your ServiceNow ticket number and we will contact you shortly.";
                Log.Error(ex, username);
            serializeResponse = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response);
Пример #7
        public void SearchTest()
            var finder  = new ElasticSearch();
            var results = finder.SearchForQuestion("I would like");

Пример #8
        public ApiController() : base()
            _elastic = new ElasticSearch();

            _accent = AccentService.AccentInstance;

            _bot = BotService.BotInstance;
            //string userName = "******" + Guid.NewGuid();
            //user = new User(userName, bot);
            //string pathSetting = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/Datasets_BOT/config/Settings.xml");

            //bot.isAcceptingUserInput = false;
            //bot.isAcceptingUserInput = true;

            NOT_MATCH = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            NOT_MATCH.Add("NOT_MATCH_01", "Xin lỗi, Tôi không hiểu");
            NOT_MATCH.Add("NOT_MATCH_02", "Bạn có thể giải thích thêm được không?");
            NOT_MATCH.Add("NOT_MATCH_03", "Tôi không thể tìm thấy, bạn có thể nói rõ hơn?");
            NOT_MATCH.Add("NOT_MATCH_04", "Xin lỗi, Bạn có thể giải thích thêm được không?");
            NOT_MATCH.Add("NOT_MATCH_05", "Tôi không thể tìm thấy");
            NOT_MATCH.Add("NOT_MATCH_06", "Tôi chưa hiểu");
Пример #9
 public void Save()
Пример #10
 public UnitOfWork(IOptions <ElasticSearch> configuration)
     _configuration          = configuration.Value;
     this.ElasticSearchURL   = new Uri(_configuration.URL);
     this.ConnectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(ElasticSearchURL);
     this.ConnectionSettings.BasicAuthentication(_configuration.Account, _configuration.Password);
     this.ClientFactory = new Dictionary <string, object>();
Пример #11
 public SearchBasic()
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ElasticsearchHost))
         throw new Exception("ElasticSearch appSetting is empty!");
     _search = new ElasticSearch(ElasticsearchHost);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;



            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
Пример #13
        public ElasticSearch GetElasticSetting()
            var result = new ElasticSearch();

            result.Uri       = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Uri"];
            result.IndexName = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["PropertyIndexName"];
            result.TypeName  = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["PropertyTypeName"];
            result.UserName  = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["UserName"];
            result.Password  = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Password"];
Пример #14
 public BulkElasticMagazineIndex Post(BulkElasticMagazineIndex t)
     foreach (var elasticMagazine in t.ElasticMagazine.Batch(5000))
Пример #15
 public BulkElasticOrderHistory Post(BulkElasticOrderHistory t)
     foreach (var elasticTitle in t.OrderHistories.Batch(5000))
Пример #16
        public static ElasticClient GetElasticConnection(ElasticSearch elastiSetting)
            var node           = new Uri(elastiSetting.Uri);
            var connectionPool = new SniffingConnectionPool(new[] { node });
            var elasticConfig  = new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool)

            elasticConfig.BasicAuthentication(elastiSetting.UserName, elastiSetting.Password);
            return(new ElasticClient(elasticConfig));
Пример #17
    public override int SaveChanges()
            // Değişen Var mı? Boya Var mı :)
            var modifiedEntities = ChangeTracker.Entries()
                                   .Where(p => p.State == EntityState.Modified).ToList();
            var now = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
            foreach (var change in modifiedEntities)
                var entityName = change.Entity.GetType().Name;

                var PrimaryKey = change.OriginalValues.Properties.FirstOrDefault(prop => prop.IsPrimaryKey() == true).Name;

                foreach (IProperty prop in change.OriginalValues.Properties)
                    var originalValue = change.OriginalValues[prop.Name].ToString();
                    var currentValue  = change.CurrentValues[prop.Name].ToString();

                    if (originalValue != currentValue) //Sadece Değişen kayıt Log'a atılır.
                        ChangeLog log = new ChangeLog()
                            EntityName      = entityName,
                            PrimaryKeyValue = int.Parse(change.OriginalValues[PrimaryKey].ToString()),
                            PropertyName    = prop.Name,
                            OldValue        = originalValue,
                            NewValue        = currentValue,
                            DateChanged     = now,
                            State           = EnumState.Update
                        //Değişen kayıt Log'u ElasticSearch'e atılır.
        catch (Exception ex)
            var error = ex.Message;
Пример #18
        public ActionResult RunQuery(RunQueryParameters parameters)
            const string indexName = "testindex";

            string opResult = string.Empty;

            opResult = ElasticSearch.DeleteIndex(indexName);
            opResult = ElasticSearch.CreateIndex(indexName);
            opResult = ElasticSearch.CreateMapping(indexName, "test", parameters.Mapping);
            opResult = ElasticSearch.InsertDocument(indexName, "test", parameters.Documents, true);


            var response = ElasticSearch.RunSearch(indexName, "test", parameters.Query);

            return(Content(JsonSerialization.Serialize(new {
                queryResult = response
        public BulkElasticGroupedTitleIndex Post(BulkElasticGroupedTitleIndex t)
            const int batchCount = 500;

            var i = 0;

            foreach (var elasticTitle in t.ElasticGroupedTitles.Batch(batchCount))
                Console.WriteLine(@"iteration for {0} took - {1} ms", i * batchCount, ConsoleProcess.ElapsedMilliseconds());
Пример #20
        public HelperElasticSearchTest()
            var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()

            SQLHelperConfig.ConnectionConfig = configuration.GetConnectionString("ContentderAIConnection");

            var provider = new ServiceCollection()
            var memoryCache   = provider.GetService <IMemoryCache>();
            var settingHelper = new SettingHelper(memoryCache);


            var url = settingHelper.GetCachedSettingValue(SettingKeys.ElasticSearchEndpoint);

            index          = settingHelper.GetCachedSettingValue(SettingKeys.ElasticSearchIndex);
            _elasticSearch = new ElasticSearch(url, index);
        public JsonResult Delete(long id)
            hscvVanBanDenBusiness = Get <HSCV_VANBANDENBusiness>();
            HSCV_VANBANDEN entityVanBanDen = hscvVanBanDenBusiness.Find(id);

            if (entityVanBanDen == null || currentUser.ID != entityVanBanDen.NGUOITAO)
                return(Json(new { Type = "ERROR", Message = "Bạn không có quyền xóa văn bản trình ký này" }));
            attachmentBusiness = Get <TAILIEUDINHKEMBusiness>();
            FileUltilities        file        = new FileUltilities();
            List <TAILIEUDINHKEM> ListTaiLieu = attachmentBusiness.GetDataByItemID(id, LOAITAILIEU.VANBANDEN);

            foreach (var item in ListTaiLieu)
                file.RemoveFile(uploadFolder + item.DUONGDAN_FILE);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.PDF_VERSION))
                    file.RemoveFile(uploadFolder + item.PDF_VERSION);
            storeFolderBusiness = Get <THUMUC_LUUTRUBusiness>();
            THUMUC_LUUTRU ThuMuc = storeFolderBusiness.GetDataByNam(id.ToString(), ThuMucLuuTruConstant.DefaultVanban);

            if (ThuMuc != null)
                ThuMuc.IS_DELETE = true;
            #region xóa văn bản đến trong elastic

