Пример #1
        public void EigenvalueDecompositionConstructorTest()
            // Symmetric test
            double[,] A =
                { 4, 2 },
                { 2, 4 }

            EigenvalueDecomposition target = new EigenvalueDecomposition(A);

            var D = target.DiagonalMatrix;
            var Q = target.Eigenvectors;

            double[,] expectedD =
                { 2, 0 },
                { 0, 6 }

            double[,] expectedQ =
                {  0.7071, 0.7071 },
                { -0.7071, 0.7071 }

            Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(expectedD, D, 0.00001));
            Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(expectedQ, Q, 0.0001));

            // Decomposition identity
            var actualA = Q.Multiply(D).Multiply(Q.Inverse());

            Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(expectedD, D, 0.00001));
            Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(A, actualA, 0.0001));
Пример #2
Файл: PCA.cs Проект: balhafni/cv
        public Matrix GetEigenVectorsMatrix(Matrix covarianceMatrix)
            EigenvalueDecomposition obj = new EigenvalueDecomposition(covarianceMatrix);

            //getting the eigen values of the covariance matrix
            double[] eigenValues = obj.RealEigenvalues;

            double[] eigenValues_Magnitudes = new double[eigenValues.Length];

            //to save the positions of the eigenvalues
            Dictionary <int, double> lookup = new Dictionary <int, double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < eigenValues.Length; i++)
                eigenValues_Magnitudes[i] = Math.Pow(eigenValues[i], 2);
                lookup.Add(i, eigenValues_Magnitudes[i]);

            //sort eigen valuesby magnitude

            //getting the eigenvectors
            Matrix eigenVectors = obj.EigenvectorMatrix;

            //keeping the first 30 eigenvectors
            Matrix eigenVectors_Matrix = new Matrix(covarianceMatrix.Rows, 30);

            for (int j = 0; j < eigenVectors_Matrix.Columns; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < eigenVectors_Matrix.Rows; i++)
                    eigenVectors_Matrix[i, j] = eigenVectors[i, lookup.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == eigenValues_Magnitudes[j]).Key];

Пример #3
        public void Random_NByN_Symetric(int n)
            Rectangular rand = new Rectangular();
            Matrix3     A    = rand.Randomfloat(n, n);

            A = A.Add(Matrix3.Transpose(A));

            /// Any matrix added to its transpose will be symetric
            Assert.That(StandardMatrixTests.IsSymetric(A), Is.True);

            EigenvalueDecomposition EofA = new EigenvalueDecomposition(A);

            Matrix3 V = EofA.V;

            // V is orthogonal V times V transpose is the identity
            Assert.That(Matrix3.Mult(V, Matrix3.Transpose(V)).ToFloatArray(), Is.EqualTo(Matrix3.Identity.ToFloatArray()).Within(.0000001));

            Matrix3 D    = EofA.getD();
            Matrix3 test = Matrix3.Mult(D, Matrix3.Transpose(V));

            test = Matrix3.Mult(V, test);

            Assert.That(test.ToFloatArray(), Is.EqualTo(A.ToFloatArray()).Within(.0000001).Percent);
Пример #4
        //function used for the faces' database : called just one time
        public EigenFace(double[,] data1)
            //INPUT : data -> matrix of all face's coordinates
            //Using the ACCORD framework. For all matrix operations
            data             = data1;
            distanceData     = new double[data.GetLongLength(1), n];
            distanceMouth    = new double[data.GetLongLength(1), coupleDistanceMouth.Length];
            distanceEyeLeft  = new double[data.GetLongLength(1), coupledistanceEyeLeft.Length];
            distanceEyeRight = new double[data.GetLongLength(1), coupledistanceEyeRight.Length];

            double[,] mReduce     = new double[data.GetLowerBound(1), data.GetLowerBound(2)];
            double[,] mReduceM    = new double[distanceMouth.GetLowerBound(1), distanceMouth.GetLowerBound(2)];
            double[,] mReduceEyeL = new double[distanceEyeLeft.GetLowerBound(1), distanceEyeLeft.GetLowerBound(2)];
            double[,] mReduceEyeR = new double[distanceEyeRight.GetLowerBound(1), distanceEyeRight.GetLowerBound(2)];

            vectorMean     = new double[data.GetLowerBound(2)];
            vectorMeanM    = new double[distanceMouth.GetLowerBound(2)];
            vectorMeanEyeL = new double[distanceEyeLeft.GetLowerBound(2)];
            vectorMeanEyeR = new double[distanceEyeRight.GetLowerBound(2)];

            Cov     = new double[data.GetLowerBound(2), data.GetLowerBound(2)];
            CovM    = new double[distanceMouth.GetLowerBound(2), distanceMouth.GetLowerBound(2)];
            CovEyeL = new double[distanceEyeLeft.GetLowerBound(2), distanceEyeLeft.GetLowerBound(2)];
            CovEyeR = new double[distanceEyeRight.GetLowerBound(2), distanceEyeRight.GetLowerBound(2)];

            eigenVectors     = new double[Cov.GetLowerBound(1), Cov.GetLowerBound(2)];
            eigenVectorsM    = new double[CovM.GetLowerBound(1), CovM.GetLowerBound(2)];
            eigenVectorsEyeL = new double[CovEyeL.GetLowerBound(1), CovEyeL.GetLowerBound(2)];
            eigenVectorsEyeR = new double[CovEyeR.GetLowerBound(1), CovEyeR.GetLowerBound(2)];

            epsilon     = new double[nEigenValue, data.GetLowerBound(1)];
            epsilonM    = new double[nEigenValue, data.GetLowerBound(1)];
            epsilonEyeL = new double[nEigenValue, data.GetLowerBound(1)];
            epsilonEyeR = new double[nEigenValue, data.GetLowerBound(1)];

            for (int j = 0; j < data.GetLongLength(1); j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < coupleDistanceMouth.Length; i++)
                    xa = data[j, coupleDistanceMouth[i, 0]];
                    xb = data[j, coupleDistanceMouth[i, 1]];
                    ya = data[j, (coupleDistanceMouth[i, 0]) + 1];
                    yb = data[j, (coupleDistanceMouth[i, 1]) + 1];
                    distanceData[j, i]  = distance(xa, xb, ya, yb, 0, 0);
                    distanceMouth[j, i] = distance(xa, xb, ya, yb, 0, 0);
                for (int i = 0; i < coupledistanceEyeLeft.Length; i++)
                    xa = data[j, coupledistanceEyeLeft[i, 0]];
                    xb = data[j, coupledistanceEyeLeft[i, 1]];
                    ya = data[j, (coupledistanceEyeLeft[i, 0]) + 1];
                    yb = data[j, (coupledistanceEyeLeft[i, 1]) + 1];
                    distanceData[j, i]    = distance(xa, xb, ya, yb, 0, 0);
                    distanceEyeLeft[j, i] = distance(xa, xb, ya, yb, 0, 0);
                for (int i = 0; i < coupledistanceEyeRight.Length; i++)
                    xa = data[j, coupledistanceEyeRight[i, 0]];
                    xb = data[j, coupledistanceEyeRight[i, 1]];
                    ya = data[j, (coupledistanceEyeRight[i, 0]) + 1];
                    yb = data[j, (coupledistanceEyeRight[i, 1]) + 1];
                    distanceData[j, i]     = distance(xa, xb, ya, yb, 0, 0);
                    distanceEyeRight[j, i] = distance(xa, xb, ya, yb, 0, 0);

            //calculations of mean for each data matrix
            vectorMean     = data.Mean(2);
            vectorMeanM    = distanceMouth.Mean(2);
            vectorMeanEyeL = distanceEyeLeft.Mean(2);
            vectorMeanEyeR = distanceEyeRight.Mean(2);

            //calculations of reduced matrix
            mReduce     = data.Subtract(vectorMean, 1);
            mReduceM    = distanceMouth.Subtract(vectorMeanM, 1);
            mReduceEyeL = distanceEyeLeft.Subtract(vectorMeanEyeL, 1);
            mReduceEyeR = distanceEyeRight.Subtract(vectorMeanEyeR, 1);

            //calculations of covariance matrix
            Cov     = mReduce.Covariance();
            CovM    = mReduceM.Covariance();
            CovEyeL = mReduceEyeL.Covariance();
            CovEyeR = mReduceEyeR.Covariance();

            //calculations of eigenvectors : is equivalent to the matlab function [V,D] = eig(A)
            eigenVectors     = new EigenvalueDecomposition(Cov).Eigenvectors;
            eigenVectorsM    = new EigenvalueDecomposition(CovM).Eigenvectors;
            eigenVectorsEyeL = new EigenvalueDecomposition(CovEyeL).Eigenvectors;
            eigenVectorsEyeR = new EigenvalueDecomposition(CovEyeR).Eigenvectors;

            //with the three last eigenvalues
            indexOflastEigenValues[0]     = eigenVectors.GetLowerBound(2) - 2; indexOflastEigenValues[1] = eigenVectors.GetLowerBound(2) - 1; indexOflastEigenValues[2] = eigenVectors.GetLowerBound(2);
            indexOflastEigenValuesM[0]    = eigenVectorsM.GetLowerBound(2) - 2; indexOflastEigenValuesM[1] = eigenVectorsM.GetLowerBound(2) - 1; indexOflastEigenValuesM[2] = eigenVectorsM.GetLowerBound(2);
            indexOflastEigenValuesEyeL[0] = eigenVectorsEyeL.GetLowerBound(2) - 2; indexOflastEigenValuesEyeL[1] = eigenVectorsEyeL.GetLowerBound(2) - 1; indexOflastEigenValuesEyeL[2] = eigenVectorsEyeL.GetLowerBound(2);
            indexOflastEigenValuesEyeR[0] = eigenVectorsEyeR.GetLowerBound(2) - 2; indexOflastEigenValuesEyeR[1] = eigenVectorsEyeR.GetLowerBound(2) - 1; indexOflastEigenValuesEyeR[2] = eigenVectorsEyeR.GetLowerBound(2);

            epsilon     = eigenVectors.GetColumns(indexOflastEigenValues).Transpose().Multiply(mReduce.Transpose());
            epsilonM    = eigenVectorsM.GetColumns(indexOflastEigenValuesM).Transpose().Multiply(mReduceM.Transpose());
            epsilonEyeL = eigenVectorsEyeL.GetColumns(indexOflastEigenValuesEyeL).Transpose().Multiply(mReduceEyeL.Transpose());
            epsilonEyeR = eigenVectorsEyeR.GetColumns(indexOflastEigenValuesEyeR).Transpose().Multiply(mReduceEyeR.Transpose());
Пример #5
        public MultivariateLinearRegression Learn(double[][] x, double[] weights = null)
            this.NumberOfInputs = x.Columns();

            if (Method == PrincipalComponentMethod.Center || Method == PrincipalComponentMethod.Standardize)
                if (weights == null)
                    this.Means = x.Mean(dimension: 0);

                    double[][] matrix = Overwrite ? x : Jagged.CreateAs(x);
                    x.Subtract(Means, dimension: (VectorType)0, result: matrix);

                    if (Method == PrincipalComponentMethod.Standardize)
                        this.StandardDeviations = x.StandardDeviation(Means);
                        matrix.Divide(StandardDeviations, dimension: (VectorType)0, result: matrix);

                    var svd = new JaggedSingularValueDecomposition(matrix,
                                                                   computeLeftSingularVectors: false,
                                                                   computeRightSingularVectors: true,
                                                                   autoTranspose: true, inPlace: true);

                    SingularValues = svd.Diagonal;
                    Eigenvalues    = SingularValues.Pow(2);
                    Eigenvalues.Divide(x.Rows() - 1, result: Eigenvalues);
                    ComponentVectors = svd.RightSingularVectors.Transpose();
                    this.Means = x.WeightedMean(weights: weights);

                    double[][] matrix = Overwrite ? x : Jagged.CreateAs(x);
                    x.Subtract(Means, dimension: (VectorType)0, result: matrix);

                    if (Method == PrincipalComponentMethod.Standardize)
                        this.StandardDeviations = x.WeightedStandardDeviation(weights, Means);
                        matrix.Divide(StandardDeviations, dimension: (VectorType)0, result: matrix);

                    double[,] cov = x.WeightedCovariance(weights, Means);

                    var evd = new EigenvalueDecomposition(cov,
                                                          assumeSymmetric: true, sort: true);

                    Eigenvalues      = evd.RealEigenvalues;
                    SingularValues   = Eigenvalues.Sqrt();
                    ComponentVectors = Jagged.Transpose(evd.Eigenvectors);
            else if (Method == PrincipalComponentMethod.CovarianceMatrix ||
                     Method == PrincipalComponentMethod.CorrelationMatrix)
                if (weights != null)
                    throw new Exception();

                var evd = new JaggedEigenvalueDecomposition(x,
                                                            assumeSymmetric: true, sort: true);

                Eigenvalues      = evd.RealEigenvalues;
                SingularValues   = Eigenvalues.Sqrt();
                ComponentVectors = evd.Eigenvectors.Transpose();
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid method, this should never happen: {0}".Format(Method));

            if (Whiten)
                ComponentVectors.Divide(SingularValues, dimension: (VectorType)1, result: ComponentVectors);


        /// <summary>
        ///   Computes the Kernel Principal Component Analysis algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        public void Compute(int components)
            if (components < 0 || components > Source.GetLength(0))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "The number of components must be between 0 and " +
                          "the number of rows in your source data matrix.");

            int dimension = Source.GetLength(0);

            // If needed, center the source matrix
            sourceCentered = Adjust(Source, Overwrite);

            // Create the Gram (Kernel) Matrix
            this.kernelMatrix = new double[dimension, dimension];
            for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
                double[] row = sourceCentered.GetRow(i);
                for (int j = i; j < dimension; j++)
                    double k = kernel.Function(row, sourceCentered.GetRow(j));
                    kernelMatrix[i, j] = k; // Kernel matrix is symmetric
                    kernelMatrix[j, i] = k;

            // Center the Gram (Kernel) Matrix if requested
            double[,] Kc = centerFeatureSpace ? centerKernel(kernelMatrix) : kernelMatrix;

            // Perform the Eigenvalue Decomposition (EVD) of the Kernel matrix
            EigenvalueDecomposition evd = new EigenvalueDecomposition(Kc, assumeSymmetric: true);

            // Gets the Eigenvalues and corresponding Eigenvectors
            double[] evals = evd.RealEigenvalues;
            double[,] eigs = evd.Eigenvectors;

            // Sort eigenvalues and vectors in descending order
            eigs = Matrix.Sort(evals, eigs, new GeneralComparer(ComparerDirection.Descending, true));

            // Eliminate unwanted components
            if (components != Source.GetLength(0))
                eigs  = eigs.Submatrix(null, 0, components - 1);
                evals = evals.Submatrix(0, components - 1);

            if (threshold > 0)
                // We will be discarding less important
                // eigenvectors to conserve memory.