            ElasticSearch.deleteDocument(id.ToString(), ElasticType.VanBanDen);
            return(Json(new { Type = "SUCCESS", Message = "Xóa văn bản đến thành công" }));
Пример #22
        public JsonResult SaveFlow(long processID, int stepID, long mainUser, List <long> joinUser, string message, bool IsBack = false, long LogID = 0)
            var result = new JsonResultBO(true);

            var WF_STEPBusiness    = Get <WF_STEPBusiness>();
            var WF_PROCESSBusiness = Get <WF_PROCESSBusiness>();
            var WF_LOGBusiness     = Get <WF_LOGBusiness>();
            var step = WF_STEPBusiness.GetDaTaByID(stepID);
            //SMSDAL.SendSMSDAL sms = new SMSDAL.SendSMSDAL();
            //var LogSMSBusiness = Get<LogSMSBusiness>();
            var lstMainUser = new List <long>();

            var    process  = WF_PROCESSBusiness.Find(processID);
            string NOIDUNG  = currentUser.HOTEN + (process.ITEM_TYPE == MODULE_CONSTANT.VANBANTRINHKY ? " đã gửi bạn một văn bản trình ký" : " đã gửi bạn một văn bản đến");
            string URL      = process.ITEM_TYPE == MODULE_CONSTANT.VANBANTRINHKY ? "/HSVanBanDiArea/HSVanBanDi/DetailVanBan/" + process.ITEM_ID.ToString() : "/HSCV_VANBANDENArea/HSCV_VANBANDEN/DetailVanBanDen?id=" + process.ITEM_ID.ToString() + "&type=" + VANBANDEN_CONSTANT.CHUA_XULY;
            string itemName = process.ITEM_TYPE == MODULE_CONSTANT.VANBANTRINHKY ? "VĂN BẢN TRÌNH KÝ" : "VĂN BẢN ĐẾN";

            if (IsBack != true)
                //Kiểm tra xem đã thực hiện function chưa?
                var  WF_STATE_FUNCTIONBusiness = Get <WF_STATE_FUNCTIONBusiness>();
                bool CanNext = false;
                if (process.ITEM_TYPE == MODULE_CONSTANT.VANBANTRINHKY)
                    HSCV_VANBANDIBusiness = Get <HSCV_VANBANDIBusiness>();
                    HSCV_VANBANDI VanBan = HSCV_VANBANDIBusiness.Find(process.ITEM_ID);
                    if (VanBan != null)
                        CanNext = VanBan.HAS_SIGNED.HasValue ? VanBan.HAS_SIGNED.Value : true;
                var function = WF_STATE_FUNCTIONBusiness.CheckFunctionNextState(process.CURRENT_STATE.GetValueOrDefault(), process.ITEM_ID.GetValueOrDefault(), process.ITEM_TYPE);
                if (!function && CanNext)
                    result.MessageFail("Bạn chưa thực hiện hành động của trạng thái");
                //Luồng chuyển đi
                result = WF_PROCESSBusiness.SaveStepAction(processID, stepID, mainUser, joinUser, message, currentUser.ID);
                #region gửi notification
                var SYS_TINNHANBusiness = Get <SYS_TINNHANBusiness>();

                #region gửi email cho người xử lý chính
                List <string> lstEmail             = new List <string>();
                var           DM_NGUOIDUNGBusiness = Get <DM_NGUOIDUNGBusiness>();
                lstEmail = DM_NGUOIDUNGBusiness.repository.All().Where(x => lstMainUser.Contains(x.ID)).Select(x => x.EMAIL).ToList();
                if (lstEmail != null)
                    var ContentEmail = currentUser.HOTEN + " đã gửi bạn một <a href='" + SERVERADDRESS + URL + "'>" + itemName + "</a>";
                    EmailProvider.SendMailTemplate(currentUser, ContentEmail, NOIDUNG, lstEmail);
                #region gửi sms cho người xử lý
                //var LstUserNhan = DM_NGUOIDUNGBusiness.repository.All().Where(x => lstMainUser.Contains(x.ID)).ToList();
                //if (LstUserNhan != null)
                //    var ContentSMS = currentUser.HOTEN + " đã gửi bạn một " + itemName;
                //    ContentSMS = sms.locDau(ContentSMS);
                //    var DoDaiSMS = ContentSMS.Length;
                //    string[] noiDung = new string[1];
                //    noiDung[0] = ContentSMS;
                //    foreach (var user in LstUserNhan)
                //    {
                //        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.DIENTHOAI))
                //        {
                //            string resultsend = sms.guiTinNhan(user.DIENTHOAI, "177403", noiDung);
                //            LOGSMS SmsObject = new LOGSMS();
                //            SmsObject.SODIENTHOAINHAN = user.DIENTHOAI;
                //            SmsObject.NOIDUNG = ContentSMS;
                //            SmsObject.SOKYTU = DoDaiSMS;
                //            SmsObject.KETQUA = resultsend;
                //            SmsObject.CREATED_AT = DateTime.Now;
                //            SmsObject.CREATED_BY = currentUser.ID;
                //            SmsObject.HOTENNGUOIGUI = currentUser.HOTEN;
                //            SmsObject.ITEMTYPE = process.ITEM_TYPE;
                //            SmsObject.ITEMID = process.ITEM_ID;
                //            SmsObject.HOTENNGUOINHAN = user.HOTEN;
                //            LogSMSBusiness.Save(SmsObject);
                //        }
                //    }
                SYS_TINNHANBusiness.sendMessageMultipleUsers(lstMainUser, currentUser, itemName, NOIDUNG, URL, targetScreen, false, processID, TargetDocType.COORDINATED);
                if (joinUser != null)
                    SYS_TINNHANBusiness.sendMessageMultipleUsers(joinUser, currentUser, itemName, NOIDUNG, URL, targetScreen, false, processID, TargetDocType.COORDINATED);
                var lstTmpUserId = lstMainUser;
                if (joinUser != null)

                if (process.ITEM_TYPE == MODULE_CONSTANT.VANBANTRINHKY)
                    ElasticSearch.updateListUser(process.ITEM_ID.ToString(), lstTmpUserId, ElasticType.VanBanDi);
                    ElasticSearch.updateListUser(process.ITEM_ID.ToString(), lstTmpUserId, ElasticType.VanBanDen);

                result = WF_PROCESSBusiness.StepDenie(processID, stepID, message, LogID);
                var log = WF_LOGBusiness.GetDataByID(LogID);
                #region gửi notification
                var SYS_TINNHANBusiness = Get <SYS_TINNHANBusiness>();
                SYS_TINNHANBusiness.sendMessageMultipleUsers(lstMainUser, currentUser, itemName, NOIDUNG, URL, targetScreen, false, processID, TargetDocType.COORDINATED);
Пример #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Save Review văn bản
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="processID"></param>
        /// <param name="stepID"></param>
        /// <param name="joinUser"></param>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult SaveReview(long processID, int stepID, List <long> joinUser, string message)
            var result = new JsonResultBO(true);