                // Calculate component proportions
                double sum = 0.0; // total variance
                for (int i = 0; i < evals.Length; i++)
                    sum += Math.Abs(evals[i]);

                if (sum > 0)
                    int keep = 0;

                    // Now we will detect how many components we have
                    //  have to keep in order to achieve the level of
                    //  explained variance specified by the threshold.

                    while (keep < components)
                        // Get the variance explained by the component
                        double explainedVariance = Math.Abs(evals[keep]);

                        // Check its proportion
                        double proportion = explainedVariance / sum;

                        // Now, if the component explains an
                        // enough proportion of the variance,
                        if (proportion > threshold)
                            keep++; // We can keep it.
                            break;  // Otherwise we can stop, since the
                        // components are ordered by variance.

                    if (keep != components)
                        if (keep > 0)
                            // Resize the vectors keeping only needed components
                            eigs  = eigs.Submatrix(0, components - 1, 0, keep - 1);
                            evals = evals.Submatrix(0, keep - 1);
                            // No component will be kept.
                            eigs  = new double[dimension, 0];
                            evals = new double[0];

            // Normalize eigenvectors
            if (centerFeatureSpace)
                for (int j = 0; j < evals.Length; j++)
                    double val = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(evals[j]));
                    for (int i = 0; i < eigs.GetLength(0); i++)
                        eigs[i, j] = eigs[i, j] / val;

            // Set analysis properties
            this.SingularValues  = new double[evals.Length];
            this.Eigenvalues     = evals;
            this.ComponentMatrix = eigs;

            // Project the original data into principal component space
            this.Result = Kc.Multiply(eigs);

            // Computes additional information about the analysis and creates the
            //  object-oriented structure to hold the principal components found.
Пример #7
 internal EigenElement(EigenvalueDecomposition data, int idx)
     Value  = data.RealEigenvalues[idx];
     Vector = data.EigenVectors.GetColumnVector(idx).CopyToArray();
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        ///   Learns a model that can map the given inputs to the desired outputs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">The model inputs.</param>
        /// <param name="weights">The weight of importance for each input sample.</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///   A model that has learned how to produce suitable outputs
        ///   given the input data <paramref name="x" />.
        /// </returns>
        public MultivariateLinearRegression Learn(double[][] x, double[] weights = null)
            this.NumberOfInputs = x.Columns();

            if (Method == PrincipalComponentMethod.Center || Method == PrincipalComponentMethod.Standardize)
                if (weights == null)
                    this.Means = x.Mean(dimension: 0);

                    double[][] matrix = Overwrite ? x : Jagged.CreateAs(x);
                    x.Subtract(Means, dimension: (VectorType)0, result: matrix);

                    if (Method == PrincipalComponentMethod.Standardize)
                        this.StandardDeviations = x.StandardDeviation(Means);
                        matrix.Divide(StandardDeviations, dimension: (VectorType)0, result: matrix);

                    //  The principal components of 'Source' are the eigenvectors of Cov(Source). Thus if we
                    //  calculate the SVD of 'matrix' (which is Source standardized), the columns of matrix V
                    //  (right side of SVD) will be the principal components of Source.

                    // Perform the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the matrix
                    var svd = new JaggedSingularValueDecomposition(matrix,
                                                                   computeLeftSingularVectors: false,
                                                                   computeRightSingularVectors: true,
                                                                   autoTranspose: true, inPlace: true);

                    SingularValues = svd.Diagonal;
                    Eigenvalues    = SingularValues.Pow(2);
                    Eigenvalues.Divide(x.Rows() - 1, result: Eigenvalues);
                    ComponentVectors = svd.RightSingularVectors.Transpose();
                    this.Means = x.WeightedMean(weights: weights);

                    double[][] matrix = Overwrite ? x : Jagged.CreateAs(x);
                    x.Subtract(Means, dimension: (VectorType)0, result: matrix);

                    if (Method == PrincipalComponentMethod.Standardize)
                        this.StandardDeviations = x.WeightedStandardDeviation(weights, Means);
                        matrix.Divide(StandardDeviations, dimension: (VectorType)0, result: matrix);

                    double[,] cov = x.WeightedCovariance(weights, Means);

                    // Perform the Eigenvalue Decomposition of the covariance
                    // We only have the covariance matrix. Compute the Eigenvalue decomposition
                    var evd = new EigenvalueDecomposition(cov,
                                                          assumeSymmetric: true, sort: true);

                    // Gets the Eigenvalues and corresponding Eigenvectors
                    Eigenvalues      = evd.RealEigenvalues;
                    SingularValues   = Eigenvalues.Sqrt();
                    ComponentVectors = Jagged.Transpose(evd.Eigenvectors);
            else if (Method == PrincipalComponentMethod.CovarianceMatrix ||
                     Method == PrincipalComponentMethod.CorrelationMatrix)
                if (weights != null)
                    throw new Exception();

                // We only have the covariance matrix. Compute the Eigenvalue decomposition
                var evd = new JaggedEigenvalueDecomposition(x,
                                                            assumeSymmetric: true, sort: true);

                // Gets the Eigenvalues and corresponding Eigenvectors
                Eigenvalues      = evd.RealEigenvalues;
                SingularValues   = Eigenvalues.Sqrt();
                ComponentVectors = evd.Eigenvectors.Transpose();
                // The method type should have been validated before we even entered this section
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid method, this should never happen: {0}".Format(Method));

            if (Whiten)
                ComponentVectors.Divide(SingularValues, dimension: (VectorType)1, result: ComponentVectors);

            // Computes additional information about the analysis and creates the
            //  object-oriented structure to hold the principal components found.

Пример #9

        #region Public Methods
        /// <summary>Computes the Kernel Principal Component Analysis algorithm.</summary>
        public override void Compute()
            int rows = Source.GetLength(0);

            // Center (adjust) the source matrix
            sourceCentered = Adjust(Source, Overwrite);

            // Create the Gram (Kernel) Matrix
            double[,] K = new double[rows, rows];
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                for (int j = i; j < rows; j++)
                    double k = kernel.Function(sourceCentered.GetRow(i), sourceCentered.GetRow(j));
                    K[i, j] = k; // Kernel matrix is symmetric
                    K[j, i] = k;

            // Center the Gram (Kernel) Matrix
            if (centerFeatureSpace)
                K = centerKernel(K);

            // Perform the Eigenvalue Decomposition (EVD) of the Kernel matrix
            EigenvalueDecomposition evd = new EigenvalueDecomposition(K, true);

            // Gets the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors
            double[] evals = evd.RealEigenvalues;
            double[,] eigs = evd.Eigenvectors;

            // Sort eigenvalues and vectors in descending order
            eigs = Matrix.Sort(evals, eigs, new GeneralComparer(ComparerDirection.Descending, true));

            if (threshold > 0)
                // Calculate proportions in advance
                double sum = 0.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < evals.Length; i++)
                    sum += System.Math.Abs(evals[i]);

                if (sum > 0)
                    sum = 1.0 / sum;

                    // Discard less important eigenvectors to conserve memory
                    int keep = 0; while (keep < evals.Length &&
                                         System.Math.Abs(evals[keep]) * sum > threshold)
                    eigs  = eigs.Submatrix(0, evals.Length - 1, 0, keep - 1);
                    evals = evals.Submatrix(0, keep - 1);

            // Normalize eigenvectors
            if (centerFeatureSpace)
                for (int j = 0; j < evals.Length; j++)
                    double eig = System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Abs(evals[j]));
                    for (int i = 0; i < eigs.GetLength(0); i++)
                        eigs[i, j] = eigs[i, j] / eig;

            // Set analysis properties
            this.SingularValues  = new double[evals.Length];
            this.Eigenvalues     = evals;
            this.ComponentMatrix = eigs;

            // Project the original data into principal component space
            this.Result = K.Multiply(eigs);

            // Computes additional information about the analysis and creates the
            //  object-oriented structure to hold the principal components found.
Пример #10
        public static double[,] GetEigenMatrix(this double[,] matrix)
            var dec = new EigenvalueDecomposition(matrix);

Пример #11

        #region Public Methods
        /// <summary>
        ///   Computes the Multi-Class Kernel Discriminant Analysis algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Compute()
            // Get some initial information
            int dimension = Source.GetLength(0);

            double[,] source = Source;
            double total = dimension;

            // Create the Gram (Kernel) Matrix
            double[,] K = new double[dimension, dimension];
            for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
                for (int j = i; j < dimension; j++)
                    double s = kernel.Function(source.GetRow(i), source.GetRow(j));
                    K[i, j] = s;
                    K[j, i] = s;

            // Compute entire data set measures
            base.Means = Tools.Mean(K);
            base.StandardDeviations = Tools.StandardDeviation(K, Means);

            // Initialize the kernel analogue scatter matrices
            double[,] Sb = new double[dimension, dimension];
            double[,] Sw = new double[dimension, dimension];

            // For each class
            for (int c = 0; c < Classes.Count; c++)
                // Get the Kernel matrix class subset
                double[,] Kc = K.Submatrix(Classes[c].Indexes);
                int count = Kc.GetLength(0);

                // Get the Kernel matrix class mean
                double[] mean = Tools.Mean(Kc);

                // Construct the Kernel equivalent of the Within-Class Scatter matrix
                double[,] Swi = Tools.Scatter(Kc, mean, (double)count);

                // Sw = Sw + Swi
                for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++)
                        Sw[i, j] += Swi[i, j];

                // Construct the Kernel equivalent of the Between-Class Scatter matrix
                double[] d = mean.Subtract(base.Means);
                double[,] Sbi = d.Multiply(d.Transpose()).Multiply(total);

                // Sb = Sb + Sbi
                for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++)
                        Sb[i, j] += Sbi[i, j];

                // Store additional information
                base.ClassScatter[c]            = Swi;
                base.ClassCount[c]              = count;
                base.ClassMeans[c]              = mean;
                base.ClassStandardDeviations[c] = Tools.StandardDeviation(Kc, mean);

            // Add regularization
            for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
                Sw[i, i] += regularization;

            // Compute eigen value decomposition
            double[,] C = Matrix.Inverse(Sw).Multiply(Sb);
            EigenvalueDecomposition evd = new EigenvalueDecomposition(C);

            // Gets the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors
            double[] evals = evd.RealEigenvalues;
            double[,] eigs = evd.Eigenvectors;

            // Sort eigen values and vectors in ascending order
            eigs = Matrix.Sort(evals, eigs, new GeneralComparer(ComparerDirection.Descending, true));

            if (threshold > 0)
                // Calculate proportions earlier
                double sum = 0.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
                    sum += System.Math.Abs(evals[i]);

                if (sum > 0)
                    sum = 1.0 / sum;

                    // Discard less important eigenvectors to conserve memory
                    int keep = 0; while (keep < dimension &&
                                         System.Math.Abs(evals[keep]) * sum > threshold)
                    eigs  = eigs.Submatrix(0, dimension - 1, 0, keep - 1);
                    evals = evals.Submatrix(0, keep - 1);

            // Store information
            base.Eigenvalues         = evals;
            base.DiscriminantMatrix  = eigs;
            base.ScatterBetweenClass = Sb;
            base.ScatterWithinClass  = Sw;

            // Compute feature space means for later classification
            for (int c = 0; c < Classes.Count; c++)
                double[] mean = new double[eigs.GetLength(1)];
                for (int i = 0; i < eigs.GetLength(0); i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < eigs.GetLength(1); j++)
                        mean[j] += ClassMeans[c][i] * eigs[i, j];
                kernelClassMeans[c] = mean;

            // Computes additional information about the analysis and creates the
            //  object-oriented structure to hold the discriminants found.
Пример #12
        /// <summary>An exception is thrown at the end of the process,
        /// if any error is encountered.</summary>
        [Test] public void AllTests()
            Matrix A, B, C, Z, O, I, R, S, X, SUB, M, T, SQ, DEF, SOL;
            int    errorCount   = 0;
            int    warningCount = 0;
            double tmp;

            double[] columnwise = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0 };
            double[] rowwise    = { 1.0, 4.0, 7.0, 10.0, 2.0, 5.0, 8.0, 11.0, 3.0, 6.0, 9.0, 12.0 };
            double[,] avals      = { { 1.0, 4.0, 7.0, 10.0 }, { 2.0, 5.0, 8.0, 11.0 }, { 3.0, 6.0, 9.0, 12.0 } };
            double[,] rankdef    = avals;
            double[,] tvals      = { { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }, { 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 }, { 7.0, 8.0, 9.0 }, { 10.0, 11.0, 12.0 } };
            double[,] subavals   = { { 5.0, 8.0, 11.0 }, { 6.0, 9.0, 12.0 } };
            double[,] pvals      = { { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }, { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }, { 1.0, 3.0, 6.0 } };
            double[,] ivals      = { { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 } };
            double[,] evals      = { { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, { 1.0, 0.0, 2e-7, 0.0 }, { 0.0, -2e-7, 0.0, 1.0 }, { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 } };
            double[,] square     = { { 166.0, 188.0, 210.0 }, { 188.0, 214.0, 240.0 }, { 210.0, 240.0, 270.0 } };
            double[,] sqSolution = { { 13.0 }, { 15.0 } };
            double[,] condmat    = { { 1.0, 3.0 }, { 7.0, 9.0 } };
            int rows = 3, cols = 4;
            int invalidld = 5;                  /* should trigger bad shape for construction with val */
            int validld = 3;                    /* leading dimension of intended test Matrices */
            int nonconformld = 4;               /* leading dimension which is valid, but nonconforming */
            int ib = 1, ie = 2, jb = 1, je = 3; /* index ranges for sub Matrix */

            int[]  rowindexset       = new int[] { 1, 2 };
            int[]  badrowindexset    = new int[] { 1, 3 };
            int[]  columnindexset    = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
            int[]  badcolumnindexset = new int[] { 1, 2, 4 };
            double columnsummax      = 33.0;
            double rowsummax         = 30.0;
            double sumofdiagonals    = 15;
            double sumofsquares      = 650;