            if (joinUser.Count > 0 && !joinUser.Contains(currentUser.ID))
                var WF_STEPBusiness    = Get <WF_STEPBusiness>();
                var WF_PROCESSBusiness = Get <WF_PROCESSBusiness>();
                WF_REVIEWBusiness      WF_REVIEWBusiness      = Get <WF_REVIEWBusiness>();
                WF_REVIEW_USERBusiness WF_REVIEW_USERBusiness = Get <WF_REVIEW_USERBusiness>();
                var SYS_TINNHANBusiness = Get <SYS_TINNHANBusiness>();
                var step    = WF_STEPBusiness.GetDaTaByID(stepID);
                var process = WF_PROCESSBusiness.Find(processID);
                #region cập nhật trạng thái review
                process.IS_PENDING = true;
                #region lưu yêu cầu review - bảng này sẽ dùng để đếm số lần gửi yêu cầu review
                WF_REVIEW review = new WF_REVIEW();
                review.COMMENT    = message;
                review.CREATED_AT = DateTime.Now;
                review.ITEMID     = process.ITEM_ID;
                review.ITEMTYPE   = process.ITEM_TYPE;
                review.CREATED_BY = currentUser.ID;
                #region lưu yêu cầu review đối với từng người được yêu cầu
                var WF_LogBusiness = Get <WF_LOGBusiness>();
                foreach (var item in joinUser)
                    WF_USER_REVIEW itemreview = new WF_USER_REVIEW();
                    itemreview.ITEMID     = process.ITEM_ID;
                    itemreview.ITEMTYPE   = process.ITEM_TYPE;
                    itemreview.REVIEW_ID  = review.ID;
                    itemreview.USER_ID    = item;
                    itemreview.CREATED_AT = DateTime.Now;
                    itemreview.CREATED_BY = currentUser.ID;
                    #region luu log
                    WF_LOG log = new WF_LOG();
                    log.ITEM_ID      = process.ITEM_ID;
                    log.WF_ID        = process.WF_ID;
                    log.ITEM_TYPE    = process.ITEM_TYPE;
                    log.MESSAGE      = message;
                    log.NGUOIXULY_ID = currentUser.ID;
                    log.NGUONHAN_ID  = item;
                    log.create_at    = DateTime.Now;
                    log.create_by    = currentUser.ID;
                    #region gửi notification
                    SYS_TINNHAN noti = new SYS_TINNHAN();
                    noti.FROM_USERNAME = currentUser.HOTEN;
                    noti.FROM_USER_ID  = currentUser.ID;
                    noti.NGAYTAO       = DateTime.Now;
                    noti.NOIDUNG       = currentUser.HOTEN + " đã gửi bạn review một văn bản trình ký";
                    if (process.ITEM_TYPE == MODULE_CONSTANT.VANBANTRINHKY)
                        noti.URL    = "/HSVanBanDiArea/VanBanChuaXuLy/DetailVanBan/" + process.ITEM_ID.ToString();
                        noti.TIEUDE = "REVIEW VĂN BẢN TRÌNH KÝ";
                    noti.TO_USER_ID = item;
                    SYS_TINNHANBusiness.Save(noti, targetScreen, false,
                                             process.ITEM_ID.HasValue ? process.ITEM_ID.Value : 0, TargetDocType.COORDINATED);
                ElasticSearch.updateListUser(process.ITEM_ID.ToString(), joinUser, ElasticType.VanBanDi);

                result.MessageFail("Không thể thực hiện được thao tác này");
Пример #24
 public ProjectService(eFolioDBContext DBContext, IMapper mapper)
     projectRepository = new ProjectRepository(DBContext);
     elastic           = new ElasticSearch();
     this.mapper       = mapper;
Пример #25
        /// <summary>
        /// @author:duynn
        /// @description: gửi cá nhân nhận bên ngoài
        /// @since: 10/06/2019
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityVanBanDi"></param>
        /// <param name="sms"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool SaveVanBanPhatHanhToCaNhan(HSCV_VANBANDI entityVanBanDi, SMSDAL.SendSMSDAL sms)
            List <TAILIEUDINHKEM> groupForwardFiles = new List <TAILIEUDINHKEM>();
            List <LOGSMS>         groupLogSMSs      = new List <LOGSMS>();
            var  idsNguoiNhanDichDanh = entityVanBanDi.USER_RECEIVE_DIRECTLY.ToListLong(',');
            bool result = true;

                 * nhóm sổ văn bản
                var dataNhomSoVanBanDen = DM_NHOMDANHMUCBusiness.repository.All()
                                          .FirstOrDefault(x => x.GROUP_CODE == DMLOAI_CONSTANT.SOVANBANDEN);

                 * gửi từng người nhận đích danh
                foreach (var userId in idsNguoiNhanDichDanh)
                    var entityNguoiNhan = DM_NGUOIDUNGBusiness.GetNewUserInfo(userId);
                    var dataSoVanBanDen = DM_DANHMUC_DATABusiness.GetSoVanBan(DMLOAI_CONSTANT.SOVANBANDEN, DateTime.Now.Year, entityNguoiNhan.DeptParentID.Value);

                    if (dataSoVanBanDen == null)
                        dataSoVanBanDen = new DM_DANHMUC_DATA()
                            DEPTID     = entityNguoiNhan.DM_PHONGBAN_ID.GetValueOrDefault(),
                            TEXT       = "Sổ văn bản đến " + DateTime.Now.Year,
                            DATA       = DateTime.Now.Year,
                            DM_NHOM_ID = dataNhomSoVanBanDen.ID

                    DM_NGUOIDUNG   entityNguoiKy   = DM_NGUOIDUNGBusiness.Find(entityVanBanDi.NGUOIKY_ID);
                    HSCV_VANBANDEN entityVanBanDen = this.ConvertToVanBanDen(entityVanBanDi, entityNguoiKy, dataSoVanBanDen);

                    JsonResultBO workflowResult = WF_PROCESSBusiness.AddFlow(entityVanBanDen.ID, MODULE_CONSTANT.VANBANDEN, entityNguoiNhan);
                    if (!workflowResult.Status)

                     * Cập nhật số theo sổ
                    dataSoVanBanDen.GHICHU = (dataSoVanBanDen.GHICHU.ToIntOrZero() + 1).ToString();

                     * cập nhật tài liệu đính kèm
                    List <TAILIEUDINHKEM> groupFiles = TAILIEUDINHKEMBusiness.GetNewestData(entityVanBanDi.ID, LOAITAILIEU.VANBAN);
                    groupForwardFiles.AddRange(this.GenerateFiles(groupFiles, entityVanBanDen));

                     * cập nhật elastic search
                    ElasticSearch.updateListUser(entityVanBanDen.ID.ToString(), new List <long> {
                    }, ElasticType.VanBanDen);

                     * gửi email
                    if (entityNguoiNhan.EMAIL != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityNguoiNhan.EMAIL))
                        var ContentEmail = currentUser.TenPhongBan + " đã gửi bạn một văn bản đến <a href='" + SERVERADDRESS + "/HSCV_VANBANDENArea/HSCV_VANBANDEN/DetailVanBanDen?id=" + entityVanBanDen.ID.ToString() + "'>" + entityVanBanDen.SOHIEU + "</a>";
                        EmailProvider.SendMailTemplate(currentUser, ContentEmail, ContentEmail, new List <string> {

                    //gửi sms
                    if (currentUser.CanSendSMS && entityVanBanDi.CAN_SEND_SMS == true)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityNguoiNhan.DIENTHOAI))
                            var ContentSMS = currentUser.TenPhongBan + " đã gửi bạn một văn bản đến " + entityVanBanDen.SOHIEU;
                            ContentSMS = sms.locDau(ContentSMS);
                            var      DoDaiSMS = ContentSMS.Length;
                            string[] noiDung  = new string[1];
                            noiDung[0] = ContentSMS;
                            string resultsend = sms.guiTinNhan(entityNguoiNhan.DIENTHOAI, "177403", noiDung);
                            LOGSMS SmsObject  = new LOGSMS();
                            SmsObject.SODIENTHOAINHAN = entityNguoiNhan.DIENTHOAI;
                            SmsObject.NOIDUNG         = ContentSMS;
                            SmsObject.SOKYTU          = DoDaiSMS;
                            SmsObject.KETQUA          = resultsend;
                            SmsObject.DONVI_GUI       = currentUser.DM_PHONGBAN_ID.GetValueOrDefault();
                            SmsObject.CREATED_AT      = DateTime.Now;
                            SmsObject.CREATED_BY      = currentUser.ID;
                            SmsObject.HOTENNGUOIGUI   = currentUser.HOTEN;
                            SmsObject.ITEMTYPE        = "VANBANDEN";
                            SmsObject.ITEMID          = entityVanBanDen.ID;
                            SmsObject.HOTENNGUOINHAN  = entityNguoiNhan.HOTEN;
                            SmsObject.DONVI_NHAN      = entityNguoiNhan.DM_PHONGBAN_ID.GetValueOrDefault();
                    //gửi tin nhắn

                    SYS_TINNHAN noti = new SYS_TINNHAN();
                    noti.FROM_USERNAME = currentUser.HOTEN;
                    noti.FROM_USER_ID  = currentUser.ID;
                    noti.NGAYTAO       = DateTime.Now;
                    noti.NOIDUNG       = currentUser.TenPhongBan + " đã gửi đến bạn một văn bản đến";
                    noti.URL           = "/HSCV_VANBANDENArea/HSCV_VANBANDEN/DetailVanBanDen/" + entityVanBanDen.ID.ToString();
                    noti.TIEUDE        = "Xử lý văn bản đến";
                    noti.TO_USER_ID    = entityNguoiNhan.ID;
                    SYS_TINNHANBusiness.Save(noti, "", false, entityVanBanDen.ID, TargetDocType.COORDINATED);

                 * lưu file và log SMS
            catch (Exception)
                result = false;
Пример #26
        /// <summary>
        /// @author:duynn
        /// @description: gửi đơn vị nhận bên ngoài
        /// @since: 10/06/2019
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityVanBanDi"></param>
        /// <param name="sms"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool SaveVanBanPhatHanhToDonVi(HSCV_VANBANDI entityVanBanDi, SMSDAL.SendSMSDAL sms)
            bool result = true;

                DM_NHOMDANHMUC entityNhomDanhMuc = DM_NHOMDANHMUCBusiness.repository.All()
                                                   .FirstOrDefault(x => x.GROUP_CODE == DMLOAI_CONSTANT.SOVANBANDEN);

                DM_NGUOIDUNG entityNguoiKy = DM_NGUOIDUNGBusiness.Find(entityVanBanDi.NGUOIKY_ID);

                List <TAILIEUDINHKEM> groupFiles = TAILIEUDINHKEMBusiness.GetNewestData(entityVanBanDi.ID, LOAITAILIEU.VANBAN);

                List <int> idsDonViNhan = new List <int>();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityVanBanDi.DONVINHAN_INTERNAL_ID))
                    var idsDonViDaNhan = entityVanBanDi.DONVINHAN_INTERNAL_ID.ToListInt(',');
                    entityVanBanDi.DONVINHAN_INTERNAL_ID = string.Join(",", idsDonViNhan.ToArray());

                List <CCTC_THANHPHAN> groupDonViNhan = CCTC_THANHPHANBusiness.repository.AllNoTracking
                                                       .Where(x => idsDonViNhan.Contains(x.ID)).ToList();
                List <LOGSMS>               groupLogSMS          = new List <LOGSMS>();
                List <TAILIEUDINHKEM>       groupForwardFiles    = new List <TAILIEUDINHKEM>();
                List <WF_ITEM_USER_PROCESS> groupItemUserProcess = new List <WF_ITEM_USER_PROCESS>();
                foreach (var dept in groupDonViNhan)
                    WF_STATE firstState = null;

                    //kiểm tra có phải là gửi nội bộ hay không?
                    bool isSendInternal = false;
                    //- trường hợp gửi cho các ban ngành cấp tỉnh và các huyện xa -> thành văn bản đến của các đơnvị nhận được
                    if (dept.TYPE == DEPTTYLELABEL.ToIntOrZero())
                        //- trường hợp này là văn bản đến bình thường
                        var workflowModule = WF_MODULEBusiness.repository
                                             .All().FirstOrDefault(x => x.MODULE_CODE == MODULE_CONSTANT.VANBANDEN);

                        var workflowStreamIds = workflowModule.WF_STREAM_ID.ToListInt(',');

                        //- lấy luồng xử lý của từng đơn vị
                        var workflowStream = WF_STREAMBusiness.repository.All()
                                             .FirstOrDefault(x => x.LEVEL_ID == dept.CATEGORY && workflowStreamIds.Contains(x.ID));

                        //lấy trạng thái xử lý ban đầu cảu đơn vị
                        firstState = WF_STATEBusiness.repository.All()
                                     .FirstOrDefault(x => x.IS_START == true && x.WF_ID == workflowStream.ID);
                    else if (dept.PARENT_ID == currentUser.DeptParentID)
                        isSendInternal = true;
                        //- trường hợp gửi các phòng ban thuộc tỉnh ủy => thành văn bản đến nội bộ của tỉnh
                        var workflowModule = WF_MODULEBusiness.repository.All()
                                             .FirstOrDefault(x => x.MODULE_CODE == MODULE_CONSTANT.VANBANDENNOIBO);

                        var workflowStreamIds = workflowModule.WF_STREAM_ID.ToListInt(',');

                        //- lấy luồng xử lý của từng đơn vị
                        var workflowStream = WF_STREAMBusiness.repository.All()
                                             .FirstOrDefault(x => x.LEVEL_ID == dept.CATEGORY && workflowStreamIds.Contains(x.ID));

                        firstState = WF_STATEBusiness.repository.All()
                                     .FirstOrDefault(x => x.IS_START == true && x.WF_ID == workflowStream.ID);

                    UserInfoBO processor = null;

                     * kiểm tra vai trò nhận của trạng thái đầu tiên
                    if (firstState != null)
                         * lấy người thuộc phòng ban có vai trò xử lý
                        var receiver = DM_NGUOIDUNGBusiness.GetUserByRoleAndDeptId(firstState.VAITRO_ID.GetValueOrDefault(), dept.ID).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (receiver != null)
                            processor = DM_NGUOIDUNGBusiness.GetNewUserInfo(receiver.Value.ToLongOrZero());

                    var dataSoVanBanDen = DM_DANHMUC_DATABusiness.GetSoVanBan(DMLOAI_CONSTANT.SOVANBANDEN, DateTime.Now.Year, dept.ID);
                    if (dataSoVanBanDen == null)
                        //tạo sổ văn bản đến
                        dataSoVanBanDen = new DM_DANHMUC_DATA()
                            DEPTID     = dept.ID,
                            TEXT       = "Sổ văn bản đến " + DateTime.Now.Year,
                            DATA       = DateTime.Now.Year,
                            DM_NHOM_ID = entityNhomDanhMuc.ID

                    HSCV_VANBANDEN entityVanBanDen = this.ConvertToVanBanDen(entityVanBanDi, entityNguoiKy, dataSoVanBanDen);
                    entityVanBanDen.IS_NOIBO = isSendInternal ? true : false;

                     * cập nhật số văn bản đến
                    dataSoVanBanDen.GHICHU = (dataSoVanBanDen.GHICHU.ToIntOrZero() + 1).ToString();

                     * cập nhật tài liệu đính kèm
                    var files = this.GenerateFiles(groupFiles, entityVanBanDen);

                     * cập nhật thông tin văn bản đến trong luồng xử lý
                    if (processor != null)
                        WF_PROCESSBusiness.AddFlow(entityVanBanDen.ID, isSendInternal ? MODULE_CONSTANT.VANBANDENNOIBO : MODULE_CONSTANT.VANBANDEN, processor);

                     * nếu không có người phù hợp trong luồng xử lý ==> lấy người có vai trò cao nhất tại phòng
                    if (processor == null)
                         * lấy ra người có vai trò cao nhất tại phòng ban
                        processor = DM_NGUOIDUNGBusiness.GetUserHighestPriority(dept.ID);