            // Constructors and constructor-like methods:
            // double[], int
            // double[,]
            // int, int
            // int, int, double
            // int, int, double[,]
            // Create(double[,])
            // Random(int,int)
            // Identity(int)

            print("\nTesting constructors and constructor-like methods...\n");
                // check that exception is thrown in packed constructor with invalid length
                A          = new Matrix(columnwise, invalidld);
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "Catch invalid length in packed constructor... ", "exception not thrown for invalid input");
            catch (System.ArgumentException e)
                try_success("Catch invalid length in packed constructor... ", e.Message);

            A           = new Matrix(columnwise, validld);
            B           = new Matrix(avals);
            tmp         = B[0, 0];
            avals[0, 0] = 0.0;
            C           = B - A;
            avals[0, 0] = tmp;
            B           = Matrix.Create(avals);
            tmp         = B[0, 0];
            avals[0, 0] = 0.0;
            if ((tmp - B[0, 0]) != 0.0)
                // check that Create behaves properly
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "Create... ", "Copy not effected... data visible outside");
                try_success("Create... ", "");
            avals[0, 0] = columnwise[0];
            I           = new Matrix(ivals);
                check(I, Matrix.Identity(3, 4));
                try_success("Identity... ", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "Identity... ", "Identity Matrix not successfully created");

            // Access Methods:
            // getColumnDimension()
            // getRowDimension()
            // getArray()
            // getArrayCopy()
            // getColumnPackedCopy()
            // getRowPackedCopy()
            // get(int,int)
            // GetMatrix(int,int,int,int)
            // GetMatrix(int,int,int[])
            // GetMatrix(int[],int,int)
            // GetMatrix(int[],int[])
            // set(int,int,double)
            // SetMatrix(int,int,int,int,Matrix)
            // SetMatrix(int,int,int[],Matrix)
            // SetMatrix(int[],int,int,Matrix)
            // SetMatrix(int[],int[],Matrix)

            print("\nTesting access methods...\n");

            // Various get methods
            B = new Matrix(avals);
            if (B.RowCount != rows)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "getRowDimension... ", "");
                try_success("getRowDimension... ", "");
            if (B.ColumnCount != cols)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "getColumnDimension... ", "");
                try_success("getColumnDimension... ", "");
            B = new Matrix(avals);
            double[,] barray = (Matrix)B;
            if (barray != avals)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "getArray... ", "");
                try_success("getArray... ", "");
            barray = (Matrix)B.Clone();
            if (barray == avals)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "getArrayCopy... ", "data not (deep) copied");
                check(barray, avals);
                try_success("getArrayCopy... ", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "getArrayCopy... ", "data not successfully (deep) copied");

//			double[] bpacked = B.ColumnPackedCopy;
//			try
//			{
//				check(bpacked, columnwise);
//				try_success("getColumnPackedCopy... ", "");
//			}
//			catch (System.SystemException e)
//			{
//				errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "getColumnPackedCopy... ", "data not successfully (deep) copied by columns");
//				System.Console.Out.WriteLine(e.Message);
//			}
//			bpacked = B.RowPackedCopy;
//			try
//			{
//				check(bpacked, rowwise);
//				try_success("getRowPackedCopy... ", "");
//			}
//			catch (System.SystemException e)
//			{
//				errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "getRowPackedCopy... ", "data not successfully (deep) copied by rows");
//				System.Console.Out.WriteLine(e.Message);
//			}
                tmp        = B[B.RowCount, B.ColumnCount - 1];
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "get(int,int)... ", "OutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
            catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e)
                    tmp        = B[B.RowCount - 1, B.ColumnCount];
                    errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "get(int,int)... ", "OutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
                catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e1)
                    try_success("get(int,int)... OutofBoundsException... ", "");
            catch (System.ArgumentException e1)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "get(int,int)... ", "OutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
                if (B[B.RowCount - 1, B.ColumnCount - 1] != avals[B.RowCount - 1, B.ColumnCount - 1])
                    errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "get(int,int)... ", "Matrix entry (i,j) not successfully retreived");
                    try_success("get(int,int)... ", "");
            catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "get(int,int)... ", "Unexpected ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException");
            SUB = new Matrix(subavals);
                M          = B.GetMatrix(ib, ie + B.RowCount + 1, jb, je);
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "GetMatrix(int,int,int,int)... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
            catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e)
                    M          = B.GetMatrix(ib, ie, jb, je + B.ColumnCount + 1);
                    errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "GetMatrix(int,int,int,int)... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
                catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e1)
                    try_success("GetMatrix(int,int,int,int)... ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException... ", "");
            catch (System.ArgumentException e1)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "GetMatrix(int,int,int,int)... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
                M = B.GetMatrix(ib, ie, jb, je);
                    check(SUB, M);
                    try_success("GetMatrix(int,int,int,int)... ", "");
                catch (System.SystemException e)
                    errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "GetMatrix(int,int,int,int)... ", "submatrix not successfully retreived");
            catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "GetMatrix(int,int,int,int)... ", "Unexpected ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException");

                M          = B.GetMatrix(ib, ie, badcolumnindexset);
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "GetMatrix(int,int,int[])... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
            catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e)
                    M          = B.GetMatrix(ib, ie + B.RowCount + 1, columnindexset);
                    errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "GetMatrix(int,int,int[])... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
                catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e1)
                    try_success("GetMatrix(int,int,int[])... ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException... ", "");
            catch (System.ArgumentException e1)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "GetMatrix(int,int,int[])... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
                M = B.GetMatrix(ib, ie, columnindexset);
                    check(SUB, M);
                    try_success("GetMatrix(int,int,int[])... ", "");
                catch (System.SystemException e)
                    errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "GetMatrix(int,int,int[])... ", "submatrix not successfully retreived");
            catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "GetMatrix(int,int,int[])... ", "Unexpected ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException");
                M          = B.GetMatrix(badrowindexset, jb, je);
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "GetMatrix(int[],int,int)... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
            catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e)
                    M          = B.GetMatrix(rowindexset, jb, je + B.ColumnCount + 1);
                    errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "GetMatrix(int[],int,int)... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
                catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e1)
                    try_success("GetMatrix(int[],int,int)... ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException... ", "");
            catch (System.ArgumentException e1)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "GetMatrix(int[],int,int)... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
                M = B.GetMatrix(rowindexset, jb, je);
                    check(SUB, M);
                    try_success("GetMatrix(int[],int,int)... ", "");
                catch (System.SystemException e)
                    errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "GetMatrix(int[],int,int)... ", "submatrix not successfully retreived");
            catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "GetMatrix(int[],int,int)... ", "Unexpected ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException");
                M          = B.GetMatrix(badrowindexset, columnindexset);
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "GetMatrix(int[],int[])... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
            catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e)
                    M          = B.GetMatrix(rowindexset, badcolumnindexset);
                    errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "GetMatrix(int[],int[])... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
                catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e1)
                    try_success("GetMatrix(int[],int[])... ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException... ", "");
            catch (System.ArgumentException e1)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "GetMatrix(int[],int[])... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
                M = B.GetMatrix(rowindexset, columnindexset);
                    check(SUB, M);
                    try_success("GetMatrix(int[],int[])... ", "");
                catch (System.SystemException e)
                    errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "GetMatrix(int[],int[])... ", "submatrix not successfully retreived");
            catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "GetMatrix(int[],int[])... ", "Unexpected ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException");

            // Various set methods:
                B[B.RowCount, B.ColumnCount - 1] = 0.0;
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "set(int,int,double)... ", "OutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
            catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e)
                    B[B.RowCount - 1, B.ColumnCount] = 0.0;
                    errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "set(int,int,double)... ", "OutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
                catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e1)
                    try_success("set(int,int,double)... OutofBoundsException... ", "");
            catch (System.ArgumentException e1)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "set(int,int,double)... ", "OutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
                B[ib, jb] = 0.0;
                tmp       = B[ib, jb];
                    check(tmp, 0.0);
                    try_success("set(int,int,double)... ", "");
                catch (System.SystemException e)
                    errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "set(int,int,double)... ", "Matrix element not successfully set");
            catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e1)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "set(int,int,double)... ", "Unexpected ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException");
            M = new Matrix(2, 3, 0.0);
                B.SetMatrix(ib, ie + B.RowCount + 1, jb, je, M);
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SetMatrix(int,int,int,int,Matrix)... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
            catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e)
                    B.SetMatrix(ib, ie, jb, je + B.ColumnCount + 1, M);
                    errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SetMatrix(int,int,int,int,Matrix)... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
                catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e1)
                    try_success("SetMatrix(int,int,int,int,Matrix)... ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException... ", "");
            catch (System.ArgumentException e1)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SetMatrix(int,int,int,int,Matrix)... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
                B.SetMatrix(ib, ie, jb, je, M);
                    check(M - B.GetMatrix(ib, ie, jb, je), M);
                    try_success("SetMatrix(int,int,int,int,Matrix)... ", "");
                catch (System.SystemException e)
                    errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SetMatrix(int,int,int,int,Matrix)... ", "submatrix not successfully set");
                B.SetMatrix(ib, ie, jb, je, SUB);
            catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e1)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SetMatrix(int,int,int,int,Matrix)... ", "Unexpected ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException");
                B.SetMatrix(ib, ie + B.RowCount + 1, columnindexset, M);
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SetMatrix(int,int,int[],Matrix)... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
            catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e)
                    B.SetMatrix(ib, ie, badcolumnindexset, M);
                    errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SetMatrix(int,int,int[],Matrix)... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
                catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e1)
                    try_success("SetMatrix(int,int,int[],Matrix)... ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException... ", "");
            catch (System.ArgumentException e1)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SetMatrix(int,int,int[],Matrix)... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
                B.SetMatrix(ib, ie, columnindexset, M);
                    check(M - B.GetMatrix(ib, ie, columnindexset), M);
                    try_success("SetMatrix(int,int,int[],Matrix)... ", "");
                catch (System.SystemException e)
                    errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SetMatrix(int,int,int[],Matrix)... ", "submatrix not successfully set");
                B.SetMatrix(ib, ie, jb, je, SUB);
            catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e1)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SetMatrix(int,int,int[],Matrix)... ", "Unexpected ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException");
                B.SetMatrix(rowindexset, jb, je + B.ColumnCount + 1, M);
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SetMatrix(int[],int,int,Matrix)... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
            catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e)
                    B.SetMatrix(badrowindexset, jb, je, M);
                    errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SetMatrix(int[],int,int,Matrix)... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
                catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e1)
                    try_success("SetMatrix(int[],int,int,Matrix)... ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException... ", "");
            catch (System.ArgumentException e1)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SetMatrix(int[],int,int,Matrix)... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
                B.SetMatrix(rowindexset, jb, je, M);
                    check(M - B.GetMatrix(rowindexset, jb, je), M);
                    try_success("SetMatrix(int[],int,int,Matrix)... ", "");
                catch (System.SystemException e)
                    errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SetMatrix(int[],int,int,Matrix)... ", "submatrix not successfully set");
                B.SetMatrix(ib, ie, jb, je, SUB);
            catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e1)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SetMatrix(int[],int,int,Matrix)... ", "Unexpected ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException");
                B.SetMatrix(rowindexset, badcolumnindexset, M);
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SetMatrix(int[],int[],Matrix)... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
            catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e)
                    B.SetMatrix(badrowindexset, columnindexset, M);
                    errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SetMatrix(int[],int[],Matrix)... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
                catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e1)
                    try_success("SetMatrix(int[],int[],Matrix)... ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException... ", "");
            catch (System.ArgumentException e1)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SetMatrix(int[],int[],Matrix)... ", "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected but not thrown");
                B.SetMatrix(rowindexset, columnindexset, M);
                    check(M - B.GetMatrix(rowindexset, columnindexset), M);
                    try_success("SetMatrix(int[],int[],Matrix)... ", "");
                catch (System.SystemException e)
                    errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SetMatrix(int[],int[],Matrix)... ", "submatrix not successfully set");
            catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e1)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SetMatrix(int[],int[],Matrix)... ", "Unexpected ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException");

            // Array-like methods:
            // Subtract
            // SubtractEquals
            // Add
            // AddEquals
            // ArrayLeftDivide
            // ArrayLeftDivideEquals
            // ArrayRightDivide
            // ArrayRightDivideEquals
            // arrayTimes
            // ArrayMultiplyEquals
            // uminus

            print("\nTesting array-like methods...\n");
            S = new Matrix(columnwise, nonconformld);
            R = Matrix.Random(A.RowCount, A.ColumnCount);
            A = R;
                S          = A - S;
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "Subtract conformance check... ", "nonconformance not raised");
            catch (System.ArgumentException e)
                try_success("Subtract conformance check... ", "");
            if ((A - R).Norm1() != 0.0)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "Subtract... ", "(difference of identical Matrices is nonzero,\nSubsequent use of Subtract should be suspect)");
                try_success("Subtract... ", "");
            A = (Matrix)R.Clone();
            Z = new Matrix(A.RowCount, A.ColumnCount);
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SubtractEquals conformance check... ", "nonconformance not raised");
            catch (System.ArgumentException e)
                try_success("SubtractEquals conformance check... ", "");
            if ((A - Z).Norm1() != 0.0)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SubtractEquals... ", "(difference of identical Matrices is nonzero,\nSubsequent use of Subtract should be suspect)");
                try_success("SubtractEquals... ", "");