                         * lưu thông in người nhận vào bảng  WF_ITEM_USER_PROCESS
                        var itemUserProcess = new WF_ITEM_USER_PROCESS();
                        itemUserProcess.ITEM_ID      = entityVanBanDen.ID;
                        itemUserProcess.ITEM_TYPE    = isSendInternal ? MODULE_CONSTANT.VANBANDENNOIBO : MODULE_CONSTANT.VANBANDEN;
                        itemUserProcess.IS_XULYCHINH = false;
                        itemUserProcess.USER_ID      = processor.ID;
                        itemUserProcess.create_at    = DateTime.Now;
                        itemUserProcess.create_by    = currentUser.ID;

                    if (processor != null)
                        ElasticSearch.updateListUser(entityVanBanDen.ID.ToString(), new List <long> {
                        }, ElasticType.VanBanDen);

                        //gửi email
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(processor.EMAIL))
                            var ContentEmail = currentUser.TenPhongBan + " đã gửi bạn một văn bản đến <a href='" + SERVERADDRESS + "/HSCV_VANBANDENArea/HSCV_VANBANDEN/DetailVanBanDen?id=" + entityVanBanDen.ID.ToString() + "'>" + entityVanBanDen.SOHIEU + "</a>";
                            EmailProvider.SendMailTemplate(currentUser, ContentEmail, ContentEmail, new List <string> {
                        //gửi tin nhắn
                        if (currentUser.CanSendSMS && entityVanBanDi.CAN_SEND_SMS == true && processor.DIENTHOAI != null)
                            var ContentSMS = currentUser.TenPhongBan + " đã gửi bạn một văn bản đến " + entityVanBanDen.SOHIEU;
                            ContentSMS = sms.locDau(ContentSMS);
                            var      DoDaiSMS = ContentSMS.Length;
                            string[] noiDung  = new string[1];
                            noiDung[0] = ContentSMS;
                            string resultsend = sms.guiTinNhan(processor.DIENTHOAI, "177403", noiDung);
                            LOGSMS SmsObject  = new LOGSMS();
                            SmsObject.SODIENTHOAINHAN = processor.DIENTHOAI;
                            SmsObject.NOIDUNG         = ContentSMS;
                            SmsObject.SOKYTU          = DoDaiSMS;
                            SmsObject.KETQUA          = resultsend;
                            SmsObject.CREATED_AT      = DateTime.Now;
                            SmsObject.CREATED_BY      = currentUser.ID;
                            SmsObject.HOTENNGUOIGUI   = currentUser.HOTEN;
                            SmsObject.DONVI_GUI       = currentUser.DM_PHONGBAN_ID.GetValueOrDefault();
                            SmsObject.ITEMTYPE        = "VANBANDEN";
                            SmsObject.ITEMID          = entityVanBanDen.ID;
                            SmsObject.DONVI_NHAN      = processor.DM_PHONGBAN_ID.GetValueOrDefault();
                            SmsObject.HOTENNGUOINHAN  = processor.HOTEN;

                        //lưu thông báo
                        SYS_TINNHAN noti = new SYS_TINNHAN();
                        noti.FROM_USERNAME = currentUser.HOTEN;
                        noti.FROM_USER_ID  = currentUser.ID;
                        noti.NGAYTAO       = DateTime.Now;
                        noti.NOIDUNG       = currentUser.TenPhongBan + " đã gửi đến bạn một văn bản đến";
                        noti.URL           = "/HSCV_VANBANDENArea/HSCV_VANBANDEN/DetailVanBanDen/" + entityVanBanDen.ID.ToString();
                        noti.TIEUDE        = "Xử lý văn bản đến";
                        noti.TO_USER_ID    = processor.ID;
                        SYS_TINNHANBusiness.Save(noti, "", false, entityVanBanDen.ID, TargetDocType.COORDINATED);

                //lưu thông tin tài liệu, sms, luồng xử lý

            catch (Exception)
                result = false;
        public ActionResult SaveVanBanDen(HSCV_VANBANDEN entity, FormCollection fc, IEnumerable <HttpPostedFileBase> filebase, string[] filename, string[] FOLDER_ID)

                UploadFileTool uploadFileTool = new UploadFileTool();
                hscvVanBanDenBusiness = Get <HSCV_VANBANDENBusiness>();
                wfProcessBusiness     = Get <WF_PROCESSBusiness>();
                dmDanhMucDataBusiness = Get <DM_DANHMUC_DATABusiness>();

                entity.SOHIEU            = fc["SOHIEU"].Trim();
                entity.TRICHYEU          = fc["TRICHYEU"].Trim();
                entity.SOTRANG           = fc["SOTRANG"].ToIntOrZero();
                entity.LOAIVANBAN_ID     = fc["LOAIVANBAN_ID"].ToIntOrZero();
                entity.DONVI_ID          = fc["DONVI_ID"].ToIntOrZero();
                entity.LINHVUCVANBAN_ID  = fc["LINHVUCVANBAN_ID"].ToIntOrZero();
                entity.DOKHAN_ID         = fc["DOKHAN_ID"].ToIntOrZero();
                entity.NGAY_HIEULUC      = fc["NGAY_HIEULUC"].ToDateTime();
                entity.NGAYHET_HIEULUC   = fc["NGAYHET_HIEULUC"].ToDateTime();
                entity.NGAY_VANBAN       = fc["NGAY_VANBAN"].ToDateTime();
                entity.NGAY_BANHANH      = fc["NGAY_BANHANH"].ToDateTime();
                entity.NGUOIKY           = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["NGUOIKY"]) ? fc["NGUOIKY"].Trim() : string.Empty;
                entity.CHUCVU            = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["CHUCVU"]) ? fc["CHUCVU"].Trim() : string.Empty;
                entity.NOIDUNG           = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["NOIDUNGVANBAN"]) ? fc["NOIDUNGVANBAN"].Trim() : string.Empty;
                entity.DOMAT_ID          = fc["DOMAT_ID"].ToIntOrZero();
                entity.SOVANBANDEN_ID    = fc["SOVANBANDEN_ID"].ToIntOrZero();
                entity.SODITHEOSO        = fc["SODITHEOSO"].Trim();
                entity.NGAYCONGTAC       = fc["NGAYCONGTAC"].ToDateTime();
                entity.GIO_CONGTAC       = fc["GIO_CONGTAC"].ToIntOrNULL();
                entity.PHUT_CONGTAC      = fc["PHUT_CONGTAC"].ToIntOrNULL();
                entity.SODITHEOSO_NUMBER = int.Parse(entity.SODITHEOSO);
                entity.MA_DANGKY         = fc["MA_DANGKY"];
                entity.LOAI_COQUAN_ID    = fc["LOAI_COQUAN_ID"].ToIntOrNULL();
                entity.SO_BAN            = fc["SO_BAN"].ToIntOrNULL();
                entity.THONGTIN_LOAI_ID  = fc["THONGTIN_LOAI_ID"].ToIntOrNULL();
                entity.TACGIA            = fc["TACGIA"];
                entity.CONGVAN_DEN_ID    = fc["CONGVAN_DEN_ID"].ToIntOrNULL();
                entity.THOIHAN_GIAIQUYET = fc["THOIHAN_GIAIQUYET"].ToDateTime();
                List <long> ListUser = new List <long>();
                if (entity.ID == 0)
                    entity.NGAYTAO  = DateTime.Now;
                    entity.NGUOITAO = currentUser.ID;
                    entity.NGAYSUA  = DateTime.Now;
                    entity.NGUOISUA = currentUser.ID;
                    #region insert elastic search
                    ElasticModel model = ElasticModel.ConvertVanBanDen(entity, ListUser);
                    ElasticSearch.insertDocument(model, model.Id.ToString(), ElasticType.VanBanDen);
                    JsonResultBO processResult = wfProcessBusiness.AddFlow(entity.ID, MODULE_CONSTANT.VANBANDEN, currentUser);
                    if (processResult.Status)
                        uploadFileTool.UploadFiles(filebase, extensionOfVanBanDen.Split(',').ToList(), uploadFolder, filename, entity.ID, LOAITAILIEU.VANBANDEN, maxSizeOfVanBanDen, currentUser);
                    //cập nhật số đi theo sổ
                    dmDanhMucDataBusiness.UpdateSoVanBan(entity.SOVANBANDEN_ID.GetValueOrDefault(), entity.SODITHEOSO.ToIntOrZero());
                    HSCV_VANBANDEN dbEntity = hscvVanBanDenBusiness.Find(entity.ID);