            A = (Matrix)R.Clone();
            B = Matrix.Random(A.RowCount, A.ColumnCount);
            C = A - B;
                S          = A + S;
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "Add conformance check... ", "nonconformance not raised");
            catch (System.ArgumentException e)
                try_success("Add conformance check... ", "");
                check(C + B, A);
                try_success("Add... ", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "Add... ", "(C = A - B, but C + B != A)");
            C = A - B;
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "AddEquals conformance check... ", "nonconformance not raised");
            catch (System.ArgumentException e)
                try_success("AddEquals conformance check... ", "");
                check(C, A);
                try_success("AddEquals... ", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "AddEquals... ", "(C = A - B, but C = C + B != A)");
            A = ((Matrix)R.Clone());
                check(A + R, Z);
                try_success("UnaryMinus... ", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "uminus... ", "(-A + A != zeros)");
            A = (Matrix)R.Clone();
            O = new Matrix(A.RowCount, A.ColumnCount, 1.0);
                Matrix.ArrayDivide(A, S);
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "ArrayRightDivide conformance check... ", "nonconformance not raised");
            catch (System.ArgumentException e)
                try_success("ArrayRightDivide conformance check... ", "");
            C = Matrix.ArrayDivide(A, R);
                check(C, O);
                try_success("ArrayRightDivide... ", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "ArrayRightDivide... ", "(M./M != ones)");
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "ArrayRightDivideEquals conformance check... ", "nonconformance not raised");
            catch (System.ArgumentException e)
                try_success("ArrayRightDivideEquals conformance check... ", "");
                check(A, O);
                try_success("ArrayRightDivideEquals... ", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "ArrayRightDivideEquals... ", "(M./M != ones)");
            A = (Matrix)R.Clone();
            B = Matrix.Random(A.RowCount, A.ColumnCount);
                S          = Matrix.ArrayMultiply(A, S);
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "arrayTimes conformance check... ", "nonconformance not raised");
            catch (System.ArgumentException e)
                try_success("arrayTimes conformance check... ", "");
            C = Matrix.ArrayMultiply(A, B);
                check(C, A);
                try_success("arrayTimes... ", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "arrayTimes... ", "(A = R, C = A.*B, but C./B != A)");
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "ArrayMultiplyEquals conformance check... ", "nonconformance not raised");
            catch (System.ArgumentException e)
                try_success("ArrayMultiplyEquals conformance check... ", "");
                check(A, R);
                try_success("ArrayMultiplyEquals... ", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "ArrayMultiplyEquals... ", "(A = R, A = A.*B, but A./B != R)");

            // LA methods:
            // Transpose
            // Multiply
            // Condition
            // Rank
            // Determinant
            // trace
            // Norm1
            // norm2
            // normF
            // normInf
            // Solve
            // solveTranspose
            // Inverse
            // chol
            // Eigen
            // lu
            // qr
            // svd

            print("\nTesting linear algebra methods...\n");
            A = new Matrix(columnwise, 3);
            T = new Matrix(tvals);
            T = Matrix.Transpose(A);
                check(Matrix.Transpose(A), T);
                try_success("Transpose...", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "Transpose()...", "Transpose unsuccessful");
                check(A.Norm1(), columnsummax);
                try_success("Norm1...", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "Norm1()...", "incorrect norm calculation");
                check(A.NormInf(), rowsummax);
                try_success("normInf()...", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "normInf()...", "incorrect norm calculation");
                check(A.NormF(), System.Math.Sqrt(sumofsquares));
                try_success("normF...", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "normF()...", "incorrect norm calculation");
                check(A.Trace(), sumofdiagonals);
                try_success("trace()...", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "trace()...", "incorrect trace calculation");
                check(A.GetMatrix(0, A.RowCount - 1, 0, A.RowCount - 1).Determinant(), 0.0);
                try_success("Determinant()...", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "Determinant()...", "incorrect determinant calculation");
            SQ = new Matrix(square);
                check(A * Matrix.Transpose(A), SQ);
                try_success("Multiply(Matrix)...", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "Multiply(Matrix)...", "incorrect Matrix-Matrix product calculation");
                check(0.0 * A, Z);
                try_success("Multiply(double)...", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "Multiply(double)...", "incorrect Matrix-scalar product calculation");

            A = new Matrix(columnwise, 4);
            QRDecomposition QR = A.QRD();

            R = QR.R;
                check(A, QR.Q * R);
                try_success("QRDecomposition...", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "QRDecomposition...", "incorrect QR decomposition calculation");
            SingularValueDecomposition SVD = A.SVD();

                check(A, SVD.LeftSingularVectors * (SVD.S * Matrix.Transpose(SVD.RightSingularVectors)));
                try_success("SingularValueDecomposition...", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "SingularValueDecomposition...", "incorrect singular value decomposition calculation");
            DEF = new Matrix(rankdef);
                check(DEF.Rank(), System.Math.Min(DEF.RowCount, DEF.ColumnCount) - 1);
                try_success("Rank()...", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "Rank()...", "incorrect Rank calculation");
            B   = new Matrix(condmat);
            SVD = B.SVD();
            double[] singularvalues = SVD.SingularValues;
                check(B.Condition(), singularvalues[0] / singularvalues[System.Math.Min(B.RowCount, B.ColumnCount) - 1]);
                try_success("Condition()...", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "Condition()...", "incorrect condition number calculation");
            int n = A.ColumnCount;

            A       = A.GetMatrix(0, n - 1, 0, n - 1);
            A[0, 0] = 0.0;
            LUDecomposition LU = A.LUD();

                check(A.GetMatrix(LU.Pivot, 0, n - 1), LU.L * LU.U);
                try_success("LUDecomposition...", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "LUDecomposition...", "incorrect LU decomposition calculation");
            X = A.Inverse();
                check(A * X, Matrix.Identity(3, 3));
                try_success("Inverse()...", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "Inverse()...", "incorrect Inverse calculation");
            O   = new Matrix(SUB.RowCount, 1, 1.0);
            SOL = new Matrix(sqSolution);
            SQ  = SUB.GetMatrix(0, SUB.RowCount - 1, 0, SUB.RowCount - 1);
                check(SQ.Solve(SOL), O);
                try_success("Solve()...", "");
            catch (System.ArgumentException e1)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "Solve()...", e1.Message);
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "Solve()...", e.Message);
            A = new Matrix(pvals);
            CholeskyDecomposition Chol = A.chol();
            Matrix L = Chol.GetL();

                check(A, L * Matrix.Transpose(L));
                try_success("CholeskyDecomposition...", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "CholeskyDecomposition...", "incorrect Cholesky decomposition calculation");
            X = Chol.Solve(Matrix.Identity(3, 3));
                check(A * X, Matrix.Identity(3, 3));
                try_success("CholeskyDecomposition Solve()...", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "CholeskyDecomposition Solve()...", "incorrect Choleskydecomposition Solve calculation");
            EigenvalueDecomposition Eig = A.Eigen();
            Matrix D = Eig.BlockDiagonal;
            Matrix V = Eig.EigenVectors;

                check(A * V, V * D);
                try_success("EigenvalueDecomposition (symmetric)...", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "EigenvalueDecomposition (symmetric)...", "incorrect symmetric Eigenvalue decomposition calculation");
            A   = new Matrix(evals);
            Eig = A.Eigen();
            D   = Eig.BlockDiagonal;
            V   = Eig.EigenVectors;
                check(A * V, V * D);
                try_success("EigenvalueDecomposition (nonsymmetric)...", "");
            catch (System.SystemException e)
                errorCount = try_failure(errorCount, "EigenvalueDecomposition (nonsymmetric)...", "incorrect nonsymmetric Eigenvalue decomposition calculation");

            print("\nTestMatrix completed.\n");
            print("Total errors reported: " + System.Convert.ToString(errorCount) + "\n");
            print("Total warnings reported: " + System.Convert.ToString(warningCount) + "\n");

            if (errorCount > 0)
                throw new Exception("Errors reported.");
Пример #13
        private static void МетодАнализаИерархий(List <List <double> > matrix)
            Matrix A = GetMatrixFromListOfLists(matrix);

            Console.WriteLine("Введенная матрица:");

            var    eigen = new EigenvalueDecomposition(A);
            double Lmax  = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("Корни характеристического уравнения:");
            foreach (var item in eigen.RealEigenvalues)
                Lmax = item > Lmax ? item : Lmax;

            Console.WriteLine("Максимальный корень из найденных: " + Lmax.ToString("0.00"));
            var CI = (Lmax - A.Columns) / (A.Columns - 1);

            Console.WriteLine("Индекс совместности: " + CI.ToString("0.00"));
            if (CI > 0.1)
                Console.WriteLine("Ошибка: Индекс совместности системы > 0.1");

            // новое значение диагонального элемента матрицы
            for (int d = 0; d < A.Columns; d++)
                A[d, d] = 1 - Lmax;

            Console.WriteLine("Полученная матрица для составления однородной СЛАУ");

            // решить систему уравнений
            var B = new Matrix(A.Rows, 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < A.Rows; i++)
                B[i, 0] = Math.Pow(0.1, 2);

            // нормировать полученные значения
            var W = A.Solve(B);

            var summa = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < A.Rows; i++)
                summa += Math.Round(W[i, 0], 2);

            for (int i = 0; i < A.Rows; i++)
                W[i, 0] = Math.Round(W[i, 0] / summa, 2);

            Console.WriteLine("Искомый нормированный весовой вектор:");
Пример #14
        public void TwoByTwo_Symetric()
            string  strA = @"2	1
                            1	2";
            Matrix3 A    = new Matrix3();


            string  strExpectedD = @"1  0
                                    0  3";
            Matrix3 ExpectedD    = new Matrix3();


            string strExpectedV = @" -0.7071     0.7071
                                      0.7071     0.7071";

            Matrix3 ExpectedV = new Matrix3();

            //This is the value that one will get from Matlab. The eigenvalue Decomposition returns
            //the  following           0.7071     0.7071
            //                        -0.7071     0.7071"
            // (Warning Proof ahead )
            //The problem stems from the fact that the Eigenvalue decomposition is not entirely unique.
            // The A is decomposed such that A = V * D * V';
            // Consider the diagonal  matrix J such that all of its diagonal values are eiher 1 or -1. J*J = I.
            // (V *J) * D * (V * J)' = V * J * D * J' * V'  using (AB)' = B'A' The transpose of the product is the transpose of the elements reversed.
            //  V * J * D * J' * V'  =  V * J * D * J * V'  as J is diagonal
            //  V * J * D * J * V'   = V * J * J * D * V' as J and D are diagonal.
            //  V * J * J * D * V'  = V * D * V' since J*J = I.
            // (Proof finished)
            //  In practical terms this means that    Assert.That(V, Is.EqualTo(ExpectedV) );
            //  is not a good test. and I will need to test if it is equivalent instead.

            Assert.That(StandardMatrixTests.IsSymetric(A), Is.True);

            EigenvalueDecomposition EofA = new EigenvalueDecomposition(A);

            float[] realEigenValues      = EofA.EV;
            float[] imaginaryEigenValues = EofA.EV;

            Matrix3 V = EofA.V;

            // Assert.That(V, Is.EqualTo(ExpectedV) ); Not enough uniqueness so does not work
            //TestEigenvalueVEquivalent(V, ExpectedV);

            // V is orthogonal V times V transpose is the identity

            Assert.That(Matrix3.Mult(V, Matrix3.Transpose(V)).ToFloatArray(), Is.EqualTo(Matrix3.Identity.ToFloatArray()).Within(.0000001));

            Matrix3 D = EofA.getD();

            Assert.That(StandardMatrixTests.IsDiagonal(D), Is.True); //Diagonal which for 2x2 is diagonal
            Assert.That(D.ToFloatArray(), Is.EqualTo(ExpectedD.ToFloatArray()).Within(10).Ulps);

            //V * D * V,transpose = A
            Matrix3 test = Matrix3.Mult(D, Matrix3.Transpose(V));

            test = Matrix3.Mult(V, test);
            Assert.That(test.ToFloatArray(), Is.EqualTo(A.ToFloatArray()).Within(.0000001));
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Render the 5-sigma ellipse of gaussian.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gaussian">Gaussian to be rendered.</param>
        /// <param name="camera">Camera 4d transform matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="incolor">Color to be used for filling the gaussian.</param>
        public void RenderGaussian(Gaussian gaussian, double[][] camera, Color incolor)
            Color outcolor = Color.Blue;

            incolor.A  = 200;
            outcolor.A = 200;

            double weight;

            if (gaussian.Weight < 1.0)
                weight     = 0.04 * gaussian.Weight;
                incolor.A  = (byte)(200 * gaussian.Weight);
                outcolor.A = (byte)(200 * gaussian.Weight);
            else if (gaussian.Weight < 2.0)
                weight   = 0.01 * (gaussian.Weight - 1) + 0.04;
                outcolor = Color.Black;
                weight   = 0.04;
                outcolor = Color.Red;

            if (ShowVisible)
                outcolor = (BestEstimate.Visible(gaussian.Mean)) ? Color.Blue : Color.Red;

            double[]   camloc  = camera.TransformH(gaussian.Mean);
            double[][] camrot  = camera.Submatrix(0, 2, 0, 2);
            double     camzoom = 1.0 / camera[3][3];

            double[][] covariance = camrot.Multiply(gaussian.Covariance).MultiplyByTranspose(camrot).Submatrix(0, 1, 0, 1);

            var decomp = new EigenvalueDecomposition(covariance.ToMatrix());

            double[,]  stddev = decomp.DiagonalMatrix;

            for (int i = 0; i < stddev.GetLength(0); i++)
                stddev[i, i] = (stddev[i, i] > 0) ? camzoom * Math.Sqrt(stddev[i, i]) : 0;

            double[,]  rotation = decomp.Eigenvectors;
            double[][] linear = rotation.Multiply(stddev).ToArray();

            if (linear.Determinant() < 0)
                linear = linear.ReverseColumns();

            double[][]            points   = new double[pinterval.Length][];
            VertexPositionColor[] vertices = new VertexPositionColor[pinterval.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                points  [i] = linear.Multiply(pinterval[i]);
                points  [i] = new double[3] {
                    points[i][0], points[i][1], 0
                vertices[i] = new VertexPositionColor(points[i].ToVector3(), incolor);

            short[] index = new short[vertices.Length];

            for (int i = 0, k = 0; k < vertices.Length; i++, k += 2)
                index[k] = (short)i;

            for (int i = vertices.Length - 1, k = 1; k < vertices.Length; i--, k += 2)
                index[k] = (short)i;