                    dbEntity.SOHIEU           = entity.SOHIEU;
                    dbEntity.TRICHYEU         = entity.TRICHYEU;
                    dbEntity.SOTRANG          = entity.SOTRANG;
                    dbEntity.DONVI_ID         = entity.DONVI_ID;
                    dbEntity.LOAIVANBAN_ID    = entity.LOAIVANBAN_ID;
                    dbEntity.LINHVUCVANBAN_ID = entity.LINHVUCVANBAN_ID;
                    dbEntity.DOKHAN_ID        = entity.DOKHAN_ID;
                    dbEntity.NGAY_HIEULUC     = entity.NGAY_HIEULUC;
                    dbEntity.NGAYHET_HIEULUC  = entity.NGAYHET_HIEULUC;
                    dbEntity.NGAY_VANBAN      = entity.NGAY_VANBAN;
                    dbEntity.NGAY_BANHANH     = entity.NGAY_BANHANH;
                    dbEntity.NGUOIKY          = entity.NGUOIKY;
                    dbEntity.CHUCVU           = entity.CHUCVU;
                    dbEntity.NOIDUNG          = entity.NOIDUNG;
                    dbEntity.DOMAT_ID         = entity.DOMAT_ID;

                    dbEntity.NGAYCONGTAC       = entity.NGAYCONGTAC;
                    dbEntity.SOVANBANDEN_ID    = entity.SOVANBANDEN_ID;
                    dbEntity.SODITHEOSO        = entity.SODITHEOSO;
                    dbEntity.SODITHEOSO_NUMBER = entity.SODITHEOSO_NUMBER;

                    dbEntity.GIO_CONGTAC  = entity.GIO_CONGTAC;
                    dbEntity.PHUT_CONGTAC = entity.PHUT_CONGTAC;

                    dbEntity.MA_DANGKY              = entity.MA_DANGKY;
                    dbEntity.LOAI_COQUAN_ID         = entity.LOAI_COQUAN_ID;
                    dbEntity.SO_BAN                 = entity.SO_BAN;
                    dbEntity.THONGTIN_LOAI_ID       = entity.THONGTIN_LOAI_ID;
                    dbEntity.TACGIA                 = entity.TACGIA;
                    dbEntity.CONGVAN_DEN_ID         = entity.CONGVAN_DEN_ID;
                    dbEntity.THOIHAN_GIAIQUYET      = entity.THOIHAN_GIAIQUYET;
                    dbEntity.NGUOINHAN_TRUCTIEP_IDS = entity.NGUOINHAN_TRUCTIEP_IDS;
                    dbEntity.NGAYSUA                = DateTime.Now;
                    dbEntity.NGUOISUA               = currentUser.ID;

                    uploadFileTool.UploadFiles(filebase, extensionOfVanBanDen.Split(',').ToList(), uploadFolder, filename, dbEntity.ID, LOAITAILIEU.VANBANDEN, maxSizeOfVanBanDen, currentUser);

                    #region update elastic
                    ElasticModel model = ElasticModel.ConvertVanBanDen(dbEntity, ListUser);
                    ElasticSearch.updateDocument(model, model.Id.ToString(), ElasticType.VanBanDen);
                return(RedirectToAction("DetailVanBanDen", new { id = entity.ID }));
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #28
        // Return a Model Object with index View and fill the data from Assets / Database
        public ActionResult Index([FromBody] OIDCRequest request)
            // Model Object Declerations
            ParentModel     obj      = new ParentModel();
            Form9035        form     = new Form9035();
            Lists           allLists = new Lists();
            OrchestratorAPI api      = new OrchestratorAPI();
            // Add starting point on ES
            ElasticSearch es     = new ElasticSearch();
            string        bal_no = "";

            ViewBag.id_no = "";
            string errorMessage = "";

                AppSettingsValues appKeys = GetAppSettings.GetAppSettingsValues();
                string            url     = Request.Url.ToString();
                // LOCAL USE : Comment this 2 lines whenever you need to publish and push the code these are only for local use
                // add the case no. and the id no. whenever you're debugging and using this as local
                if (url.Contains("localhost"))
                    //for staging localhost
                    request.State = "'+bal_no=1615.54312.7;id_no=BOT0001711;-5791a545d45a92763d8216ffb7004e3ebc32226af366113cf24975ea00014d51+";
                    request.State = "'+bal_no=91.147449.2;id_no=43383;-5791a545d45a92763d8216ffb7004e3ebc32226af366113cf24975ea00014d51+";
                    request.Code  = "182635";
                TempData["Error"] = "";
                string filter            = "";
                string encryptedData     = "";
                string decodeData        = "";
                string data              = "";
                string ListencryptedData = "";
                if ((request.Code != null && request.Code != "") && (request.State != null && request.State != ""))
                    // GET The username which try to access this page
                    string sUserName = null;