            Graphics.DrawUserIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, vertices, 0, vertices.Length, index, 0, vertices.Length - 2);
            Graphics.DrawUser2DPolygon(points, (float)weight, outcolor, true);
Пример #16

        #region Public Methods
        /// <summary>
        ///   Computes the Multi-Class Linear Discriminant Analysis algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Compute()
            // Compute entire data set measures
            Means = Tools.Mean(source);
            StandardDeviations = Tools.StandardDeviation(source, totalMeans);
            double total = dimension;

            // Initialize the scatter matrices
            this.Sw = new double[dimension, dimension];
            this.Sb = new double[dimension, dimension];

            // For each class
            for (int c = 0; c < Classes.Count; c++)
                // Get the class subset
                double[,] subset = Classes[c].Subset;
                int count = subset.GetLength(0);

                // Get the class mean
                double[] mean = Tools.Mean(subset);

                // Continue constructing the Within-Class Scatter Matrix
                double[,] Swi = Tools.Scatter(subset, mean, (double)count);

                // Sw = Sw + Swi
                for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++)
                        Sw[i, j] += Swi[i, j];

                // Continue constructing the Between-Class Scatter Matrix
                double[] d = mean.Subtract(totalMeans);
                double[,] Sbi = d.Multiply(d.Transpose()).Multiply(total);

                // Sb = Sb + Sbi
                for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++)
                        Sb[i, j] += Sbi[i, j];

                // Store some additional information
                this.classScatter[c] = Swi;
                this.classCount[c]   = count;
                this.classMeans[c]   = mean;
                this.classStdDevs[c] = Tools.StandardDeviation(subset, mean);

            // Compute eigen value decomposition
            EigenvalueDecomposition evd = new EigenvalueDecomposition(Matrix.Inverse(Sw).Multiply(Sb));

            // Gets the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors
            double[] evals = evd.RealEigenvalues;
            double[,] eigs = evd.Eigenvectors;

            // Sort eigen values and vectors in ascending order
            eigs = Matrix.Sort(evals, eigs, new GeneralComparer(ComparerDirection.Descending, true));

            // Store information
            this.Eigenvalues        = evals;
            this.DiscriminantMatrix = eigs;

            // Create discriminant functions bias
            bias = new double[classes];
            for (int i = 0; i < classes; i++)
                bias[i] = (-0.5).Multiply(classMeans[i]).Multiply(
                    eigs.Multiply(classMeans[i])) +
                          System.Math.Log(classCount[i] / total);

            // Create projections
            this.result = new double[dimension, dimension];
            for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < dimension; k++)
                        result[i, j] += source[i, k] * eigenVectors[k, j];

            // Computes additional information about the analysis and creates the
            //  object-oriented structure to hold the discriminants found.
Пример #17
    private void CreateGridPoints()
        currentResolution = resolution;
        points            = new ParticleSystem.Particle[resolution * resolution + resolution];
        float increment = 1f / (resolution - 1);
        int   i         = 0;

        // cartesian grid
        if (gridOption == GridOption.Cartesian)
            for (int x = 0; x < resolution; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < resolution; z++)
                    Vector3 p = new Vector3(increment * (x - resolution / 2.0f), 0f, increment * (z - resolution / 2.0f));
                    points[i].position = p;
                    points[i].color    = new Color(p.x + increment * resolution / 2.0f, 0f, p.z + increment * resolution / 2.0f);
                    points[i++].size   = 0.1f;
        //polar grid
        else if (gridOption == GridOption.Polar)
            float thetaIncBy  = (2.0f * Mathf.PI / (resolution - 1));
            float radiusIncBy = 20.0f / (resolution - 1);
            for (int thetaInc = 0; thetaInc < resolution; thetaInc++)
                for (int radiusInc = 0; radiusInc < resolution; radiusInc++)
                    Vector3 p = new Vector3(radiusInc * radiusIncBy * Mathf.Cos(thetaInc * thetaIncBy), 0f, radiusInc * radiusIncBy * Mathf.Sin(thetaInc * thetaIncBy));
                    points[i].position = p;
                    points[i].color    = new Color(p.x + increment * resolution / 2.0f, 0f, p.z + increment * resolution / 2.0f);
                    points[i++].size   = 0.1f;
        //polar ellipse grid TODO:: doesn't work yet!!!!
        else if (gridOption == GridOption.PolarEllipse)
            float  t                      = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad;
            Matrix a                      = QuadraticFormMatrix(t);
            float  thetaIncBy             = (2.0f * Mathf.PI / (resolution - 1));
            float  radiusIncBy            = 1.0f / (resolution - 1);
            EigenvalueDecomposition eigen = a.EigenvalueDecomposition;

            //Complex[] eigenValues = eigen.EigenValues;
            // eigenvalues: 1, -2

            Matrix eigenVectors = eigen.EigenVectors;

            for (int thetaInc = 0; thetaInc < resolution; thetaInc++)
                Matrix currentAngleVector = new Matrix(new double[][] {
                    new double[] { Mathf.Cos(thetaInc * thetaIncBy) },
                    new double[] { Mathf.Sin(thetaInc * thetaIncBy) }
                Matrix evscale     = eigenVectors * currentAngleVector;
                float  radiusScale = (float)(a * currentAngleVector).Norm2();
                for (int radiusInc = 0; radiusInc < resolution; radiusInc++)
                    Vector3 p = new Vector3(radiusScale * radiusInc * radiusIncBy * Mathf.Cos(thetaInc * thetaIncBy), 0f,
                                            radiusScale * radiusInc * radiusIncBy * Mathf.Sin(thetaInc * thetaIncBy));
                    points[i].position = p;
                    points[i].color    = new Color(p.x + increment * resolution / 2.0f, 0f, p.z + increment * resolution / 2.0f);
                    points[i++].size   = 0.1f;
        currentGridOption = gridOption;
        for (int t = 0; t < resolution; t++)
            Vector3 p = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
            points[i].position = p;
            points[i].color    = new Color(increment * resolution / 2, increment * resolution / 2, increment * resolution / 2);
            points[i++].size   = 0.15f;
Пример #18
        // End AddupChisqContributions(ChisqFirstandSecond[] SubTotal, Desertwind TotalSolution)

        public static void FindQlimits(Desertwind Solution, ref double Qhigh, ref double Qlow, ref int ReasontoStop1,
                                       ref int ReasontoStop2)
            if (Hotsun.FullSecondDerivative)
                FindTraceandNorm(Solution.ExactFullMatrix, ref Hotsun.ChisqMatrixTrace, ref Hotsun.ChisqMatrixNorm);
                FindTraceandNorm(Solution.FullMatrix, ref Hotsun.ChisqMatrixTrace, ref Hotsun.ChisqMatrixNorm);

            var ConventionalMatrix = new double[Hotsun.npar, Hotsun.npar];

            // Set Up Matrix to find eigenvalues
            // Scale but do NOT add Q
            double[, ][,] Matrix;
            if (Hotsun.FullSecondDerivative)
                Matrix = Solution.ExactFullMatrix;
                Matrix = Solution.FullMatrix;

            //  Set actual matrix
            for (int GlobalIndex1 = 0; GlobalIndex1 < Hotsun.npar; GlobalIndex1++)
                for (int GlobalIndex2 = 0; GlobalIndex2 < Hotsun.npar; GlobalIndex2++)
                    double MatrixElement = Matrix[GlobalIndex1, GlobalIndex2][0, 0];
                    if (Hotsun.UseDiagonalScaling)
                        MatrixElement *= Hotsun.sqdginv[GlobalIndex1][0] * Hotsun.sqdginv[GlobalIndex2][0];
                    ConventionalMatrix[GlobalIndex1, GlobalIndex2] = MatrixElement;
                } // End GlobalIndex2
            }     // End GlobalIndex1
              // Find Minimum and Maximum eigenvalue of ConventionalMatrix

            // Begin Added by smbeason 5/17/2009
            LMatrix lmatrix = LMatrix.Create(ConventionalMatrix);
            EigenvalueDecomposition eigenValueDecomp = lmatrix.EigenvalueDecomposition;

            double minEigenValue = double.MaxValue;
            double maxEigenValue = double.MinValue;

            //Assuming you want on the real part...
            for (int i = 0; i < eigenValueDecomp.RealEigenvalues.Length; i++)
                minEigenValue = Math.Min(minEigenValue, eigenValueDecomp.RealEigenvalues[i]);
                maxEigenValue = Math.Max(maxEigenValue, eigenValueDecomp.RealEigenvalues[i]);
            // End Added by smbeason 5/17/2009

            ReasontoStop1 = 1;
            ReasontoStop2 = 1;
            Qlow          = minEigenValue;
            Qhigh         = maxEigenValue;
Пример #19
        private double[][] getFeature(double[][] input, int K)
            //var activationContext = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("matlab.application.single");
            //var matlab = (MLApp.MLApp)Activator.CreateInstance(activationContext);
            //matlab.Visible = 0;

            int i, j;

            int row    = input[0].Length;
            int column = input.Length;

            double[][] X = new double[column][];

            for (i = 0; i < column; i++)
                X[i] = input[i].Subtract(this.meanMatrix);

            // matlab.PutWorkspaceData("X", "base", X.ToMatrix());
            //  MessageBox.Show(matlab.Execute("XTX=X'*X;"));
            //  MessageBox.Show(matlab.Execute("size(XTX)"));
            //   var t = matlab.GetVariable("XTX", "base");
            //    matlab.Quit();

            double[][] XT = X.Transpose();
            double[,] XTX = X.Multiply(XT).ToMatrix();
            var feature = new EigenvalueDecomposition(XTX);

            //EigenvalueDecomposition feature = XTX.eig();
            double[] d = feature.RealEigenvalues;

            //	assert d.length >= K : "number of eigenvalues is less than K";
            int[] indexes;
            d.StableSort(out indexes);
            indexes = indexes.Reverse().ToArray();
            indexes = indexes.Submatrix(0, K - 1);

            double[][] eigenVectors         = XT.Multiply(feature.Eigenvectors.ToArray());
            double[][] selectedEigenVectors = eigenVectors.Submatrix(0,
                                                                     eigenVectors.Length - 1, indexes);

            // normalize the eigenvectors
            row    = selectedEigenVectors.Length;
            column = selectedEigenVectors[0].Length;
            for (i = 0; i < column; i++)
                double temp = 0;
                for (j = 0; j < row; j++)
                    temp += Math.Pow(selectedEigenVectors[j][i], 2);
                temp = Math.Sqrt(temp);

                for (j = 0; j < row; j++)
                    selectedEigenVectors[j][i] = selectedEigenVectors[j][i] / temp;

Пример #20
        public LDA(double[][] trainingSet, List <string> labels, int numOfComponents)
            int n = trainingSet.Length; // sample size
            HashSet <String> tempSet = new HashSet <String>(labels);
            int c = tempSet.Count;      // class size

            // process in PCA
            PCA pca = new PCA(trainingSet, labels, n - c);

            // classify
            double[][] meanTotal = new double[n - c][];
            for (int i = 0; i < n - c; i++)
                meanTotal[i] = new double[1];
            Dictionary <String, List <double[]> > dict     = new Dictionary <String, List <double[]> >();
            List <projectedTrainingMatrix>        pcaTrain = pca.getProjectedTrainingSet();

            for (int i = 0; i < pcaTrain.Count; i++)
                String key = pcaTrain[i].label;
                meanTotal = meanTotal.Add(pcaTrain[i].matrix);
                if (!dict.ContainsKey(key))
                    List <double[]> temp = new List <double[]>();

                    dict.Add(key, temp);
                    List <double[]> temp = dict[key];
                    dict[key] = temp;
            meanTotal.ToMatrix().Multiply((double)1 / n);

            // calculate Sw, Sb
            double[][] Sw = new double[n - c][];
            double[][] Sb = new double[n - c][];
            for (int i = 0; i < n - c; i++)
                Sw[i] = new double[n - c];
                Sb[i] = new double[n - c];
            List <String> labelSet = dict.Keys.ToList();

            foreach (string label in labelSet)
                List <double[]> tempMatrix            = dict[label];
                double[][]      matrixWithinThatClass = tempMatrix.ToArray();
                double[]        meanOfCurrentClass    = Accord.Statistics.Tools.Mean(matrixWithinThatClass);
                for (int i = 0; i < matrixWithinThatClass.Length; i++)
                    double[][] temp1 = matrixWithinThatClass[i].ToArray().Subtract(meanOfCurrentClass.ToArray());
                    temp1 = temp1.Multiply(temp1.Transpose());
                    Sw    = Sw.Add(temp1);

                double[][] temp = meanOfCurrentClass.ToArray().Subtract(meanTotal);
                temp = temp.Multiply(temp.Transpose()).ToMatrix().Multiply((double)matrixWithinThatClass.Length).ToArray();
                Sb   = Sb.Add(temp);