                    if (url.Contains("localhost"))
                        sUserName = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;
                        sUserName = User.Identity.Name;
                    // Extract the username from the identity
                    Log.Info("The User identity Name is : " + sUserName);
                    string[] spliUser = sUserName.Split('\\');
                    sUserName = spliUser[1];
                    Log.Info("The User Name is : " + sUserName);
                    // Split the request string and extract BAL Number and ID Number
                    string              stateStr    = request.State.ToString().Substring(2);
                    string[]            stateArray  = stateStr.Split('-');
                    string              splitArray  = stateArray[0].Replace(";", "&");
                    NameValueCollection queryString = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(splitArray);
                    bal_no = queryString["bal_no"].ToString();
                    // Save into ViewBags for JS Use
                    ViewBag.id_no    = queryString["id_no"];
                    ViewBag.bal_no   = bal_no;
                    ViewBag.email_id = sUserName;
                    // Entry point on ES
                    if (es.AddESLog(ViewBag.bal_no, ViewBag.id_no, out errorMessage) == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)
                        Log.Info(bal_no + ": Process : Draft9089 -  Error Occurred while Calling ES. See ES Log File for further details");
                    // Getting UIPATH Token
                    string token = api.Authentication(appKeys.isDevelopmentEnvironment);
                    Log.Info("Bal Number : " + bal_no + " Process : Draft 9035 Page Loading, Message :  All variables has been initialized successfully.");
                    // get n check if asset exist
                    filter = "?$filter=Name eq '" + bal_no + "'";
                    AssetModel assetModel = api.GetAsset(token, filter);
                    // Extracting the Encrypted Data String
                    foreach (var item in assetModel.value)
                        // 9035 Model Value
                        if (!item.Name.Contains("Lists"))
                            if (encryptedData == "")
                                encryptedData = item.Value;
                                encryptedData += item.Value;
                        // List Model Value
                        else if (item.Name.Contains("Lists"))
                            if (ListencryptedData == "")
                                ListencryptedData = item.Value;
                                ListencryptedData += item.Value;
                    // decode and deserialize data if exists form9035 object
                    if (encryptedData != "")
                        // 9035 Object Decryption
                        decodeData = SecureData.AesDecryptString(appKeys.SecretKey, encryptedData);
                        if (decodeData != "")
                            data = CompressString.Unzip(decodeData);
                            form = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Form9035>(data);
                            Log.Info("Bal Number : " + bal_no + " Process : Draft 9035 Page Loading, Message :  Form9035 Data has been decrypted successfully.");
                    // List Object Data Decryption
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ListencryptedData))
                        decodeData = SecureData.AesDecryptString(appKeys.SecretKey, ListencryptedData);
                        if (decodeData != "")
                            data     = CompressString.Unzip(decodeData);
                            allLists = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Lists>(data);
                            Log.Info("Bal Number : " + bal_no + " Process : Draft 9035 Page Loading, Message :  Lists Data has been decrypted successfully.");
                    // if data not exist check from SQL
                    if (assetModel.value.Count <= 0)
                        //string query = @"select * from BAL9035";
                        // string query = @"select * from BAL9035 where BALNumber='20000.50054.51'";
                        string query = @"select c.CompanyName, c.CompanyNumber, c.IsH1BDependent as 'Company H-1B Dependent', ce.EntityName as 'Sponsoring Entity', ce.IsH1BDependent as 'Entity H-1B Dependent',
                                        b.MatterNumber, b.FullName as 'Beneficiary', b.JobPosition as 'Beneficiary Job Title',
                                        cc.BALNumber, cst.CaseSubType, --max of 6
                                        lca.SocCode, lca.SocOccupation, lca.BeginOfValidity, lca.EndOfValidity, lca.WageRangeLow, lca.WageRangeHigh, lca.WageLevel, lca.NumberOfPositions,
                                        bt1.StaffFirstName as 'Attorney First Name', bt1.StaffMiddleName as 'Attorney Middle Name', bt1.StaffLastName as 'Attorney Last Name', bt1.StaffEmail as 'Attorney Email',
                                        bt2.StaffFirstName as 'Assistant First Name', bt2.StaffMiddleName as 'Assistant Middle Name', bt2.StaffLastName as 'Assistant Last Name', bt2.StaffEmail as 'Assistant Email',
                                        bt3.ContactFirstName as 'Signer First Name', bt3.ContactMiddleName as 'Signer Middle Name', bt3.ContactLastName as 'Signer Last Name', bt3.JobTitle as 'Signer Job',
                                        ca.AddressLine1, ca.AddressLine2, ca.Suite, ca.City, ca.State, ca.ZipCode, l.PrevailingWage, l.PrevailingWageSource, l.PrevailingWagePublishedYear, l.PrevailingWageOther,
                                        p.BALNumber as 'Parent Case Number', ps.CaseSubType as 'ParentCaseSubType'
                                        from ClientCase cc
                                        inner join Beneficiary b on b.beneid = cc.BeneId
                                        inner join Company c on c.CompanyId = b.CompanyId
                                        inner join LCADetail lca on lca.CaseId = cc.CaseId
                                        left join CompanyEntity ce on ce.CompanyEntityId = cc.SponsorEntityId
                                        inner join casecontacts cc1 (nolock) on cc.caseid = cc1.caseid and cc1.casecontacttype = 'BAL_MANAGER' and cc1.isprimary = 1
                                        inner join balteam bt1 (nolock) on cc1.userid = bt1.userid
                                        inner join casecontacts cc2 (nolock) on cc.caseid = cc2.caseid and cc2.casecontacttype = 'BAL_ASSISTANT' and cc2.isprimary = 1
                                        inner join balteam bt2 (nolock) on cc2.userid = bt2.userid
                                        left join casecontacts cc3 (nolock) on cc.caseid = cc3.caseid and cc3.casecontacttype = 'SIGNER'
                                        left join CompanyContacts bt3 (nolock) on cc3.userid = bt3.userid
                                        --inner join CaseAddress a on a.CaseId = cc.CaseId
                                        left join CaseCompanyAddressLink l on l.CaseId = cc.CaseId
                                        left join CompanyAddress ca on ca.CompanyAddressId = l.CompanyAddressId
                                        inner join CaseSubTypeRel r on r.CaseId = cc.CaseId
                                        inner join CaseSubTypes cst on cst.MetaDataId = r.MetaDataId
                                        left join ClientCase p on cc.ParentCaseId = p.CaseId
                                        left join CaseSubTypeRel pr on pr.CaseId = p.CaseId
                                        left join CaseSubTypes ps on ps.MetaDataId = pr.MetaDataId
                                        where CC.BALNumber = '" + bal_no + "' order by cc.BALNumber";
                        // Calling db object and sending the query and returning the DataTable
                        Database  db = new Database();
                        DataTable dt = db.SqlSelect(query);
                        // If Results found map data else send Error message
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            // Mapping DataTable to the 9035 and Lists object
                            MapDbData dbData = new MapDbData();
                            form     = dbData.MapdbResult(dt);
                            allLists = dbData.CreateLists(dt, bal_no);
                            dbData.AssignValue(form, allLists.parentCaseSubTypes);
                            Log.Info("Bal Number : " + bal_no + " Process : Draft 9035 Page Loading, Message :  Data from SQL Query has been generated successfully.");
                            Log.Info("Bal Number : " + bal_no + ": Process : Draft9035 -  No Data Found from the SQL Query.");
                            TempData["Error"] = "You have entered an invalid case matter number. Please submit a new request with the correct matter number";
                            es.AddErrorESLog(ViewBag.id_no, "Business", "No Data Found from the SQL Query.", out errorMessage);
                            api.AddErrorQueueItem(ViewBag.id_no, TempData["Error"].ToString(), "Business", TempData["Error"].ToString(), "Failed", bal_no);
                    // Second Asset check n if it is submit case (NOT IN USE)
                    //ViewBag.isSubmit = false;
                    //filter = "?$filter=Name eq '" + ViewBag.id_no + "'";
                    //AssetModel idModel = api.GetAsset(token, filter);
                    //if (idModel.value.Count > 0 && assetModel.value.Count > 0)
                    //    foreach (var item in idModel.value)
                    //    {
                    //        if (item.Name == ViewBag.id_no)
                    //        {
                    //            ViewBag.isSubmit = true;
                    //        }
                    //    }
                    //form.isSubmit = false;
                    obj.Form9035 = form;
                    obj.Lists    = allLists;
                    Log.Info("Bal Number : " + bal_no + " Process : Draft 9035 Page Loading, Message : Process has been executued successfully returning an object to View.");
                    throw new Exception("HTTP Web Request Failed. The data in the URL is not found.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                TempData["Error"] = "Sorry, there seems to be an issue with your request.  Please send an email to #automationinfo with your ServiceNow ticket number and we will contact you shortly";
                Log.Error(ex, bal_no);
                es.AddErrorESLog(ViewBag.id_no, "Technical", ex.Message, out errorMessage);
                api.AddErrorQueueItem(ViewBag.id_no, ex.Message, "Technical", ex.Message, "In Progress", bal_no);
        // POST: api/AddCredentials
        // Create the Credential Asset on UIPATH Orchestrator
        public IHttpActionResult Post([FromBody] CredentialAsset bodyModel)
            string          assetResponse = "";
            Response        outResponse   = new Response();
            OrchestratorAPI api           = new OrchestratorAPI();
            ElasticSearch   es            = new ElasticSearch();
            string          logMsg        = "";
            string          errorMessage  = "";