            // calculate the eigenvalues and vectors of Sw^-1 * Sb
            double [][] targetForEigen = Sw.Inverse().Multiply(Sb);
            var         feature        = new EigenvalueDecomposition(targetForEigen.ToMatrix());

            double[] d = feature.RealEigenvalues;
            int[]    indexes;
            d.StableSort(out indexes);
            indexes = indexes.Reverse().ToArray();

            indexes = indexes.Submatrix(0, c - 1);

            //int[] indexes = getIndexesOfKEigenvalues(d, c - 1);

            double[][] eigenVectors         = feature.Eigenvectors.ToArray();
            double[][] selectedEigenVectors = eigenVectors.Submatrix(0, eigenVectors.Length - 1, indexes);

            this.W = pca.getW().Multiply(selectedEigenVectors);

            // Construct projectedTrainingMatrix
            this.projectedTrainingSet = new List <projectedTrainingMatrix>();
            for (int i = 0; i < trainingSet.Length; i++)
                projectedTrainingMatrix ptm = new projectedTrainingMatrix(this.W.Transpose().Multiply(trainingSet[i].Subtract(pca.meanMatrix).ToArray()), labels[i]);
            this.meanMatrix = pca.meanMatrix;
Пример #21
        public void CalculateEigenvalueDecomposition()
            double[] i = new double[3];
            double[] j = new double[3];
            double[] k = new double[3];
            double[] u = new double[3];

            double[] t_vol = new double[3];
            double[] vol   = new double[3];
            vol[0] = 0;
            vol[1] = 0;
            vol[2] = 0;

            double[] func_sum = new double[3];
            func_sum[0] = 0;
            func_sum[1] = 0;
            func_sum[2] = 0;

            double[] func_sum_inertia = new double[3];
            func_sum_inertia[0] = 0;
            func_sum_inertia[1] = 0;
            func_sum_inertia[2] = 0;

            double func_sum_xy = 0;
            double func_sum_xz = 0;
            double func_sum_yz = 0;

            double surfaceArea = 0;

            //loop through all the triangles
            for (int count = 0; count < _connections.Length; count++)
                //get the 3 points of the triangle
                double[] p1 = new double[3];
                double[] p2 = new double[3];
                double[] p3 = new double[3];

                //Fix so its relative to the centroid center of mass
                p1[0] = (double)_pts[_connections[count][0]][0] - _centroid[0]; //fix x's first
                p2[0] = (double)_pts[_connections[count][1]][0] - _centroid[0];
                p3[0] = (double)_pts[_connections[count][2]][0] - _centroid[0];

                p1[1] = (double)_pts[_connections[count][0]][1] - _centroid[1]; //fix y's
                p2[1] = (double)_pts[_connections[count][1]][1] - _centroid[1];
                p3[1] = (double)_pts[_connections[count][2]][1] - _centroid[1];

                p1[2] = (double)_pts[_connections[count][0]][2] - _centroid[2]; //fix z's
                p2[2] = (double)_pts[_connections[count][1]][2] - _centroid[2];
                p3[2] = (double)_pts[_connections[count][2]][2] - _centroid[2];

                //calculate the i, j, k vectors
                i[0] = p2[0] - p1[0]; j[0] = p2[1] - p1[1]; k[0] = p2[2] - p1[2];
                i[1] = p3[0] - p1[0]; j[1] = p3[1] - p1[1]; k[1] = p3[2] - p1[2];
                i[2] = p3[0] - p2[0]; j[2] = p3[1] - p2[1]; k[2] = p3[2] - p2[2];

                //cross product between two vectors, to determine normal vector
                u[0] = j[0] * k[1] - k[0] * j[1];
                u[1] = k[0] * i[1] - i[0] * k[1];
                u[2] = i[0] * j[1] - j[0] * i[1];

                //Normalize vector to 1
                double norm = Math.Sqrt(u[0] * u[0] + u[1] * u[1] + u[2] * u[2]);
                if (norm != 0.0)
                    u[0] = u[0] / norm;
                    u[1] = u[1] / norm;
                    u[2] = u[2] / norm;
                    u[0] = 0.0;
                    u[1] = 0.0;
                    u[2] = 0.0;

                //This is reduced to ...

                //area of a triangle...
                double a    = Math.Sqrt(i[1] * i[1] + j[1] * j[1] + k[1] * k[1]);
                double b    = Math.Sqrt(i[0] * i[0] + j[0] * j[0] + k[0] * k[0]);
                double c    = Math.Sqrt(i[2] * i[2] + j[2] * j[2] + k[2] * k[2]);
                double s    = 0.5 * (a + b + c);
                double area = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)));
                //patches(count,1) = area
                surfaceArea += area;

                //volume elements ...
                double zavg = (p1[2] + p2[2] + p3[2]) / 3.0;
                double yavg = (p1[1] + p2[1] + p3[1]) / 3.0;
                double xavg = (p1[0] + p2[0] + p3[0]) / 3.0;

                //sum of function for centroid calculation
                func_sum[0] += t_vol[0] * xavg;
                func_sum[1] += t_vol[1] * yavg;
                func_sum[2] += t_vol[2] * zavg;

                //sum of function for inertia calculation
                func_sum_inertia[0] += area * u[0] * xavg * xavg * xavg;
                func_sum_inertia[1] += area * u[1] * yavg * yavg * yavg;
                func_sum_inertia[2] += area * u[2] * zavg * zavg * zavg;

                //sum of function for products of inertia calculation
                func_sum_xz += area * u[0] * xavg * xavg * zavg;
                func_sum_xy += area * u[1] * yavg * yavg * xavg;
                func_sum_yz += area * u[2] * zavg * zavg * yavg;

            func_sum_inertia[0] /= 3;
            func_sum_inertia[1] /= 3;
            func_sum_inertia[2] /= 3;

            double Ixy = -1 * func_sum_xy / 2;
            double Ixz = -1 * func_sum_xz / 2;
            double Iyz = -1 * func_sum_yz / 2;
            double Iyx = Ixy;
            double Izx = Ixz;
            double Izy = Iyz;

            double Ixx = func_sum_inertia[1] + func_sum_inertia[2];
            double Iyy = func_sum_inertia[0] + func_sum_inertia[2];
            double Izz = func_sum_inertia[0] + func_sum_inertia[1];

            GeneralMatrix i_CoM = new GeneralMatrix(3, 3);

            i_CoM.Array[0][0] = Ixx;
            i_CoM.Array[0][1] = Ixy;
            i_CoM.Array[0][2] = Ixz;

            i_CoM.Array[1][0] = Iyx;
            i_CoM.Array[1][1] = Iyy;
            i_CoM.Array[1][2] = Iyz;

            i_CoM.Array[2][0] = Izx;
            i_CoM.Array[2][1] = Izy;
            i_CoM.Array[2][2] = Izz;

            EigenvalueDecomposition eig = i_CoM.Eigen();

            _eigenvalues  = eig.D;
            _eigenvectors = eig.GetV();
            //make sure this is a right handed matrix
            if (_eigenvectors.Determinant() < 0)
                _eigenvectors = _eigenvectors.Multiply(-1);
Пример #22
		public static void Main(string[] argv)
			MagicSquareExample.print("\n    Test of Matrix Class, using magic squares.\n");
			MagicSquareExample.print("    See MagicSquareExample.main() for an explanation.\n");
			MagicSquareExample.print("\n      n     trace       max_eig   rank        cond      lu_res      qr_res\n\n");
			DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
			double num = Math.Pow(2.0, -52.0);
			for (int i = 3; i <= 32; i++)
				MagicSquareExample.print(MagicSquareExample.fixedWidthIntegertoString(i, 7));
				JamaMatrix jamaMatrix = MagicSquareExample.magic(i);
				int n = (int)jamaMatrix.trace();
				MagicSquareExample.print(MagicSquareExample.fixedWidthIntegertoString(n, 10));
				EigenvalueDecomposition eigenvalueDecomposition = new EigenvalueDecomposition(jamaMatrix.plus(jamaMatrix.transpose()).times(0.5));
				double[] realEigenvalues = eigenvalueDecomposition.RealEigenvalues;
				MagicSquareExample.print(MagicSquareExample.fixedWidthDoubletoString(realEigenvalues[i - 1], 14, 3));
				int n2 = jamaMatrix.rank();
				MagicSquareExample.print(MagicSquareExample.fixedWidthIntegertoString(n2, 7));
				double num2 = jamaMatrix.cond();
				MagicSquareExample.print((num2 < 1.0 / num) ? MagicSquareExample.fixedWidthDoubletoString(num2, 12, 3) : "         Inf");
				LUDecomposition lUDecomposition = new LUDecomposition(jamaMatrix);
				JamaMatrix l = lUDecomposition.L;
				JamaMatrix u = lUDecomposition.U;
				int[] pivot = lUDecomposition.Pivot;
				JamaMatrix jamaMatrix2 = l.times(u).minus(jamaMatrix.getMatrix(pivot, 0, i - 1));
				double x = jamaMatrix2.norm1() / ((double)i * num);
				MagicSquareExample.print(MagicSquareExample.fixedWidthDoubletoString(x, 12, 3));
				QRDecomposition qRDecomposition = new QRDecomposition(jamaMatrix);
				JamaMatrix q = qRDecomposition.Q;
				jamaMatrix2 = qRDecomposition.R;
				jamaMatrix2 = q.times(jamaMatrix2).minus(jamaMatrix);
				x = jamaMatrix2.norm1() / ((double)i * num);
				MagicSquareExample.print(MagicSquareExample.fixedWidthDoubletoString(x, 12, 3));
			double x2 = (double)(DateTime.Now.Ticks - now.Ticks) / 1000.0;
			MagicSquareExample.print("\nElapsed Time = " + MagicSquareExample.fixedWidthDoubletoString(x2, 12, 3) + " seconds\n");
Пример #23
        public static void  Main(System.String[] argv)
             | Tests LU, QR, SVD and symmetric Eig decompositions.
             |   n       = order of magic square.
             |   trace   = diagonal sum, should be the magic sum, (n^3 + n)/2.
             |   max_eig = maximum eigenvalue of (A + A')/2, should equal trace.
             |   rank    = linear algebraic rank,
             |             should equal n if n is odd, be less than n if n is even.
             |   cond    = L_2 condition number, ratio of singular values.
             |   lu_res  = test of LU factorization, norm1(L*U-A(p,:))/(n*eps).
             |   qr_res  = test of QR factorization, norm1(Q*R-A)/(n*eps).

            print("\n    Test of GeneralMatrix Class, using magic squares.\n");
            print("    See MagicSquareExample.main() for an explanation.\n");
            print("\n      n     trace       max_eig   rank        cond      lu_res      qr_res\n\n");

            System.DateTime start_time = System.DateTime.Now;
            double          eps        = System.Math.Pow(2.0, -52.0);

            for (int n = 3; n <= 32; n++)
                print(fixedWidthIntegertoString(n, 7));

                GeneralMatrix M = magic(n);

                //UPGRADE_WARNING: Narrowing conversions may produce unexpected results in C#. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1042"'
                int t = (int)M.Trace();
                print(fixedWidthIntegertoString(t, 10));

                EigenvalueDecomposition E = new EigenvalueDecomposition(M.Add(M.Transpose()).Multiply(0.5));
                double[] d = E.RealEigenvalues;
                print(fixedWidthDoubletoString(d[n - 1], 14, 3));

                int r = M.Rank();
                print(fixedWidthIntegertoString(r, 7));

                double c = M.Condition();
                print(c < 1 / eps ? fixedWidthDoubletoString(c, 12, 3):"         Inf");

                LUDecomposition LU  = new LUDecomposition(M);
                GeneralMatrix   L   = LU.L;
                GeneralMatrix   U   = LU.U;
                int[]           p   = LU.Pivot;
                GeneralMatrix   R   = L.Multiply(U).Subtract(M.GetMatrix(p, 0, n - 1));
                double          res = R.Norm1() / (n * eps);
                print(fixedWidthDoubletoString(res, 12, 3));

                QRDecomposition QR = new QRDecomposition(M);
                GeneralMatrix   Q  = QR.Q;
                R   = QR.R;
                R   = Q.Multiply(R).Subtract(M);
                res = R.Norm1() / (n * eps);
                print(fixedWidthDoubletoString(res, 12, 3));


            System.DateTime stop_time = System.DateTime.Now;
            double          etime     = (stop_time.Ticks - start_time.Ticks) / 1000.0;

            print("\nElapsed Time = " + fixedWidthDoubletoString(etime, 12, 3) + " seconds\n");
Пример #24
        public static void Run(int pllproc)
            double[] @params  = new double[6];
            double   maxgrad  = 0;
            double   stpthrsh = 0;
            double   maxeigen;
            double   mineigen;
            double   wr = 0;

            double[] alpha = { 0.50, 1.00 };
            double   rfMax = 2.75;
            int      td    = 0;

            int[]  prtls   = { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
            int    iterint = 1;
            long   sn      = (long)Math.Pow(10.0, 7);
            int    prec    = (int)Math.Pow(10.0, 4);
            string type    = "";
            string alg     = "";

            const string rootdir = Config.ConfigsRootDir;

            // Read setup details from control file.
                var getParams = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(rootdir, Config.ControlFile));
                var s         = getParams.Split(new[] { ' ', '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                @params  = s.Take(6).Select(i => double.Parse(i, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).ToArray();
                td       = int.Parse(s[6]);
                wr       = double.Parse(s[7]);
                stpthrsh = double.Parse(s[8]);
                alg      = s[9];
                type     = s[10];
                if (type.Equals("sim"))
                    sn       = int.Parse(s[11]);
                    alpha[0] = double.Parse(s[12]);
                    alpha[1] = double.Parse(s[13]);
                else if (type.Equals("dp"))
                    prec  = int.Parse(s[11]);
                    rfMax = double.Parse(s[12]);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.Write("ERROR: Could not read file: ");
                Trace.WriteLine(Path.Combine(rootdir, Config.ControlFile) + $". {ex.Message}");

            // Read initial glide-path from file.
            var gp = new double[td];

            var gpPath = Path.Combine(rootdir, Config.InitGladepathFile);

                gp = File.ReadAllLines(gpPath).Select(double.Parse)
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.Write("ERROR: Could not read file: ");
                Trace.WriteLine(gpPath + ". Error: " + ex.Message);

            if (gp.Length != td)
                Trace.Write("ERROR: File: ");
                Trace.Write(" needs ");
                Trace.WriteLine(" initial asset allocations, but has fewer.");

            // Display optimization algorithm.
            Trace.Write(@"===> Optimization algorithm: ");
            if (alg == "nr")
                Trace.WriteLine(@"Newton's Method");
            else if (alg == "ga")
                Trace.WriteLine(@"Gradient Ascent");

            // Display estimation method.
            Trace.Write(@"===> Estimation method: ");
            if (type == "sim")
            else if (type == "dp")
                Trace.WriteLine(@"Dynamic Program");
                pllproc = 4 * pllproc;

            // Declare variables that depend on data read from the control file for sizing.
            double[,] hess;
            double[] ngrdnt = new double[td];
            EigenvalueDecomposition hevals;

            var grad = new double[td];

            // Take some steps (1 full iteration but no more than 50 steps) in the direction of steepest ascent. This can move us off
            // the boundary region where computations may be unstable (infinite), especially when constructing the Hessian for Newton's method.
            // Also, this initial stepping usually makes improvements very quickly before proceeding with the optimization routine.
            double probnr = GetPNR.Run(type, @params, gp, td, wr, 4 * sn, (int)(rfMax * prec), prec, prtls, pllproc);

            Trace.WriteLine("Initial Glide-Path (w/Success Probability):");
            WrtAry.Run(probnr, gp, "GP", td);
            for (int s = 1; s <= 2; ++s)
                maxgrad = BldGrad.Run(type, @params, gp, td, wr, sn, (int)(rfMax * prec), prec, probnr, 4 * sn, alpha[1], pllproc, grad);
                if (maxgrad <= stpthrsh)
                    Trace.Write("The glide-path supplied satisfies the EPSILON convergence criteria: ");
                    Trace.WriteLine($"{maxgrad:F15} vs. {stpthrsh:F15}");
                    s = s + 1;
                else if (s != 2)
                    probnr = Climb.Run(type, @params, gp, td, wr, 2 * sn, (int)(rfMax * prec), prec, pllproc, maxgrad,
                                       probnr, 4 * sn, grad, alpha[0], 50);
                    Trace.WriteLine("New (Post Initial Climb) Glide-Path (w/Success Probability):");
                    WrtAry.Run(probnr, gp, "GP", td);
                else if (maxgrad <= stpthrsh)
                    Trace.Write("The glide-path supplied satisfies the EPSILON convergence criteria after intial climb without iterating: ");
                    Trace.WriteLine($"{maxgrad:F15} vs. {stpthrsh:F15}");

            // Negate the gradient if using NR method.
            if (alg == "nr")
                for (int y = 0; y < td; ++y)
                    ngrdnt[y] = -1.00 * grad[y];

            // If convergence is not achieved after initial climb then launch into full iteration mode.
            while (maxgrad > stpthrsh)
                Trace.WriteLine($"Start Iteration #{iterint}");
                if (alg == "nr")
                    // Record the probability before iterating.
                    double strtpnr = probnr;

                    // Build the Hessian matrix for this glide-path and derive its eigenvalues. (Display the largest & smallest value.)
                    // This is required when method=nr. When either procedure ends with convergence we recompute the Hessian matrix to
                    // ensure we are at a local/global maximum (done below after convergence).
                    hess = DrvHess.Run(type, @params, gp, td, wr, sn, (int)(rfMax * prec), prec, pllproc, grad, probnr);
                    //hevals.compute(hess, false);
                    hevals = new EigenvalueDecomposition(hess);

                    var reals = hevals.RealEigenvalues;
                    maxeigen = reals.Max();
                    mineigen = reals.Min();

                    // Display the smallest/largest eigenvalues.
                    Trace.Write("Min Hessian eigenvalue for this iteration (>=0.00 --> convex region): ");
                    Trace.Write("Max Hessian eigenvalue for this iteration (<=0.00 --> concave region): ");

                    // Update the glidepath and recompute the probability using the new glidepath.
                    //sol = hess.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(ngrdnt);
                    var qr  = new QrDecomposition(hess);
                    var sol = qr.Solve(ngrdnt);

                    for (int y = 0; y < td; ++y)
                        gp[y] += sol[y];
                    probnr = GetPNR.Run(type, @params, gp, td, wr, 4 * sn, (int)(rfMax * prec), prec, prtls, pllproc);

                    // If success probability has worsened alert the user.
                    if (probnr < strtpnr)
                        Trace.WriteLine("NOTE: The success probability has worsened during the last iteration. This could happen for different reasons:");
                        Trace.WriteLine(" 1.) The difference in probabilities is beyond the system's ability to measure accurately (i.e., beyond 15 significant digits).");
                        Trace.WriteLine(" 2.) The difference is due to estimation/approximation error.");
                        Trace.WriteLine(" 3.) You may be operating along the boundary region. In general the procedure is not well defined on the boundaries. (Try gradient ascent.)");
                else if (alg == "ga")
                    // Update the glide-path and recompute the probability using the new glide-path.
                    probnr = Climb.Run(type, @params, gp, td, wr, 2 * sn, (int)(rfMax * prec), prec, pllproc, maxgrad,
                                       probnr, 4 * sn, grad, alpha[0]);

                // Display the new glide-path.
                Trace.Write("New Glide-Path:");
                WrtAry.Run(probnr, gp, "GP", td);

                // Rebuild the gradient and negate it when using NR.
                maxgrad = BldGrad.Run(type, @params, gp, td, wr, 1 * sn, (int)(rfMax * prec), prec, probnr,
                                      4 * sn, alpha[1], pllproc, grad);
                if (alg == "nr")
                    for (int y = 0; y < td; ++y)
                        ngrdnt[y] = -1.00 * grad[y];
                // Report the convergence status.
                Trace.WriteLine($"EPSILON Convergence Criteria: {maxgrad:F15} vs. {stpthrsh:F15}");
                if (maxgrad <= stpthrsh)
                    Trace.WriteLine("==========> EPSILON Convergence criteria satisfied. <==========");
                Trace.WriteLine(new String('=', 25));
                Trace.Write("End Iteration #");
                Trace.WriteLine(new String('=', 25));

            // Build Hessian and confirm we are at a maximum, not a saddle-point or plateau for example.
            Trace.WriteLine("Convergence Achieved: Final step is to confirm we are at a local/global maximum. Hessian is being built.");
            hess = DrvHess.Run(type, @params, gp, td, wr, sn, (int)(rfMax * prec), prec, pllproc, grad, probnr);

            hevals = new EigenvalueDecomposition(hess);
            var r = hevals.RealEigenvalues;

            maxeigen = r.Max();
            mineigen = r.Min();

            // Display the smallest/largest eigenvalues.
            Trace.Write("Min Hessian eigenvalue at solution [>=0.00 --> convex region --> (local/global) minimum]: ");
            Trace.Write("Max Hessian eigenvalue at solution [<=0.00 --> concave region --> (local/global) maximum]: ");

            // Write final GP to the output file.
            if (maxeigen <= 0 || mineigen >= 0)
                Trace.Write("(Local/Global) Optimal ");
            WrtAry.Run(probnr, gp, "GP", td, Path.Combine(rootdir, Config.Outfile));
Пример #25
        public LDA(List <Matrix> trainingSet, List <String> labels,
                   int numOfComponents)
            int n = trainingSet.Count(); // sample size
            HashSet <string> tempSet = new HashSet <string>(labels);
            int c = tempSet.Count();     // class size

            /// deh mfrod used for debugging issues, so fakes for nw //////////////////////////
            //assert numOfComponents >= n - c : "the input components is smaller than n - c!";
            //assert n >= 2 * c : "n is smaller than 2c!";

            // process in PCA
            EigenFaceRecognizer pca = new EigenFaceRecognizer(trainingSet, labels, n - c);

            // classify
            Matrix meanTotal = new Matrix(n - c, 1);

            Dictionary <string, List <Matrix> > map = new Dictionary <string, List <Matrix> >();
            List <ProjectMatrix> pcaTrain           = pca.getProjectSet();

            for (int i = 0; i < pcaTrain.Count(); i++)
                string key = pcaTrain[i].getLabel();

                if (!map.ContainsKey(key))
                    List <Matrix> temp = new List <Matrix>();
                    map.Add(key, temp);
                    List <Matrix> temp = map[key];
                    map[key] = temp;
            meanTotal.Multiply((double)1 / n);

            // calculate Sw, Sb
            Matrix Sw = new Matrix(n - c, n - c);
            Matrix Sb = new Matrix(n - c, n - c);

            /*** !!! **/
            tempSet = new HashSet <string>(map.Keys);
            /*** !!! **/
            foreach (string s in tempSet)
                //iterator<string> it = tempSet.iterator();
                //while (it.hasNext()) {
                //String s = (String)it.next();
                List <Matrix> matrixWithinThatClass = map[s];

                Matrix meanOfCurrentClass = getMean(matrixWithinThatClass);
                for (int i = 0; i < matrixWithinThatClass.Count(); i++)
                    Matrix temp1 = matrixWithinThatClass[i].Subtract(meanOfCurrentClass);
                    temp1 = temp1.Multiply(temp1.Transpose());

                Matrix temp = meanOfCurrentClass.Subtract(meanTotal);
                temp = temp.Multiply(temp.Transpose()).Multiply(matrixWithinThatClass.Count());

            // calculate the eigenvalues and vectors of Sw^-1 * Sb
            Matrix targetForEigen           = Sw.Inverse().Multiply(Sb);
            EigenvalueDecomposition feature = targetForEigen.Eigen();

            double[] d = feature.RealEigenvalues;
            //assert d.length >= c - 1 : "Ensure that the number of eigenvalues is larger than c - 1";

            int[]  indexes              = getIndOfHigherEV(d, c - 1);
            Matrix eigenVectors         = feature.GetV();
            Matrix selectedEigenVectors = eigenVectors.GetMatrix(0, eigenVectors.RowDimension - 1, indexes);

            this.weightMatrix = pca.getWeightMatrix().Multiply(selectedEigenVectors);

            // Construct projectedTrainingMatrix
            this.projectSet = new List <ProjectMatrix>();
            for (int i = 0; i < trainingSet.Count(); i++)
                ProjectMatrix ptm = new ProjectMatrix(this.weightMatrix
            this.meanMatrix = pca.getMeanMatrix();
Пример #26
        public void ComputeKernel()
            double[,] distanceMatrix = new double[0, 0];
            for (int i = 0; i < initialData.Rows(); i++)
                distanceMatrix = distanceMatrix.InsertRow(getDistances(initialData.GetRow(i)[0], initialData.GetRow(i)[1]));
            int nr = distanceMatrix.Rows();

            double[,] ones = new double[nr, nr];

            double[,] k = new double[nr, nr];
            for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < nr; j++)
                    //double x = (-Gamma * Math.Pow(distanceMatrix[i, j], 2));
                    double x = (-Gamma * distanceMatrix[i, j]);
                    k[i, j]    = Math.Pow(Math.E, x);
                    ones[i, j] = 1.0 / nr;

            var p1 = ones.Dot(k);
            var p2 = k.Dot(ones);

            //var final = k.Subtract(p1).Subtract(p2).Add(p1.Dot(ones));
            var final = k.Subtract(ones.Dot(k)).Subtract(k.Dot(ones)).Add(ones.Dot(k).Dot(ones));
            //final = final.Transpose();

            var e       = new EigenvalueDecomposition(final);
            var values  = e.RealEigenvalues;
            var vectors = e.Eigenvectors;

            StreamWriter sw  = new StreamWriter("eigenvectorsunsorted.txt");
            StreamWriter sw1 = new StreamWriter("eigenvaluesunsorted.txt");

            for (int i = 0; i < vectors.Rows(); i++)

            vectors = Matrix.Sort(values, vectors, new GeneralComparer(ComparerDirection.Descending, true));

            //var coloane = vectors.GetColumns(0, 1);

            //var kernelData = dataAdjusted.Dot(coloane);
            //for (int i = 0; i < dataAdjusted.Rows(); i++)
            //    Console.WriteLine(dataAdjusted[i, 0] + " " + vectors[i, 0] + " " + kernelData[i, 0] + " " + kernelData[i, 1]);

            KernelData = vectors.GetColumns(0, 1);

            allKernelValues  = values;
            allKernelVectors = vectors;
            allKernelData    = vectors;

            KernelValues  = values[0];
            KernelVectors = vectors.GetColumn(0);

            sw  = new StreamWriter("kerneldata.txt");
            sw1 = new StreamWriter("eigenvaluessorted.txt");
            for (int i = 0; i < vectors.Rows(); i++)


            //ScatterplotBox.Show("kernelData", kernelData);
Пример #27
        public virtual void Compute()
            if (!onlyCovarianceMatrixAvailable)
                int rows;

                if (this.array != null)
                    rows = array.Length;

                    double[][] matrix = Adjust(array, Overwrite);

                    var svd = new JaggedSingularValueDecomposition(matrix,
                                                                   computeLeftSingularVectors: true,
                                                                   computeRightSingularVectors: true,
                                                                   autoTranspose: true,
                                                                   inPlace: true);

                    SingularValues = svd.Diagonal;

                    ComponentVectors = svd.RightSingularVectors.Transpose();
                    rows = source.GetLength(0);

#pragma warning disable 612, 618
                    double[,] matrix = Adjust(source, Overwrite);
#pragma warning restore 612, 618

                    var svd = new SingularValueDecomposition(matrix,
                                                             computeLeftSingularVectors: true,
                                                             computeRightSingularVectors: true,
                                                             autoTranspose: true,
                                                             inPlace: true);

                    SingularValues   = svd.Diagonal;
                    ComponentVectors = svd.RightSingularVectors.ToArray().Transpose();