                // Check if the Input Parameters has all the values or not
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bodyModel.Username) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(bodyModel.Password) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(bodyModel.Name) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(bodyModel.Email))
                    outResponse.success = false;
                    outResponse.message = "Sorry, there seems to be an issue with your request.  Please send an email to #automationinfo with your ServiceNow ticket number and we will contact you shortly.";
                    assetResponse       = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(outResponse);
                    logMsg = "Bal Number : " + bodyModel.Name + ", Proecess : Create Credential Asset, Message : Parameter : Username : "******"Password : "******" Name : " + bodyModel.Name + " Email : " + bodyModel.Email + " : Parameter is required.";
                    es.AddErrorESLog(bodyModel.Name, "Technical", "Credential Asset Parameter Missing", out errorMessage);
                    api.AddErrorQueueItem(bodyModel.Name, "Credential Asset Parameter Missing", "Technical", "Credential Asset Parameter Missing", "In Progress");
                string filter = "";
                //  Get the Config from AppSettings
                AppSettingsValues appKeys = GetAppSettings.GetAppSettingsValues();
                // UIPATH TOKEN
                string token = api.Authentication(appKeys.isDevelopmentEnvironment);
                // Send error message if the token is null
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token))
                    outResponse.success = false;
                    outResponse.message = "Sorry, there seems to be an issue with your request.  Please send an email to #automationinfo with your ServiceNow ticket number and we will contact you shortly.";
                    logMsg = "Bal Number : " + bodyModel.Name + ", Proecess : Create Credential Asset, Message : You are not been able to authenticated. Token : " + token;
                    es.AddErrorESLog(bodyModel.Name, "Technical", "UIPATH Token not generated. Authentication Failed.", out errorMessage);
                    api.AddErrorQueueItem(bodyModel.Name, "UIPATH Token not generated. Authentication Failed.", "Technical", "UIPATH Token not generated. Authentication Failed.", "In Progress");
                    // get n check if asset exist
                    filter = "?$filter=Name eq '" + bodyModel.Name + "'";
                    AssetModel assetModel = api.GetAsset(token, filter);
                    // create or update asset
                    Dictionary <string, object> assetBody = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                    assetBody.Add("Name", bodyModel.Name);
                    assetBody.Add("ValueScope", "Global");
                    assetBody.Add("ValueType", "Credential");
                    assetBody.Add("StringValue", "no idea");
                    assetBody.Add("CredentialUsername", bodyModel.Username);
                    assetBody.Add("CredentialPassword", bodyModel.Password);
                    assetResponse = api.CreateAsset(assetModel, token, assetBody);
                    // get n check if asset exist
                    assetModel = api.GetAsset(token, filter);
                    if (assetModel.value.Count > 0)
                        // Gets user old records and sets the new updated key against it
                        string esKeyID = "";
                        // gets the KeyID
                        string[] esResults   = es.GetESKey(bodyModel.Email, appKeys.LookupKey, out errorMessage);
                        string   initalKeyID = "";
                        if (esResults != null)
                            initalKeyID = esResults[1];
                        // Set the SecretKey against the KeyID
                        es.SetESKey(initalKeyID, bodyModel.Email, bodyModel.SecretKey, appKeys.LookupKey, out errorMessage, out esKeyID);

                        outResponse.success = true;
                        outResponse.message = esKeyID;
                        logMsg = "Bal Number : " + bodyModel.Name + " Process : Create Credential Asset, Message :  The method has been successfully exexuted.";
                        outResponse.success = false;
                        outResponse.message = "Sorry, there seems to be an issue with your request.  Please send an email to #automationinfo with your ServiceNow ticket number and we will contact you shortly.";
                        logMsg = "Bal Number : " + bodyModel.Name + " Process : Create Credential Asset, Message :  The asset has not been found";
                        es.AddErrorESLog(bodyModel.Name, "Technical", "The Credential Asset has not been created", out errorMessage);
                        api.AddErrorQueueItem(bodyModel.Name, "The Credential Asset has not been created", "Technical", "The Credential Asset has not been created", "In Progress");
            catch (Exception ex)
                outResponse.success = false;
                outResponse.message = "Sorry, there seems to be an issue with your request.  Please send an email to #automationinfo with your ServiceNow ticket number and we will contact you shortly.";
                Log.Error(ex, bodyModel.Name);
                es.AddErrorESLog(bodyModel.Name, "Technical", ex.Message, out errorMessage);
                api.AddErrorQueueItem(bodyModel.Name, ex.Message, "Technical", ex.Message, "In Progress");
            assetResponse = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(outResponse);
Пример #30
        public configurationController(
            IApplicationLifetime applicationLifetime,
            IWritableOptions <General> general_options,
            IWritableOptions <Database> database_options,
            IWritableOptions <Comments> comment_options,
            IWritableOptions <Smtp> smtp_options,
            IWritableOptions <Media> media_options,
            IWritableOptions <Features> features_options,
            IWritableOptions <Listing> listings_options,
            IWritableOptions <Authentication> authentication_options,
            IWritableOptions <Registration> registration_options,
            IWritableOptions <Aws> aws_options,
            IWritableOptions <Social> social_options,
            IWritableOptions <Contact> contact_options,
            IWritableOptions <Rechapcha> rechapcha_options,
            IWritableOptions <ElasticSearch> elasticsearch_options,
            IWritableOptions <ActiveCompaign> activecompany_options,
            IWritableOptions <Zendesk> zendesk_options,
            IOptions <General> generalSettings,
            IOptions <Comments> commentSettings,
            IOptions <Smtp> smtpSettings,
            IOptions <Media> mediaSettings,
            IOptions <Features> featureSettings,
            IOptions <Listing> listingSettings,
            IOptions <Authentication> authenticationSettings,
            IOptions <Registration> registrationSettings,
            IOptions <Aws> awsSettings,
            IOptions <Social> socialSettings,
            IOptions <Contact> contactSettings,
            IOptions <Rechapcha> rechapchaSettings,
            IOptions <ElasticSearch> elasticSearchSettings,
            IOptions <Zendesk> zendeskSettings,
            IOptions <ActiveCompaign> activeSettings,
            IOptions <Jugnoon.Blogs.Settings.General> blogs_general_Settings,
            IOptions <Jugnoon.Blogs.Settings.Aws> blogs_aws_Settings,
            ApplicationDbContext context

            _context = context;
            // writable injectors
            _database_options       = database_options;
            _general_options        = general_options;
            _comment_options        = comment_options;
            _smtp_options           = smtp_options;
            _media_options          = media_options;
            _features_options       = features_options;
            _listings_options       = listings_options;
            _authentication_options = authentication_options;
            _registration_options   = registration_options;
            _aws_options            = aws_options;
            _social_options         = social_options;
            _contact_options        = contact_options;
            _rechapcha_options      = rechapcha_options;
            _elasticsearch_options  = elasticsearch_options;
            _activecompaign_options = activecompany_options;
            _zendesk_options        = zendesk_options;

            ApplicationLifetime = applicationLifetime;
            // readable injectors
            _generalSettings        = generalSettings.Value;
            _commentSettings        = commentSettings.Value;
            _smtpSettings           = smtpSettings.Value;
            _mediaSettings          = mediaSettings.Value;
            _featureSettings        = featureSettings.Value;
            _listingSettings        = listingSettings.Value;
            _authenticationSettings = authenticationSettings.Value;
            _registrationSettings   = registrationSettings.Value;
            _awsSettings            = awsSettings.Value;

            _socialSettings        = socialSettings.Value;
            _contactSettings       = contactSettings.Value;
            _rechapchaSettings     = rechapchaSettings.Value;
            _elasticSearchSettings = elasticSearchSettings.Value;
            _zendeskSettings       = zendeskSettings.Value;
            _activeSettings        = activeSettings.Value;

            _blogs_general_Settings = blogs_general_Settings.Value;
            _blogs_aws_Settings     = blogs_aws_Settings.Value;