                Eigenvalues = new double[SingularValues.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < SingularValues.Length; i++)
                    Eigenvalues[i] = SingularValues[i] * SingularValues[i] / (rows - 1);
                var evd = new EigenvalueDecomposition(covarianceMatrix,
                                                      assumeSymmetric: true,
                                                      sort: true);

                Eigenvalues = evd.RealEigenvalues;
                var eigenvectors = evd.Eigenvectors.ToJagged();
                SingularValues   = Eigenvalues.Sqrt();
                ComponentVectors = eigenvectors.Transpose();

            if (Whiten)
                ComponentVectors = ComponentVectors.Transpose().Divide(Eigenvalues, dimension: 0).Transpose();


            if (!onlyCovarianceMatrixAvailable)
                if (array != null)
                    result = Transform(array).ToMatrix();
                else if (source != null)
                    result = Transform(source.ToJagged()).ToMatrix();
        public LinearDescriminantAnalysis(List <Matrix> trainingSet, List <String> labels)
            this.trainingSet = trainingSet;
            this.imgRows     = trainingSet[0].RowDimension;
            int n = trainingSet.Count();  // sample size
            HashSet <string> uniqueLabels = new HashSet <string>(labels);
            int c = uniqueLabels.Count(); // class size

            this.numOfComponents = c - 1;

            EigenFaceRecognizer pca = new EigenFaceRecognizer(trainingSet, labels, n - c);

            Matrix meanTotal = new Matrix(n - c, 1);

            Dictionary <string, List <Matrix> > dic = new Dictionary <string, List <Matrix> >();
            List <ProjectMatrix> pcaWeights         = pca.getWeights();

            for (int i = 0; i < pcaWeights.Count(); i++)
                string key = pcaWeights[i].getLabel();

                if (!dic.ContainsKey(key))
                    List <Matrix> temp = new List <Matrix>();
                    dic.Add(key, temp);
                    List <Matrix> temp = dic[key];
                    dic[key] = temp;
            meanTotal.Multiply((double)1 / n);

            // calculate Sw, Sb
            Matrix Sw = new Matrix(n - c, n - c);
            Matrix Sb = new Matrix(n - c, n - c);

            uniqueLabels = new HashSet <string>(dic.Keys);
            foreach (string s in uniqueLabels)
                List <Matrix> matrixWithinThatClass = dic[s];
                Matrix        meanOfCurrentClass    = getMean(matrixWithinThatClass);

                for (int i = 0; i < matrixWithinThatClass.Count(); i++)
                    Matrix mat = matrixWithinThatClass[i].Subtract(meanOfCurrentClass);
                    mat = mat.Multiply(mat.Transpose());
                Matrix temp = meanOfCurrentClass.Subtract(meanTotal);
                temp = temp.Multiply(temp.Transpose()).Multiply(matrixWithinThatClass.Count());

            // calculate the eigenvalues and vectors of Sw^-1 * Sb
            Matrix targetForEigen           = Sw.Inverse().Multiply(Sb);
            EigenvalueDecomposition feature = targetForEigen.Eigen();

            double[] eigenValues = feature.RealEigenvalues;

            int[]  indexOfChosenEigenValues = getIndOfHigherEV(eigenValues, c - 1);
            Matrix eigenVectors             = feature.GetV();
            Matrix selectedEigenVectors     = eigenVectors.GetMatrix(0, eigenVectors.RowDimension - 1, indexOfChosenEigenValues);

            this.weightMatrix = pca.getWeightMatrix().Multiply(selectedEigenVectors);

            // Construct weights
            this.weights = new List <ProjectMatrix>();
            for (int i = 0; i < trainingSet.Count(); i++)
                ProjectMatrix ptm = new ProjectMatrix(this.weightMatrix.Transpose().Multiply(trainingSet[i].Subtract(pca.getMeanMatrix()))
                                                      , labels[i]);
            this.meanMatrix = pca.getMeanMatrix();
        public virtual void Compute()
            if (!onlyCovarianceMatrixAvailable)
                int rows;

                if (this.array != null)
                    rows = array.Length;

                    // Center and standardize the source matrix
                    double[][] matrix = Adjust(array, Overwrite);

                    // Perform the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the matrix
                    var svd = new JaggedSingularValueDecomposition(matrix,
                                                                   computeLeftSingularVectors: true,
                                                                   computeRightSingularVectors: true,
                                                                   autoTranspose: true,
                                                                   inPlace: true);

                    SingularValues = svd.Diagonal;

                    //  The principal components of 'Source' are the eigenvectors of Cov(Source). Thus if we
                    //  calculate the SVD of 'matrix' (which is Source standardized), the columns of matrix V
                    //  (right side of SVD) will be the principal components of Source.

                    // The right singular vectors contains the principal components of the data matrix
                    ComponentVectors = svd.RightSingularVectors.Transpose();
                    rows = source.GetLength(0);

                    // Center and standardize the source matrix
#pragma warning disable 612, 618
                    double[,] matrix = Adjust(source, Overwrite);
#pragma warning restore 612, 618

                    // Perform the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the matrix
                    var svd = new SingularValueDecomposition(matrix,
                                                             computeLeftSingularVectors: true,
                                                             computeRightSingularVectors: true,
                                                             autoTranspose: true,
                                                             inPlace: true);

                    SingularValues = svd.Diagonal;

                    //  The principal components of 'Source' are the eigenvectors of Cov(Source). Thus if we
                    //  calculate the SVD of 'matrix' (which is Source standardized), the columns of matrix V
                    //  (right side of SVD) will be the principal components of Source.

                    // The right singular vectors contains the principal components of the data matrix
                    ComponentVectors = svd.RightSingularVectors.ToArray().Transpose();

                    // The left singular vectors contains the factor scores for the principal components

                // Eigenvalues are the square of the singular values
                Eigenvalues = new double[SingularValues.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < SingularValues.Length; i++)
                    Eigenvalues[i] = SingularValues[i] * SingularValues[i] / (rows - 1);
                // We only have the covariance matrix. Compute the Eigenvalue decomposition
                var evd = new EigenvalueDecomposition(covarianceMatrix,
                                                      assumeSymmetric: true,
                                                      sort: true);

                // Gets the Eigenvalues and corresponding Eigenvectors
                Eigenvalues = evd.RealEigenvalues;
                var eigenvectors = evd.Eigenvectors.ToJagged();
                SingularValues   = Eigenvalues.Sqrt();
                ComponentVectors = eigenvectors.Transpose();

            if (Whiten)
                ComponentVectors = ComponentVectors.Transpose().Divide(Eigenvalues, dimension: 0).Transpose();


            if (!onlyCovarianceMatrixAvailable)
                if (array != null)
                    result = Transform(array).ToMatrix();
                else if (source != null)
                    result = Transform(source.ToJagged()).ToMatrix();
Пример #30
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        Matrix A = new Matrix(3, 3);

        A[0, 0] = 2.0; A[0, 1] = 1.0; A[0, 2] = 2.0;
        A[1, 0] = 1.0; A[1, 1] = 4.0; A[1, 2] = 0.0;
        A[2, 0] = 2.0; A[2, 1] = 0.0; A[2, 2] = 8.0;

        Console.WriteLine("A = ");

        Console.WriteLine("A.Determinant = " + A.Determinant);
        Console.WriteLine("A.Trace = " + A.Trace);
        Console.WriteLine("A.Norm1 = " + A.Norm1);
        Console.WriteLine("A.NormInfinite = " + A.InfinityNorm);
        Console.WriteLine("A.NormFrobenius = " + A.FrobeniusNorm);

        SingularValueDecomposition svg = new SingularValueDecomposition(A);

        Console.WriteLine("A.Norm2 = " + svg.Norm2);
        Console.WriteLine("A.Condition = " + svg.Condition);
        Console.WriteLine("A.Rank = " + svg.Rank);

        Console.WriteLine("A.Transpose = ");

        Console.WriteLine("A.Inverse = ");

        Matrix I = A * A.Inverse;

        Console.WriteLine("I = A * A.Inverse = ");

        Matrix B = new Matrix(3, 3);

        Console.WriteLine("B = ");
        B[0, 0] = 2.0; B[0, 1] = 0.0; B[0, 2] = 0.0;
        B[1, 0] = 1.0; B[1, 1] = 0.0; B[1, 2] = 0.0;
        B[2, 0] = 2.0; B[2, 1] = 0.0; B[2, 2] = 0.0;


        Matrix X = A.Solve(B);


        Matrix T = A * X;

        Console.WriteLine("A * A.Solve(B) = B = ");

        Console.WriteLine("A = V * D * V");

        EigenvalueDecomposition eigen = new EigenvalueDecomposition(A);

        Console.WriteLine("D = ");

        Console.WriteLine("lambda = ");
        foreach (double eigenvalue in eigen.RealEigenvalues)

        Console.WriteLine("V = ");

        Console.WriteLine("V * D * V' = ");
        Console.WriteLine(eigen.EigenvectorMatrix * (eigen.DiagonalMatrix * eigen.EigenvectorMatrix.Transpose()));

        Console.WriteLine("A * V = ");
        Console.WriteLine(A * eigen.EigenvectorMatrix);

        Console.WriteLine("V * D = ");
        Console.WriteLine(eigen.EigenvectorMatrix * eigen.DiagonalMatrix);
Пример #31
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region 1. Declaring matrices

            // 1.1 Using standard .NET declaration
            double[,] A =
                { 1, 2, 3 },
                { 6, 2, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 1 }

            double[,] B =
                { 2, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 2, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 2 }

                // 1.2 Using Accord extension methods
                double[,] Bi = Matrix.Identity(3).Multiply(2);
                double[,] Bj = Matrix.Diagonal(3, 2.0); // both are equal to B

                // 1.2 Using Accord extension methods with implicit typing
                var I = Matrix.Identity(3);

            #region 2. Matrix Operations
                // 2.1 Addition
                var C = A.Add(B);

                // 2.2 Subtraction
                var D = A.Subtract(B);

                // 2.3 Multiplication
                    // 2.3.1 By a scalar
                    var halfM = A.Multiply(0.5);

                    // 2.3.2 By a vector
                    double[] m = A.Multiply(new double[] { 1, 2, 3 });

                    // 2.3.3 By a matrix
                    var M = A.Multiply(B);

                    // 2.4 Transposing
                    var At = A.Transpose();

            // 2.5 Elementwise operations

            // 2.5.1 Elementwise multiplication
            A.ElementwiseMultiply(B); // A.*B

            // 2.5.1 Elementwise division
            A.ElementwiseDivide(B); // A./B


            #region 3. Matrix characteristics
                // 3.1 Calculating the determinant
                double det = A.Determinant();

                // 3.2 Calculating the trace
                double tr = A.Trace();

                // 3.3 Computing the sum vector
                    double[] sumVector = A.Sum();

                    // 3.3.1 Computing the total sum of elements
                    double sum = sumVector.Sum();

                    // 3.3.2 Computing the sum along the rows
                    sumVector = A.Sum(0); // Equivalent to Octave's sum(A, 1)

                    // 3.3.2 Computing the sum along the columns
                    sumVector = A.Sum(1); // Equivalent to Octave's sum(A, 2)

            #region 4. Linear Algebra
                // 4.1 Computing the inverse
                var invA = A.Inverse();

                // 4.2 Computing the pseudo-inverse
                var pinvA = A.PseudoInverse();

                // 4.3 Solving a linear system (Ax = B)
                var x = A.Solve(B);

            #region 5. Special operators
                // 5.1 Finding the indices of elements
                double[] v   = { 5, 2, 2, 7, 1, 0 };
                int[]    idx = v.Find(e => e > 2); // finding the index of every element in v higher than 2.

                // 5.2 Selecting elements by index
                double[] u = v.Submatrix(idx); // u is { 5, 7 }

                // 5.3 Converting between different matrix representations
                double[][] jaggedA = A.ToArray(); // from multidimensional to jagged array

                // 5.4 Extracting a column or row from the matrix
                double[] a = A.GetColumn(0); // retrieves the first column
                double[] b = B.GetRow(1);    // retrieves the second row

                // 5.5 Taking the absolute of a matrix
                var absA = A.Abs();

                // 5.6 Applying some function to every element
                var newv = v.Apply(e => e + 1);

            #region 7. Vector operations
                double[] u = { 1, 2, 3 };
                double[] v = { 4, 5, 6 };

                var w1 = u.InnerProduct(v);
                var w2 = u.OuterProduct(v);
                var w3 = u.CartesianProduct(v);

                double[] m = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
                double[,] M = Matrix.Reshape(m, 2, 2);

            #region Decompositions
                // Singular value decomposition
                    SingularValueDecomposition svd = new SingularValueDecomposition(A);
                    var U = svd.LeftSingularVectors;
                    var S = svd.Diagonal;
                    var V = svd.RightSingularVectors;
                // or (please see documentation for details)
                    SingularValueDecomposition svd = new SingularValueDecomposition(A.Transpose());
                    var U = svd.RightSingularVectors;
                    var S = svd.Diagonal;
                    var V = svd.LeftSingularVectors;

                // Eigenvalue decomposition
                    EigenvalueDecomposition eig = new EigenvalueDecomposition(A);
                    var V = eig.Eigenvectors;
                    var D = eig.DiagonalMatrix;

                // QR decomposition
                    QrDecomposition qr = new QrDecomposition(A);
                    var             Q  = qr.OrthogonalFactor;
                    var             R  = qr.UpperTriangularFactor;

                // Cholesky decomposition
                    CholeskyDecomposition chol = new CholeskyDecomposition(A);
                    var R = chol.LeftTriangularFactor;

                // LU decomposition
                    LuDecomposition lu = new LuDecomposition(A);
                    var             L  = lu.LowerTriangularFactor;
                    var             U  = lu.UpperTriangularFactor;
Пример #32
 /// <summary>
 /// Indexer For a Vector Matrix. i is the row number.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual double this[int iRow]
         return this._MatrixData[iRow, 0];
         this._MatrixData[iRow, 0] = value;
         this.LUDecomp = null;
         this.QRDecomp = null;
         this.EigenDecomp = null;